Shudder - The College Years Ch. 08


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The twins shuffled to the bedside anxiously and Aubrey took her mother's hand. "Mom, you're so brave. I love you."

Lola's eyes were red and a tear rolled down her cheek as Derek added, "Sorry to put you in this position Mom. Thanks for, you know, helping and being there and everything."

Nancy smiled. "Anything for my family. I'll see you both real soon." She nodded at Connie to begin.

Connie administered the anesthetic and less than a minute later, Nancy was unconscious. Connie delicately pulled down the front of Nancy's gown, stopping right before revealing her nipples. Connie placed the two electrodes on Nancy, one in the middle of her mostly exposed chest, and one on her temple. She punched in some numbers on the machine that controlled the electrodes, the ordered Bekka, "Touch as soon as I say clear. Understood?"

"Yeah," Bekka said, knowing there was no going back now.

Connie pressed a button on the machine and Nancy's body went rigid and then convulsed as electricity coursed through it. Connie turned it off a second later and shouted clear. In her nervousness Bekka hadn't thought about where to touch so she put her hand on the first bit of skin she saw. Her hand landed on the top part of Nancy's boob. The second it landed there, she knew how awkward her choice had been, and turned her head to look at Derek and Aubrey. Both wore an expression that seemed to ask if this was really the time to be copping a feel on their mother. It only became more awkward as nothing happened.

Finally, Bekka asked, "Um, should I...let go?"

"One second," Connie said, and she quickly made notes, from the settings on the machine, to the placement of the electrodes, to where Bekka's hand currently was. "Okay, remove your hand. I'm going to make some adjustments, then we'll try again."

"Maybe this time, pick a different place to put your hand," Aubrey jeered.

"Hey, I'm nervous, okay!"

"No, no," Connie interjected while making more notes and adjustments. "Put your hand at the same place. Nothing else changes. I'm not sure if where you make the connection matters, but it might, so we'll adjust that if repeated tries of shock don't work."

"How many times can we shock my mom?" Aubrey asked worriedly.

The thought flashed through Connie's mind of as many as it takes, but out loud she said, "Probably no more than five times a day, maybe less. I'm keeping a close eye on her monitors. If anything goes in the red, we'll back off, but that's the hard part. We need her body to believe it's in the red in order for her soul to be able to jump, but not actually place her in danger."

Derek shook Lola's head in frustration. "It's like finding a frequency on a radio station but if you get it wrong, it's fatal. Terrific."

"I won't let anything happen to your mother," Connie assured them. "Now, let's go again." She pressed a button on the machine and again, Nancy's body went rigid, then shook. Connie stopped the machine and barked, "Clear!" in Bekka's direction.

Bekka hesitated for the briefest second, then placed her hand on the top of Nancy's boob again. A warning tone sounded that Nancy's heart had flat lined. Aubrey gave a little gasp and started to say something, but Connie yelled, "Everyone shut up! Look!"

Bekka's hand had begun to shudder, causing Nancy's boob to quiver underneath Bekka's palm. Bekka had a few seconds to remind herself not to think how hot Nancy's boobs had looked the time she got to fondle and suck on them, and then she felt her consciousness take on a visitor. Derek and Nevyn had possessed her so many times that it almost felt normal to be pushed away from control of her five senses. They were still there, but she could only experience them through the soul that was now in charge of her body. Bekka knew her feelings and emotions could still affect her body though, and she tried to think about anything other than the fact that this was turning her on right now. Too late as it turned out, as she felt her pussy moisten.

Nancy felt so strange. She was standing now. She realized she was holding her breath and sucked in a gulp of air. She looked down and saw her hand, but it was not her hand. It was young, smaller hand, free of wrinkles. And it was resting on top of a boob. She let her eyes drift up and saw her own peaceful face. She judged it briefly in a way that she had done often in the mirror, wishing the crow's feet would disappear and cursing her gray roots for already showing so soon after her last dye job.

She noticed a host of other sensations as well. She removed the hand on her boob and a pang of regret ran through her, as well as an awareness of arousal. She was confused at that reaction, but was more distracted by how full of energy she had. She jumped up, then twirled around, then giggled in her own voice. She felt better than she had in twenty years, which made sense, because she was now a twenty year old again.

Finally she took in the concerned faces of the others. "It worked. Why does everyone look so worried?"

