Sister-in-Law Helps Out


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"What are we going to do?" Paul asks, rising up on one elbow to look down at his sister's beautiful face. "We have added adultery to our sin of incest."

"Is it still adultery if Tim knows what we're doing here today?" Sharon asks her brother.

"What are you talking about?" Paul demands.

"He overheard us yesterday when he came back for the sunscreen," she says and then proceeds to tell Paul about the rest of her conversation with Tim, including his research into incest penance and his suggestion that she and Paul have unfinished business.

"Unfinished business," Paul muses. "That's a weird way of referring to it, but I guess he was right." They lay silently in each others arms for a few minutes with Paul's spent cock still nestled inside Sharon's soggy pussy.

"What about Rhonda?" Paul asks. "That's still adultery even if it isn't for you and Tim."

"I know," Sharon's answer is barely above a whisper. "Tim thinks that if we stop our penance and get this out of our system, it will improve your love life with Rhonda and every body wins."

"Are we getting this out of our system?" Paul asks with a half smile.

"I don't think so," Sharon sighs. "I think we've just permanently imbedded it in our system, at least in mine."

"Mine, too." Paul says, kissing her again to prove his point. Unbelievably his cock stirs again within her sweltering pussy and he starts a gentle rocking motion.

"Let's rest a minute," Sharon laughs, breaking the kiss and squeezing his ass cheeks to stop his movement.

"What are you going to tell Tim?" Paul asks his mind racing for a way to discuss this with Rhonda.

"The truth," Sharon answers. "I love him, Paul. I hope he knows what he started and is as open minded as he thinks he is."

"I'm going to have to tell Rhonda, too. I just don't know how." Paul says and they again lapse into a comfortable silence, enjoying the closeness of their bodies and their synchronized heartbeats. Little does Paul realize that as they speak, Tim is preparing Rhonda for that very conversation.

As soon as they had driven off, Rhonda unsnapped her shorts and pulled down the tiny zipper.

"Feel how wet I am already," Rhonda purred, grabbing Tim's hand as he glanced at his sister-in-law's open shorts.

"You are incorrigible," Tim smiles sliding his hand beneath her panties and immediately feeling the heat emanating from her moist pussy. Slipping one finger between the folds of her labia, he curls the tip of it into her wet opening.

"I'd say you're ready!" Tim laughs as he maneuvers his finger to her clit hood and draws little circles gently around it.

"Oh yeah!" Rhonda moans, spreading her legs and slipping down a little in the seat, resting her head on Tim's shoulder. As Tim continues to manipulate her clit, Rhonda pushes up to create more pressure on her sensitive love button.

"Oh yes! Just like that... don't stop," Rhonda is almost purring as Tim tries to keep his eye on the road while fingering Rhonda's clit to match her increasing urgency. The day before when he was making his plans, he had spotted a little out of the way motel along the beach and had gotten a room overlooking the ocean. That's where they were headed now, if he didn't pass it by in his distracted state.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa!" Rhonda grabs Tim's hand to still it's motion and clamps her thighs closed, trapping his finger in her spasming pussy. She jerks a couple of times, flooding her pussy with love juice before turning her head towards Tim.

"How much farther?" she asks through half-closed eyelids.

"Not far," he smiles, "You may want to do up your shorts. A minute later Tim pulls into the motel, parking right in front of their room.

"We don't have to check in?" Rhonda asks.

"All taken care of, just like you're going to be in a few minutes," he smiles. True to his word, over the next few hours they take care of each other in a variety of ways. Tim eats Rhonda to several powerful orgasms, she returns the gesture with her tantalizing mouth on his hard cock and then they fuck to exhaustion. If it's not the rocket-launching orgasms that their spouses are experiencing, it's extremely satisfying and they end up in a tangle of sheets and naked limbs.

"I think there's something weird going on between Paul and Sharon," Rhonda broaches the subject that's been on her mind since they got to the beach house. Tim hadn't made up his mind about whether it was his place to enlighten her.

"What do you mean?" Tim asks, wondering how much she knows. Rhonda explains about Paul's initial anger from hearing them make love in the next bedroom, seeing him get aroused when he rubbed sunscreen on his sister and how it seemed like he was timing his lovemaking with her to his sister's moans from the next room. "I think it has something to do with their sexual hang-ups."

