Sister Act

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A girls night out while the boys stayed home.
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My sister Jane had invited me (Sarah) to join her in attending an Ann Summers Party -- An evening of fun and games, just for we girls, with the opportunity to view and buy, from a wide range of lingerie and bedroom toys. - hosted by one of her friends. It was only a few minutes walk from Jane's house, so we drove there, where my husband Mike stayed with Jane's husband Tony to entertain themselves for the evening while we walked around to the party. Jane's kids are now both away at university and our twin boys are old enough to take care of themselves for the odd night, so we'd arranged to stay over at their place, to avoid anyone having to stay sober to drive.

It was my first such event, but it proved to be as much fun and as raunchy as Jane had promised, not hindered by the steady flow of prosecco which we all consumed. I didn't buy anything, although I did win are rather cute multi-coloured vibrator as a prize in one of the saucy games that we played, though Jane certainly did: The most fearsome looking dildo on offer, it was black and humongous, I thought it frightening rather than arousing and told her so! To this she tartly replied: "It depends on what you're used to Sis, Tony's a big boy."

It was after eleven before we headed for home and only as we began the walk -- all that fresh air! - did we fully appreciate just how much prosecco we'd consumed; rather than five, it took us almost fifteen laughter filled minutes to stagger our way home. I'd anticipated that Mike and Tony would have gone to bed by then, but when we stumbled into the lounge they were slouched in reclining chairs, each with a beer in his hand and the array of empty bottles strewn about suggested that those were far from their first.

I'd undoubtedly heard the TV when we entered, but one of the boys promptly turned it off as we were tumbling indecorously onto the couch. That, combined with their embarrassed expressions immediately had me thinking: 'They were watching porn'. Looking toward Jane, our eyes met and it was clear that she too had had precisely the same thought; this set us off on yet another round of manic laughter.

When we calmed down, it was Mike who spoke: "We'd expected you back ages ago; we were beginning to wonder if White-Slavers might have carried you both off."

All four of us laughed at that one, though the boys appeared less amused by Jane's reply: "And why pray would we rush back to you two? Good company, loads of booze and an array of toys that could make you two redundant! Even my prissy little sister's bought herself a dildo"

"I did not buy it! And it's nothing like the monster that you've bought; that's the size or a horse's; only a dirty mare like you could hope to accommodate it!"

We were doubled over in inebriated laughter at those quips when Tony interjected: "Ahhhh, but you'd still need us guys; aside from the baby-making, you'd quickly get bored all alone with your vibrators; even if you didn't need our cocks, where's the fun in fucking yourself? You'd soon be looking for a fella to give you a kiss & a cuddle and slip those dildos in for you."

Jane and I exchanged looks but it was me who was quickest to respond; where did I find the temerity? "Well I for one have no desire for any more babies thank you very much; as for the rest, well, there were fifteen or twenty of us at the party and with all those toys to hand, we could've happily pleasured each other without the intervention of any blokes."

Our husband's were flabbergasted, a few seconds silence and then spouting a heap of confused and garbled rubbish; 'can't possibly', 'only lesbians' and 'need a man for that' and more besides, where all mixed in there somewhere.

"Don't be so bloody ridiculous! Just how naive are you two?" - God, I must've been drunk. - "Can you remember back to your school days; those first clumsy kisses when you realised that the girls were so much better at it that you were? That wasn't down to genetics or bloody magic, we girls had spent hours with a more worldly friend, or in my case an elder sister, practising for our first kiss with a 'real' boy; it didn't mean we were bloody lesbians! And that was only the half of it; I'm sure that I'm not the only girl who'd had a her boobs fondled and and yes, even enjoyed a hand inside her panties, long before allowing a boy to even reach first base; no, we can happily get by without men!"

That left the room in total silence and me thinking 'Oh shit', until Jane chipped in with a supportive: "You tell 'em girl!" and I felt able to smile again.

The feeling didn't last, almost together the boys demanded: "In that case, why not show us?" Talk about having your bluff called!

