Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 20


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Also, 2 Grand Clerics who I did not know and came with my father. They came because of a prophecy from a previous Grand Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow. The wedding party was not quite right either. All the men with the groom were standing on the bride's side and all the ladies on the groom's side. I spoke with Doc about the change in setup.

That I would ask him to do something that sounded completely crazy but to go with it. He finally agreed. Later some of my vision's details started to form in reality; the additional guests that I predicted arrived. This was a nighttime wedding; I was born under the double crescent moons. I have a double crescent birthmark on the back of my head, and of course the necklace.

The night of the wedding everyone was in the same positions as the vision; I handed that beautiful sword in the sheath to Doc and told him to throw it in the lake. As it flew through the air, I told the wedding party to close their eyes. The sword hit the lake in a blinding flash of light and floated on the water glowing even in the sheath.

A light appeared behind the waterfall and the water parted like curtains and a Lady all in White stepped out. She walked not on the surface of the water but just above the surface. The Lady was the Lady of Dreams. She walked over to the sword and picked it up and told Annette's, Charlemagne, and myself to walk out to her.

I grew up near this fall and I knew the water was several feet deep but I grabbed each of their hands and we walked out onto the surface of the lake like we were stepping in a small puddle. She wanted to talk with us privately for a minute. She put some sort of sphere of white fog. First, she told us we did well in following her directions.

She also asked if we truly loved each other and we told her we did. Then she told me I was the Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian. I tried to argue that last point, as getting your ribs broken by a bear, and again by an ogre does not sound very knightly."

That got some laughs from the crowd. "She said it was very selfless as I protected a group of people by keeping the bear occupied. In the case of the ogre, we pulled them out of the town and away from the human farmers. I gave them time to respond despite my injuries that night. I gave up as there is no arguing with a goddess."

That got a few more laughs. "She told us to return to our guests, we appeared to be gone for mere seconds instead of the minutes we spent talking. She gave me the sword from the surface of the lake and told me to give it to my brother.

When the bubble cleared. We walked back across and I presented the sword to my brother, would you please show them the cleansed sword."

He stood and pulled out the cleansed blade to several shocked and surprised eyes. He ignited it and then sheathed it before sitting back down. "Now before I get into this next part, I want to ask Gatrius'Kar Moon Blade to have a quick discussion on Moon Blades. He is the expert on the subject and it is relevant."

Gatrius stood in front of the stage, "My ancestors built the Moon Blades; 24 in total. The death of the previous wielder adding something to the sword. If someone in the family line attempts to claim the weapons and fails to be found acceptable it kills them. The same thing goes if you try and claim a blade and you are not a part of that family line. My Moon Blade..."

As he pulled it out and over his head. "Has 17 previous wielders and I only know a fraction of those abilities as the blade decides when to reveal a power. All Moon Blades are intelligent, most are long swords. There are 4 active and 4 inactive blades out of the original 24. The rest are either dark or destroyed. Inactive means the family line exists the blade exists but is not in the hands of a wielder."

He stepped back and Eldar looked at the crowd, "The words were the death of the previous owner. The goddess added my father's ability and had HIM give me the blade. Yes, he still lives. She also released the spirits from the blade except for a small piece to maintain the abilities that were added!

When I drew the sword, it judged me and found me worthy to carry the blade. This was not normal in several ways. When she released the spirits, she made the sword unique. The only thing judging me was the spirit of the blade, not the ancestors who came before me. Second, I knew immediately upon asking what all the abilities on the sword, in this case, 11 abilities."

Eldar, "Karti'Ros left-hand Moon Fire."

A few gasped.

Eldar, "Karti'Ros right hand Moon Fire off."

"The goddess modified the grip so it can be used in either hand. Where the moonstone in his sword is open on the end of the hilt mine has been encased; with the Silvertree house symbol on one side and the double crescent on the other.

The goddess then had a few words with the people in attendance. While others she just ripped into. The 2 Grand Clerics and the 2 Grand Master Blade Singers were the focus of her fury. The Lady of Dreams performed my marriage to Charlemagne and Annette; who are both expecting twins. She also performed the wedding for Eagle-eye and Doc. They are also expecting twins.

