Silver Ch. 05


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Marcellous quickly flicked off the image and activated the secondary engines. His ship flew forward. He was close to his destination and he doubted anyone would fire on him if they believed they might hurt Theophilus. The ship suddenly began to shudder and slow. Marcellous hit the console over and over, but got no response. He viewed the cargo holding area, unsurprised to find it empty.

"Perhaps you are more of an adversary that I anticipated, my son," Marcellous acknowledged grudgingly. "But you will not stop me." He left his command centre and headed for his shuttle hangar. Marcellous ran down the slope to the control panel that activated the inner and outer doors. He moved swiftly to his shuttle as the outer doors began to open. However, he heard them stop and turned to find Theophilus barred his way.

"You have a choice, child," Marcellous said menacingly. "Stand aside and I will let you go. This time. If you try to oppose me, I will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to defeat you."

"I am an Elite officer and you are a wanted felon. I will not let you escape justice. Surrender and you will be given a fair trial."

"You are a fool, Theophilus. Do you honestly believe you can defeat me? You will either end up with me on the shuttle, or dead, if you stand against me."

Theophilus was not certain he could overwhelm his father in a fight; however, he could not stand by and let the older man get away. He owed it to himself, his unborn and to his family to try and at least contain Marcellous until help could arrive.

"I do not fear you, Marcellous," he said quietly. "I am not the child that you cast aside on Drega. It is my duty to oppose you and place you under arrest."

The two Dregans met in a battle that pitched youth and speed against age and cunning. Theophilus was also aware that most of his moves were defensive, instinct making him protect the life he carried. The dance was deadly in its intent. He knew Marcellous was a desperate man. An unexpected manoeuvre caught Theophilus unawares and, as he lost coordination, a kick landed in his groin, dropping him instantly. He rolled to protect his stomach as the older man followed up with another brutal kick, catching the blond hard in the lower back.

Marcellous resumed opening the hangar's external doors and then went to begin powering up his shuttle. He would drag Theophilus aboard once all systems were fully engaged.

Theophilus gave a grunt of pain and despair. He was crawling towards the slope and safety, but his body was demanding he rest. The hangar's inner doors had now begun to open slowly and the drag was almost impossible for him to fight in his weakened state. He gave a whimper as he inched forward just a little more and then a loved voice reached his ears over the sounds of the doors.

"Theophilus. Here. Reach for me."

Tristam was bending low, his hand stretching towards him. Theophilus could see that, in his turn, Tristam was held by the welcomed sight of a pale-green hand. With his last strength, the blond reached and clutched desperately at Tristam's hand and felt himself being pulled to safety.

"No. He is *mine*." Marcellous' furious bellow came from the shuttle doors. The Dregan's strength was displayed as he strode towards them, the opening doors seemingly unaffecting him.

Tristam almost had Theophilus safe as Marcellous reached them. With a cry of rage and denial, his grip was easily broken by the silver-haired male. The blond too exhausted to resist as he was pulled from Tristam's grasp and carried towards the shuttle.

"Xavier, let me go, I won't lose him," Tristam shouted, angry that Theophilus' mate would be hauling him away. However, as he was pulled through the doorway, he saw the reason.

Steffen ran through swiftly, heading for the wall-mounted control panel, as two huge, furred forms, growling angrily, bounded past Tristam and Xavier.

Tristam recognised Uist immediately and could only assume the other was Willis. He watched as Marcellous shrieked in terror, shoving Theophilus at one beast as he tried to dodge under his shuttle away from the other. Theophilus was caught and swung into a gentle embrace by Uist as Willis dove after Marcellous. The great beast brought the barely conscious blond to where Tristam and Xavier waited and tenderly laid him in his husband's arms. A massive paw with deadly claws carefully caressed Theophilus' belly, causing the blond's golden eyes to flutter open and a weak hand to cover the paw.

"Our baby," he whispered, his eyes focusing on his husband. "Is he well?"

The beast gave a contented purr before leaving them and Tristan replaced the paw with his own hand. He could smell what he now knew was the slightly more musky scent of the blond that denoted pregnancy. His hearing could pick up the tiny heartbeat of the life beneath his hand and he smiled.

"Very well. He is as strong as the one who bears him. Take care of him, Xavier," he added, nodding away from the unfolding events on the hangar deck.

Xavier did not hesitate. Whilst he trusted Tristam's assessment, the big blond was not a physician. He wanted to check his beloved out personally and ensure their child was indeed well. As he strode towards 'Silver', he halted as Sholto came running towards him.