I sat there open mouthed and silent, the colour rising in my cheeks as I replayed my imprudent words; had it not been for Jane I may well have still been sat there now. Casually leaning over, she began to kiss me; on the cheek initially, but Jane soon turned my chin toward her and gravitated to my lips. Those kisses were quite sororal and tender to begin with, but quickly turned more fervent; Jane's lips parted and her probing tongue forced mine apart to match, before darting insistently forward to explore inside my mouth.

Was I comfortable with this? God No! But I was equally reluctant to re-start the debate with our husbands; that I realised was a huge can of worms that I'd opened. My smooching with Jane was perhaps no better and was probably making things worse, but at least it didn't entail eye-contact with my husband.

I was still trying to think of a way out of this hole that I'd dug when Jane's hand settled on my knee and a moment later began sliding up my thigh, her fingernails scratching and pinching at my skin as it slipped higher. There was nothing wrong with my sister's memory! More than twenty years and she still knew exactly how to trip my switch; even with our mouths still entwined, the moan of pleasure it drew from me must have been audible to our husbands.

This perhaps epitomised our lives before marriage; Jane would lead, I blindly followed, seemingly unable to say 'No' and trouble invariably ensued. That's perhaps unfair, we always had a helluva lot of fun on our way to damnation!

Jane broke our kiss during her second traverse of my inner-thigh, thereby making darned sure that the boys could hear my squeals of delight; that'd be just like her, so I doubt that it was a coincidence. This time Jane's hand pressed higher, the hem of my skirt rising with it and as they always had, my thighs parted compliantly before her advance. Visualising the men's positions in my mind, I guessed that must both have been afforded a clear view of Jane's hand between my open thighs as it approached the cotton-clad vee of my panties.

The men remained silent, I could sense them sitting as rigidly as statues, watching our scandalous performance and fearful that their slightest sound or movement might prove the reality-check which curtailed our exhibition? When Jane's fingertips finally arrived at my damp panties they delivered only the briefest and lightest of touches to my crotch; I lifted my hips in response, pressing forward to meet her touch, but in that moment her fingers danced away again -- the teasing Bitch! In my frustration I grabbed Jane by the hair and delivered her of an ardent kiss; the first which I'd instigated and perhaps exactly the reaction that she was hoping her teasing fingers might provoke?

As Jane's hand commenced it's third ascent I scrabbled at the buttons of her blouse -- she wasn't the only one with a memory! - and before she'd reached half-way, my hand was inside her bra, savagely twisting at her left nipple. It was now Jane's turn to squeal in delight and even with our lips still locked I'd no doubt that our husbands heard her clearly enough; even my tongue and gums had reverberated under the force of that scream. A moment later I had to smile; Jane wasn't the only one to generate an intended reaction:

Jane's hand fairly raced up my thigh, slamming into my swollen crotch with a bump, a moment later my pants were dragged aside and two, perhaps even three fingers were roughly jammed into my waiting channel. My fingernails were in that instant biting into Jane's nipple for a second time and our combined outburst might've been audible to the neighbours, never mind our husbands sat in the same room!

I can't speak for Jane, but in that moment I'd forgotten about my husband of almost twenty years and indeed everything those years contained. College, career, marriage and children; all were banished from my mind, I was back in the privacy of our shared bedroom with my kinky sister and the rest of the world could go to hell!

We all but tore each others clothes off, our lips only separating to deliver a kiss or bite to a place and with a force which we still remembered would leave the other squealing with delight; it was as if those intervening years had never happened. That said, when Jane pushed me to the floor and draped her legs over my shoulders there was a moments pause as ours eyes met and locked. The connotation was obvious, but this was certainly not something which we'd done as teenagers, indeed it wasn't something that I'd ever done; as for Jane I couldn't say, but my suspicion was: 'Probably'.

It was however, something which I'd occasionally contemplated, albeit only in the privacy and safety of my solo fantasies. What the hell, if I was ever going to tip the velvet, then Jane was the most likely recipient and now was the obvious moment. Pressing forward between Jane's already slick thighs, I pushed my tongue between her lips and swept it firmly upward across her clitoris, Jane's immediate gasp told me I'd got it just right. It was also the moment in which the men's stoicism finally failed, one of them -- I couldn't tell which -- growled: "Fuck me Sarah... you are one dirty bitch."

