Silent Vigil


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Alecto switched up the pace, slow and gentle now, almost loving. She doubled over, those puffy lips kissing his neck affectionately, one of her large hands cradling his cheek as she mouthed softly. A girlish, comely moan emanated from the usually gruff creature, the sound making his heart leap.

"Would you prefer to have me like this?" she whispered into his ear, her voice low and sensual. She gripped his face in her hand and leaned in for a placating kiss, her doting tongue slipping into his mouth, locking him in a sweet embrace that made his brain fizz and pop like it was being fried in a pan. Her demeanor had completely changed. Gone was the selfish lust, her new tenderness was intoxicating, Ethan finding himself pushing up to meet her.

She broke off with a wet smack, her red eyes smoldering like a pair of hot coals in the gloom. After a momentary pause, she threw her horned head back and cackled, her wings opening to put her sculpted form on display once more.

"Perhaps the likes of Venus or Aphrodite would have indulged you, but your pleasure nourishes me," she murmured as his eyes adjusted to the light. "I know what excites you, little morsel. Our agreement was that I wouldn't injure you or cause you any distress, and you're far too hard to be distressed," she added as she exposed her sharp teeth in a smirk. She rolled her hips as if to illustrate her point, Ethan's spine arching involuntarily as another wave of tingling pleasure rocked him.

She began to bounce again, hammering down on him, driving his aching member into her deepest reaches. The sudden shift back to her aggressive pace took Ethan off-guard, the creature reveling in it, as though she could sense what he was feeling. As much as her attitude irritated him, he couldn't deny that she was right. Surprises were exciting...

Ethan's eyes were drawn to the rhythmic bouncing of her heavy breasts, the smacking sound of wet skin on wet skin audible as they crashed against her torso. Remembering how sensitive they were, he raised a hand and sank it into one of the wobbling globes, its movement halted as his fingers were engulfed by her springy flesh. There was a throb of pleasure as he felt her loins tighten around him, her insides flexing at his touch, her teeth bared as his fingers sought out her sensitive breast tissue.

Her stature put her chest at about head-height while she was straddling him, Ethan rising from his reclining position, attempting to wrangle one of them. It was a challenging prospect, the combination of her damp skin, and her squashy fat making it slip through his fingers. When he finally succeeded, he brought it to his mouth, sealing his lips around one of her firm nipples.

Now it was Alecto's turn to be surprised, a reverberating growl emanating from deep within her throat.

"That's more like it," she sighed, flinching as he sucked and licked. "I knew that all you needed was a little...encouragement."

He massaged her breast as he trapped her nipple between his teeth and his tongue, having to use both hands, the gargoyle slowing her relentless hammering so that he could better handle it. She began to draw lazy patterns with her wide hips again, keeping him buried in her most intimate depths, a hand on the back of his head encouraging him.

"Oh, Janus," she murmured as he bit her gently. "I didn't think I'd enjoy you so much. Playing with one's food is usually discouraged, but after so long, it's hard to help myself."

Her long spine arched, her wings extending as Ethan dragged the flat of his tongue across her nipple, her thighs clamping shut around his hips as she loosed a snarl.

"M-maybe I grew a few too many nerve endings in there," she muttered, swaying drunkenly. "I'm actually...getting close..."

Ethan slid one hand down to her waist as he kept hold of her breast with the other, digging his fingers into the fat of her hip for leverage, his rear rising from the recliner as he thrust into her. He felt her massive body shiver as his glans parted her clenching passage, the muscles in her thighs and belly tensing beautifully. Not needing any further encouragement, she resumed her savage lovemaking, the wooden frame of the chair making worrying cracking sounds as their sweat-drenched bodies crashed together atop it.

All restraint had been forgotten now, they were on the same page, Ethan's muscles burning as he struggled to match pace with the forceful gargoyle. The more aroused she became, the less control over their encounter she seemed to have, her grinding taking on a desperate and needy quality. Her tail whipped back and forth behind her, her eyes closed tightly, her massive wings twitching erratically with every tremor of pleasure that buffeted her.

Her breast bounced out of his grasp, Alecto wrapping her muscular arms around him, trapping him in a bear hug. She pushed his head into her cleavage, the sheen of her sudor making her boobs slide against his cheeks, their considerable weight coming to rest on his shoulders as they sagged over him like molten metal. She gave him no choice but to breathe in a lungful of her feminine scent, the salty taste of her sweat on his lips as she pressed him tightly against her writhing body, her breath blowing his hair as she panted.

