Silver Moon: Bk. 02 Ch. 09


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Aka No covered her eyes for a brief moment. *Red do you have any idea just how wrong that looks? It is one thing to chase and play with my tails but to treat yours like they are your babies?* She lifted her head back up and ignored his antics for the moment.

Luna looked around the room with her cool gaze and finally nodded at Dan and Pam. She walked over and gave Pam a smile and a hug. "I would pleased to formally meet you when we have time to talk. Ask Dan how to get to the moon paths and you can visit me there as well." Once she had greeted Pam she wrapped an arm through one of theirs and led them from the room. "Xipil, Geoffrey, Mari, and Maric follow me. I have information I needs give you."

They traded looks but before Xipil followed them out he passed out a few orders including ensuring that the spirit ladies were escorted at all times. "Unless urgent do not disturb us." He turned and walked out of the room with his tails lightly swishing back and forth.

Once they reached Dan and Pam's room all of them had to roll their eyes. Curled up on the bed and or playing were a number of other Kitsune kits from about Amariah's age to what would be an eight year old. Most of them were twins as well. Dan sighed. "I am so getting them a separate room darn it. I am not going to have my time with my mate interfered with." Even though she was already pregnant both of them were more than active when they were together. Dan didn't see any reason that should stop.

Mari snickered at him and leaned against his arm. "But why Danny? They make for good bed warmers and cuddle as well as the pups do." She was most definitely teasing him and it was obvious.

Dan growled at her. "Fine then I will simply ask them to use your bed at night to sleep in." Geoff narrowed his eyes and yipped at Dan which only made Dan laugh. "See what you get for being a sneaky little wolf? Your Alpha gets to find sneaky ways to deal with you."

Pam and Luna snickered at the two of them. Luna came forward and wrapped her arms around Mari and gave her a hug. "Thank you for taking care of our Alpha and I am proud that you were able to overcome your fears and help comfort him. You are most definitely the mate for Geoffrey." She turned and settled down in a chair. "I am going to give you a brief history to explain some of what is going on."

Dan went over to the sideboard and poured her a large drink of whiskey and carried it over to her. "Sorry but we don't have access to Silver Howls Luna but this is an excellent brand of whiskey." Once he handed it to her he settled down with some fortified coffee and waited.

She took a sip and smiled. "Thank you Danilo and this is rather good. Next time you irritate me this would be a good start on the road to forgiveness." When Pam gave him the 'look' Luna snickered. "Don't worry Pamela it was back on his world when he was younger. It seems that some of his fellow wolves bet him he couldn't seduce me. That was an enjoyable chase." Just for good measure she winked at him. "I never did get the child support."

Dan almost instantly turned red and coughed into one hand as Pam amped up 'the look'. "She is joking about the child support. I have been sending a box of Scotch to her every six months as well as her favorite brand of dog bones for the last four decades. I have, well had, the receipts to prove it."

Amariah popped up and handed Dan a small note. Her ears were pricked forward and she was looking very pleased. "Momma said that shes is going to be sending notes and messages to yous by my's poofing."

Dan looked down at the small note and contemplated burning it. Instead he sighed and opened it up and read it and groaned. He handed the note to Luna who took it.

She read it and snickered. "I will have to remember to thank her." She glanced at Pam. "Gin No said she would add two bottles of Silver Howls to the support as well. Oh and for some reason she put down 'More babies Dan?'."

Pam looked at Luna. "So let me guess twins? I have been considering getting him a chastity belt for when I go into heat again. I really don't want to keep popping out twins every couple of years." When Dan dropped his head to the table and groaned she patted his back. "Now that we are done embarrassing my mate what do you need to tell us?"

Luna had to grin slightly when Pam mentioned twins. "Yes and I am very proud of them. Dan's son is making to be a damn fine Alpha one of these days. His daughter is currently debating if the male chasing her is worthy."