I couldn't help but smile: Mike must've eaten me out a hundred times during our marriage and Tony no doubt the same with Jane; that they considered normal and acceptable, but we girls together...

While this was a whole new experience for me, it was hardly rocket science; I'd experienced the good, bad and indifferent of Mike's ministrations and started from there, I stuck to the good and whenever Jane didn't respond how I would myself, I'd probe a little harder, softer or deeper. It must've worked as Jane's first orgasm hit her within seconds, whereafter I worked like a demon to keep it rolling on and on; something that guys never seem able to achieve.

With that in mind I began scrabbling sightlessly on the couch seat beside Jane, the bag hadn't moved far and I soon found and grabbed Jane's newly purchased toy. Jane was so deeply into her climax that she didn't even notice; could she ever have envisaged that I would be the first to use it on her? The boys certainly noticed as was attested by a growled "Jesus Christ, that's the size of a billy club!" and in the instant that I used it to replace my probing left hand, Jane finally noticed it too: A disappointed whimper as my fingers withdrew was promptly followed by a more powerfully screamed "Oh fuck yesssssssss!"

Jane was as taut as a bow-string and released the first in a series of almost bestial howls as her orgasm re-peaked. My tongue, fingers and most especially that plastic behemoth worked on Jane's pussy for a further five minutes, but try as I might, I could never quite get all of it inside of her. Jane was enraptured, her essence flowed like a stream, my face and arms were drenched; Jane's juices were actually dripping from my elbow! Nevertheless, I eventually began to ease off and allow Jane some relief; not least because I was beginning to get jealous; when would it be my turn?

I felt a caress on my behind and it took but a moment to realise that it wasn't Jane's hand but an erect cock that'd touched me; that brought me back to reality with a bang. Given what I'd been doing for the last fifteen minutes and guessing how dishevelled I must look by now, I couldn't bear to turn and meet my husband's eyes; even as I felt his cock nuzzling at my entrance I kept my face buried between Jane's thighs. As the cock penetrated me I realised two things immediately: That wasn't my husband's cock and Jane hadn't been exaggerating when she'd described Tony as a big boy! It was one thing to have Mike watch me eating out my sister, but to have him witness Mike fucking me, that felt to be a betrayal of a much higher order?

I screamed at Tony's intrusion, though with my face pressed between Jane's legs, the sound was heavily muffled and all attempts to break free of him were thwarted by my being solidly 'wedged' between my sister and her husband. I did break free of Jane's confining thighs when Tony eased back, but by then he'd taken a firm grip on my hips and a second plunge saw me solidly impaled on his gargantuan cock. The opportunity for escape had passed and my further shout of dissent dwindled into an animalistic groan of pleasure at this second uninvited penetration.

Jane must've watched Tony's advance upon me, why hadn't she warned me? I looked toward her face in search of an answer and found it in the sight of Mike's cock sliding between her eager lips; Jane clearly didn't share my own reservations about accommodating a cock other than her husband's! It may have been the sight of my husband's cock piercing between Jane's lips which dispelled my own misgivings, but I suspect that Tony's third thrust was perhaps the more likely culprit? God, he was fucking huge! I'd never been penetrated so fully, I wondered if he might split me in two!

With a fourth stab Tony completed his penetration and I felt his balls bounce against my mons; he'd not been inside me long, but I'd been close to boiling-point before he'd ever started and that soft bump proved sufficient to finish me. My face fell upon my sister's belly as I howled and shrieked through a powerful climax; besides Tony's triumphant roar, I clearly heard a background cheer from my own husband, it seemed that Mike had no qualms about another man using me either.

