Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 14


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Charlemagne laughed, "Not like Traylar'sune!"

They all laughed and he commented, "No, not like that. If I wanted to do it that way again, I would not waste hours getting her prepared just to slam it in her nether-hole that was a couple of virgins who made a miss-timed mistake."

He got dressed and pulled out the new sword, he held it out to them, "Look at the blade and the color."

Charlemagne commented, "Gray."

He nodded and flipped the grip around to show her the pommel, "The change she did to the handle. As he flipped it around." She could see the stone and what was highlighted. He smiled, "Double crescent moons and Silvertree. From my knowledge of ancient weapons, these are very rare.

I did not even know the Silvertree line had one. A Moon Blade. My first time seeing the blade was at the wedding. Now Gray Blades take on a whole new meaning. Now I just need to spend some time talking with it and finding out what it can do."

Annette, "Like my short sword?"

He looked at her, "Your short sword is telepathic?"

She smiled, "It has powers like mine; watch."

She held out her hand and her short sword flew into her hand through the air. He nodded, "That's why you call her 'Janta'."

She nodded, "You know I cannot do telekinesis but Janta can do that ability."

He thought to his sword, "What name do you go by?"

Karti'Ros, "I am Karti'Ros"

Eldar, "What abilities do you have Karti'Ros?"

Karti'Ros, "A more refined version of what that trinket she has in her hands for one, sheath the weapon and call my name in your mind."

Eldar sheath the sword. Looking at the ladies, "The sword says it has a better version of what your blade has."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros Left hand."

The sword appeared gripped in his left hand. He laid it on the bed.

Eldar, "Karti'Ros right hand."

The weapon was in his right hand.

Charlemagne smiled, "That comes in handy if you're disarmed."

Eldar nodded, "If I need to feign by making them think I have dropped it by mistake."

Eldar, "Will a friendship knot hold you?"

Karti'Ros, "No, and I will attack anyone who picks me up that you have not designated."

Eldar, "Well please add my wives the ability to not die by picking you up."

Karti'Ros, "Noted Charlemagne and Annette are listed as safe to pick up. Nobody but you can wield. As long as you are alive. That protection is gone when you die."

He looked at the ladies "Well, Karti'Ros will kill anyone who is not authorized to pick it up, you both are on the list of those not to kill. However, Karti'Ros won't allow you to wield it. I die and it is a danger to anyone including you."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros how many abilities do you have?"

Karti'Ros, "I have had 12 owners counting you and have 11 abilities."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros list your abilities please."

Karti'Ros, "All Moon Blades are intelligent and telepathic with the wielder and do not count as abilities. Summon to the user's hand, dream warning, telepathic warning, immunity to fire, immunity to mind control, drow bane, orc bane, giant bane, ogre bane, evil dragon bane, and Moon Fire."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros What is Moon Fire?"

Karti'Ros, "Moon Fire causes the sword to glow with a moonlight quality. Good for low light visions. It Burns in a concentrated line across the cutting edge like a branding iron that does not get cold.

The sides of the sword remain cool to the touch. It can be used for cutting through wooden doors, trees but only through 30-inches of thickness at 6-inches in a minute. In addition to burning damage, it can do this damage to the flesh of an opponent. Moon Fire will cut through but won't start a fire unless an accelerant like grease or oil is applied."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros does Moon Fire affect trolls like fire?"

Karti'Ros, "Yes it will stop limbs from growing back and damage regenerating creatures. if used to cut through a limb friend or enemy it will cauterize the wound with it to stop blood loss as well."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros my father added drow."

Karti'Ros, "Yes."

He looked at the ladies as he sheath the sword, "It hates drow, evil dragons, giant, orc, and ogre. Karti'Ros is telepathic with me only. The sword provides immunity to fire and mental control, can be summoned to either hand, and danger warnings telepathically or in dreams if sleeping. The one ability I had never heard of is called Moon Fire; which we will need to go outside to see a demonstration of if you want."