"You're right," Tim answers. He and Rhonda have become too close for him to lie to her. "But there is more to it than you realize." He confides in her about the overheard conversation, his follow-up discussion with Sharon and what he believes is happening at the beach house right now.

"Oh God, Tim! Paul and Sharon?" Rhonda is speechless. She thought Paul's reaction was just the natural attraction of a beautiful woman, not the result a prior incestuous relationship. Tim gives her time to digest what he's told her before he continues the discussion.

"Yeah, just like you and I," he says matter-of-factly, "except they happen to be brother and sister."

"That doesn't bother you?" Rhonda asks, still tying to get her mind around what she's hearing. Without waiting for an answer, she continues, "So all this sexual repression started from this one time in college?"

"Pretty much. I don't think their parents' teachings helped any, but it was Paul, the theology student who came up with the penance."

"Wow." Rhonda sighs, her head resting against Tim's shoulder, their naked bodies still wrapped around each other. "Since you seem to be orchestrating this, what happens next?"

"We know about them, but they don't know about us," Tim answers.

"Okaaaay," Rhonda stretches it out almost into a question. "What does that mean?"

"If today happened the way I think it did, Paul has lost a lot of his inhibitions. I think we should tell them tonight. Not together, of course, but individually with our own spouses. My instincts tell me that we should shower them with loving affection and let them know that they aren't the only ones with a secret. Then tomorrow the four of us can discuss what all of this means going forward."

"You're kidding, right?" Rhonda asks incredulously.

"I've never been more serious," Tim says, more confidently than he feels. "Think about it, Paul won't want to give up Sharon anymore than I want to give up seeing you. I think we can come to some open arrangement where everybody gets what they want."

"Damn... you really think that's how this is going to play out?" Rhonda asks, even as she's contemplating how wonderful it would be if he was right. She could keep her lover and her husband without any of the associated guilt. Of course that means she accepts her husband's incestuous relationship with his sister. It's a lot to think about.

"We can only hope," Tim says. "Come on, let's take a shower and get some lunch. The shower takes much longer than expected, in a nice way. They have a late lunch and head back towards the beach house.

"I'm nervous," Rhonda says.

"I'd be surprised if you weren't," Tim laughs. "Just follow my lead. We don't know if anything happened."

Arriving at the beach house they find Paul and Sharon sunbathing on a blanket near the water. Rhonda and Tim join them. '

"How was your day?" Tim asks Sharon as he gives her a kiss. He can't help but notice how radiant her face looks as she answers.

"Wonderful!" she winks, "How was yours?"

"The same," he answers cryptically. Sharon scrunches her brow as she tries to decipher what he means. Did he have a wonderful day or was his day the same as hers. Not in a million years.

Rhonda sits next to Paul who is lying face down and looking away from the group. She rubs some sunscreen onto his back but he doesn't acknowledge Sharon or Tim. Paul is still reeling from his marathon love making with his sister and is embarrassed to face either his wife or Tim. He especially doesn't want to face Tim because Tim already knows what's going on.

They somehow make it through the afternoon and have a semi-comfortable dinner at a local crab shack. Arriving back at the beach house, by some unspoken agreement they split into their separate bedrooms even though it's still early in the evening.

"So how did it go today?" Tim asks Sharon, taking her into his arms and kissing her passionately.

"You already know, don't you?" Sharon asks meekly. "It was just like I remembered it, Tim. But you're not surprised, are you?"

"No. It just means that you and your brother have a unique love that can't be replicated by anyone else. That doesn't diminish the love that you and I have or the love that Paul and Rhonda share. How did Paul react?"

"Oh God," Sharon almost laughs but catches herself. "When he woke up and I was... you know." Tim nods. "He must have thought I was some kind of Jezebel coming to damn him to hell for all eternity. But you were right, there was so much unfinished business and neither of us could control ourselves."

"I'm glad," Tim smiles as he watches his wife's face light up while she talks.

"Really?" Sharon asks, still surprised at her husband's reaction.

"Glad for you," he says.

"What did you and Rhonda do today?" Sharon asks, changing the subject to avoid more discussion about what her and Paul did.

"The same as you and Paul," Tim answers, watching Sharon's face for a reaction.

"What? You mean? No, you and Rhonda?" Sharon's face is a contortion of conflicting emotions.

"It started a few weeks ago," Tim says quietly. "With you and your brother doing your penance, Rhonda and I sort of commiserated over the lack of passion in our marriages. One thing led to another and..." Tim lets his voice trail off as he waits for his wife's reaction.

