Silent Nights


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I think that Tanya was a little disappointed when I refused to allow her to "room" with me every night. I told her that we'd re-evaluate once the divorce was final. She was the most accommodating she ever had been in our relationship, and even though we ended up sleeping together in her bed or mine at least three nights a week, and usually four, we didn't move into the same bedroom together.

With no resistance from Tanya the divorce moved through quickly. We agreed that she would get a different part time job and that I would give her credit for her extended child care activities in determining responsibility for expenses. We worked out a 75-25 split with what expenses each person was accountable for clearly spelled out, and we kept all of our monetary circumstances separate.

There were two things that I needed to re-confirm once the divorce was final so that I could gauge how my relationship with Tanya would shake out. The first was that she was, in fact, the best fuck imaginable. Toward that end I called Sally to tell her that my divorce was final; she had called me to advise me that hers was final about three weeks earlier.

"Hi, Sally; as promised I'm calling you to let you know that my divorce is final," I said as cheerfully as possible.

"Did you finalize that co-habitation thing, Jim?" she laughed.

"Yes, I did, and I expect it to work out. However, I need to do some investigating before I'm willing to really say whether it will or not," I replied with an edge to my voice.

"Oh, really – what will you be investigating?"

"I think that I'll try to see if she really is the best fuck ever," I chortled.

"Well, Jimmy boy, you've come to the right place. We bonded pretty well during our sting operation, didn't we," she said cheerfully.

"Yes we did. I really would like to give you a try, Sally; no strings, just a good old fashion fuck fest," I responded.

"You're a forward little bastard, aren't you?"

"Hey, Sally, I want to beat the bush, not beat around it," I said in a serious tone, then after a few seconds delay started laughing so hard that I almost dropped the phone."

"Well for your information, asshole, I'm shaved – except for a landing strip," she giggled.

"Yum!" was my sincere reply.

We made arrangements for three weekends hence to meet at a resort about halfway between our houses for all day Friday and Saturday and half a day on Sunday. We both agreed it was just to get the unpleasantness of our betrayals out of our systems and that there was no expectation of any lasting relationship on either party's part.

Of course I had to make sure that Tanya could take care of the kids that weekend – the only caveat I left Sally with. Sally's daughter would be away at a pre-college camp that weekend.

The morning after a Friday night of passionate sex, and a wonderful post-coitus conversation, at breakfast I sprung it on Tanya. "Say, Tanya," I casually started out – I always called her by her name now, not a term of endearment. "I need to be away from Friday morning until Sunday late afternoon the weekend of the 21st. Can you handle the kids by yourself that weekend, or maybe get your sister to help out?"

"Oh;...where are you going, Hon?"

"I'm going to that new resort near Atchison."

"Oh; you have a conference or something?"

"No, I'm meeting Sally Whitney there," I nonchalantly replied.

"Oh;...can I ask why you're meeting her?" she continued with her lower lip quivering a little bit.

"Well, we both have some unresolved issues from our divorces, so we're going to talk about them. If you have other plans I can try and get a sitter," I continued in a very calm voice.

After a lengthy pause, during which it was clear that Tanya was doing everything possible to maintain her composure, she replied "No, Jim, that won't be necessary. I'm happy to take the kids that weekend, and have Sis come over if I need any help."

We didn't discuss it again. After being a little distant that Saturday, which was packed full of activities with the kids during the day, and during which we went to a movie together that night while we got a sitter for the kids, it was clear that Tanya was going to do everything in her power to get me to change my mind. The next two weeks she put on a real rush; her plan apparently included trying to fuck me to death, and it almost succeeded. She was misty eyed when Thursday night, the 20th, I begged off on sleeping together saying that I was too tired. I didn't say that I needed to rest up for the weekend, but of course that was the reason only for me to beg off.

Tanya pretended to have a cheery disposition when I left the morning of the 21st. She even said "Have a good time," though I'm sure that she didn't mean it. After the door closed behind me, however, and I took a few paces away from it I stopped and went back to the door and listened. It was obvious that she was crying – bawling, actually. I was sad that it actually made me feel good that she was, and it revealed the second thing that I was trying to find out – did she really have feelings for me.