The clerics were told to take the message back that they wanted reforms done and the sooner the better. Now I would ask you who the Elves' greatest threat is in their destruction, but few if any would say the Elves. She recommends marriage for love. Priests have been given a new spell to help to divine the fact that it is true. The goddess has been working overtime on the low birthrate.

Multi-birth issues, we are up to seven or eight sets of twins with one set of triplets. Sound right Doc?" He nodded. "The ratio of women to men is one and a half to one; worse in the outlying Wood Elf villages where it is 2 to 1. The goddess wants plural marriages restored and outlawing contraception. Elven society will stop using the terms bastard, impure, and abomination when discussing someone's Elven heritage.

They are Elves and Elf-blooded, every child should be made to feel loved regardless of birth circumstances. Elves who have children with Elf-blooded parents produce elven children. Some might think I am saying this because of my birth status and my 2 wives. I had my father, 3 Grand Masters, and 2 Grand Clerics at the wedding.

Now add in that the Goddess had the whole wedding show up in the King's and Queen's bedroom to watch the events unfold." He paused and looked at the Queen who nodded. "The goddess held the Grand Master's feet to the fire for why I did not graduate as a Grand Master. She also appointed a Master Trainer. Every Grand Master should have 2 apprentices and the Master Trainer must train 3.

The Master training ring attaches itself to the Grand Master ring; there is only 1. The Grand Master's ring to the student of his or hers that he finds most deserving. Also, the Master Trainer can graduate any of his students as a Grand Master. The Master Trainer's call. If you heard my introduction, the Master Trainer appointed by the goddess is Master Trainer Yetto.

There is a lot more prophecy stuff but we will be at war within the next 50 years. Sooner if we do not start patrolling the southern borders. The elders of both villages have released the land to us, a new village charter has been issued for the village of Quatarsia. This allowed us to establish the Gray Blades and the first cross-border protection outlined in those treaties is underway.

We have 200 square miles of elven land and 200 square miles of human land covering the only trade route into the dwarven settlements and the fastest routes to both the human and dwarven settlements.

We have efforts underway to reclaim those 200 square miles on the human side of the border as we replant the forest that has been lost in the last 200 years of conflict. As it stands now, we have 40 square miles on each side of the border to include in this new village. I believe Arcane Archers and Battle Mages are scheduled to graduate this term.

We would request early graduation for those wishing to join our company and receive some actual combat experience and in the case of the archers, riding experience on top of that. This is a multi-racial Mercenary company so Quatarsia is expected. The Academy can decide on that suggestion.

I am going to switch topics again back to Moon Blades. I would like your assistance with this Tranosa Dusk Moon if you would. I would like to see Chalius'Vesa, Goldeagle on stage." He waited for him to arrive and Tranosa to step up. "Earlier we talked about death and destroyed Moon Blades.

I know of only one that was destroyed for certain. My sword knew the details of one that was destroyed 9,000 years ago during the war, in combat by a retributive strike. That blade was the one carried by the royal family."

He pulled the one dead long sword from the bag that Tranosa held open for him. "I spoke with the King and Queen about who the best candidate might be too reactive one for the royal family and your name was first on that list.

This is a dead Moon Blade, one without a house, that can be reclaimed. Are you willing to accept responsibility including risking your own life to activate this sword for your family?"

Eldar saw him look back at the Queen who smiled at him. He finally spoke out, "Yes, I am."

Eldar handed him the sword. He looked out at the crowd, "Now my reason for having Tranosa up here is in line with my bear story. Another attack occurred on us when the mercenary group hired to guard our caravan after the Royal Guards stopped at the border. I had watched this group because I did not trust them from day one.

They did a lot of strange activities that caught my attention. Charlemagne and I were on duty on the midnight shift. I went and snuck up in thick grass and trees past the guys that were chatting. I discovered that they were going to attack our group that night. They thought I was Hunter's apprentice. They did not know my true skills.

I warned the others and pointed out the necromancer. I engaged their leader one-on-one. After I took down the leader I went back to the main camp. I helped finish a couple of men still standing with spells as I closed the distance. In this case the chew toy Tranosa 'Strong Arm' Dusk Moon. He stood his ground unarmored with just his sword to keep others safe.