"Why didn't you tell me last night?" Sharon asks.

"I almost did," Tim replies. "But I didn't want it to influence what you did about you and Paul.

"You and Rhonda?" she says again. "Do you think Paul knows or suspects?"

"Rhonda is supposed to be telling him now," Tim answers. "Then tomorrow I hope the four of us can discuss what this all means.

"You honestly think we can just all share, don't you?" Sharon asks, thinking the same thing Rhonda did about how wonderful it would be if it were true. A sudden flush of color taints her cheeks as she considers the implications.

"I honestly don't know," Tim answers.

"But you told Rhonda about Paul and I?"

"She actually suspected something was weird between you two, but didn't have a clue about the actual events. I filled her in on the college stuff."

"How did she take it?" Sharon asks sheepishly. "Of course, you two having an affair probably helped with her acceptance level."

"A little, but she still has some hang-ups on the whole incest thing," Tim says.

"Yeah, well join the club. I still think it's weird and Paul is even more freaked out than I am."

"But not enough to give it up, right?" Tim asks. "You both want more of each other."

"Yes." Sharon sighs.

"I only have one more question for tonight," Tim says.


"Did you save anything for me?" he laughs while he strips out of his clothes.

"Is that all you think about?" Sharon smiles as she starts unzipping her skirt.

In the next room, the conversation isn't going quite as smoothly.

"You actually slept with Tim?" Paul almost shrieks and Rhonda stares at the absurdity of the accusation in his eyes.

"You slept with your sister," she points out defensively. That takes the fight out of Paul and he rolls over away from her.

"Wait! I'm sorry, please don't turn away, Paul," Rhonda says grabbing his arm and pulling him back towards her. "We can talk this out." They were already both naked and under the covers before Rhonda initiated this conversation.

"Talk it out? What do you mean?" Paul asks incredulously. "Incest, adultery... let's just talk about our feelings?"

"Exactly!" Rhonda leans up on her elbow, ignoring his sarcasm. "You can't help how you feel about Sharon," she says, wondering if she actually believes it. Paul stares hesitantly into his wife's eyes. Can she actually accept how he feels about his sister?

"What about you and Tim?" he finally asks.

"Tim and I only turned to each other because... well... frankly because of the lack of passion in our lives. Like the passion you showed me last night," Rhonda smiles. Paul winces as he remembers that passion being kindled by listening to his sister's moans in the next room. Then his mind wanders to everything he and Sharon did today and his cock stirs involuntarily.

"I love you," Rhonda says, reading his face. "It doesn't matter how we get the passion going, just that we do." While she's speaking they hear subtle lovemaking noises from the next room and Rhonda moves her hand down to encircle her husband's semi-erect cock.

"This isn't right," Paul protests as his wife strokes his rapidly hardening shaft and the volume of sounds from the next room increase.

"Close your eyes," Rhonda instructs him. "Don't worry about right and wrong just now." With his sister's moans filling his head, and his wife's hot pussy sliding down over his cock, Paul accepts the inevitable. Whatever is going to happen tomorrow is beyond their concern tonight and he thrusts up into his wife's pussy as his sister's voice provide the soundtrack to his lust.

The next morning, Tim finds the conversation isn't going exactly where he wants it when Paul interrupts it with one of his typically caustic remarks.

"Is this the part where we all get naked in the hot tub together?" Paul asks sarcastically. The two couples are sitting at the breakfast table attempting to discuss their situation. Rhonda, Tim and Sharon seemed to have warmed to the idea of sharing spouses but are having trouble convincing Paul.

"Paul..." Rhonda starts to answer but Tim cuts her off.

"No, Paul's right. This is a lot to absorb." Both women look at Tim expectantly. "We're here for three more days," he leans forward to make his point. "I suggest we table this discussion until Saturday. It'll give us time to think about everything." Tim notes the disappointment on the women's faces, like they were ready for Paul's naked hot tub idea.

"What's going to change between now and Saturday?" Sharon asks.

"Well, we have three more nights. I suggest we alternate sleeping partners each night. We slept with our spouses last night, so tonight Rhonda would be with me and Sharon would be with Paul." Tim looks right at Paul to judge his reaction. "By Saturday I think we'll be ready to discuss what happens when we go home." Sharon and Rhonda turn their heads to look expectantly at Paul.