"Don't you dare stop," she whined, her usually confident voice faltering. "It's been so long..."

Ethan could feel his own climax scratching at the door, but he had to hold out just a little longer, if only to get her back for all of her teasing. He dug his fingers into the damp skin of her back as he felt her tense up, her burning loins wringing him in a series of rolling contractions that left him breathless, her velvet walls undulating around his cock. She began to tremble like a leaf, her breasts quivering around his head, the meat of her thighs shaking as the first pulse of her orgasm tore through her.

Ethan had expected a thundering growl or some kind of bestial snarl, but he only heard an unbecoming whimper as she gripped him tightly. Her shivering soon morphed into more thrusting, every rock of her hips punctuated by a sordid moan, the gargoyle riding him into the recliner as she became lost in her fugue. The renewed rutting, coupled with the ardent squeezing of her loins as they sucked at him, saw Ethan joining her in her surging ecstasy.

She groaned as she felt a hot, thick spurt of his emission well up inside her, the muscles in the reaches of her tunnel contracting as though her beleaguered body was trying to drink from him. Her boundless cleavage muffled his moans, the two of them remaining locked together, feeding into one another's bliss with every spasm and thrust. He must be satisfying more than one urge, filling her with the seed that she had so coveted as her insides wrung it from him ruthlessly, every fresh throb of pleasure making them both gasp in tandem. Questing hands wandered across damp skin, their lips meeting, euphoria rolling over them like a fog.

There was a terrible cracking sound, Ethan's stomach lurching as the frame of the recliner finally collapsed under their sustained abuse. The wood splintered, the two lovers crashing to the floor as they clung to each other in alarm. Fortunately, the thick padding of the recliner's cushion shielded Ethan from the splinters and the impact, Alecto catching herself before she fell atop him. She knelt over him as he lay on his back, dust billowing, Ethan gazing up into her red eyes as he caught his breath.

"Does that count as a surprise?" he asked, and she began to chuckle.

The dust settled as she lifted herself off him, Ethan wincing as his erection slid out of her. He was surprised to see that his shaft was bone dry now, there wasn't so much as a drop of fluid clinging to his skin, as though their encounter had never happened. She rose to stand over him, her hands planted on her hips, Ethan peering up from between her legs as he lay in the ruined remains of the recliner.

"That was...more enjoyable than I had anticipated," she replied, her aloofness failing to mask the way that her long legs were still unsteady.

"So, what happens now?" Ethan asked as he began to climb out of the pile of splintered wood and shredded cushions. His afterglow was still powerful enough to make him sway, he felt giddy, almost drunk. He pulled up his pants, meaning to buckle his belt, then remembering that Alecto had severed it with her claws. He pulled it out of his belt loops and discarded it, then realized that he couldn't fasten up his shirt either, as she had plucked the buttons from it. He wasn't looking forward to making his way through the building's lobby half-clothed, it was a walk of shame that would be fairly difficult to explain.

"I have the energy that I need to return home," she replied. "I thank you for your...generous contribution, as does Bifrons. Our contract is now complete."

"Oh," Ethan replied, a little taken aback. He didn't know what he had been expecting. The only interest that she had expressed in him had been sexual, and even then, only in the context of feeding off his spiritual energy. He wasn't accustomed to one-night stands, let alone with demons. Still, as abrasive as she could be, there was something oddly endearing about her.

"Were you expecting me to stick around?" she chuckled, reaching out and ruffling his hair with her clawed hand. Ethan grumbled as he tried to straighten it again, Alecto watching him with a wide grin on her face. "As I told you before, I'm no doe-eyed maiden with flowers in my hair."

"Are you going to return to your own dimension now?" he asked. "You didn't seem very keen on the idea when you last talked about it."

Her descriptions of what she referred to as Hades hadn't painted a very appealing picture, she had said that being summoned into the real world was a reprieve, that occupying a physical body was a rare delight. She turned her head to peer out of a nearby window, lifting a hand to wipe away the grime that coated it, her claws squeaking against the glass. Sunlight poured in, illuminating her face as she was lost in thought, her skin still damp with sweat. Her entire body was animate now, made of living flesh from head to toe, with no sign of lichen-covered stone remaining. Her chest rose and fell, making her bosom sway enticingly, her breath misting the glass.

"Do you...have to go back?" he added.

Alecto seemed conflicted, her brow furrowing. She lifted one of her hands, flexing her talons, watching the tendons shift beneath her skin.