If a Goddess finds me worthy of wielding my family blade. Being Knight Champion for the same kind of action. I have to ask..." As he pulled the bastard sword from the bag and took the bag from him.

"The first and only Dead Moon Blade Bastard Sword I have come across to date. Are you CAPTAIN Dusk Moon willing to accept the duty, responsibility, and the risk of your own life in the process of activating this sword for your family?"

Tranosa glared at Eldar and whispered, "You set me up."

Eldar smiled, "Yes I did, but I had help."

Finally, he bellowed out, "Yes. I will take on this responsibility for my family."

He looked back at the other Blade Singer, "Chalius'Vesa Gold Eagle please ensure your Grand Master knows that I will be stealing you away for a week or two to activate that sword. Keeping my promise to the Queen in this matter."

He smiled at Eldar, "Yes, Grand Master."

Eldar smiled back at him. "Wait just a moment. For anyone doing the math, I left out 5 Blade Master rings. They were pulled from the bodies of this mercenary group we took down. We will be in the Market area for the next 2 days for anyone interested. The Queen wishes to address this assembly."

He gave her a bow and walked out of her way and she called him over, "This is your revised charter increasing the maximum allowed size to 600 as you are supporting 3 kingdoms." He bowed again, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He stepped back and silently cringed as she began to speak, "I know today was a historic, and eye-opening event. I wanted to confirm the fact that I did see these events displayed out before me in my chamber. I also want to discuss these prophecies; kept in secret.

Kept in the dark from even the Palace. Until Eldar came and brought the light and forced them into the open. The goddess was not alone; she represented many. Sehanine Moonbow, Corellon Larethian, Aerdrie Faenya, Erevan Ilesere, Hanali Celanil, Rillifane Rallathil, and Vandria Gilmadrith.

Eldar is a very observant Elf and he picked up on activities that occurred at the wedding that fell under these other Gods' and Goddesses' areas of influence. These wer very significant observations.

It forced the Council of Grand Clerics to reveal to us that all of the listed deities have a prophecy about a preordained Grand Cleric assuming control of each of these churches. Except for Vandria Gilmadrith. A second champion who has yet to be born; this second champion will be Elf-blooded.

Eldar has, with the aid of Cleric Stormcloud of the Lady of Dreams, identified the mothers for all of them. Also, the second champion's mother. I am not going to reveal all of the mothers here; only 2 of them. The mother who started Eldar on this journey is Charlemagne Silvertree, an elf-blooded woman of great resolve and courage.

She is carrying a daughter who will become the Grand Cleric for Sehanine Moonbow. Yes, a female Grand Cleric for her church. The other mother I am going to reveal is the mother of Corellon Larethian preordained Grand Cleric. That mother is me."

That got mixed reactions from the crowd as rumors had been flying since Eldar's last palace visit. "I am with child, one of the sets of twins. Which is the fourth reason I am here today is to announce a royal pregnancy. The first was to bear witness to the events of that night.

The second to see the opportunity being given to the royal family to have a Moon Blade again. Lastly, to discuss the issue with the church's leadership. As the Council of Grand Clerics has kept the royal family in the dark, the royal family is seizing control of the Grand Cleric's archives and records pertaining to any other prophecies.

All of the changes the goddess wanted are in the works. The joint edicts are being printed. Plural marriages, marrying for love, and the loving of all our children and not trying to stigmatize any of them as being inferior to another for any reason.

These are things that will save our race. Listen to Eldar Silvertree's warnings and ideas.

He is the Knight Champion of Corellon Larethian as predicted by the prophecy that brought the 2 Grand Clerics to his wedding.

The Royal family will be overseeing the Council of Grand Clerics, to ensure these changes will happen. Thank you all for coming. Eldar and his companions will be around for a few more hours to answer any question on a one-on-one basis. For those who might have questions."

Eldar bowed as she left and in a break with protocol, she kissed him and her nephew on the forehead before departing the stage.


Gatrius Moon Bow left the Academy grounds following the end of the Queen's speech and went to House Silverbar to see the Patron.