Dan sat up and growled. "I will meet this young man before anything happens. I will be bringing silver buckshot just in case." Because they were spirit wolves he had only spent a short amount of time with them. He still loved and valued them a great deal.

The females shared a look before Luna started speaking. "For the nonce just listen to me and what I have to say. I have a great deal of information to give you before I have to return to the moon and my pack. I am going to touch on my place in what has come to be. The reality of it is far more complex and you simply are not capable of understanding beyond what I explain." She took a drink of the whiskey before continuing.

"As you have discovered there are many dimensions that are connected. The easiest way to think of them is to imagine a book. The pages are laid one atop the others and contain parts of a story. Because each page has a different section of the story that page is not the same as the previous. To add to this not all the pages will contain the same story. This would be like reading a book of short stories. In the short stories the pages have one constant, the spine of the book that holds them together." She took another drink and glanced at the glass. "This really is an excellent brand." Several more bottles appeared in front of her.

"As with the short stories each section is covering a different story. As you flip through from front to back the story changes and one story will be connected to another simply because they are part of the book. However the separate stories do not have anything in common except for the binding. In this case the binding is the moon. It is the constant in dimensions that are part of the same story. Due to this I am in a unique position since I can look into all the dimensions that the moon connects together. For the other higher powers within a dimension they can only see clearly what is in their dimension. They might be able at times to see into another dimension but it won't be clearly or for very long."

"I, as mentioned, can see into all the dimensions clearly. Within each dimension where there are wolves I have intimate knowledge of everything the wolves do." She was starting to get pensive as she was talking. "Each time a wolf sings to me I learn more about him or her. Their joy in a new pup, the sadness from the loss of a mate, what their position is in relation to their pack mates. They sing of what they have seen since they last spoke to me and memories of times past. I know the name of every wolf that sings to me till their voice is silenced by death." This was hard for her to speak of since the good didn't always balance the bad for her children.

"Due to this I know the history of all the dimensions I oversee. The reason I am telling you this is because this ability is what drew me into the fight with the Darkness. Generations ago, a good three or four thousand of your years, there was a terrible fight in the dimension Danilo is from. The Darkness invaded from the space between the dimensions. It took its time since evil has great patients. It knows that all mortal life finds it easier to remember the bad over the good. It slowly influences this so that the bad starts to become overwhelming. Once it has inched its way into the heart far enough it can start encouraging doing wrong. It does this by saying that even though an action is bad it will lead to good eventually. This is a slow process and can sometimes take generations to accomplish its goals. One thing the Darkness focuses on is the powerful since they are easier to corrupt in the name of being all powerful."

Pam could see that this was a distressing subject even if Luna was sounding exactly the same as when she started. She stood up and walked over to the small sofa Luna had finally settled in and sat down next to her. Pam didn't say anything and simply settled for wrapping a comforting arm around her.

Luna looked down at the shorter woman and smiled. "And this is why you are growing into a mate worthy of my Alpha." She wrinkled her nose. "Even if he is a grouchy old wolf."

She wrapped an arm around Pam as well and continued. "To make a long story short the Darkness chose Japan, or Nippon in this dimension, as the place to strike. Though other countries have their tails of the supernatural Asia has one of the largest belief systems and listings of supernatural beings of the world. The Darkness found that due to this when the beliefs were combined with the amount of magical power in the region many supernatural had been created. The darkness wanted this power for its own use. Hence the Oni were created. They are the stuff of nightmares and across the board malicious and conniving. The ultimate goal of any Oni is to become one of the great lords and this is accomplished by warped magic, cursed blades in the back, any method possible to advance in the ranks."

Luna gave up on the glass and simply drank from the bottle. She couldn't get drunk but she could get a slight buzz if she allowed it. "Once the darkness had created their 'children' they unleashed them on the world. Most of this battle took place in Asia and lasted for several generations. By the end of the battle the evil had been cast out but a few of their children remained. There simply weren't enough of the light powers left to survive the odds. This is where my abilities came in. The remaining spirit lords came to me for help. They knew that many of my children died in the battle as well. They asked for my help in saving their children and what children of mine were left in their realm of power. When they came and asked for help how could I not provide assistance? Normally the only ones I could connect with or help would be those that had some connection to the moon such as the wolves and the Silver Kitsunes."

