Sinner's Run Ch. 13


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Noah's first orgasm came quickly. "You two...better figure out...who's mouth...nnh!" he managed to gasp out.

32 let out a low growl and licked all the way up his shaft to join Fidget at the tip. The double tongue action that followed as both women kissed around his cock sent Noah screaming over the edge. Two months without getting off had left him pent up, and when he came it was like a geyser. 32 and Fidget made sure at least one of them was sucking on the head at all times so they caught every drop.

By the end of it, Noah was a quivering mess on the bed, his breath leaving his mouth in shallow pants. "Timeout," he said, making the hand motion. "Timeout."

"Not a chance." 32's voice was close, and her lips followed a moment later. Noah could taste his own musk on her tongue, but leaned up into the kiss, reaching up to draw her closer. She'd ditched her shirt, her small breasts swelling against his chest. She spoke between kisses and lip bites. "Get - your - shirt - off - now."

"I've got his pants!" Fidget declared, before yanking Noah's shorts and underwear off the rest of the way.

Noah wriggled free from under 32 to grant her request. She shimmied out of her underwear, leaving all three of them fully naked. Noah held open his arms, and both women pounced on him, the three of them tangling up in a pile of limbs. Noah copped a feel of both of their rumps while their hands returned to his cock. They traded kisses between the three of them, the one who wasn't involved in the mouth-to-mouth finding a sweet spot to nibble and suck on. Noah felt a bit like a conquering hero, two beautiful women in his bed stroking his manhood back to life. It was a heady sensation that tickled the lizard part of his brain and made him kiss Fidget a little deeper, squeeze 32's rump a little harder. They responded in kind, and soon Noah was ready to go again.

"So who wants first?" Noah growled.

32 and Fidget shared a glance. Fidget raised an eyebrow. "Rock paper scissors?"

32 arched an eyebrow, then gave Fidget a gentle but firm push to the side. She threw her leg over Noah's hips and straddled his pelvis. "You got him more recently than I did, wait your turn."

"Eh, fair's fair!" Fidget sat on her haunches, looking at the two of them expectantly. "This way I get a show out of it."

"Or you could come over and sit on my face," Noah offered.

Fidget pondered it for a moment, teasing a finger along the edge of her lips. "Mmmmmmm lemme think about it."

Noah's cheeky reply was cut off by 32 shifting her weight and that oh so exquisite warmth of her body enveloping him. Stars popped in his vision for a moment before clearing, revealing the sight of 32's lithe body settling against his. She took all of him in her easily, that tight, slick space rubbing against him in all the best ways. Naked, he could see all of the mechanical bits that jutted out of her body, a reminder of her origins. They made her look like the sexy sci-fi goddess that she was. While he'd been too busy and exhausted to think about masturbating, a late night pique of curiosity had sent him down the porn rabbit hole to see how the Internet had lewded 32. It was quality stuff for sure, but nothing compared to the real thing.

32's hands slid up his chest to hook around his neck. She bent down over him as she found a good rhythm, moving her hips against his without hurry. Each stroke of her cunny made Noah's fingers squeeze her slender back, rocking back and forth with her in the synchronicity of pleasure. They kissed again, a slow one with lots of tongue. She broke away after a few moments, nipping his bottom lip. "I could do this all day," she murmured, emotion shining in her eyes.

"Okay, bored now!" Fidget nudged 32 to the side. "Don't hog his face all to yourself."

32 sat up atop him, letting Fidget nudge her way into the arrangement. The light around him was blotted out by Fidget's lower body looming over his face. Her cunny was thick and slick with arousal, and the scent of it washed over Noah like a heady cloud. He wanted to be buried in that smell, now.

Fidget didn't have any intention of waiting. She ground her hips into his face, and Noah closed his eyes so that there was only sensation. His hands snapped up and latched onto Fidget's plush thighs, holding her against him as he ate her out for all he was worth. He still wasn't that good at it, but figured it was like learning to shoot - he'd just have to practice and get better.

At the moment though, Fidget seemed to be perfectly fine with eagerness taking the place of experience. She cooed under her breath, rotating her pelvis against Noah's face to help him get at all her sweet spots. "That's it, hon..." she moaned.