The Patron heard he was back and sighed as the Patron of House Moon Blade walked in, "Last night there were a series of predictions that occurred. I cannot speak for one as I left it to the Patron of House Silver Moon to address contacting her daughter to save her and their family blade. The other 2 predictions I dealt with came to be true.

The first was House Golden Knife no longer exists. The last remaining member was a mass murderer. I was sent to recover several items including another dead Moon Blade which was passed onto the Champion to allocate.

The second dealt with my lover who is now carrying twin sons after last night's lovemaking session. I plan to marry her when the new law for plural marriages goes into effect. Another item that I needed to address today concerns your choice for Silverbar.

The man in question is infertile and the sword would reject him on those grounds only. He still has a younger brother in the Academy, who is a Battle Mage and would be suited to carry the blade if you wish to change it out. Else the one elf you gave us will die during the ceremony if you push forward with him."

The Patron sighed and thought about it. The younger one would not be an adult for another 3 years and would likely bend even easier. The fact of his activity not being exposed led him to believe the Gods might favor his actions. He nodded, "Here is the boy's name and I will inform him of being chosen for the sword."

Gatrius left the Patron and Patron Silverbar thought about how best to indoctrinate the new blade wielder if Eldar succeeded. His spies sent word that House Goldeagle made their choice known at the Academy all hands. Taking out another Bladesinger could be an issue as he was not an adult yet.

Yet another line to cross if he killed a non-adult. If he did it might give too much away and he decided to leave it alone for now. House Silverbar and his daughter were not being pursued or persecuted at the moment by the bastard. He decided to stay focused on him, just in case.


Teresana'Via Silver Moon made it through the first half of the morning when she looked out over the ocean and the winds had picked up. She spent enough time in these lands to know a typhoon was coming. A few hours later and she was in a torrential downpour. She pulled into a cave that had no occupants thankfully and watched the weather.

The seas were throwing waves a good 30 -50 feet high at the shores. A couple of smaller fishing vessels had been smashed to bits along the shore, technically almost a mile inland from the shore. She looked back at the port town and she could not see it through the weather.

She knew well enough that they were getting hammered by the weather and hoped her men were alright. She pulled the crystal to her mother who answered it immediately. The Patron asked, "Is everything alright?"

Teresana sighed, "Mother, I am in a cave watching 30-50 feet high waves crushing a couple of small fishing vessels in the distance. I cannot see much further past that. The weather is too bad. There is a typhoon hitting the area. I have no doubt I would be dead right now if not for that message from the Champion. I have to wait for the weather to clear some before I can travel again.

Probably another day or so, as it is coming down in sheets of water, traveling is at a stop everywhere in this region. I am high enough in elevation and sheltered from the weather at the moment that I am not concerned about flooding. I will make it back. It just might take a day or two longer to get there. As long as the rest of his prediction is in line with the portal access."

She heard her mother as she breathed a sigh of relief. Most likely for the sword than for her. "Alright. I will see you when you get here."

Teresana sighed, "Not for long. When I arrive I will work to get to that ceremony at least. I owe this Champion at least that much for my life."

She heard her Mother groan, "At least it is not the other side of the world." She ended the connection and sighed, "She and the sword will be local for at least a while. She never wanted her daughter to try for the sword. It had been 120 years since the last person tried successfully.

Her daughter felt as a Blade Singer that she had the right temperament. Teresa succeeded but that also limited her marriage options. She had to keep her family name and to some, that was a deal-breaker. The patron played the Blade Singer card with the information on the war and a Champion, even if she did not believe in him at the moment.

Though she was considering the impure champion to be more factual after saving her daughter. It would bring her daughter closer to home and she might be able to work to fix her broken relationship and get her married to a good family finally. 19 years away was long enough.

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bitbucket1bitbucket1about 4 years ago
Too much retelling

Love the story but finding myself skipping the retelling of tales. See,s Eldar wants to tell people what he.s planning hThem do it then tell the story at least 3 or 4 times and it’s getting really repetitive. SA,e for the erotic scene. Giving instructions the doing then talking about it is super repetitive.


But it’s a good storyand good characters so I’ve stuck with it

kyotie913kyotie913about 4 years ago
Great work

Very enjoyable story. Another well written chapter.

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