Sinner's Run Ch. 03


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All the stress of the past several days burst past his internal dam. Noah put a hand over his face and cried. He hadn't in a long while, not since the day he'd broken up with...whatever her name had been in high school. He could barely remember now. Everything was wrong.

A pair of meaty, strong arms scooped him up as if he weighed nothing. Larka carried him over to the bed, depositing him with a careful motion on the comforter. She knelt down next to him, placing her paw on his chest. Her fingers scritched against the thin undershirt her wore, blunt claws leaving tingling trails as they went. Larka said nothing, just let him lie there and get it all out of his system.

The two of them were silent for a long time, until Noah was through. He composed himself, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "Thanks," he said.

"It is nothing," Larka said in a gentle voice. Her fingers moved up to brush along his neck and cradle his face. Her paws felt like massive, downy pillows, the rough pads on her hands pleasant to the touch. Noah leaned his face against it, reaching up and putting his own hand on the back of hers. His dwarfed hers, but he didn't mind.

"It's not nothing," Noah said, closing his eyes. "It means a lot."

"Hmm." She sounded bemused. "Evidently the whole of you is enjoying it."

Noah stiffened as he realized what she was talking about. The gentle, insistent touches of Larka's paws had had a physical effect on him. In the middle of the emotionally raw moment he hadn't really registered it, but now that it was past he could feel his half-hard erection pressing against his thigh inside his pants. The bulge in his crotch was unmistakable.

His face burned with embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for," Larka said. Her paw slid down his face, over his neck and rested on his chest. "You are young and male, anything and everything can get such a reaction out of you." Her eyes flicked to his crotch. "And such a reaction it is."

They both watched as Noah continued to harden, the bulge in his pants growing more and more pronounced. Larka's dark eyes scrutinized it as if she couldn't believe it, a hunger growing in them. That in turn only riled Noah up more, until he was at full mast inside his pants, his cock straining against the material. "Well this is embarrassing," he said, trying to defuse the situation.

Larka's heavy paw moved lower to his waist. "Nothing to be embarrassed about," she murmured. Her fingers moved lower, tracing the outline of his bulge.

Noah debated stopping her. He was still in a very emotionally vulnerable state, and didn't know how good of an idea going forward was. But he remembered the feeling of rolling around with Colleen the night before this all had started, her body flexing against his as their skin rasped together. Writhing with her atop him had felt unspeakably good, and he desperately wanted to recapture that feeling.

Plus, the deeply perverse part of him wondered realized he had the unique opportunity to see what an actual video game character looked like without her clothes on. This was uncharted territory, and his curiosity - among other things - was aroused.

So he nudged his hips up into her curious fingers, letting her know what he wanted. Larka made a humming noise in her throat, her paw gripping a little more firmly. Noah reached up and hooked his arms around her neck and shoulders, gently tugging her down onto the bed with him. The mattress groaned as Larka's weight settled against it. "Do this often?" Noah asked.

Larka made that humming noise again as she leaned down over him, letting more of her body rest against his, warmth seeping from her fur into his skin. "Not nearly," she admitted, fingers teasing inside his pants. They moved to the root of his cock, gently teasing around the thick base. "You're hung like a fraskarian," she said. "You're a lucky man."

Noah didn't want to talk about his luck given what had happened over the past few days. He craned his head up, seeking her muzzle with his lips and the warmth of its affection. Larka met him halfway. Her lips were thinner than Colleen's were, but no less soft or inviting. Noah had to crane his head to the side slightly to prevent his nose from scrunching into hers. Once they found a good configuration to meet, the kiss deepend, mouths parting so tongues could slide against one another. Larka had his pants drawn down his thighs, stroking his cock with slow pumps. The pads on her hands provided a wonderful sensation, soft with a slight leathery texture. The warm feeling built more in his chest, filling him with a new sort of soft confidence. "Why am I the only one getting naked here?" he asked.

Larka smiled, then pulled away a little, settling her weight on her knees. She hooked her fingers into her shirt and pulled it up and over her head with one smooth motion. It revealed the expanse of her broad torso, the white tracts of fur even more striking now that more of them were visible. The pure white expanse was broken only by the dark pink nipples at the peak of her heavy, soft tits, each as big as his head. And it wasn't due to implants either - they rose and fell with her breathing in the way that only natural ones could. "You have a look of almost reverence in your eyes," she giggled.

Noah realized his jaw was hanging open and snapped it shut. The porn digital artists drew of Larka had nothing on the sight before him. "How can I not?" he said.

"Flatterer." Larka pushed him back down with a paw. "Lie back."

Noah watched as she shifted sideways along the bed, lying on her belly between his legs. Her upper body rested on his pelvis, his throbbing cock nestled in the soft fur of her chest. Larka dipped her head, planting a kiss on the head before giving it a lathe with her broad, warm tongue. The little lick made Noah squirm. Then, she took hold of his member and slid it into the valley between her breasts. The curious sensation of her soft fur enveloping him made him squirm again, but her weight was pinning his legs.

