Sinful Pleasure on a Rainy Night


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"Hey, take it outside," David grumbled, then winked when Gail caught his gaze. She laughed, kissed him on the cheek, and followed Phil toward the door.

"You don't mind?" she asked, wanting to make sure that he was okay if Phil and her took their tickling down a more intimate path. She thought, for a brief moment, how natural it was to be concerned for David's feelings.

"Nah, if you're going to be a regular, then they'll be other times." He winked, took up the now empty spaces of the couch, and settled back into the ballgame and the occasional nap.

They walked hand in hand from the cabin. The cool afternoon air kissed Gail's skin. She felt the heat of the sun, embraced it and sighed with contentment. Phil led her down the steps and toward one of the outbuildings.

"This is rather new, isn't it?" she asked, as their footsteps closed the distance.

"Yeah, David and I built it a couple years ago."

The outbuilding looked to be nothing more than a barn, but once inside Gail was greeted to a small foyer, that led into a hall. She smiled, giving her approval of the use of space. "Is this where the girls come when they visit?"

"Yeah, David wanted them to have their own space."

"Do they know about...?" She let the words hang in the air.

Phil grinned. "Yeah, they tease us both all the time. But I don't think it bothers them overly much. David's really good at keeping their lives and our social lives separate."

"That's good to know."

Phil took her down the hall, showed her Lucy's room, as well as his other daughter Samantha's. Each room had a private bath, and a view overlooking the lake. Once he was satisfied that she'd spent enough time admiring the woodwork, and décor. He took her back to the foyer and opened a door that was opposite the one that led down the hall.

"I'm jumping to conclusions with you Gail, but I think -- after some of your responses from last night, you may enjoy some of the other things David and I do."

Gail felt a tingling in her stomach. "Oh?" she grinned, followed Phil and waited as he pulled out a key and unlocked a door. "What's in here?" she asked and then stepped through while Phil waited just outside of it.

The room was just as finely constructed as the bedrooms had been, but what could have easily been divided into two bedrooms and a large spacious bathroom, was instead an open area that was clear of all furniture and other trappings.

Gail looked around; her eyes grew wide as she took in what was not out in the open. Along one wall was a peg board, and on it were various whips, floggers, canes and other devices that under the wrong hand could do a lot of damage. With the right touch those same tools could inflict so much pleasure. Gail looked at Phil, who still waited just inside the door.

She walked away from him and toward the menacing array of what she assumed were toys for the men and their lady friends. Her hands moved casually over the floggers; a few she caressed, allowing the strips of leather to trail lazily over her fingers.

The whips had tails of varying width and length; she found herself drawn to them as well. She trembled when she rested her hand on a cane. Would that be something she'd want further down the road? When she found herself considering it? She knew that, in time, it would be.

"I saw it in your eyes last night. David did too."

"Saw it?"

"The hunger to be used; it's okay to feel that way and it's perfectly normal. David and I, we have a fondness for this sort of thing." Phil moved into the room, leaving the door open. Gail knew it was for her safety, in case she opted to bail.

She watched him with eyes growing dark with desire. He moved over to a table that had several drawers under it. He opened one, and pulled out a long thin chain. "See those?" he motioned upward. Gail looked up. "We attach this set of chain to the loop up there, and then these handcuffs go around your wrists. You're left dangling a few inches off the ground, or we can lower you so just your toes are touching, or if you want you can stand upright on your own free will."

"I thought this type of play required the giving up of free will," Gail casually mentioned. She closed the distance between her and Phil. "Isn't it?"

Phil smirked. "It is. It's a matter of trusting your partner. Do you think you could trust us Gail?" He ran a finger down her t-shirt and then across her breasts. He pinched each one, before sliding his hand behind her neck and pulling her to him.

Gail opened her mouth, taking his tongue between her lips, and across her teeth. She tasted him, as he drank from her. Her fingers curled into his shirt, and she moaned when his other hand stroked her crotch through the material of her jeans.

Gail pulled away, and eyed what toys she'd seen, and knew there were more, more than she could possibly imagine. "What do you want me to do?"

The smile on Phil's face reminded Gail of a kid on Christmas morning. She covered up her giggle, with her hand and waited for Phil to direct her. "I think first, you'll need to strip for me. We'll go slowly, only do a few things, because quite frankly I don't know if you're ready for the hard core stuff --," he lifted his had to stop her from interrupting him, "really Gail, there is more to this than meets the eye. I'll try out a flogger on you and then another time, when David's here, we'll take it to a different level."

"You know best. Aren't I supposed to call you something?"

Phil waved off the question. "Nah, again all that can be covered later, right now, we're just going to give you a small taste." Phil moved to the corner of the room, where a stool rested alongside a chair. He picked up the stool and sat down on its solid surface. "Go shut the door, come back here and strip for me."

Gail grinned. Her blood was already pumping wildly in her ears. She closed the door, and then turned to face her lover. Phil stared back at her. His demeanor now more than at any other time reminded her of a cop looking back at a criminal. Would he treat her as such, once they became more familiar with each other? She made her way back to him.