One bottle was gone and she opened another. "I set this aside at great personal expense and drew the remaining children I could to my territory and forced the connection shut. I then found another world that would be able to house our children and called on my children of this world to lend me their powers. They gladly came and answered my call and I opened a portal from the Moon to this dimension. Once all were gone I closed the portal and sealed it." She was looking out the window of the room they were in.

Pam leaned a bit more into her. "What was this great cost to you Mistress?" She had a feeling that they needed to know since it had come about during the rescue.

Luna sighed. "This is hurtful to speak of but you have the right. Before the Sundering I was a different Goddess. I was playful, joined my Children in their hunts, spent time with them, and mated with many. When I answered the call for help I was forced to destroy the connection with my remaining children in Japan. They remained behind to hunt down the remaining Oni but to do that their wolves had to be set free of any influence of mine. They became killing machines though they only hunted Oni. When they came upon an enclave of Oni they would essentially go mad and kill everything in the enclave till they burned out or were killed."

Faint tears could be seen shimmering in her eyes. "That is why in Dan's world there are very few Asian werewolves or even werebeasts. The geas to hunt Oni is still present though in many cases they have formed into Demon hunter clans. I still cannot connect to them and lend them my presence in times of need. By doing this it damaged a part of me and caused me to withdraw from the world. My heart had been shattered by what I had been forced to do and I forced my emotions away. I love my children and love listening to them sing of their lives to me. I am too damaged to be able to be that person I was before. Since the Sundering few things have excited me or drawn me to them." She had to smile at Pam. "Your mate was one of them. It had been many years since my loins had stirred with desire for a male but Danilo caused that and for the first time in millennia I freshened and gave birth."

Dan was trying his hardest not to hide somewhere. He could feel the eyes of everyone in the room looking at him at the moment. Thankfully Mari broke that by walking over to Luna and settling down in her lap and curling up. She wrapped her arms around Luna's neck and rested her head on Luna's chest and gave a contented little sigh. "Danny is a wonderful person isn't he? Ignoring the fact that I had his pups even though he had been broken when he arrived he set his pain and agony aside. He kicked our tails till we got tired of it and stood up to face him. It was the ultimate type of love since he did what was needed to make us proud to be real wolves. He took our broken pack and taped it back together till such time as we actually started healing."

Luna wrapped an arm around Mari and had to smile. "It has been a while since I have been comforted by a submissive. I might have to kidnap you occasionally to help me relax." She sighed before she kept talking. "This brings me back to you Danilo. One of your many times great ancestors was one of the original Alpha's that came from my loins. There were a number of original Alphas scattered across the Earth. In your case he grew up and lived in what would eventually become Europe. He died or was killed, I know not which, at some point prior to the Sundering. Before that he had a number of children. You are a direct descent of his but till you had been turned his wolf genes had been asleep within you. This is why it was so easy for you to rise through the ranks and become Alpha at a relatively young age. It is also why it was relatively easy to draw you over here and for the spirits here to act on you. You are steeped in Moon magic and the powers of the Alpha's. You have brought to this world pack magic that hasn't existed since the Sundering."

She was starting to look tired from the talking. "I needs go back to the Darkness, in your world during the Sundering much of the magic of the world was erased or drained. By bringing the remaining supernaturals to this world drained much of what was left. Magic is an odd sort of power. Much of it is created by the beliefs of the mortals. Since Japan had such a detailed group of supernaturals the magic has been slowly replenished. However in the beginning there wasn't enough magic to support many of the stronger supernatural's. Wolves get their powers from the moon as much as anything else. They weren't nearly as impacted as the Kitsunes or the Nekomimi, or even Inukami. Most of those perished in the years after."