Larka used her paws to press her tits together, slowly lifting and lowering her upper body with a surprising amount of control. Her dark eyes bored into his as she licked her lips, taking her time with the titjob. The silky fur on her chest tingled like nothing he'd felt before, pleasure blooming through his lower body. He had to fight to stay still, a battle he lost out on fairly quickly. After a time, Noah's heavy pants filled the room, his head spinning between the physical sensation and the immediate, present visual of one of his favorite fictional characters sliding her massive chest up and down around his member. It was kind of a lot to take in.

"You look like a drunkard," Larka murmured. She dipped her head, accenting each downstroke of her tits with a sharp lick of his cockhead with her sandpaper tongue.

"I can't help it," Noah panted. He reached down and stripped off his shirt, freeing his upper body from the feeling of being constrained. Seeking something to do, he put his hands on her shoulders, kneading his fingers into her fur and muscles.

Larka made a crooning noise in the back of her throat. "Enough foreplay," she growled. With a speed that defied belief she took hold of Noah and rolled the pair of them over. They ground together, fur and skin sliding together while they sought to free themselves from the rest of their clothes. A moment later, their pants fell to the foot of the bed in a crumpled heap, leaving the pair of them naked.

Noah found her muzzle in another ferocious kiss. His hands cupped and squeezed Larka's heavy tits, kneading the soft flesh. Larka moaned into his mouth, her tongue sweeping across his teeth before sliding forward to mingle with his own. Noah's pendulous erection rubbed into the fur on her pelvis. He loved the feeling of her thick curves pressing against his body. The knowledge of how much power was beneath the softness of her belly and sides was erotic in a way that he could barely put into words.

She leaned back onto her pillows, opening her body up to him. Her legs spread, revealing the cleft of her pussy. Her fur went all the way to the thick labia, which were swollen and damp with her arousal. One of her paws reached down and spread them wide, showing the inviting warm folds within. "I'm all yours, finyan," she murmured.

Noah took his time, trailing his hands down her body and exploring her with his fingers. He loved the feeling of her fur against his palms, the way her body flexed a little wherever he touched. He dipped his head and kissed her belly, inhaling deep to get as much of her scent as he could. "Is this natural?" he asked.

"I do not use perfumes, if that's what you mean," Larka giggled. "I have no real need."

"No kidding." Noah took another exaggerated sniff. "I can inhale this all day."

"Please tell me that's not all you wish to do."

Noah lined himself up, then slowly pressed forward. He met some resistance at first, adjusted his angle, and pushed forward again. That motion was the one that worked, his cock spreading Larka wide as he went in to the hilt in one go. Larka made a sharp, blissful noise. Noah leaned over her, bracing his weight on his hands by her shoulders. "What do you think?" he breathed.

Her legs hooked around his waist, drawing him in even deeper. Larka licked her lips, her dark eyes glittering with pleasure and need. "I think you'd better fuck me, finyan."

So Noah did just that. He focused on moving his hips in steady, long strokes. Larka settled into the sheets, moaning as he found a steady rhythm that he could keep up indefinitely. Noah's cock plunged inside her slowly, all the way to the root, before he pulled back and repeated the motion, again and again. HIs body knew what it wanted, and Larka was giving it freely. She was warm around him, her slick folds inviting him to thrust a little deeper, linger a little longer before pulling back to slide in again. The broad expanse of her body was a natural cushion for him to rest his weight on, and she didn't seem to mind at all as he buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent deeply.

In response, Larka folded her arms over his shoulders. SHe held him close, stroking down his back with her blunt claws and adding another dimension of sensation to their coupling. Her breath came in deep pants, huffing out in time with the slap of his hips against hers. "That's it," she breathed, clenching her legs around him. "Give it to me. Let it all out..."

The encouragement drilled deep into the core of Noah's being and galvanized him to go harder and faster. The slap of their hips turned into smacks, Noah grunting and growling like an animal as he sought to sate his need. Larka growled in response, drawing him into another deep kiss as her pussy clenched tight around him like a silk vise. Her body tightened all around him, her fingers tensing against his back. "Yes yes yes yes yes," she panted in time with his thrusts.

Noah felt something rub against his pelvis. He slowed down for a moment, looking down at the point where their bodies met. What he felt was Larka's clit, larger than any he'd ever seen before on a human. It was about the size of a cherry, the same rich pink color as the rest of her intimate flesh. "Am I rubbing against you too hard?" he asked.

"Far from it, finyan." Larka sounded out of breath. She reached up to caress his face. "The motion is just right."

Noah nodded, then started slow again. He built back up again quicker this time, until he was slamming into her with force. Larka was a strong woman, and could take it. In fact, the fraskarian seemed to enjoy it, letting out soft barks in synch with their coupling. "Just like that," she moaned, biting her lip to keep her volume down. " that..."

Noah's hair was damp with sweat from exertion as his pleasure built and built. The edge was close, he could feel it. "Close," he panted into her collarbone. "So close..."

"In me," she implored him, squeezing his body tight. "In me in me in me..."