"Rayner and I have secured Marcellous' 'cargo' aboard the ship. They will need checking over when you're ready." His hand reached for Theophilus' stomach and the blond managed to cover it with his own. Sholto gazed anxiously at Xavier.

"I believe my beloved and our child are both well, if exhausted." The reptilian answered the unspoken question and received a wide grin. "I will tend to those who need me after settling my mate."

Sholto then joined Tristam who was gazing down into the shuttle hanger.

"It's over," the blond said, without moving. Sholto laid his hand on Tristam's arm and was pulled into a tight embrace. "It could so easily have been you and Theophilus he took," Tristam said, kissing Sholto's brow. "We could have lost you both." Tristam inhaled the familiar scent, taking comfort in the arms that returned his hug with equal strength. Without the link he shared with Rayner, they would never have been able to track Marcellous.

"But you didn't. Rayner is with the others Marcellous was planning to sell into slavery. Go to him. You need each other. I'll look after things here. It will take a few minutes for Uist to resume his form and I don't know how quickly Willis can resume his."

With a final kiss to a much beloved brother, Tristam nodded and left. Sholto smiled at the retreating figure and then grinned at the huge male, still in primal form, that stood and purred happily at him.

"Well done, big guy," Sholto said, sitting on the floor. "Come and lie here whilst you change." As he looked up, Sholto's blue eyes widened. Normally after assuming the primitive shape, Uist was tired. However, Sholto was staring at a large, ruby-red headed erection that jutted proudly from the beast's furred groin. It would not be the first time he and Uist had mated when his husband was still in his other form, but it was rare. Uist dropped to his hands and knees and, as the big male's head pushed into Sholto's groin, the sounds of snuffling mingled with rhythmic purring, Sholto was fairly certain what was prompting the need to mate. It had long been decided that he, Rayner and Theophilus would bear their children at the same time. The recent proximity of a pregnant blond was tripping all of his mate's instincts to sire his own child.

"Not going to happen without Xavier's assistance, lover," Sholto smiled, as he began to unfasten his clothing. He slapped off the claws that tried to simply rend the clothing that stood in the way of skin-to-skin contact. "No way, Uist. I am not greeting your sire and sibling naked."

The purrs increased in intensity as Sholto removed the last of his clothes and lay back naked and erect. He spread his legs wide, silently telling the dominant male he was willing to mate. His reward was a sound between a yowl and a purr before the long, rasping tongue began to tease at his nipples. As the tongue moved lower, claws, wielded with infinite care, scratched at the taut teats and the sensitive insides of out flung thighs. His lover's tongue lapped away all of the addictive silvery trails before moving lower still.

Uist nosed at his mate's groin happily. The copious pre-come was both an aphrodisiac and an indicator of his mate's level of arousal. A primal part of him wanted to mate, to sire his own pride. Another acknowledged that, although this was not the right time, it would be soon and so the beast was appeased. He thrust his tongue between his mate's cheeks, unerringly seeking the tiny portal. He lapped assiduously around it, relaxing and pleasuring Sholto, before thrusting deep inside his love's body, stretching and slicking the tight sheath.

Sholto knew the rhythmic purring was an integral part of relaxing him. He closed his eyes, hands reaching to stroke and pet at his mate's furred body, trusting that Uist would take care of him. He moaned as the long, agile muscle flicked over his sweet spot before rubbing it in earnest. Sholto bucked and writhed, but was easily held by the bigger male, until certain he was going to come. He whined his disappointment as Uist's tongue withdrew. His legs were then hooked over strong arms and the broad head of Uist's sex pushed against his opening.

The big male hesitated. Waiting. Intense amber eyes locked with oceanic blue.

"Yes, Uist, yes please," Sholto pleaded.

With a drawn-out yowl of unbridled joy, the bigger male slid into his mate's body. He held still, waiting as the tight sheath rippled and stretched to accommodate his length and girth. His size was greater in this form and so he took more care with his lover's smaller body. A hitch of slender hips told him Sholto was ready and he began to move. From slow undulations to long, deep strokes, Uist made love with his adored husband. He relished each and every cry, moan and mewl from Sholto. The combined scents of musk and desire were heady and potent in fuelling the cat-man to mate with and claim that which was his. He bit down on Sholto's bared throat, sucking, wanting his mark on his lover and feeling strong fingers dig into his back in response. He released Sholto's legs and they wrapped around his waist, as best they could. He felt Sholto use the leverage to move in counterpoint to his powerful thrusts. It was enough to send him over the edge. With a roar that seemed to echo for long minutes, he erupted, filling his mate with his seed.