The weekend with Sally was great. There was no pretense – we were there to have sex and enjoy each other's company, and that is exactly what we did. I was pleased that she could contort her body into, and hold, positions that I didn't know were possible, but sure were fun. She was as strong and as aggressive as I was. She was also the most straight forward person I had ever encountered – I think she was incapable of lying. One thing that did surprise me was that as physically tough as she was, she was vulnerable inside. Jack's cheating had adversely affected her much more than Tanya's had affected me.

After one exceptionally intense fuck, as we snuggled Sally opened up to me. "Jim; my ego was shattered by Jack's affair with Tanya. It made me feel inadequate as a woman."

I actually laughed, but when I saw her puzzled look immediately became serious. "Sorry, I guess that I shouldn't have laughed," I said, "but your feelings of inadequacy are ridiculous. You are about as sexy as a woman could be and 99% of unattached guys in the world would kill for a shot at you."

"Really?" she softly asked.

"Really – no shit – absolutely – without question," I replied. "Now let me get to work on your exquisite shaved pussy again," I snickered – and I did just that, sucking her clit into my mouth.

We both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, although we had no expectations going in, nor any feelings going out, that our relationship would be for any longer than this one weekend.

Sunday as I dropped her off at her private plane – she had flown and I had driven – as we exchanged a last passionate kiss she half playfully half seriously asked "Well, is your ex-wife still your best fuck ever?"

"Since we fucked at least, what, eight or nine times this weekend," I started to say.

She smilingly interrupted with "Nine, and great oral too."

"Nine, and great oral," I laughed, then continued. "I guess that I have a sufficient sample to do a comparison, and knowing how you value you honesty I'm going to be completely honest."

"That's what I expect," she snorted.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 Tanya is a 10 and you are about a 9.9," I said. "In other words, you are a sex goddess that any man would be ecstatic to have sex with, but just a tiny shade under her for my particular tastes."

Actually, she was probably a 9.7 or 9.8, but why quibble?

Sally got this odd look on her face, then an enormous smile. "You are telling the truth, aren't you?"

"Hell yes," I almost yelled. "Do you think that I could fake the level of satisfaction I displayed?"

"No," she laughed, "you're not that good of an actor. Well thank you Jim Gage, that is very flattering to me and also confirms your cohabitation decision, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does confirm that; however, I honestly think that I could be just as happy with you as I will be with Tanya, especially since if I was with you I wouldn't have to worry about you cheating."

"No, you sure wouldn't," Sally giggled. "Thank you for one of the most fun, stimulating, and exhausting times of my life. You have no idea what this weekend has done for my ego and sexuality." Then the physically strongest woman that I have ever known started to softly cry.

"WOW!" I once again thought to myself. "Jack really did hurt her."

I took Sally into my arms and held her for a good five minutes while her sobbing gradually diminished. Eventually she took her head off my shoulder, wiped a single remaining tear, gave me another kiss, and exited. She waved and as she walked away I spun the car around behind her, rolled down my window, and said "You're beyond awesome!" She turned, smiled, and then boarded her plane.

I felt really good on the way home. I had had fabulous sex with a spectacular partner, I had helped her out, and I had reconfirmed that for me Tanya was likely the best sex partner possible.

When I got home the kids were glad to see me; Tanya was particularly pleasant and friendly, and after we had a wonderful two hour long discussion after the kids went to bed she didn't ask to sleep together, but simply gave me a kiss and said "Good Night, darling."

Although Tanya and I were getting along better than ever, I really had the urge for one more test. Maybe there was an element of revenge or a desire to hurt her, but I convinced myself that it was merely to re-confirm her status as the best fucker in the world.

I came across a woman, Marsha, in my work who was the only woman that I had seen live that according to my tastes was hotter looking than Tanya; actually, when I saw her naked I quickly concluded that she had a perfect female body. I was a little surprised that she went out with me, and even more surprised that she seemed to be getting serious about me. Marsha and I had four dates; we fucked on the third date, though we didn't spend the night together. We fucked three times during the night and morning on the fourth date. As hot as she was, and as satisfied as she seemed to be, I realized after my fourth date that I would never find someone as good in the sack as Tanya is.