"C'mere..." 32's voice was soft as a whisper, and even though his hearing was muffled by Fidget's thick thighs, he could hear the soft noises of his partners making out above him. He lashed Fidget's pussy with his tongue, angling his head to get as deep as he could. Fidget squirmed, her moan muffed by the other mouth against her own. "Easy down there, Noah," 32 purred, putting an extra oomph in the next downstroke of her hips. "Can't kiss her right if you eat her too good."

Noah's reply was muffled by a mouthful of Fidget muff. The three of them kept going, grinding against one another as they wrung pleasure from each other. 32 slammed her hips down, peppering the smack of her body against Noah's with growls and squeaks, like she was going feral from the pleasure. Fidget was a quivering mess, her hands splaying on Noah's belly as she braced herself against him. Noah felt her cunny spasm around his tongue, a slick honey-like warmth spilling over his tongue. He drank from her greedily as Fidget rode her climax, her thighs clenching around Noah's head.

"Aaaaand pop goes the weasel," she said in a soft voice. She slid her weight back slowly, allowing Noah to take a deep breath of air he hadn't realized he needed. "If you're that good just flailing around I can't wait to see what you can do when you actually learn," Fidget said, bending over to plant a kiss on Noah's sweaty forehead.

Noah craned his head to kiss her as she pulled away. "We can... practice... whenever..." he said in time with 32's hips meeting his.

Then 32 was on him, using all her weight to pin him to the bed as she fucked him into the mattress. Noah gave as good as he got, hooking his legs around hers and bucking up into her as she slammed down on him. Each thrust went from tip to balls in one go, in and out, and the stars before were nothing compared to the supernovas that he was seeing now. His whole body was on fire, and he felt relieved - it wasn't just the game that had made everything feel so good. It was the people sharing the bed with you that made it all so worth it.

A shudder ran through 32's entire body; Noah felt it. She breathed out through her mouth, a low, shaky, euphoric sound. "That's it." Her hips jerked against Noah. "Let it all go, Noah."

He couldn't stop if he wanted to. A feral noise slipped from his lips as he thrust up into her one last time. His vision swam from the force of his orgasm, and 32 crooned as she felt the rush of warmth between her legs. Noah spasmed in her again and again, holding her close with one arm while holding hands with Fidget with the other. He felt if he didn't, his very soul would become untethered and float off to another plane of existence he'd have to figure a way out of.

It was some time before any of them spoke again. "Okay, next time I'll have what she's having," Fidget said.

32 laughed, brushing a lock of her hair back over her ear. "I think the mattress has been successfully broken in."

She slid off Noah, and he stretched out between her and Fidget like a contented cat. 32 tucked herself into his right flank while Fidget lounged up by his head on the opposite side. "A guy could get used to ending days like this," Noah said.

32 rubbed her fingers through the thin hairs on his chest. "Easy there, stud. If we do this every day none of us will have the energy for anything else."

"But we can totally do this at least once a week!" Fidget said. She ticked off on her fingers, doing some kind of math that only she could comprehend. "Maybe twice, if we carry the two..."

Noah laughed and caressed the both of them affectionately. "Let's save it for special occasions. I don't want either of you to feel pressured to stick with me forever. Who knows - maybe you'll meet some other guy who blows me out of the water."

"Give yourself some credit," 32 mumbled, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest. "I don't want to go anywhere for a while..."

She sagged against him a short time later, the heavy weight of a body in deep sleep. Both Noah and Fidget sat in the stillness for a time, watching her doze. "She's so cute when she sleeps," Fidget said with a big smile on her face.

Noah rubbed 32's back. "I meant it," he said. "You two are here in the real world now. You can live your own lives. You don't have to stay with me for the long-term if you don't want to."

"Noah..." Fidget reached down and tapped his nose with a finger. "We're friends. Friends who happen to screw each other, but still really really really good friends." Her smile stayed kind as she slid off the bed and moved to the light switch. A calm, still darkness enveloped the room as she turned off the lights. "We're not going anywhere." She clambered back into bed, settling herself on his other side. "Definitely not right now. M'sleepy."

