Silver Moon: A Change Ch. 08


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She mock growled at him. "Not stinkers, beasties." She pulled her dress and panties off as the boys pulled their shirts, shorts and underpants off and then they changed. All three of them growled at him and pretended to attack him.

Dan fell on his butt and grinned before sobering. "In this world I said female wolves can have pups. I don't know if you can but it is possible. Giani told me that she was a pup from when she had been born." He hugged her and then rolled her over and stroked her chest and belly. I truly hope that those of you from my first pack can have pups as well."

All of his first pack looked shocked when he called the pups over and they changed. The fact that they stripped down didn't bother them since they were used to casual nudity but the fact they had changed did. They had never seen a wolf pup before and all of them froze before a sort of protective and possessive growl rolled out. From the female wolves it was almost a hard demanding desire to have pups. From the males it was feeling the loss of the pups that their mates couldn't carry to term.

"Stop. I am not going to have to deal with this from you. My new pack takes very good care of them and I respect the protectiveness but you will not growl at my pack that way. Well my new pack." Dan looked down and realized that Giani wasn't there and noticed she had scampered over to Ben and attacked his ankle as she had done to Dan.

Ben jerked his leg away and growled at her. "Mine and my mate might frown on having teeth marks in my ankle." It didn't keep him from snickering and or appreciating the amusement values of the baby wolf attacking him. He scooped her up and gently grabbed her muzzle to keep her from biting him again. "Hasn't anyone talked to you about biting people?"

Julia stepped forward when he grasped her muzzle and started trembling. "Please don't hurt my cub sir. Please." She knew that Dan wouldn't hurt any of them but they knew nothing of his old pack other than a few stories he had told them.

Ben looked at her and his face relaxed. "Never would I do that. So you are her mother? You have a darling little pup." He walked over and looked Julia. "You should be very proud of her and here she is though if he attacks my ankle again I might spank her." Ben handed her over and watched her change.

She shifted and grumbled. "No spanking, tickly fingers is our punishment darn it." She glowered at Ben when she said it and darn it she looked so adorable. "My alpha has decreed tickly fingers is a fitting punishment for some of our breaking the rules."

Ben looked at Dan and had to shake his head since that was one of the punishments he had dealt out to his kids. "Boss I am going to abide by your rules." He looked back at her. "This time you are going to deal with your parent. Next time I will tickle you till you can't breathe."

Giani looked at her mother and then Ben. "He is as silly as our Alpha." She giggled when she said that. "First you would have to catch me Mr. Meanie wolf." Julie rolled her eyes at her daughter.

"What am I going to do with you little one? You are going to get in trouble kiddo." She bowed slightly at Ben and moved back into her pack.

Dan talked for a few more minutes. "There is just so much to talk about and I am going to have to talk to Alysson, she is the clan leader of the Silver Kitsune Clan, about a room or two where we can have some talks so I can give you more information. I am also going to see about transferring some of my memories to my original pack and go from there. Right now I am not even going to discuss trying to merge both my packs. There just is too much else going on." He sighed slightly and looked around. "Let's go to lunch and find somewhere to settle you in. With my new pack pups 13 or so and under sleep in the same room and over 13 are separated. I do not expect this from my old packs children though if they would like to do a sleep over or two that would be fine with parental permission."

As a number of Kitsunes came out one approached Dan. "Lord Danilo I am Gettie, Mari's assistant. If you will follow me I will show you to where Geoff and Mari are going to be sitting and if you want to invite your three top officers from both packs please do." She looked up at Dan and smiled. He wasn't as large as some of the wolves she had seen occasionally but something drew her eye and almost had to wonder if he might be interested in a bit of fun.