Sholto heard Uist reach his peak and cried out as wet heat filled him. It triggered his own cataclysmic climax. Wailing Uist's name he came hard, vision greying, pleasure firing through every cell and synapse to leave him completely drained and fully satiated. He murmured wordlessly as Uist's tongue began to lick him clean, the purring man replacing the purring beast.

Sholto felt himself be lifted and buried his head into Uist's shoulder, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"I love you, Sholto," Uist said softly.

"Love you," Sholto whispered. He gave a groan burying his head deeper as he heard a familiar voice speak.

"Your sibling and I will wait for you outside, my son. I want to be sure of Theophilus' health before we do anything further." Willis' voice held a trace of amusement as he and Steffen left the mated pair.

"They have gone," Uist said, restrained laughter colouring his voice, as he lowered a crimson-cheeked Sholto to the floor.

"So much for them *not* seeing me buck naked," the younger man growled, pulling on the carefully removed clothing. He glowered at his snickering mate, which only resulted in a full laugh. Unable to remain either indignant or angry in the face of Uist's obvious joy, Sholto joined in the laughter.

Willis and Steffen were waiting as they promised. They ruffled Sholto's hair playfully and rubbed their cheeks against his before doing the same with Uist.

"Marcellous will not harm any of mine again," Willis said, his deep voice resonating with satisfaction.

"Our blood is avenged," Steffen said, nodding.

"It is as it should be," Uist confirmed, holding tightly to his mate.



Rayner lay in lush foliage, relishing not just the perfect level of heat and the scent of the exotic flowers surrounding him, but the talented mouth that worked his erection. His hand stroked Tristam's hair as his husband made love to him with lips and hands. A talented tongue slid up and down his length, swirling slowly over the head. He felt Tristam drink down his salty elixir as drop after drop was teased from the tiny slit. His husband's hand cupped his sac, tenderly rolling the precious orbs within which ached for release. He cried softly as Tristam brought him to the edge over and over. Finally he tugged on the shaggy mane.

"Be inside me," he begged.

Tristam moved to mate their mouths, letting his lithe lover taste himself. He moved lower to suck and nip at chocolate nipples haloed with coffee areolae as he reached into the oil he had ready nearby. As his tongue moved in abstract patterns over his mate's smooth, honey-tinted skin, Tristam's finger sought the tiny entrance hidden in the downy declivity of the beloved body. Rayner's pleasured sounds increased as Tristam slid a lone digit inside, a second finger joined the first, and his mate's hidden jewel was caressed again and again until once more Rayner was panting and pleading.

"Ride me," Tristam husked, as he withdrew his fingers from molten depths. He lay back, watching avidly as his mate straddled him. Gentle fingers coated his aching length with oil, reaching to massage his sac, heavy with its unspent need.

Rising up, Rayner positioned Tristam's hard flesh at his prepared portal and shimmied to push the engorged head past the initial defences of his own body. Slowly he eased down, his internal muscles clenching and releasing to deeper and deeper guttural groans from his husband. Finally he was fully impaled and he gazed down, adoration in his deep brown eyes. He smiled as Tristam caressed his abdomen. It was not his time yet, but very soon; Tristam's paternal instincts were as strong as those of Uist and, if Rayner were honest, he wanted to carry his husband's child. He slowly undulated and rotated his hips, giving a soft laugh as Tristam groaned again.

"Imp," Tristam growled. He smiled at the gasp from his lover as he stroked and squeezed the elegant erection as it bobbed gracefully in time with Rayner's motions. "I love you," he added, flicking his thumb over the head of the engorged flesh in just the way he knew would drive Rayner wild. It was his mate's turn to groan as he partnered the movement with an upward snap of his hips.

Rayner shifted slightly, a pleased cry escaping his kiss-swollen lips as his mate's shaft rubbed him perfectly. The time for teasing was past. He began to move faster, lifting and lowering higher and harder to increasingly harsh breathing from them both. He threw his head back enjoying the feeling of fullness, the stimulation to his sweet spot, the touch of his mate's hand, as well as of his mind. It was perfection. Multicoloured supernovae detonated behind his closed eyes, heat and need radiated from his groin and with a cry of Tristam's name, his release jetted over his lover's fur-dusted chest.