Noah felt emotion swell in his chest as she dozed off against his side. He felt as though he'd been given a second chance. His fate in the game could have been very final, and he never would have made it to this place, this moment. It was his friends that had helped him get there, bedfellows that would gladly take a hit or ten for him. If their situations had been reversed, he would've done the same. Now they were out, and they could do whatever they wanted.

As he fell asleep between the two, he had an idea about what he wanted to do for sure.

One Week Later

Strobe camera bulbs flashed as Vivian made her way towards the car. Noah dutifully ignored the one obnoxious asshole who seemed to think he could phase through the window. As if it would get him a better shot than he already had. Noah pinned a grin on his face as Vivian elbowed her way through the throng and hopped into the shotgun seat. "Vultures," she scoffed, rubbing her temples. "Let's go. I need to be away from this for a couple days."

"Have I ever told you how grateful I am for taking the publicity heat off me for the most part?" Noah asked. He steered the car as carefully as he could past the reporters. If he ran over a few toes, it was their fault. "Because I really, really am."

"It has its upsides and downsides," Vivian said. She took off her dark sunglasses to give him a warm smile. "Though I saw someone with TMZ gear among them, which means no doubt they will accuse us of sleeping together by tomorrow."

"Jokes on them, we've been taking care of that well enough!" Fidget piped up from the backseat. 32 made a strangled noise.

Vivian snickered. "My hotel is just up this way," she said, giving directions with points of her finger. "Let me grab my luggage from storage and we can go."

Noah idled on the hotel's front drive while Vivian went to collect her things. The programmer also found the time to change into a blouse and cutoff shorts that showed off her shapely legs. She put her bags in the hatchback's trunk, then climbed back into the shotgun spot. "Right. Let's be off."

They were on the Interstate a short time later, heading north, mighty trees looming over the concrete. It was an overcast day, the sun an off-white disk visible through the thin layer of clouds above. He'd never been this far from his home state before, and found his eyes wandering to the different road signs as the little car chewed up the miles behind them.

"Just a heads up, but you'll be receiving a call from the special investigators soon," Vivian said. She'd put her seat back and put her feet up on the dashboard, balancing a laptop on her thighs. "It seems like some of the scientists made a breakthrough in regards to the how you were put into the game."

32 and Fidget perked up in the backseat. "Really?" Noah asked.

Vivian waved a hand. "Don't ask me to explain it. I'm a programmer, not a theoretical physicist. I got a glimpse of the report they'd put together and it's some heavy stuff. Quantum physics, electromagnetism, some out-there theories about the transfer of matter."

Noah made a face. "They're not looking to...replicate it, are they?"

"I mean, eventually they probably will." Vivian offered him a sympathetic look. "But not right now. And not with you, unless you offer."

"Nooooo thank you."

"I thought so." Vivian looked back over her shoulder. "Nala says hi, by the way."

"Is she gonna be okay with you gone?" Fidget asked.

"I left her plenty of food, and she's discovered the magic of Friends on Netflix. She'll have plenty to occupy her time." Vivian shifted a little, and a little red line on her inner thigh caught Noah's eye. Then he realized there were several, all evenly spaced, and they looked suspiciously like claw marks. His eyebrows about shot off his forehead, but he didn't say anything, just smiled to himself and refocused on the road ahead.

The drive took the rest of the day, the clouds clearing and the sun dipping low towards evening. After a pitstop for fast food - Fidget insisted on trying one of every type of burger - they drove the rest of the way to a small suburban neighborhood. Apartment complexes dotted the street around them, and Noah wound up backtracking several times as they searched for the right one.

"This has to be it," Noah said, pulling into the first spot he saw. "Which apartment did he say it was?"

"E22," Vivian said, stretching her body out after the long car ride.

Apartment E22 was on the second floor of the building, up a set of stairs. The brass number on the door was polished and shiny in the evening sun. Noah, Vivian, 32 and Fidget stood outside for a moment. "Well, go on!" Fidget said, nudging Noah. "Knock!"