Annette and Charlemagne looked at each other and then nodded. Charlemagne then asked, "What does it mean by hate?"

He smirked, "Karti'Ros will hit the target more easily and do more damage against those targets, my father added Drow. It's an extremely dangerous weapon. This is why the Goddess wanted it in my hands for the upcoming battles. My father is the diplomat and not the warrior."

Eldar sighed, "Knight Champion...I bet they heard that in the royal palace too."

They both laughed, Annette looked at him, "What?"

He chuckled with a heavy sighed, "A bastard impure Wood/Moon Elf married to 2 Half-Elves holding a title like that? A title typically reserved to a High Elf in service to the Queen would normally have. Change does not come overnight. Now I have targets on my back and my front. I see being called into the palace for an audience. My skills in courtly etiquette are next to non-existent."

They headed outside after they were dressed. They heard Eagle-eye and Doc fucking away in the back of one of the wagons.

Eldar looked to Annette, "Before we leave, we unload the small wagon and take it with us for supplies. I have a feeling we will be filing all 4 wagons at least once if not twice in just the first few weeks."

They made it to the woodpile and he found a log that was 24 inches in diameter. He looked at the ladies, "This one will do."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros left hand Moon Fire."

The sword was in his left hand and glowed like the moon with bluish-gray flames on the edge. He set the blade on top of the log and picked it up to show the only area that's burned was where an outer edge touched the surface. He then held the sword on the edge and let it burn through the 24-inch log in four minutes.

One nice clean cut. He looked at the ladies, "Have any of you ever seen anything like that in your travel? I had to ask the sword to describe it and what it could do. The same thing to doors."

Annette started rubbing her arms and she looked spooked, "I never saw anything like it. There were stories of a barbarian King who had a whip that could do something like that. It would whip around an opponent's head and burn all the way through the neck until the head came off when he jerked it back."

Eldar shook his head, "They are called vorpal weapons, extremely rare for a whip but they do not work the same. This burns its way through and a vorpal is near-instantaneous when it occurs. Now a weapon could have a flaming effect and vorpal but it would not work on a tree or doors like this sword is doing.

This is ancient magic that's probably the part of the initial creation of the weapon centuries ago. It contains no steel, only mithril, and adamantium. According to legend, they were created on an Eternal Forge and that forge allowed those 2 metals to combine without the use of steel to act as a binding metal."

Charlemagne started rubbing Annette's arms to warm her up, "This sword is passed from generation to generation?"

Eldar shook his head, "Not exactly, the sword could go generations within a wielder before a new owner attempts to claim the weapon. They are bound by the family to a family line but if the weapon finds you unworthy to wield it, then it will kill you. Claiming it is a risk. Remember her comment about me still being alive.

Eldar, "Karti'Ros does Moon Fire need to be turned off before I sheath you?"

Karti'Ros, "You're not sheathing me. I'm a consciousness that you can benefit from as the owner of the sword. I'm always responding to your wishes so the warnings, the immunity to fire, and mental control are in place through Karti'Ros.

I reside in the moonstone at the end of the sword and imbue those abilities into you. I know your thoughts on this and Moon Fire will turn off if one of your wives picks up the sword or I know you're going to sheath the sword."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros do you know the memories of the previous owners?"

Karti'Ros, "No longer, that ability has been removed from me; when those parts of the spirit were released by the goddess. I have no information other than I'm 10,437 years old. Only 8 active moon blades and half of those are dormant.

As no member of that family has claimed the blade or may not be in possession of the blade. I can sense but am not capable of telling you where they are unless they are close. At one time there were 24 all Moon Elf families except one that was made for the Goldeagle family.

That was destroyed over 9,000 years ago. The judgment of a new wielder is done by the previous owners and by me. As the previous owners' spirits were fragmented by the goddess the judgment was mine alone and will continue to be in the future."

Eldar, "That's the mistake the goddess corrected. Corruption over time by the number of wielders?"