When I recovered my faculties it was to discover Tony now easily stroking the full length of that huge prick into me. I'd been lubricious to begin with, but had clearly now stretched to accommodate his size, would Mike ever feel the same again? Mike was working Jane's mouth with equal verve and the coarse language coming from both men signalled their escalating arousal, it was then that I sensed that I too was climbing toward a second orgasm and my own: "Oh fuck yes, give it to me Tony." was added to the foul-mouthed chorus. Only Jane was silent and she to be fair was gagged by Mike's cock.

I realised nobody was now tending to Jane's needs, save her own fingers scrabbling against her pussy and tweaking at her clitoris; the dildo rested forgotten, having fallen free from her vulva. I didn't hesitate, grabbing at it's base I thrust it roughly back inside her; Jane's response was garbled, but immediate: "Yesssss. Again. Give it to me harder."

Whether coincidental or thinking that the appeal had been directed toward him, Tony fairly slammed his cock into my pussy and its impact served to exacerbate my second penetration of Jane. It must have been a savage impact, but Jane's reaction was another salacious groan and muffled shout of: "Again!" Tony and indeed I duly obliged and it soon created an almost metronomic chain reaction, each double penetration being punctuated by Jane's demands of "Again!"

It couldn't and didn't last long, a final punch between my legs from Tony, accompanied by an almost lionesque roar and the sensation of his semen hosing into my channel triggered my own second orgasm along with my hardest-yet thrust with that fearsome plastic spear. My eyes sprung wide as it whole length, along with my own fingers finally disappeared into Jane's dissipated snatch; I feared what damage I might've done, but the primeval scream and climactic shuddering which resulted suggested she was more than happy with the debasement. I had one final moment of concern when Jane choked and gagged, but quickly realised that rather than my actions, it was Mike's emission flooding her mouth and throat that she was struggling to accommodate.

We collapsed in a sweat-soaked and sated heap; how long for? I can't be sure, but certainly several minutes rather than just a few seconds, I think we were each struggling with what to say or do next. I took the bull by the horns, extricating myself from the heap and standing tall before speaking. "We can discuss this in the morning, for now it's time that we all went to bed."

It was Jane who replied "Sounds like a plan, lead the way Sis; I'll be___"

I cut her short: "No you won't, to our own beds and with our own husbands" I held out a hand, which Mike took meekly and without another word, I led him silently out of the lounge and up the stairs.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

My wife sasha held a party for women in our house,her sister karla was there and a few of their friends,myself and karla's husband leigh went out for a few drinks and when we got home the last of the girls were leaving,sasha and karla had had quite a few to drink and asked us how our night was,yeah good babe I said to sasha,we had a good night too didn't we karla? Yes and naughty too she said laughing! Look what sasha has bought, sasha pulled out this huge double ended dildo! What the hell is that for I asked? For me to have a little fun ok! We've had a bit of fun with it tonight haven't we karla? Ssshh don't tell them she said hiccuping! You have to tell us now leigh said, shall we show them instead sis? Sasha said to karla? You are so naughty sasha! Me and leigh looked on as both sasha and karla undid their jeans and pulled them down! Fucking hell leigh said to me! Our wives and mother's of our kids were taking their knickers down,come a bit closer sasha said to karla! Sasha put her end in her pussy and karla did the same with her end! They both laughed while fucking themselves and asked us what we thought? Both of them had hairy pussies, you can tell their sisters I said! The girls were moaning together and karla started feeling her tits and they are massive! Need a hand babe leigh says to karla? He pulled her top over her head then unclipped her bra! Jesus Christ mate I said to leigh they're huge! I was always jealous of her growing up sasha said about karla's tits, I don't know mind sasha yours are lovely leigh says to her! I suppose I better get mine out now? Sasha managed to take her top off by herself and easily took her bra off! What a sight leigh and myself had! Our wives naked and fucking themselves!

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Poor homosexual man trying to write from a worthless cunts perspective never works well. Its grating to contend with a writer putting himself into the story as a slutty woman rather than face his true sexuality.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

The poor fragile anons who seem to think that extramarital sex is the worse sin in the world

26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

1 Star

Keeping cucks in the family

26thNCuck Disapproved

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sarah made it clear that she didn't *need* a man. Mike should have walked after getting evidence of cheating.

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