Silence of the Butterflies Ch. 02


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They were taller—a feat since I was over six feet—and way slimmer than me. I couldn't make out if they were male or female...if those were even concepts they ascribed to. Flowing, black hair hid its face and shoulders.

I opened my mouth to say hello—or maybe scream. But they were faster, scurrying onto the bed. A black claw pressed on my mouth, sealing away my voice and leaving behind something akin to a caress.

Before I could move, the blanket was ripped off of me, sending the papers flying. Toucher's hands were all over me, robbing me of my ability to move. I fought the panic with little success.

The creature moved my limbs in what seemed to be an effort to let me lay as comfortably as possible. Then they picked up one of the fallen papers. I could see their head tilting as it rotated the picture. Was I so bad at drawing that it was impossible to tell what side was up?

Now that I saw the creature a little better, I noticed various shreds of cloth tied to their arms. Among them were bracelets and other jewelry, all moving silently, like their body did.

While they gathered the papers, I managed to get a better glimpse of their face.

Toucher's eyes were dark without discernible irises. Weirdly, it made me relieved. I'd half expected them to have compound eyes like insects. Though, it didn't make me feel better when I noticed they not only were without eyelids but also didn't seem to blink.

Their hair was long and flowed like silk. The skin was coal black. But where light touched it, it had a weird mother-of-pearl shine to it. Several colorful hair clips were arranged in spirals across the strands. Apart from the scrap-like accessories, the creature didn't have clothes.

The weirdest part was that the lower half of their face was covered with a black surgical mask. I didn't want to think what it was hiding but still did, and fear rose inside me. Their hands definitely looked capable of causing the damage I'd observed at the strip club. How could I have felt any arousal toward this thing?

Toucher sat next to me, inspecting my doodles, their chilly skin touching my side from time to time. Without irises, it was hard to know where they were looking. I could make out little flickers of light when their eyes moved from picture to picture.

After placing the last paper in a neat pile, Toucher's fingers floated above my chest. A chill expanded along my skin as the creature started drawing on me. I concentrated on the feeling, trying to form the pictures in my head as they were drawn.

I hadn't believed Divna's explanation of sex as a conduit, but this time, the pictures made more sense as they formed more in my brain than on my skin. They were hazy, but I got glimpses of neon colored shapes that reminded me of the mural I'd seen previously. And the "Open" sign blazed on the canvas of my mind.

If I had to guess, the creature wanted me to look for someone from that building. Someone standing atop it all. Madam Seri. That's who Toucher wanted me to find.

I'd tried. Maybe if I could find this Hetty tomorrow, I could get answers. That required me to live through tonight, though.

Why couldn't Toucher go to Seri themselves? Why torment me? Maybe they didn't know where she was, either?

I finally understood what Toucher was saying but had no way to tell them. The only thing I could do was blink, so I did. As though I was trying to fly with my eyelashes. It soon started to hurt, but I kept going.

Toucher stopped mid-drawing, their finger pressing against my chest, staying there like an everlasting icicle. I saw their head tilt, their dark gaze falling on me. With delicate movements, they lowered their fingers over my eyelids, halting their movement. The coldness burned my brain, making me squint hard.

The creature lifted their hands, letting warmth pour back into my face.

I stared at them intently.

The fingers walked in the air like restless spiders, then Toucher lowered one hand on my arm. Like a prick of a needle, pain shot through my muscles. It was enough to make me flinch, and to my surprise, my right arm moved. Slow and tingly, like after being numb for a while, but it moved.

Toucher grabbed my wrist with a steel grip. My arm wasn't paralyzed anymore, but I couldn't free it. The creature forced my hand, pressing it against their side. Their skin was overly smooth, like PVC.

They moved my hand back and forth along their side. I had no idea what they were trying to do. Then they placed their free hand on my side and tickled.

I squirmed against the grip, laughing silently. The creature stopped almost immediately, slapping my hand against their side.

Oh, that's what Toucher meant. I moved my fingers, tickling them. They shivered. There was no audible laughter, but the air vibrated as the creature suffered under my touch.

I continued for a couple of seconds, not wanting to overstay my welcome. I wasn't into tickling anyone, I just didn't want to experience it while paralyzed. This time, when I tried to free my hand, the creature let it go.

I wrapped my arm protectively around my chest, not that it would be much of a defense.

Toucher towered over me, waiting...observing. When nothing more happened, I looked for a pen, but I couldn't reach it from the nightstand. I put out my hand in the least menacing way possible and reached for the creature with caution.

They waited like they were frozen themselves. I took the creature's hand, turned it palm up and drew on it with my index finger. I did my best to explain I was going to find the human atop the box as soon as the sun rose the next morning.

After the third repetition, the creature pressed their palm against mine and held it there. It was a gesture meant to convey something, I hoped it was understanding. When nothing happened for a while, I lifted my hand and gave a thumbs up.

Toucher tilted its head and mimicked me. They touched the tip of my thumb with their own.

Good enough, I guess.