Karti'Ros, "I cannot speak for intent but the results could validate your theory. When you pass on you will replace one of the existing fragments or select one to keep for all time. Each of the existing abilities will be locked in or replaced until the next 11 heirs who can choose to accept the one remaining fragment or replace it."

Eldar, "When I die a piece will be left behind, but the rest of my spirit moves on."

Karti'Ros, "Yes. This is a change in the underlying sword. It will no longer hold your entire spirit, only what it needs."

Eldar, "What happens if the moonstone is destroyed?"

Karti'Ros, "My essence is transferred to the sword and the sword becomes inactive. The sword can be repaired by having the moonstone replaced and my essence will return but the only ability that will be retained is the Moon Fire, summoning, and telepathic abilities.

All other abilities are lost. The house of the new wielder is adopted if and only if the old house has died out. Else disowned by the Gods' direction."

Eldar, "Are any of the 8 in the hands of non-elves?"

Karti'Ros, "I cannot tell you who's hand or what houses have an active Moon Blade, your father may know more."

Eldar, "To be considered a member of the house you have to be named Silvertree and be a birth relation of that house?"

Karti'Ros, "Related by blood and carrying the House Name. This accounts for disowning members and those members being ineligible. A member disowned but still having access to the family name is rare. They could theoretically be judged worthy if they are a blood relation."

Eldar, "Will a Moon Blade allow someone who finds one the knowledge of which house it belongs to so it can be returned to that house?"

Karti'Ros, "No but a Moon Blade can tell which house the found Moon Blade belongs to if the blade is completely inactive then the house has died out could be claimed by a new house. A dead blade is safe to pick up. Only one blade can be assigned to any given house."

Charlemagne looked at Eldar, "You alright?"

He put the sword away, "I'm sorry I just had a conversation with Karti'Ros, it started with how to sheath it after Moon Fire was activated because I wanted to ensure I did not damage the sheath. The goddess changed the nature of the sword in that I was not judged by all of the previous wielders.

Only a fragment of their spirit remains behind; the pieces holding the power. I was judged by Karti'Ros as though I'm the first wielder. This led to a discussion of the difference between Karti'Ros and the sword.

Etiquette is to call Karti'Ros but that's the essence, not the sword. Karti'Ros is always active even when the sword is sheathed so it can send a warning and confer the listed immunities to me. The sword is over 10,000 years old."

Annette smiled, "Sounds like it had a lot to say."

Eldar nodded, "A lot more than that but some things to consider in regards to the Moon Blades that exist; only 8 of them remain. Only 4 are in the hands of Moon Elves who are the Wielders. At least living blades. They can only be wielded by a blood member of that house who still holds the family name.

Your previous husband could have wielded the sword even being disowned because his name was left intact. Some of the ones missing could be in some dragon's horde or the bottom of a mine shaft, no way to know."

Charlemagne looked confused, "Is the knowledge of the others important?"

Eldar looked at her, "I will not know the answer to that question until I find another Moon Blade wielder, a discussion with my father is in order. Let us get back inside and get some sleep; we meet with the priests in the morning."


The effects of the magical blockage on travel and communication had started being noticed by allies and enemies alike. The Silver Dragon Queen went to see one of the priests to get answers as she could not teleport into the Eleven Kingdom or contact anyone she would expect to.

The cleric waved her into his room and blocked all access. "This is not a Dragon Council matter. The Elven Gods have blocked those things for a reason. Bahumt has told us it will return to normal but to treat it as a magical conflux at the moment. The fact that Elven Gods are behind this break is not to be discussed with others beyond yourself."

She looked to ask a question and the dragon she spoke with changed to Bahamut and disappeared. She stood there in shock, "Very well Bahamut."

She went back to the Council of Nine chambers. Half of whom she loathed for their view of the world. "From what we could divine it is some form of Magical conflux affecting only a couple of forms of magic and is believed to be a short-term issue.