There was not a lot of clothing for her to remove. She had put the same jeans and t-shirt on after her and David's morning fuck, and both of them had left the house barefoot, so all she had to do was remove what little clothes she had on. Gail knew however that Phil wanted her to take her time. He wanted her to arouse him.

As Gail slowly began to gyrate in the center of the room, she imagined music playing in the air. Her hips swayed; her fingers danced across her skin. She toyed with the edge of her t-shirt, as well as the band of her jeans. She blushed when a whimper escaped her own parted lips. Her dance and the aroused look coming from Phil heightened her pleasure.

Trimmed and polished nails scraped across her belly as she slowly lifted her shirt, exposing more and more skin. When she felt the air kiss the bottoms of her breasts, she cupped them, allowing the shirt to continue shielding the majority of her bosom. She teased her breasts and nipples. Mashed them together, hissed when her nails scrapped the hard tips. Her tongue lapped at her lips, moistening the soft flesh that seemed to become suddenly dry with desire. Her eyes were heavy laden.

"Take it off." The words were spoken firmly, and with an air of demand.

Gail shuttered at the tone, and did as she'd been instructed. Her t-shirt fell to the floor; her hair draped itself across her chest. Pink nipples protruded between thick curls. She sucked on one of her fingers, and ran it across the right areola. It became tauter.

Her gaze held Phil's as the same finger that had toyed with her nipple ran down her stomach to play with the button of her jeans. It released easily and the zipper gave no signs of hindering her goal. Gail turned away, pushed the denim down her hips, exposed her ass to her lover, and shimmed her way to freedom.

She kicked the material away and let her fingers explore her exposed pussy. Her ministrations were hidden from Phil and his growl of desire made her skin blush. She looked back, saw the need in his eyes; his hands were clenched in fists. She could tell he was restraining the animal that wanted to demand her obedience. A shot of excitement skated through her. Yes, there was little doubt now that she would enjoy this added piece to her already growing sexual puzzle.

"Don't fuck yourself, Gail."

A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips; she turned around and faced her policeman. Her eyes went to his crotch. He'd pulled his dick out, his hand wrapped around the engorged head, causing it to discolor and swell more. "Come here."

Gail went. Her steps were light and unrushed as she walked over to stand in front of Phil. She waited, curious as to what he would ask of her. The thought of sliding to her knees and pleasuring his cock, made her heart thump rapidly. Her cheeks were on fire, and several beads of arousal slipped free of her pussy.

Phil reached out and touched her mound. She shook against his palm. Another finger stroked where the first had slid. Then a third was added to the mix. Each touch was more firm than the last as he petted her sex. When he slipped the first digit into her welcoming, she hissed in pleasure and leaned into the caress.

He rose slightly and cupped the back of her head; he pulled her down several inches. Her breasts swayed. As his fingers dipped in and out of her cunt, his teeth tugged on first one nipple than the other. Gail swayed as he assaulted her body and the purpose of the room invaded her mind.

When she felt her muscles constrict around his fingers, a cry of despair slid past her lips. Her pussy was left abandoned and the promising climax ignored. Her gaze shot to Phil who only looked back at her with an unreadable expression. A frown formed on her lips as she watched him take the chain he'd shown her earlier and slip the cuffed ends around her wrists.

"You cops and your cuffs," she said, and then quieted when Phil refused to acknowledge her humor. Gail swallowed, hoping to ease the nervousness that suddenly appeared deep within her. This was the taste that Phil had told her about. She was there, but not to be heard, her needs, desires, wants, and words were his to control and he would respond only when he wished it. Her cheeks took on another shade of crimson and her pussy released another drop of honey.

Phil attached the chain, and Gail was forced onto the tip of her toes. He left her there. She turned her body, twisting it so she could see what he was doing. He ran his hands across the various supplies that hung on the peg board. Eventually he found a flogger that Gail assumed would suit the purpose of a first lesson. She bit her lower lip; a hint of fear -- fear of the unknown brought a sliver of doubt to her earlier eager self.

When he returned to her side, he gripped her chin and kissed her deep. "If you ever want me to stop, just say -- red."

Gail swallowed, at a loss for words as her gaze sought out the flogger and its long tails. Phil ran the handle down her chest, across her tits and over her stomach; he circled her waist, stalking her like a tiger eager to eat its kill. Gail shuddered as she felt the edge of the tool slide down the crack of her ass, teasing her flesh, an unspoken promise for another time. The loss of the flogger's caress was soon replaced with the first smack against her ass. Gail gasped. The smack had been quick and unexpected.

Another soft blow was delivered, followed by a third, then a forth. The tails whipped around her hips. The strips of the leather sailed heavenly against her rump. Gail hissed and moaned.

Phil turned her slightly, allowing the chain to twist once. He slapped her again, this time the tails whipped against her nipples, leaving small streaks of pink hued flesh. She whimpered with pleasure as another swift assault was made across her pussy.