Noah did, his knuckles rapping against the door. He took a step back, rocking back on his heels and feeling nervous all of a sudden. It made no sense. He'd just spent the last two months getting shot at inside a video game day after day, had stared oblivion in the face as that reality had crumbled around him. And now he was getting jitters at the thought of meeting someone in real life that he already knew?

It was only natural, he supposed. People could be scary, even ones you knew from a distance. That didn't mean you needed to stay away from them. Connections are important, and life is terribly lonely without them. If his time in Sinner's Run had taught him anything, it was that he didn't want to be without them any longer.

The door opened. A thin, trim guy about his age in a pink tank top and black shorts stood in the entrance. His hair was messy in that intentional way, and he smelled like citrus. As soon as he saw them all, he beamed. "Look what the cat dragged in," he said.

"It took us a minute to find the place," Noah said. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, then offered a hand. "Good to meet you, Garthex."

Garthex took the hand, then pulled Noah into a hug. "Call me Ed, brother. Good to finally meet you."

Noah smiled and hugged back. "You too, man. You too."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story except for the fact that Colleen left the digital world and came into the real world in order to have sex with Noah as a way to get him into the game. If she could already leave the game and appear in the real world then the entire story after that doesn't need to exist.

MulBe039MulBe039over 2 years ago

Very nice story. Well paced and interesting all the way to the end. Enjoyed reading it very much.

Now the kind of erotica one seeks out and/or writes is a matter of personal preference, so I don't mean this as a form of criticism, but merely as a potential inspiration and/or form of fanart:

I think it could be a much better match to have this be a lovestory between Noah and 32.

One could capitalize more on the drama of her coming to terms with her origins and Noah dealing with the new world he finds himself in.

That way, they both have a personal struggle they have to overcome, giving them a very unique shared experience and thus a great opportunity to forge a deep emotional bond.

There is also the fact, that given her origins and backstory, 32 is technically a kissless virgin, and in her current iteration certainly intelligent enough to realize this. Not only on a physical level but also on an emotional level is she a very inexperienced being.

That in combination with a greater focus on the whole philosophical and emotional aspects of Noah and 32s situations would lend themselves very well to get across some very powerful messages in a very approachable format.

Especially if you played more into the 'characters become progressively more self-aware the more they interact with Noah' angle.

You could have a story where both Noah and 32 comes to terms with their humanity from two very different directions, giving rise to the very neat conclusion that the boy who had a life but never looked for answers and the girl who never had a life and looked for answers end up together.

One could make Larka even more of a motherly figure and skip out on her sex-scenes, have Fidget be the bisexual techsavy goof who ends up with Vivienne as she learns how technology works in the real world, and make Garthex single. Swap the gender on Nala and have them get together after the escape from virtual space.

That way there's no need to scrap any of the existing story threads and the protagonist is surrounded by a motherly figure, a sisterly figure, a love interest and an unlikely friendship.

This would require a few additional chapters happening after the escape from virtuality to properly tie up all the plot threads, but would make for a really great opportunity to finish the story with presenting the different views on the nature of reality and the meaning of life/happiness itself held by different characters.

Geromino91Geromino91over 3 years ago

Met up with nala at the hotel room had a reunion a bash and it would end there. but liked this ending too. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I enjoyed your story. I like the characters and I felt it had good pacing. I'm sad that it's over. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Reproductive situation

How about having Noah explain to the women the risk of pregnancy from sexual intercourse? Below is my concise offering of how it might unfold:

"Um, listen to me, girls. You now have human bodies, with functional reproductive systems. At least you already know how sex works, but what you don't know is that every month, you release an egg inside your body. One of two things can happen: either you don't have unprotected sex and the egg goes to waste, followed two weeks later by tissue that had grown inside your uterus - this part here - which comes out as blood and which you'll have to absorb with... pads and tampons. Or, you have unprotected sex and the man's sperm - the white stuff I leave inside you when I come - fertilises the egg and you get pregnant."


"You create a new life. It grows inside you for about nine months before you push it out."

Fidget looks extremely interested.

"Dah, um, Fidget, it's not that easy. It's a strain on your body during the pregnancy, giving birth, as it's called, is very painful and exhausting, and then you have to look after your child until they become self-sufficient in about eighteen years' time."

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