It was easy to terminate my relationship with Marsha. On the fifth date, as we were sitting in my car in front of her apartment after dinner, "In the interest of full disclosure since you are such an awesome woman," I told her my living arrangements.

She was shocked, and non-plussed. "You and your ex-wife live in the same house, raise your kids together, and have sex?" she gasped.

"Yes...but we rarely have sex more than four times a week," I replied trying to look innocent.

"You pervert," she screamed as she flung the car door open, "don't call me again." Then she slammed the door and stormed off. In a serious voice I yelled out "Sorry."

When I came home early from my fifth date with Marsha, Tanya really perked up. She maneuvered me into a Wheelbarrow that night, my favorite. The next morning, before the kids got up, I asked her to move into the master bedroom with me again. She soaked my shoulder and pillow with tears of joy.

A month after Tanya moved into the master bedroom with me, and all of her clothes were returned to their previous place and she took over the master bathroom, after another fantastic sexual encounter she sweetly said, "Honey; do you mind if I start wearing my wedding rings again?"

When I gave her a look halfway between miffed and perplexed she quickly explained.

"I know that we're not married, and I wouldn't ever tell anyone that we mutually know that I was; but, you seen, I get hit on by guys constantly not just at work but whenever I go out."

There was no doubt in my mind that that was true because she still looked as good as she ever had.

"I want to be able to just flash my rings at them and tell them that I'm not interested."

"What if you find someone you are interested in?" I seriously asked.

Tanya started to sob. "I'm only interested in you. I gave up the right to claim you exclusively, but I could not have less interest in anyone else."

I let her sob into my shoulder for a while, then lifted her head up and said "OK; I'll make you a deal. We'll both be exclusive unless we tell the other that we're not going to be. If you agree to that, I don't object to you wearing your rings again."

Now the waterworks really started, with many cries of "Yes, yes" interspersed with her sobs. She started vigorously sucking my cock and manipulating my balls, unfortunately interrupted when we heard Susan, our youngest, clomping down the hall in her make-believe high heels and therefore we had to cool it.

The morning described in the previous paragraph was three years ago. Since then I have been as sexually fulfilled and happy as a man could be. My kids are great and Tanya does everything imaginable to please me while not being a sycophant. We have our disagreements but are always respectful to each other and resolve any issues before we fall asleep. Tonight Tanya introduced a new element.

After a fabulous JJ and pillow talk, just before Tanya rolled over to go to sleep she kissed me and said "Jim. You can have no doubt that I love you with all my heart; but by the time that Susan turns eighteen if you haven't asked me to marry you again, we're splitting up."

My immediate thought was "Susan just turned eight so I have ten more years of great sex and good companionship before I have to find something else. I'll be sure to make the best of it." I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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alan_deealan_dee6 months ago

A very unlikeable character. A bit of a sociopath. Also, that term J.J. reminds me of the word "fetch" from mean girls. It's just never going to happen no matter how many times you try to make it relevant.

sizemediumsizemedium10 months ago

I enjoyed your story very much. I would suggest that you review punctuation rules. I write too so I know how hard it is to create a good story.

Buster2UBuster2U11 months ago

10 big blazing stars to the writer. What Great Writing, and a Great Story about some truly unique characters. I truly find it ridiculous that so many rate a story with "how they like the outcome" only giving the writer a good score if they feel wonderful if the cheater gets his balls smashed good enough. LOL, grading a story should have NOTHING to do with what the characters do, but with how realistic the story feels. If you hate someone, because she or he is such a slut, that means the writer was convincing and should be rated much better than average! That is why I rate the story with 10 stars! I felt bad for both characters, I was right there when the two cheaters were going at and were busted by their spouses. Tanya was so beautiful and sexy yet fell for seduction by another man. Why? Because he talked? Yup! He gave Tanya something she needed. Too bad for their marriage, Cheating wife stories always get my attention and break my heart both. Alas, the loving wives section is what I enjoy. Very good Writing, a Great Story, Good effort. Thanks, Buster2U

IndyOnIndyOn12 months ago

Since Jim would fuck Tonya almost comatose every time and they did it four or more times per week....The burning question is: Why have an affair two days per week? Kinda left the story unfinished....*4*

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