"Because your heart stopped for a few seconds there, Mom," Aubrey said with barely contained emotion.

"She's fine, you're fine," Connie argued. "We knew that was a possibility. I was right here. We got it started up again. I told you not to worry."

"My heart stopped?" Nancy asked stunned. "But, I'm still fine?

"That's the long and short of it, yeah. And now that we've activated the body hopping gene inside of you, we shouldn't have to shock you again. Next time, we hook you up to the machine to breathe for you, and you hop out."

"Oh, okay," Nancy said shakily. "So, what now?"

"Now I run some tests. Follow me into the other room and we're going to give you a full work up. Derek, Aubrey, you're welcome to join, but understand that clothes will be coming off soon. Does that bother anyone?"

It was such a weird question. Derek, Aubrey, and Bekka had all had sex at one point, in one body or another. But now, their mother was inside Bekka. Their mother, which Derek had had sex with while Nevyn had possessed her, which was a whole other level of awkward that they had managed to mainly get passed. And now, the question was if they were okay with following an occasional sex partner that was possessed by their mother into the next room where she would strip in front of them. All that mixed with the fact that the body hopper DNA intensified their libidos the longer they were in close proximity to each other. This led to Derek's answer of, "Maybe, uh, maybe when she's got her clothes back on."

Nancy felt regret that was not her own well up inside of her and asked aloud, "Bekka? You in there? Did you want them to come see you in your birthday suit?" A thrill ran through her in response to this question, and another flash of arousal awakened in her loins. "Holy cow young lady, you find this really...exciting, don't you?"

The twins couldn't help but laugh as they watched their mother have a conversation with Bekka who only she could hear inside her head. "Well no, I don't care if they see you naked. Heavens knows they've seen you naked before. Remember I was there when you slutted it up in my house several months ago. I just thought it would be awkward being as I'm inside you...I'm not judging you, I...hey, we're going to be civil, Bekka! I know I'm not your mother but we're going to be adults about this. You need to get your hormones under control. I'm not going to be getting up to any sexual shenanigans." Nancy was glad Bekka could not read her thoughts when she said this, because the notion had definitely crossed her mind. But now was not the time. "I'll give your body back as soon as Connie says she's done with her findings. Agreed. Yes, let's get this over with."

Nancy addressed the others. "We really don't care if you join us. Just don't think of me as your mother right now, since I'm kind of not."

"Maybe if you didn't sound like her then," Derek suggested.

"Oh right, how do I do that again?" Nancy asked like she were asking how to do something as simple as operate a toaster.

"You uh, the first time is always the hardest, "Aubrey started. "You find her center. It's like, think about who you're inside of, and who they are comes to the surface, then go deeper into that, and try to connect with it. Once you've done it once, it's way easier the next time. You'll be able to make the connection any time after that in an instant and..."

"How's this?" Bekka's voice asked. "Am I doing it?"

"Wow, Mom," Derek said impressed. "You're a natural."

Bekka's eyes darted around like she was reading a book suspended in front of her. "Wow, I think, yeah, I could act just like her." She suddenly raced forward and grabbed Aubrey's hands. "Bri, after this, we should totally go out! There's a club nearby and the bouncer is really cute and I think he likes me and he'll totally waive the cover charge. Do you want to go after this?"

Aubrey smiled, very amused. "Mom, Derek's right. You are very good at this. And no, we won't be going clubbing later. What would Dad say after all?"

"Oh, he doesn't know I'm here by the way," Nancy said, switching back to her own voice. She realized she did it without thinking. The subject of her husband had just caused her to answer her daughter as herself. She thought about who Bekka was again and instantly made the connection and finished the thought with Bekka's voice. "I didn't want him to worry, so I just said you had asked me to visit and I'd be back in a couple of weeks."

"Uh, you don't think he deserved to know that you were putting your life at risk?" Derek asked.

"I'm doing it for you," Bekka's voice said simply. "Now let's get to it so I can get out of this child's body...I know you're not a child. But you're half my age and you act like a child. Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Let's not argue. Connie, let's hurry."