"Gail, you're so wet," Phil hissed. She moaned as he hit her again and again. His tempo was steady, his swings bordered on the edge of painful, but Gail refused to call red. She wanted to enjoy every lash.

Soon her nipples were red and aching for some sort of caress. When she felt the warm, moist touch of Phil's mouth on her tit, she exploded in pure bliss. He had known she needed him and he had given her relief. His tongue traced her areole, coating it with a balm unlike any other. She thanked him, felt his smile against her breast and expressed her gratitude again when he suckled her other nipple.

The flogger's handle was rubbed against her pussy. A grunt of primal desire purred from her throat when Phil pushed the end into her opening. "Fuck, yes -," she panted.

In and out the tool went. He twisted it; the edges caressed her inner walls. "Oh, fuck," she whispered.

Phil teased her until she was bucking against the make-shift cock. She felt his hand release the cuffs. Her arms dropped around his shoulders. He held her to him and lowered her to the floor. The wood was cool to her heated flesh. Phil spread her legs and settled them on his shoulders.

She was open to him. Her ass lifted high of the floor. Gail understood, and moved so her arms were bent, supporting most of her weight. Phil smiled, took his cock into his hand and pushed it into her welcoming pussy. Gail grasped the rod with her muscles and milked it. Her lover grunted his approval. He pulled out and slammed back in. He pushed deeper each time, until she was thrusting to meet him.

She knew there was more, that Phil had only given her what he'd promised - a taste of what could be. Gail wanted it, she found herself craving it. As he plundered her welcoming sex, she called out to be fucked, harder and harder. Her throat was dry; her lungs ached from lack of oxygen, still she was assaulted by his thick rod.

He called her names, and his words only added to the desire. Gail wanted to rip at her flesh, to expose herself to him in all ways. Her fingers were curled into fists; her knuckles were white.

"Do you want me to cum inside you Gail, you dirty whore, my nasty slut?"

"Oh god, Phil -- yes, oh fuck yes -- please -- oh fuck me please."

She heard the telling sound of Phil's throat signaling his cum would soon erupt from his harden shaft. Gail readied herself, welcoming the heated seed of his cock and finding that she wanted nothing more than to bathe in it.

"Cover me, oh fuck cover me in your cum!" Gail was shocked by her admission, but cried for joy when his dick left her pussy and shots of sticky white fluid coated her pussy and abdomen. Her ass dropped to the floor.

Phil lowered her legs and at the same time, she ran her hands over her cum-covered flesh. She brought the fluid to her mouth and sucked at it hungrily; she turned to her lover and began to wash away the evidence of their mating.

Gail felt Phil's hand in her hair, petting her with his approval. She grinned up at him, licked her lips, and sighed softly.

"I told you Gail, it's in you and it's waiting to be fed properly."

She understood his words, nodded her head and found herself looking forward to another lesson, hoping that the sting of the flogger would be harder than the last. Phil took her hand and walked her through the motions of cleaning up after their lesson. She mentally cataloged what tool he'd used and how he cared for the fine leather. He would expect her to take care of their possessions from time to time.

When the two of them walked back into the cabin, David was talking on the phone. He winked at Gail, who blushed back. She did not miss the unspoken words that were exchanged between the two men. David had been very much aware of what was transpiring between her and Phil. These two men were unlike anything she'd ever imagined - partners -- brothers -- friends. Gail felt blessed to be included in their intimate circle.

~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~

The following morning came and Gail found herself lounging lazily in Phil's bed. The two men had again taken her down paths of sin that she knew would most likely condemn her to Hell, but she didn't care at the moment.

She stretched and groaned, forced herself out of bed, untangled a few curls with her fingers and bounded toward the door. Forgotten was the insecurity of walking around naked. Phil and David obviously enjoyed every inch of her body. They had paid homage to it several times in the past two days, and she had reciprocated the desire to enjoy all they offered.

Silence seemed to greet her when she walked into the kitchen. Her shoulders slumped as she took in the note on the table, and a freshly brewed pot of coffee on the stove. The words were written by David's hand, an open invitation to come up, but to call first, because of the girls. He left his number and Phil's as well as the number to the station, where she could reach them if absolutely necessary. Gail hugged the note to her chest as she poured herself some coffee. She settled down in a chair and sipped at the black gold, her naked body trembled with the thought of what was to come.

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obabyobabyover 11 years ago

Definitely would like to see a sequel. You write very well, with good pacing, and steamy material. And who doesn't love men in (or out of) uniform?

DrewzieDrewzieover 12 years ago

You just warmed up this cold morning for me. I'm hoping you share her next visit with us :-)

FantasySlutFantasySlutover 12 years ago

Excellent Red, just excellent. Very well written. You write as if the person reading your story is involved as well, if that makes any sense. A sequel? :)~

PanamaJaxxxPanamaJaxxxover 12 years ago

Makes you wonder just what might happen on that next trip...

walkingeaglewalkingeagleover 12 years ago
Red, you are an awesome writer!

Your Story is exciting, well written, believable yet vivid!

your words paint an amazingly vivid erotic picture. You made me feel like I was there---Well done!

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