Dan turned and looked at the woman and mentally rolled his eyes. He could see a hint of lust in her eyes and wondered if all Kitsunes rather liked wolves. If so it was a good thing there were so many Kitsunes or they might be in trouble. "Ah, pleased to meet you Gettie and please just call me Dan. I am not a lord anything that I know of and being called Alpha makes me look over my shoulder to my previous Alpha." He gave her a warm smile and nodded towards the house. "Lead on and my mains will be here shortly." Dan sent a call out to his top three of both packs. He also send a command out to both packs in general. *Food is being served, they have good food and no pushing or shoving. Other than the top pack members it is first come first serve or I will challenge you.* That was a common threat but still taken seriously.

The rest of the day went decently though there were a few fits and starts. By the time dinner rolled around Dan was feeling sort of beat since he had been running around putting out small fires. Adding another 40 or so wolves and mates not to mention children had stretched what they had available. Some of the single pack members had been doubled up and a few of the older kids had offered to spend the next night or two in the pups rooms. They were as fascinated by the pups changing as anyone else.

One thing that had amused Dan was Giani had struck up a sort of friendship with a slightly older girl who was rather shy. It had been as simple as her wiggling her way over and plopping down on her lap on her back and begging for a good tummy rub.

Dan had met with Alysson after dinner once most of the problems had been sort of resolved. He flopped in one of the comfortable chairs in her office. "I am so sorry for what happened between Ben and Sheliae. I know this is going to make it sort of interesting for you but..." He leaned back and groaned. "God this is so screwed up and I never expected this. What the hell am I going to do with two packs? I don't have anywhere to put my old pack and trying to integrate them with the new pack is going to be difficult."

Alysson sort of grumbled at him. "Damn it, now I have to figure out what to do with Geoff and his continued training. We have never had anything like this happen before. Usually the trainer is either mated or remained mateless till after the training is over. God, what am I going to do?" That wasn't even mentioning that Sheliae had taken Gettie under her wing to teach her how to be as good an assistant to Mari as possible.


Two days after Dan's old pack arrived Alysson had scheduled a dinner with the Alpha's that reported to her. The spirits had told her to do this and that it would be a good thing. They hadn't really said much else to her since that was their habit. The spirits had come to her in a dream and when she had awoken she knew what she needed to do. One major thing was she needed to tie Dan to her in ways other than his submissive mating with her son. Why she wasn't sure but he was a force of major changes and if she didn't it could be bad for her clan.

Dan was staring at Alysson and started to growl. She had invited her local Alpha's there and he was pissed. She should have told him that she had invited him and especially with his pack there. Well both packs. He didn't know what she was thinking but he had enough problems of his own integrating his two packs.

As he was sitting at the table he snarled at the five Alpha's at the other table and damn it but he wanted to take them down. The worst part was Ben could take them down and Dan was tempted to do that. "Alysson, I do not appreciate this. You should have told me you were doing this." Definite growl.

She simply smiled. "The spirits told me to do this and I think you will approve. One thing I have to say is let Ben deal with any challenges and...", she flashed her eyes towards one of the Alpha's, "Take him out. I really don't like him and you won't either. He is close to the Alpha you took out when you took over the pack. He is an evil bastard."

He looked at him and growled when he noticed him looking at Mary. "Fuck me, I will help you but I am going to tell you if I have Ben take him out he is going to be the new leader of the packs in the area. He is much like I am though nicer." Dan nodded at Ben and then back at Alysson. "Don't ever do this to me again or you will regret it. I don't like being manipulated."

Jon growled at him. "Don't yell at my wife. I don't care if you are an Alpha or not. She is my wife and you are going to be respectful. If she calls in her packs then you will deal with it." Granted Dan could probably pull him apart but he was as protective of his wife as any mate would be.

Dan growled at him before turning away. He stalked back to the table that had Ben as well as Felanzi and Saul at it. Ben's new mate was seated there as well and damn it but Dan was going to miss her. He hadn't mentioned to Ben that they had been lovers several times while she was at the mansion. They had completely enjoyed each other but only in the physical sense. "Ben you are going to be in a few fights this evening. It was requested if you take out the Alpha of the Scalia pack. I really haven't had a chance to tell you what my new pack was like when I took over but I will say that Mari was raped any number of times and that is what this alpha is like."

