Sissy Sold in Thailand

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Eric leaves for vacation, but he may never return the same.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/03/2023
Created 05/21/2023
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Chapter 1

I really just wanted a vacation away from my ex wife that I was divorcing, from my dead end job, and my annoying ass boss. This trip was supposed to be fun. Site seeing across Thailand, their rich, beautiful locations and religious temples.

The beautiful scenery I had seen after I got off the flight and rode to my resort had vanished into these deep woods. The road is gravel but now it's completely covered dirt. We could all feel the bumps after every wheel hit a hole.

I found myself on the end of a bus, heading to a place where I have absolutely no idea where we are going. I'm the only white guy on this old yellow school bus with over fifteen Asians looking men.

Three Thai men holding weapons. They're filled to the brim with knives, pistols, and automatic rifles.

"Hey!! Hey! I'm not supposed to be here!" I hollered out to the men in camouflage gear. "I'm not part of your country. I'm visiting!" I repeated my case.

One of the Thai men walked to me. "H̄ub pā knạng!!" The man shouted. My face puffed up from his hit. He landed all of his impact. A bruise is surely gonna pop up from this.

I look at the other men ahead of me on the bus. Their faces are confused as well.

They gotta know the language

Rubbing my face with his markings. I thought to myself how I ended up in this predicament.


"Flights emptying for seventy nine." A loud intercom voice echoed. Business men and women emptied out. A lot of old and fat white men also came out sadly, who I had to border with for the ungracious seventeen hour flight.

"The Thai girls are cheap." One of the noisy men exits the plane. I can see the disdain in both Thai men and women's eyes. All knowing the reason for their visit here.

A vacation to fuck all day and night. Nights filled with escorts and days filled with bottles and bottles of alcohol. Most these will passed during the day just to party the next night away.

"I wonder if she's a ladyboy." Another one of these guys who apparently also came here for the same taste as the rest of the lot.

"Ladyboy? Nah that's all woman!" The lousier bellowed out. The disgust from the native women should have been known. The two women, the men just catcalled, both looked astonished that these men have no class for women. One of them actually looked at me as they walked past and she looked so incredibly annoyed at me and the guys.

"I'm not with them." I begin to think, but not actually say it out aloud. I took my bags and followed behind the men. Which the most have gotten the same deal as me to get here in Thailand.

"All.... aboard!!" A Thai man said. Our bus read, "Destined!! Thailand's best four star resort!" The men gathered us inside the bus. Seating us with brochures. I begin to read over mine. "Hey guy, what are you doing, put that shit down." The lousiest man inside the airport sat next to me. "We're here to run shit. We the kings and these people are worthless." He inched closer reaching for the brochure.

"Dude, no man. I'm here for the pool and learning about this great culture." I replied back to him while snatching the brochure back.

"Ok boy! What are you here for you can't be no more than twenty. You're small and dainty like these people." He finally about to get up but before he could his other friend, the one he met at the airport, hops from the backseat nearing me.

"Wait here bro are you causing a scene!" He said laughing over my head.

"Nah Jimmy we have a loser here with us. He doesn't want to partake in our festivities this vacation trip." He stood up. "You see these people outside the window,"

I looked outside the bus windows. Seeing girls flirting and aggressively talking to all the other races. "Yeah, what's your point?"

"You belong with them girls and ladyboys." He looked at me and paused, "because you look just like a little bitch to me." I couldn't stand it any more. I'm not the type to stand up for myself often but this time, I was about to slug this guy head off. The second I stood up though. I realized that he was indeed fatter but also quite taller than me.

"What you gonna do bitch!!" He eyed me up.

I aimed my fist at his throat. Before I could land my punch all up in his tonsils his friend Jimmy grabbed me and lifted me up into a full Nelson. The swings from the fat guy hurt so bad. I didn't realize how small I was compared to them. I was absolutely insignificant in a fight like this.

"Ursuuuuuuptttt!!!!!" The bus stopped and launched us three to Jimmy's seat. While the bus stopped they didn't seem to mind it. They were still attacking my rips and face taking much of the damage.

"Get off her now!" The Thai bus driver yelled. This seems to make the fists stop but not both of the guys laugher. Both rolling over one another.

As the fat guy regains his composure,"You see bitch with that long hair and bony structure. You are basically a ladyboy already." His friend starts laughing again and the fat man begins his insufferable laugh again.