Paul felt the familiar stirrings in his groin as soon as his brother-in-law mentioned Sharon sleeping with him. Visions of their lovemaking fill his head as he stares into his sister's pleading eyes. A slight smile forms on his lips as he slowly nods his head.

"We are all depraved, you know," Paul says as the group emits a collective sigh.

Tim can hardly believe it. A week ago he was secretly having an affair with his sister-in-law and now it's all out in the open, his wife is fucking her brother and they all just agreed to swap spouses for the next three days.

Sharon is even more excited than her husband, wondering how to make the day go by faster so she and Paul can be together. But Rhonda doesn't even want to wait for nightfall. Over lunch she raises the issue of daytime sex.

"So when does the trade off actually start?" she asks while they are sitting on the deck eating sandwiches.

"What do you mean?" Tim asks.

"Well if tonight is Tim and I, is that just the night or is it like a 24 hour period? You know, could we disappear for a while this afternoon, for example?" she asks, her head cocked to the side and her eyebrows raised.

"My God, Rhonda!" Paul almost chokes on his sandwich but Sharon is anxiously awaiting Tim's answer. She never even thought of that.

"I'm just asking?" she smiles.

"Well, I guess it starts when we get up in the morning," Tim says assuming the leadership role that the group has unconsciously assigned him. "We'll alternate every 24 hours beginning whenever we get up in the morning."

"I feel like a nap after lunch. How about you?" Rhonda asks as she stands up and takes Tim's hand. Sharon watches to see how her brother will react to his wife's blatant sexual overture but he just quietly finishes his lunch while Rhonda and Tim climb the stairs. As anxious as he is to be with his sister again, he is not going to run upstairs in the middle of the day, especially with Tim and Rhonda in the next room.

While their spouses are doing who knows what in the bedroom, Sharon and Paul just cuddle on the couch downstairs. With their arms around each other and occasional bouts of passionate kissing, they acknowledge that what happened in college has never left them. Sharon tells Paul how he continued to fill her dreams and Paul admits that he has frequently relived their one night together. By the time Rhonda and Tim emerge from the bedroom a couple of hours later, Sharon and Paul, although still fully dressed, are a tangle of arms and legs on the couch and their mouths are locked together.

"Hey, get a room!" Tim jokes as they come down the stairs. "Rhonda and I are going to the beach, you guys interested?" Paul looks questioningly at Sharon as they catch their breath. She shakes her head.

"No, you two go ahead," Sharon says, never taking her eyes from her brother. As soon as they leave, Sharon starts pulling at her brother's clothes.

"Should we go upstairs?" Paul asks as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"They'll be gone a while," Sharon pants while discarding her shirt and unfastening her bra. Paul stares at her luscious breasts as she stands up to remove her shorts. Her bronzed skin from three days in the sun highlights the creamy white skin her bikini covered. Pulling her panties and shorts down together, she momentarily stands naked in front of her brother. His eyes follow her tan lines directly to her neatly trimmed blonde bush as his thick erection points towards the ceiling.

Sharon considers sucking that beautiful cock into her mouth but her pussy is too anxious. She steps forward and straddles him, sliding her well-lubricated pussy down onto his steel rod.

"Oh God! I love you, Sharon!" Paul says and then her lips silence him and her tongue darts into his warm mouth. With her knees pushed into the couch cushions and her hands gripping the back of the couch for leverage she starts rocking her hips and bouncing on her brother's cock. Paul sucks her left nipple into his mouth as his hands encircle her waist, lifting her up and slamming her back down on his hard cock.

"Oh yeah!" Sharon screams as her brother's cock sends shivers of pleasure through her sensitive pussy walls. Through the window she watches Tim and Rhonda walking down the beach holding hands and she almost laughs at the absurdity of it all. A month ago she was a frigid wife with no sex life at all and now she's fucking her brother in the living room in broad daylight with their spouses' taking a post-coital walk.

"Oh, Sharon!" Paul screams as his fingers tighten on her waist and he frantically bounces her onto his ready-to-explode cock. Sharon's breath is coming in gasps as her orgasm approaches its peak.

"Ohhhhhhaaahhhhhhhh!" Sharon moans when Paul's cock erupts inside her juicy pussy. Her release follows almost instantly and they shiver in ecstatic harmony as their lips meet in a blissfully passionate kiss.