Ben started growling since like Dan they had been raised by the former alpha of the packs and that was not allowed. "Done and what does this really mean for me?"

"It means that you are going to become the Alpha for the pack and the lead alpha of these packs and I am going to be your lead Alpha still." God Alysson is going to be in for some changes. "I will talk to you later about it. Just kill him and kick the other's asses. We are much larger than they are in wolf form so I would save that for later if possible."


The meal was brought to order by Alysson as she lightly tapped a knife against a glass of champagne. "Thank you all for coming at such short notice but we have a new pack in town and I wanted to introduce you to them. They had contemplated it and decided that they were going to be a single pack for the evening and the majority of women and all the kids were elsewhere. The men in the room were some of the best fighters.

One of the alpha's, the one she previously pointed out, stood up and growled deeply. "What bullshit is this bringing a new pack into our territory without telling us beforehand?"

She didn't even think twice and her eyes blazed blue with power. "These are my clan lands and you have been allowed to reside on them with our permission." When she spoke it was similar Dan's but felt different. "Sit down now and we will deal with this my way, the clan way."

Dan could see the strain the Alpha was under as he was slowly forced back into his seat. He had to raise an eyebrow and he was impressed with her strength since she seemed to be barely straining. "Now as I was saying one of the leaders became a mate with my son's advisor. She can't leave so the pack is going to stay here on land I own that isn't near another territory. Yes I know that when a new pack moves in there are dominance fights and they will be carried after the meal. It will establish the ranks as has become tradition." She smiled and looked around. "Time to eat."

Servers started coming out with trays of food and pitchers of drinks. Dan had to raise an eyebrow since all of the Alpha's and Beta's were on their best behavior. Chances were it was her show of power. Dan leaned towards Ben slightly and whispered. "Remind me not to piss her off."

Ben shook his head and Sheliae laughed. "She has been wanting to take him down for long time but he is right on the edge of our territory and that gives him an easy way out. All he has to do is withdraw and she can no longer touch him.

Eventually the meal was over and everyone stood. "Now let the games begin. The challenge circle is ready and waiting." She moved towards the back door in the formal dining room and out onto the patio. The rest of his pack was lined up as usual and he had to grin at the other alpha's reaction. Between his old pack and his new pack there were over 60 people not including pups or children. One thing they did was to place the women and children in the center of a protective circle.

Dan stepped in front of his pack with both Beta's on either side of him. The other Alpha's and Beta's were on the other side of the ring. Allysson was on a small platform at the edge of the ring and looked between the two of groups of wolves and smiled brightly. "It is going to sound bad but watching these fights always gets me excited." She grinned at her husband and he mentally rolled his eyes but she as yukking it up. "From this pack, the Cascadia pack Ben Johnson is going to be fighting to see what position he will earn. We are going to be starting top down if that will work."

If Ben could take out the strongest that would automatically give him authority in all other fights. He stepped forward and looked up at Alysson to see how the fight was going to be handled. As far as the other wolf he pretended to ignore him and she waited for the other one to come out. He looked like he was pretty big but again had some extra fat on him.

"The fight is in human form till one surrenders or is killed. Immediate submission is not allowed. At my decision you might be allowed to change forms and if so I will mentally tell you. You may begin."

As she was talking Ben stripped down since all dominance fights were in the nude since if you changed tearing the cloths off could cause a loss. Ben was taller than Dan but not quite as heavy with muscle. When he moved it was with an easy grace and he had a large grin on his face. He looked at the other man and he wasn't impressed. He was laughing with one of the others and then stalked forward. It was almost a strut.

Ben grinned even wider and did a sort of skip forward that was almost faster than they eye could see. He settled for an insulting strike and nailed him on the bridge of his nose and smiled when the man flew back. "I think one of the pups could fight harder than you do. You didn't even try to block that. Come on big boy."

The other man was having trouble seeing with the blood flowing from his crushed nose and he bellowed and lunged forward. He was faster on his feet than he looked and almost managed to grab his arm and ripped a chunk of tissue off.