By the time the Thai man got to us they stopped everything they were doing to me.

"Explain? What happened here?" The Thai man said to us, looking and judging our facial expressions.

"Sorry miss, we thought you were offering yourself to us." Jimmy smirked as he sat back down in his seat.

" Yeah sorry miss, won't happen again. We promise." The fat man said.

I stood up and got ready to curse them out. I began to point my fingers at them but the Thai man said, "Sit up front with me guy." At least he knew I was a guy I thought to myself.

We rode up a hill to the resort. Seeing sites of beautiful ficus trees. I sit behind the bus driver and still hear the irritating guys in the back. Both are still laughing about the bus driver calling me a woman.

I mean I am pretty small, five foot four on a good day. My long brunette hair didn't help much either. Gotta get a cut once I get back to the states. I'm still amazed at this resort. It was only for about four hundred dollars to stay for the week. Bad part is these dickheads being here with me all week.

"We're almost here!" The Thai man said enthusiastically, you couldn't tell it but the Thai man seemed so happy to give us details on the trip and the history of the resort. He literally beams from his job.

"Alright guys meet in one hour." The guide said, "We're going to the museums and touring the city. Don't leave unprotected. At least three to a group." He handed us the times he would be giving tours during the vacation trips. He even said if we didn't want to leave there was a bar and pool, everyone could get ourselves into.

I get to my room. Tossing my bags to table. Look around the whole little room. The balcony having a decently view of the pool and trees.

I lay back onto the comfy bed and accidentally took a nap in my clothes.


I awake from nap and see that I have about ten minutes till the guide and everyone else leave for the tour and sites.

"Fuck, fuck, why me?" I randomly put on some of cloths. I reach into the bag and put together a totally disjointed outfit.

I raced down the flight of steps. Every step taking another second off from the tours bus. I get there just in time to get a seat. The bus driver making "tiss tiss" with his hands. Making it look like he has a wrist watch on.

Bus begins and we ride out into the city life of Thailand. The lights and music blaring to us. I was in a trance by the beautiful women outside. I can't believe how cute and petite they look.

I could probably handle one of them myself.

I thought about it before I recognized that the two annoying guys who abused me earlier just jumped out the back of the bus. Opening the door they literally said, "Do Not Open."

"Fuck this tour. We're out of here." The two men laughed as they became totally out of sight and into the lights of the city.

The guys vanished into the distance. Our bus headed us to the museum. We out got excitedly looking around at all the cool statues of Thai cultures.

We gathered around our guide inside the museum. He shows us around this immersive culture world. The paintings, old fashioned art pieces and statues were just so unbelievable.

"This is Remmys." He pointed to a statue of a woman. "She was one of the first kathoey." I looked at her, staring at her amazing body. The curves reach all around her sheet like clothing.

"Notice how she embodies beauty and a petite essence of womanhood. As you can all see, she has what many male have also." I'm still lost in her eyes. I didn't even notice till I looked at what he pointed to.

"She has a penis." I thought to myself, feeling weirded out a bit. I know that there are ladyboys here but didn't know that this was a big part of their culture too.

"She is an amazing part of our long history of kathoey. She helped serve men and women during our history."

He went on and passed the statue. I still look puzzled at the statue of Remmys.

"How can someone so beautiful and sexy have a dick." I thought.

"Hurry up, you're gonna get lost." The Thai man said to me, making me rush to get back with the crew of people.

We look at the amazing history of the museum. I've had lost track of time. One minute we was looking over statues and then the next exiting the building.

"Guys, we're heading to one of Thailand's bars. Alcohol and traditional food will be free of charge for tonight." He pack us inside the bus and headed into the city where most of the tourists seem to be.

As we arrived and enter the building a few women basically charged at us. They didn't care if we were men or women. They all ogled us, touching our clothes and playing with our hair.

"American man?" She asked me a question in her broken dialect.

I nodded my head. She beamed at me. "Oooh business.... Or pleasure!" Her eyes looked hungry.

"Pleasure." I looked around but our Thai guide had fled the scene into the bar getting a table set out. All the other men and women were trying to overcome this seemingly new popularity and get into the bar.

"You like me?" She was wearing a very see through dress. It reveal her tiny figure, perturbing hips, and her bra and underwear very visible at the moment.