This is not unheard of from history. Our Knight assets that I have direct contact with outside of Elven lands are reporting just fine. This seems to be a localized phenomenon over Elven lands. Beyond that, I was told it was not a Council matter at this time from the priest I spoke with."

The Red Dragon did not like the answer, "What about the other draconic gods? What are they telling us?"

She glared at the newest member of the council, "I leave it to those who worship those gods to seek those answers. I will not stoop to ask your Gods that question. I only bring it up because of the Knights which I am required to report upon because of our political structure.

You have the report and that is the end of the matter. Any inquiry you wish to make is your business and not council business as it is not occurring in our lands. Yes, I checked, as have you, that this conflux shows up on our system for monitoring magical abnormalities.

Just like the one in Ok'nar for magical travel only. Yet you have provided no insight into that one and it has existed for close to a century as well. I checked when we looked for other areas where this might be affecting. We wonder if this activity in Ok'nar is causing the issue in Elven lands. Care to comment on that?

Travel and communication are the only 2 magical areas affected in elven-controlled lands where it is noted to be disrupted. We can assume our Gods have it right or we can investigate both locations more thoroughly.

What have your Gods provided from the divination of the theft of 412 billion gold pieces from the Royal vault that coincided with the death of your father? That is Council business and you have yet to provide a report on that. We are going over a century now waiting for that answer!"

The Red Dragon King looked over and did not address Ok'nar, "What have your gods said on the matter?"

She looked across, "What we already reported, this had a hand of one of your Gods was behind it or more than one of them. They are shielding the actors from divining this answer. That we will learn the answer to this question in our own time.

My point is we are more forthcoming in these matters which are not Dragon business than you are with issues that ARE Dragon business. When you provide us a list of actors involved in the theft and return of those funds and the magical gear that was worth 5 times that amount then you can question our motives. Not before. Now, do you care to address Ok'nar?"

The Red Dragon King reared back and flew out of the council meeting in a rage. That sent the crushed black onyx flooring scattering about in his wake. He contacted his father, "Lord, the council provided less than useful information. A conflux is occurring over Elven lands dealing with travel and communication and they do not expect it to last for long.

They are heavily monitoring that area because of this and will be for a while now. Restricting our communication going into that area directly should be considered lord. The block on magical travel has been investigated for it occurring around the world. They have noted the block in Ok'nar. Yet again and tried to question me further on it."

He heard the rumbling of growl, "I will be forced to use our other agents to contact Elven lands for a while once this passes. Let this conflux go. The more you press it the more they will want to investigate this area. Go comms silent with me for now. Travel to me if you have anything else for me in this matter.

We need to mask our activities. At least you have not been a total disappointment, unlike Graxxor. Keep me apprised. You hear anything about this abomination of an elf Eldar Silvertree and I want to hear about it in person. I know those who oversee the Knights will not give you information on members in their ranks but any unusual activity should be reported back immediately!

We are 20-25 years out from launching our military campaign and our infiltration will be completed within the year of all 3 of their Kingdoms. That will bring about the end of the Knights. Then my age of destruction can truly begin." He destroyed the communication crystal to his son.


The Silver Queen was in the control center within seconds of the departure of the Red Dragon. She sighed, "Just a communication to Ok'nar, they have monitoring of the hordes in those areas. Not enough to level an accusation on him ...yet! It went right into the center of the travel restricted magic area and died. That crystal was destroyed." She silently cursed.


They woke up in the morning and Eldar gave both of his wives each a passionate kiss before getting up to get dressed. Eldar looked over as they were being slow to get out of bed, "We have a lot to do today, starting with the Grand Clerics. I want Annette to monitor their surface thoughts as we talk about the prophecy and the lunar event.

Doc will be present. We're going to keep it generic unless Annette squeezes my hand to let me know to give them more detail. If she wants you to admit being the mother then she will squeeze your hand as well. Otherwise, we will keep the details to ourselves."

Charlemagne looked at her sister, "I trust you both that we will do the right thing here."

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