Ben felt the pain and growled as he let the momentum pivot him and he smashed his fist into his ribs and backed off. He was, much like Dan, making a point though he wasn't going to take it to long but he was making the point he could tear him apart.

A minute or two later they heard Alysson in their mind. *Change.* Ben was already lunging as he changed and nailed the other in the throat and he was snarling. When he changed the Alpha's gasped. Ben wasn't as large as Dan but he was a good third larger than the other. *Submit or die.* Ben growled out and his eyes were focused on the others eyes and he could tell that he wasn't going to submit and didn't screw around and ripped his throat out. After making sure he was dead he changed back.

Alysson raised her hand. "Challenge accepted and resolved. Ben has one position in the packs. Now for the rest of the fights, they are going to be in this order..." She waved the next one in. The rest of the fights were over with pretty quickly and Ben was the new senior alpha. "I rule, any complaints?" He was soaked with blood, had at least two broken ribs, a broken finger, and some other injuries. He stared down all the alphas. "We do things slightly differently. Kneel down."

He walked away from the center and over to the Alpha's. "Kneel down now." The power in his voice forced them to their knees. "To create a bond with your Alpha you share some of his blood now drink." He sliced his palm and dribbled some into each of their mouths. As the bonds formed his face hardened. "I am going to make this deadly serious. I am taking over the first alpha's territory and pack. I will be visiting each of your packs over the next few days and we will be discussing some new rules. Go back to your packs. I will be bringing my pack with to check on things and I hope I don't find any reason to remove any of you."

He turned and stalked off over to where Dan was. "I need a shower so if you don't mind." He turned and almost ran Alysson down.

"That was actually the territory I was going to ask you to take over. They are going to need a great deal of help and depending I might send Geoff, Mari, and your mate to evaluate what is needed. That was very intense yet in a way scary. I have never heard of lycan's with powers like yours. It is fascinating yet disturbing. I can see a great deal. Oh, there is a shower in the bath house over there."

Ben grinned slightly at her and walked off towards it. His mate gathered his cloths and with a jaunty swish followed him into. Dan snickered when he heard a click of a lock and when he looked around Jon and Alysson was gone as well. He snickered and wished that he had a friendly lady as well.

Since the senior staff had pretty much left he turned to the collective pack. "Okay ladies and gentleman go about your day but keep out of trouble and try to avoid getting in their way. Make use of the facilities and as with always if you ask and get turned down go with it." He grinned as his new pack and old pack started trying to stare each other down till Giani walked over to Mary and lightly tugged on her and gave her a big smile. "You are like Mari aren't you? I bet you are fun to play with."

He grinned and started to turn away and slowly walked back into the house and yawned. Behind him he could hear some footsteps and figured it just someone else heading in till he was gently bumped. When he looked down he found it was Julia who was smiling up at him. "It feels really nice to have my old pack back in my mind. I hadn't realized how much that hurt."

She wrapped an arm around one of his and leaned against him. "I can't even begin to imagine how that must have felt. I did want to say thank you for everything you have done." Julia gave his arm a good hug. "At some point I have something for you to think about. You don't have to answer right now. When you are feeling lonely and if would like some company I would say yes if you asked." Julia kept her head down as she spoke.

Dan froze for a moment and looked down at her and he had a very startled expression on his face. Other than Mari and Sheliae none of the women had even glanced in his direction as far as he knew. "Um, wow, I don't know quite what to say. I am honored that you might want to spend time with me." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "At the very least we should go and discuss this. I think most of the pack is going to be busy for a while."

She looked up at him and then blinked and almost instantly pink and then looked down. "Sure, I would love to." When he wrapped his arm around her she leaned into him and they walked quietly into the master bedroom and she gasped. "This is bigger than your rooms at home."

"Makes me wonder if we are actually slumming it at home." He turned and sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her close. "I think I would like to definitely say yes if you might be interested." His hands were resting on her hips and he had an expectant smile on his face. Yes he had been with Gettie the night before but this was pack taking care of pack.