There was no way for Noah to escape her iron bear hug, and even if there was, he didn't want to. Her pussy felt too good, too intense around him for him to hold back. Plus, Larka obviously wanted it, so who was he to deny her what she wanted? He kept going and going without pause, until his vision flashed white and he slammed himself home. His cock spasmed inside Larka, his balls tightening as he emptied his entire load into her pussy. Larka made a soft whining noise at the sensation, her grip on him relaxing a little. Noah let his weight rest atop her, panting into her fur as he spent himself.

They lay there for some time, neither of them saying anything. Noah grew flaccid inside Larka, and slowly slid out of her. His hands lingered on her body, running through her fur and enjoying the feel of it under his fingers. "I needed that," he murmured.

"It is interesting, the way violence and intimacy intersect here," Larka murmured. She ruffled his hair. "The rumors on the outside of what goes on here in the Barracks are not entirely unsubstantiated."

Noah blinked. "Can I have a hint?"

Larka put a finger to her lips. "A woman never tells."


She chuckled, drawing him into her body. She nosed at his face, the flat pad of her nose pleasant against his cheek. "However, I shall not speak of this to anyone else unless you desire me to."

Noah sighed into her chest. "I'm just scared. Chances are we may have to fight each other one day."

"It is an unfortunate fact of the Run," Larka admitted, petting his back. "But know that I will not hold it against you. We fight for our own reasons. In fact..." She tilted his head and looked into his eyes. "With the passion you showed here, I'd be a little insulted if you did not show me the same passion on the battlefield."

"That's...weird," Noah said. "But I can sort of see it, I guess." He made a face. "You'll probably win. I can't shoot for shit."

"As evidenced by today," Larka snickered. "There is an Armory here in the Barracks if you wish to practice. I think it advisable that you do."

Noah nodded. "Thanks, Larka."

"My pleasure." She crooked a finger. "Now, the afternoon is young. Let's enjoy ourselves."

Noah put everything else out of his mind, and did just that.

Later, as he walked down the A hall away from Larka's room, he knew he was going to be sore. But it was a good soreness, born of two more romps with the kindly, voluptuous fraskarian. She'd taken her time, and had indulged several of his fantasies. Turns out she was quite the teacher too.

Noah straightened up, putting a hand on the small of his back. He didn't know what time it was, or even what kind of time schedule they were on. Did they still use twenty-four hour clocks in this world?

As he walked into the Atrium, a shadow detached itself from the wall, making him jump. He hadn't even noticed Experiment 32 leaning against the A hallway entrance, watching him without moving. "Hey," she said. Her voice was flat and emotionless.

"Don't spook me like that," Noah said, putting a hand on his chest to calm his racing heart. His body reacted on instinct, faced with the woman who had filled him with buckshot several hours before. In any other universe he'd be dead - here they got to stand around and have a casual conversation. At this rate my brain will be ready for the Olympics with all the mental gymnastics I've been doing over the past two days.

"You froze out there today," 32 said, appraising him with her cold gaze. "Why?"

The memory of the buckshot tearing into him flashed by before Noah regained his composure. "Why did you not hesitate?" he asked.

"Because I'm here for a reason," she replied, cocking her head. "You act as though you're not."

"That's because I'm not," Noah said. "I have no idea why I'm here, or what I'm supposed to do. Neither do you." He paused, then realized he was once again showing he knew information he shouldn't have. "At least, that's what I've heard."

32's face pinched for a brief moment, the first break in her emotionless mask that he'd seen. "My reasons are my own," she said. "I was just curious." She turned and walked away, boots thudding on the polished floor of the Atrium. "See you out there."

Noah felt like the conversation had given him whiplash. "Y-yeah!" he managed. She vanished down the E hallway, leaving him alone in the Atrium.

From out of another hallway, this one unmarked by any letters, came Nala, dressed back in her casual attire. She shot him a glance, scowled, then picked up her pace across the circular space. "Wait, Nala!" Noah called, hurrying after her.

As soon as he got close to her, the kaldar whirled and punched him right in the stomach. The blow was quick and forceful, driving the air out of his lungs with an almost comical whoosh. Noah doubled over, falling to a knee to keep his balance.

"Don't talk to me," she spat. "Ever. I have too much at stake in this to be bogged down by cowards like you. You better run fast if you ever wind up in my scope, Killer." She knelt down and spoke in his ear, her voice low and dangerous. "Because unlike you, I won't hesitate."

With that, she left, stalking down the hall, tail a-bristle. Noah swallowed past the lump in his throat, taking a moment to suck air back into his lungs. "Message received," he muttered. "Oh, man..."

It had taken him all of a day to draw some battle lines. Larka was a friend. Nala was a foe. 32 was...something, he wasn't sure yet. And there were still others who he wasn't sure about.

"Okay," he said to himself. "Tomorrow's a fresh start. Let's not fuck this up." A moment later, he winced and clutched his stomach. Nala's punch had hurt.

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taco1085taco1085about 5 years ago
love it

love this story, going to get interesting.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I really love this story

The author loves exploring a world and I am loving every single second. Can't wait for more

M_grey555M_grey555about 5 years ago

Hey man good job on the story so far. Keep up the good work. I cant wait to read the next part

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Loving this series, keep it up!

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