Tristam could feel in his mind, body and heart that his lover was reaching his climax. He hitched his hips, wanting, needing to be as deep inside as he could get. He cried out Rayner's name at almost the same second as Rayner climaxed, his cream filling the clenching sheath that enveloped his pulsating shaft. He caught his lover as Rayner slumped forward and for long minutes the lovers simply basked in the languorous afterglow.

Eventually they arose gracefully and wrapped the sarongs on which they had lain back around their hips. Each with an arm around the other, they ambled slowly into a large clearing filled with a wide assortment of people. They smiled as they looked at their family. Jameson and Aurora were sitting with Xavier's parents and Uist's sire and they went to join them.

"Is it true we no longer have to fear Marcellous?" Aurora asked. She had feared the Dregan would in some way try to reclaim the blond she considered her son.

"It is true," Willis purred. "He died at my hand and his body was sucked out into space. It is fitting there will be no place of rest for him."

Tristam cast a quick glance at Uist who sat nearby, clearly listening to the conversation. He saw the other man's head nod and then their eyes met. Tristam was the only other who knew that Willis had actually thrown the still-living Dregan through the space doors before Steffen had shut them. No one, other than Jameson, of those present knew Marcellous had been the Sheik, and nobody ever would. Marcellous' ship had been destroyed. It would simply be as though the older man had vanished. By Dregan law after one year and a day, if Marcellous did not make a return, his estate would be shared amongst his sons. Tristam knew Theophilus had wanted no part of the wealth, but was instead persuaded to use his portion to benefit those whom Marcellous would have preyed upon and to create additional scholarships for talented Dregans to both Phixian and PrideHomer universities.

Theophilus and Xavier came into view. The blond's hair was still wet from swimming with the reptilian and he looked radiant. At the sight of the gathered group, Theophilus gave a cry of surprise and delight. They had chosen to spend time on PrideHome to recuperate, but Xavier had made no mention of his own family arriving, or of the presence of Jameson and Aurora. He was swept into loving embraces, his still-flat stomach tenderly caressed by all.

"It is a wonderful surprise to have you all here," Theophilus said, his smile incandescent. He settled himself with Rayner and Sholto as the others watched Steffen play Xavier's younger brother Yve at a Phixian game of logic and strategy.

Tristam was engrossed by the game and vaguely aware that Rayner, Sholto and Theophilus had moved away from the main group. He could feel his husband's joy filtering in and out of his mind and he smiled contentedly. Within the next couple of weeks Xavier would implant an artificial womb into Sholto. As soon as it was certain it had taken, he would then fuse cells from the couple to create their child. Then it would be Rayner's and his turn. He was already eagerly anticipating the pregnancies. He became more and more involved in the duel between PrideHomer and Phixian, watching as despite Steffen's best efforts he was beaten soundly.

Steffen looked up with a growl which, as he looked at Tristam, became a snicker. At his side Yve tried to be polite, but at Theophilus' musical laugh and Sholto and Rayner's more baritone mirth, he too joined in. As other voices were added, Tristam reached upwards, finally feeling ... something. His hand encountered the crown of flowers that had been delicately placed.

With an expert pounce, he captured his mate, who was almost helpless with laughter. Although he expected to be tackled by Theophilus and Sholto he found Steffen and Yve adding to the melee.

"I yield," he laughed, as he was easily rolled and pinned to the ground. He looked up at those above him, smiling affectionately. Four very divergent worlds and peoples were linked by one beautiful blond. He caressed Theophilus' joyful face before doing the same to Sholto and then pulling Rayner down for a long kiss. He was aware of the mixture of sighs and snickers from those around him and he let it wash over him. The love they all shared was almost palpable at that moment. He gazed up into Rayner's eyes and saw the depth of emotion they held. He sighed his bliss; he had the love of his mate and his family. What else did a man need?

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circleofcandlescircleofcandles6 months ago

Love mpreg, and you did it so romantically! Please never stop writing! <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
WOW !!!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Yes talk about perfect way of showing the growth of a son from his past with his father.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
It always gets better

I can't believe it!!!! Every time I think that you've outdone yourself, you make it better. I can't wait for more on these couples. I want to learn how they grow and change with the pregnancies and the birth of the children. I am eagerly awaiting more.

alecspetalecspetover 15 years ago
So good, but a little sad...

This is such a good series and I'm so happy to see that you continued it, but I'm sad now as well. With the pregnancies, does that mean there won't be anymore stories? I hope not. The other comment sounded good, lets meet their children, please?

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