They walked out of the room and down the hall into a room with opaque walls that ensured privacy during medical exams. Connie told Nancy to strip Bekka's body, and she did so boldly, clearly having tapped into the part of Bekka that was uninhibited. At first, the twins didn't look directly at Bekka's body as Connie poked and prodded it, testing its reflexes and how it all correlated with Nancy's body. As time went on, both twins started looking, then staring, and they both felt a desire begin to slowly build. With Nancy's ability now active, their proximity to each other was having the usual effect times three.

Connie did several tests that involved motor skills, and then took some samples and checked to see if any of her biometric levels appeared off. As she did these things, Nancy found herself looking at her kids and thinking things that did not feel motherly. She tried to put most of the desire on Lola. She knew Derek was inside of that body, but at least it didn't look like her flesh and blood. She wanted to kiss that mouth, to pull that body close to her let it feel her naked skin. But even Aubrey was looking good to her and more than once she caught herself staring at the outline of her daughter's large chest and think about squeezing those huge boobs.

Bekka's consciousness could barely contain itself. She had done the best she could but now she was just so damn horny and a thought slipped out. Nancy had not gotten used to reading Bekka's mind, and might not have noticed it had Bekka not produced an intense feeling of shame mixed with another burst of arousal. Nancy saw the thought that Bekka had produced. It portrayed itself as an image of Nancy's body, with Bekka's body intertwined with it, their boobs pressed firmly against each other and their tongues fiercely wrestling.

"Bekka!" Nancy's voice exclaimed.

"What?" Aubrey asked concerned. "What is it?"

"I just, wait, hold on," Nancy said. She intuited that the image was not a fantasy. It had seemed too real, too vivid. That would mean it was a memory. She explored Bekka's memory for the first time of that event, when Nevyn had controlled her body and made her act out a sexual fantasy of Bekka's. The images played out before her and she felt her stomach roll as Bekka's consciousness became a mix of horror, arousal, and shame.

"I'm, I'm sorry," Nancy heard Bekka's voice echo inside her head. "It's just, I'd thought you were a milf for so long, and when Nevyn gave me the opportunity to, uh, get with you, I...I'm so sorry."

Nancy wanted to be angry. She was angry. She felt dirty, and again that feeling of being used. Bekka had totally taken advantage of her while she had not been in control of her body. More than the anger though, Nancy felt intense arousal, and everyone froze in the room as Bekka's eyes closed and her hand automatically drifted down to her sex and parted her lower lips with a finger. Bekka's body shook and she moaned. A second later her eyes snapped open. She ripped her hand away and snapped her legs shut. Nancy's voice stammered, "I am truly, very sorry. I got caught up in, just, all these feelings and emotions. This is harder than I thought. Are you kids this turned on all the time?"

The kids stood there too stunned to speak, and finally Aubrey managed a weak, "Pretty much, especially if we're in the same room."

Derek added, "The timing seems to vary but if one of us has our clothes off the time seems to shorten."

Aubrey looked at Lola, "You want to...?"

"Yup," Lola's voice said. The twins exited the room, and Connie, Nancy, and Bekka knew exactly what the rest of the question had been.

Nancy felt embarrassment at her son and daughter slipping away to relieve the sexual tension they were feeling, but she was also jealous at not being able to relieve it herself. "How much longer?" Bekka's voice asked.

Connie laughed as she checked samples and made notes. "Ready to move on already, huh? I'd thought you'd want to stay a younger woman longer?"

"It's honestly a little overwhelming. I'm sure with practice I'll get better at it, but right now I'm ready to get back."

"Just another 30 minutes and I think I'll have everything I need, at least for this session."

The 30 minutes turned into closer to 60. The twins eventually came back in looking flushed and disheveled, but much more composed. At last Connie had Nancy put Bekka's clothes on, then they returned to the room where Nancy's body seemed lifeless except for the steady rhythm of the machine breathing for her. "Remember," Connie warned them, "should anything go wrong while Nancy is hooked up to this machine, an alarm will sound that can be heard throughout the whole building. In case of an emergency, I want each of you to know what to do, just in case."

"You won't always be here?" Nancy asked nervously. She really struggled not to swap back to her own voice when her name was brought up.

"As we continue to do this, we'll need longer sessions, particularly if we are to understand the residual effects body hopping can have. Eventually, I'd like to collect data from a week long stay in Bekka." Connie observed a face Nancy made that had more to do with Bekka's annoyance at Nancy inside her for a week. Connie's response was an attempt to address what she thought was a lack of respect for care of Nancy's body. "Someone will always be present here, monitoring your body, and someone will always be with you out there, in Bekka's body. It's going to be important to have field tests, and also see you hop someone outside this facility."