With their other hand, the creature flipped through the pile of papers and pulled out the one I had doodled on the most. It was the one I had tried to use to imply I had enjoyed our moment of intimacy. Now, it felt stupid. And I looked away when I saw the stick figures immersed in a handjob.

No matter where I stared, the creature brought the paper in my view. I waved my hand dismissively, pushing the drawing as far as I could. To my relief, Toucher let it fall on the bed.

Toucher poked the head of my dick with the tip of their thumb instead.

I froze, not knowing how to react. Their hand moved down my shaft, slowly bringing it to life. Now, I could tell them no if I didn't want this. It was anybody's guess if the creature would comply, but I could try.

Instead, I just stared. Waited. To my surprise, enjoyed.

Toucher's face was hidden by the shadows, but their fingers spoke clearly. One hand stayed exploring my dick while the other rose to brush my cheek, traveling downwards in restless circles. It found my nipples, toying with them, sending shocks of pleasure through me.

Last night's bliss flowed back to my mind, leaving me hopeful. This seemed to be going down the same path, but who knew. The more the creature gave my body attention, the less worried I was. I kept my arm out of the way to not interrupt them.

After Toucher's thorough inspection, my dick was hard, which seemed to prompt the creature to move down. The cold touch made my balls draw closer together. The fingers stopped. Toucher tilted their head towards me.

It took me a second to understand they were waiting for a confirmation of some kind. Did I want the creature to continue? At this point, why the hell not? I gave a thumbs up again.

Toucher poked my balls with their thumb, gradually easing other fingers on them. They massaged my balls, making me quiver what little I could when most of my body was still paralyzed. With their cold palm, the creature cupped my balls, massaging them with slow, round movements.

The hands meandered along my body, their paths rendezvousing on my achingly hard dick. They stroked it half-heartedly. Still, it felt good. The creature tilted their head from side to side, making me think they were pondering something.

Toucher pointed my dick straight up and held it there. With one, smooth motion they released the mask from the other side. The thin, black fabric swayed in the air, hiding the lower part of their face, but I could see one cheek move as the mouth opened. The creature leaned down, the mask and hair aligning so I couldn't see their face or my dick anymore.

Then I felt the lick. A cold, slimy touch on the tip of my dick.

It was a cautious, experimental contact. There was a wet sound, as though they were judging the taste. I tried to see what was happening to no avail. Not that I necessarily wanted to know what was hidden. They probably had their reasons.

The second lick was bolder, the creature's tongue circling the head of my dick. There was a lot of drool, and I felt it slide down my shaft.

If there were going to be teeth, they would come next. I held my breath, fearing the worst. The creature just continued downward, reaching farther. Enveloping my length with their tongue. The pleasure made me tingly but not wholly oblivious to the fact that no normal tongue could wrap itself around my girth. And Toucher managed it over two rounds and kept going, their jaw stretching like a snake's.

Soon, Toucher was licking the root of my shaft without having to lower their head. My dick was now in a wet, chilly embrace. The sensation made me grip the sheets with my freed hand every time Toucher moved. The tip of their tongue felt more like a finger when it reached my balls. They fondled me softly, causing foreign saliva to spill across my inner thighs.

Toucher started to move their tongue up and down, the wetness unfolding and tightening around me. A weird, yet pleasant sensation. Something between licking and a handjob. The physical stimulation overwrote the last of my panic. The creature hadn't hurt me before, why couldn't I enjoy this?

My breathing grew heavier, my balls tightening with the creature's quickening speed.

Then Toucher's fingers were back on my lips, penetrating my mouth, careful not to scratch me with their claws. They played with my tongue, sending a warm, tingling feeling running through the roof of my mouth.

I let out a moan. The first sound I'd been able to make the whole night. I could've talked, had I not been offered two thick fingers to suck.

Toucher tasted a bit like salty licorice, making my whole mouth prickle. They pushed their fingers deeper, they too being longer than ordinary. I sucked. What else was I supposed to do? My mind was being engulfed by pleasure, making me indifferent to everything that wasn't the creature's touch.

The other clawed hand slid along my inner thigh, smearing the saliva all over before moving back to massaging my balls. I felt a cold breath on my dick as Toucher finally leaned forward, taking me in their mouth. They sucked hard, making me wail around their fingers between my lips.

There was a hum coming deep within the creature, and it made my dick feel like it was inside a huge vibrator. Toucher eased up a little only to wrap their tongue tighter around me.

They took a deep breath and hummed with more force.

My whole body was immersed in the sensation waves of pleasure crashing inside me. I came fiercely, shooting hot nails and moaning from the bottom of my heart. The orgasm burned, and my mind melted.

Toucher's fingers and mouth tormented me, pushing my body farther than it'd ever gone. I hit the bed with my hand like in a seizure, my muscles cramping.

The creature continued to milk me even after the orgasm, forcing me to have another, smaller peak. I didn't even know that was possible.

When Toucher finally stopped, I felt as though I had run a marathon. I lay there, spent and unable to speak. This time, because my throat was too hoarse.

I barely noticed the creature vanish into the shadows before I slipped into a deep slumber.

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