I smile, "I don't know? But I guess I try to."

"Yayyy!!" She exclaimed. The people with me looked mad because now they looked like they had to be nice and not push back from these women.

She grabbed my arm, putting hers underneath my own. We quickly walked through the mob of Thais and Americans both holding off each other. Both of them did not want to budge.

"Hi my name is Eric" I replied to both of us at eye level. I thought we would make an amazingly cute couple. Her lips bright red and makeup did to a tee.

I was already wanting to kiss her deeply. I had never had a woman so forceful to me. It's hard to admit this but I kind of love it.

Even though she looked submissive. She seated us where ever she wanted us to at. At first in the stools close to the bartenders. She was asking for drinks in the native language. All I could do was look at her rocking body. For an Asian woman she had nice double D breasts and to boat not a bad butt either. Her see through dress left nothing to the imagination.

"Here!" She smiled and handed me drinks about four little shots of god knows what.

My arm is still under control of her dragging me all over the bar. Now we are seated in a booth. I tried to make small talk even though I was completely hammered.

"Uhhh you're very pretty." I said over the music speakers.

"Thank you." She watched as I tipped back another drink.

"What part of Thailand are you from?" I asked after swallowing the beverage.

"It's good, it's good." She nodded her head, her beautiful matte black hair wave.

I was so mesmerized by her, no one woman had ever taken control in my life. They nudged me to do stuff but never completely in charge. I watched her ass sway hypnotically, my eye socket glued to her as she got more fruity alcohol. She even pulled out Thai Baht and paid for the drinks.

"You happy!" She asked as I snapped back to myself her body in front of me.

"Very!" My blushing face is an apple red. She seated next to me, locking her arms under me once again.

"That's happy makes me." Even the way she mixed up her English was hot to me.

"I got to pee." I was already pretty drunk just from the shots and drinks she brought the first time.

"It's left." She says picking me off the booth seat. Dragging my Elvis dancing legs to the restroom. I somehow mange to stand up and push my body along the restroom walls to a urinal.

I held my head against the wall, unzipping my pants. Letting all of the alcohol go out. It was utterly yellow. "Need more water in my system." I staggered my words to myself out loud. The Thai guys next to me probably think I'm a complete mess.

I did my little dance back out of the restroom after I washed my hands.

"Baby, baby!!" She locked me down again pulling me to the seat. Placing a new beverage to me. I tied to shake my head. She begged for one more as she drained another drink. I didn't want to be rude and I picked it up. The color green drink spinning around with little white stuff in it. I chug it back down. I gave her a little tight hug. We laughed and laughed. I was having the best time of my life. I felt good and she made me feel amazing

"How's your head?" She asks, losing a bit of broken English. She looked at me with a different grin, an acidic smile.

"Hey what's... your name again!" After all of this still haven't gotten her name. "And kind of." I've been hammered before never like this. My head thumped like elephants jumping my head.

"Good good," she looked around looking, she seemed to be looking for a someone.

"You... need.... another..!" I tried to finished my sentence burping midway through it. "Drink! I call for one." I said kindly.

"No, no, no, I'm looking for my handler." She refused to look at me. She seemed to lost interest in me as she quickly observed the room. "There he is."

Handler! Why did she need a handler?" I thought trying wrapped my head around this situation but my head still pounded and my eyes began getting drowsy.

A large Thai man came near us. Standing at six foot four. He had to be one of the tallest men in the bar.

She said something in Thai that couldn't make out. The man looked intrigued and stared at me. His looks could kill, his eyes scrutinized me. I was a piece of me to him to be sold off.

I tied to stand up. " Look I'm Lea..." before I let it out I passed onto the table bumping my head, laying flat on the surface.

"Take him!" The women told him, it was the last thing I heard.

Took me awhile to finish this first chapter in this series. If y'all want more of this over the Sissy College Slut series let me know.

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SissyThessaSissyThessa10 months ago

how is it going? will there be a 2nd part?

SissyThessaSissyThessa10 months ago

how is it going? will there be a 2nd part?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is so exciting!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I guess the moral the story is guys with slender builds and long hair would NOT visit Thailand alone.

LunaTardLunaTardabout 1 year ago

Not very coherent... needs proofing and editing... and direction...

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