"Hop someone from outside all this?" Nancy said nervously. "That was never part of the deal. I don't...I don't want to use anyone the way Nevyn used me."

Connie sighed patiently. "And you won't make them do anything bad. It'll just be for a very short time, then you'll release them back into the wild with no memory of the event and no harm done."

Nancy was going to interject, but Connie kept talking, "When you get back to your body today, remember your assignment. Read the manual that I drafted for you with the guidelines that help ensure secrecy. Pay special attention to the memory editing for, you know, obvious reasons. Also I gave you a journal. Keep it with you and write down everything you remember about being inside Bekka, every thought, feeling and sensation, I want it all. I'll scan the contents every day and..."

"You want it all?" Bekka's face blushed as Nancy's voice blurted out the question.

"Yes, until we know what's important, it all is, so please be detailed. Bekka will be doing the same in a journal I've provided for her, so we'll have two accounts of the same hop. The difference is that only one of you could know what the other was thinking. Now, if you'll stand next to yourself there and prepare to make the hop back."

Nancy took her position, finding it very odd to be standing next to her own body. "Do I have to touch my boob again?"

Connie laughed. "No, I don't think it matters now."

Bekka's mouth formed a cute pout as Nancy mocked her host, "Bekka will be sad about that. What? You know they already know. Are you kidding me? All the perverted things you all have gotten up to, I think I'm allowed to joke about...just shut up." And with that, Bekka's hand touched Nancy's arm, and few seconds later, it shuddered.

Bekka's body went limp, and was gently moved aside as Connie stepped in. She switched IV's and made some adjustments to her regulators. When she was satisfied, she announced, "She should come around shortly."

"How long?" Aubrey asked.

"Can't say," Connie admitted. "Comas are complicated. There's always a chance that, you know, she'll never wake up, but those chances are very, very low like we discussed. Right now we don't panic and just wait."

Bekka came around a few minutes later. She looked at the twins and went beet red. "I'm so sorry about..."

"Later," Aubrey hushed her. "Anything you want to apologize for you can do after my mom is awake."

An hour went by, then two. The twins' imaginations began to take over as they thought the worst, especially having to tell their father that his wife was never coming home. But close to the third hour, she stirred, then her eyelids fluttered, and she was back.

"It was easier going out than in, that's for sure," Nancy joked weakly as Derek and Aubrey took a turn carefully hugging her.

They had a small celebration at a restaurant before each retired for the evening. Connie went back to the lab and would presumably spend the night there. Nancy went to her hotel room, and Bekka to her small apartment. Derek and Aubrey went back to the college campus. They could have moved into their own apartment, but this still seemed the best way to monitor Lola and also maintain a small bit of normalcy, if there was such a thing for them anymore.

The routine had been for Aubrey to target a girl that the Professor Kendrick would want. This was part of his condition on staying silent for his wife's callous treatment of him when he had been hopped by Aubrey. He would also offer input from time to time during their studies, both on and off campus. But at night, Professor Kendrick had given Aubrey a list, and it was a long one. Aubrey would possess a woman on the list, usually doing a joint swap where Derek hopped into Aubrey while Aubrey hopped into the new host. Lola would then go about the routine that the twins had implanted in her memories. They consisted of attending classes, dating her boyfriend, and being an intern at Connie's research facility. Aubrey would spend the night seducing the professor, with Connie joining them every once in awhile. The next day, Aubrey would attend classes as that student, and Derek would attend Aubrey's classes. In this way, they still felt they were preparing themselves for a time when they would not be body hoppers. It was a lie they could only tell themselves for so long.

The next day, Nancy took Bekka's body over for the entire afternoon. She never left the research center, but studied the depths of Bekka's mind and focused on being able to pass for her. The twins checked in sporadically, but for the most part were only there at the beginning and end of the day's body hopping so as to not distract from what she needed to learn. Nancy had read the majority of the manual the night before, and was excited to put it into practice. She found when she wasn't in Bekka's body, she was thinking about hopping back in. She had a gift now, one that she could use at anytime, but she told herself that this was all for the kids, and not for her to abuse. But still, the call to feel younger was strong.