"When the others were brought here they brought a great deal of magic which this world was lacking. This is why the supernatural's almost exploded across the planet. They did alter the future of this planet in many ways and not all good but that is part of life." Her face lit up with a muted joy. "If it hadn't Mari wouldn't have Geoff as a mate and Ben wouldn't have Sheliae as a mate, and many others. We had hoped that the Darkness had been sealed away after the Sundering but as with both good and evil it is not possible to keep one but not the other. This fight has been long in coming but with your powers and abilities you can return the Darkness to the void for a time. The source of the Darkness is somewhere on this continent. I will talk to you later." She drifted off to sleep.

Dan moved over to the couch she was on and gave her a sad look. *Mari I am going to carry her to the bed. Go pull the covers back and crawl in please. I think having a submissive holding her while she sleeps would be good for her.* Once Mari had moved Dan picked the Goddess up and carried her over to the bed. *Move little ones for a few moments.* He tucked her in and pulled the covers up. *Okay little ones some of you curl up and comfort her. Even now she loves pups and having you curled up around her will help.*

As he was talking Jose and several of the other pups silently came in and crawled up on the bed and piled around her. *We's take care of her Danny. Go check on sick wolfie and help her.* Amariah looked at him through the tails that were draped across her nose.

"I will in the morning hun. It is late and I am tired as well. Keep her comforted all of you. Sleep well." For tonight he didn't care if the pups and kits were in there.


The next morning once they had awoken Amariah said much the same, Dan had to smile at Amariah when she said that. Amarish hopped down from the table he had been sitting on and changed forms. *I's go with Danny. We's protect she-wolfie together.* His four tails were twitching in synch.

"Pam would you like to go with? I am sure if she sees a female she might be more comfortable." He honestly didn't know what they would need to do to bring her back from the edge. If they could he wasn't sure if it would be the right thing for her. Either way they might have to kill her though with Luna here when she was awake maybe she could help. Dan wasn't going to hold out any hope but he would ask. Once he finished talking Dan shifted and just to be a stinker walked over to Amarish and pinned him with one paw and gave his ears a good bath.

Pam was laughing at the two of them as she changed forms and padded over to them. She got revenge on Dan by giving his closest ear a good tongue bath as well. *So are we going or are you going to stay here and annoy Amarish? Gettie informed me she washed his ears this morning much to his annoyance.*

After one last swipe of his tongue he bumped Pam with his shoulder and went trotting out. *Don't even think about it either of you two stinkers.* He could almost feel Amariah's tail starting to twitch. Once he was out of the room he headed down the hall and snuck up on the pups that were outside the ward looking in. When he was close enough he moved his muzzle next to Gianni's ear and let out a 'woof' and watched her jump.

Gianni turned and growled at him for doing that to her and attacked a paw. Several of the other pups did much the same and Dan went down and started playing with them. Amarish pounced on Dan at that point and gave his other ear a swipe of his tongue. Before he did that he had made sure he had a couple of laps of water so it was nice and wet.

Dan shuddered and growled at Amarish. *Getting a wet willy in wolf form is so wrong you oversized mouse.* He attacked him and nipped at the end of his tails. After several minutes of playing he settled down so he was looking in. Pam settled down next to him and nuzzled him before looking in as well.

The wolf inside was staring at them as if she was totally confused. Both of them could sense her confusion over their actions and it was upsetting her. This was totally outside her experience and since the wolf was in ascendance at the moment she was really confused.

While he was looking into the room Dan's eyes narrowed since there was one of the new little Kitsunes in there. *Get out of that room till otherwise told. It is not safe and I do not want to have to come in and rescue you.* His tone was firm without being overbearing.

The little Kitsune simply flicked his tails at Dan and yawned. *I can gate away if anything happens. I be fine.* There was an air of total unconcern in his tone of voice.