"I can feel the sun on my face," she muttered, "I'd almost forgotten what that felt like." Her wistful expression morphed into a mischievous smile, her gaze shifting back to Ethan. "It's not as though my master has any urgent need of me," she continued, "I've been away for decades already. Perhaps I will stay a little longer. I have a new body, after all, and an abundant supply of energy on demand. It would be a shame to waste such a rare opportunity."

"An abundant supply of energy?" Ethan asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. "You mean me?"

"What about you, little morsel?" she continued as she peered down at him. "What will you do now?"

"Me?" he mumbled as he pointed to himself, surprised that she was taking an interest in him. "Now that Spencer is out of the picture, and all of the ghosts have been...uh...exorcised, I can actually do my job properly. I was hired to get this building in working order again, and that's still what I intend to do."

"Ever the dutiful Master of Facilities," she chuckled. "So, you won't mind if I drop in once in a while my fill?" she asked as she licked her lips suggestively. Ethan's cheeks reddened at the prospect, and he shook his head.

She turned and began to make her way to the open door, stepping out onto the balcony, Ethan hurrying after her as he struggled to keep pace with her long strides. The wind blew his hair, the gargoyle extending her wings like a bird about to take flight, as though testing the air currents. The powerful muscles in her back flexed, her damp skin catching the sun. She walked out onto the support bracket that had been her home for so long, peering down at the street, a good thousand feet below.

Ethan leaned over the railing as he watched her wings flap, his open shirt fluttering in the breeze.

"Where will you go?" he asked, Alecto turning to look back at him.

"I want to see how the world has changed in my absence," she replied, giving him another of her toothy smiles. "Do not fret, I will return when my energy reserves are low, or when I feel the urge to indulge in a little diversion for a few hours. I have yet to run this body through its paces, after all."

"But how will I know when you're back?" Ethan said, having to raise his voice so that she could hear him over the wind.

"Don't worry, I'll find you," she replied. "Trust me when I say that you're impossible to ignore, Ethan."

The gargoyle extended her leathery wings to their full width, then let herself fall over the edge, quickly dropping out view. Ethan's heart seemed to stop in his chest, and he peered over the railing, vertigo making his stomach churn as he searched for any sign of her.

Alecto suddenly burst up in front of him, gliding high into the air on her outstretched wings. She flapped a few times, climbing towards the clouds, catching a warm air current that sent her spiraling upwards. Ethan had to crane his neck to see her, shielding his eyes from the sun, the massive creature shrinking until her silhouette was scarcely the size of a pigeon. He wondered what the denizens of New York would make of her if they caught sight of her, whether it would have been more prudent to travel at night, but he could already scarcely make her out.

Was she really going to come back and see him? Make love to him again? Even if it was only some kind of interdimensional booty-call for the purpose of topping up her tanks, the prospect filled him with anticipation. For all her teasing, what little time he had spent in her company had been a wonderful experience, and she had mostly kept her word when it came to being gentle with him. He also suspected that she liked him more than she was willing to let on.

He turned and made his way back inside, appraising the remnants of the recliner. At least he wouldn't have to explain what had happened to it, the upper floors had been a wreck to begin with. Still, now that Spencer wasn't keeping people out, it should clean up nicely. Disassembling the makeshift Satanic temple in the spire before anyone else discovered it was probably a good idea, too. He wasn't sure what to do with all of those dusty old grimoires, but something told him that simply throwing them out would be a bad idea.

After sparing one last glance at the open door to the balcony, he began to make his way back down the spiral staircase. He had no idea when Alecto would return. It could be days, weeks, or even months. All he could say for sure was that it would be a pleasant surprise.


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XericXenophileXericXenophile3 months ago

You have to let Ethan become a magician with the grimoires and Alecto's help. Book Two.

kees10kees106 months ago


What a tale! Extremely well build, from atart to finish.

Let's hope ethan,just as I, doesn't have too wait long for tg next chapter.

JohnSpanglerJohnSpanglerabout 2 years ago

That was one hell of a story! Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I hope there's a sequel in the works. Ethan refurbishes, the building, grand reopening gala, Alecto returns, possibly in human form.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And another thing....there are so many threads of story left to weave here. It would almost be a literary sin to leave them drifting in the breeze. I know your standards make these stories more difficult to write than the reader suspects, but they are so very good that I have to ask for a follow-up. It could be fun for you. And you could describe some more Art Deco stuff, maybe even shift to a Grecian theme with a statue of Athena in the mix. A sordid mind boggles at the possibilities.

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