Sister Nymph Ch. 02


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Justin stood up and looked at her. "Sam, really, I'm fine." He held the bundle of bed sheets under his arm.

He stared into her eyes. He didn't even glance downward. For the first time since they'd started this, she felt exposed.


Still not sure what to do, Samantha walked up to her brother and hugged him, careful not to let their stomachs touch. It felt weird considering they were both still naked. She would have gladly pressed herself against him, but she sensed he didn't want that.

Feeling like something should be spoken, she said, "thank you for your help."

Justin patted her back with his one free hand. "No problem."

Sam stepped back from the hug and started gathering her own clothes that had been tossed around the room by her brother, her mother, and herself. She found most except her bra. When she finally looked up to ask Justin for help, she noticed he held it dangling from his hand. She blushed.

"Thank you," she said, taking the bra. Her spine bristled. She walked out of the room, probably quicker than she would have normally, and closed the door behind her, releasing a breath.

Nancy stood in a towel at the far end of the hallway in the door frame to the master bedroom. Her dark, brunette hair was wet, making it even darker. She lifted a finger and beckoned Sam over.

Sam complied. She wasn't sure what to make of the submissive persona she and her brother had unlocked in their mother in contrast to her normal personality. It was almost like everything was back to normal again - except Sam was still completely naked with her brother's cum in and on her. Could they just go back to normal? What would that even look like?

When Sam finally reached her mother, Nancy simply asked, "how do you feel?"

Sam shrugged. "Satiated. For now."

"Not satisfied?"

Sam opened her mouth, but hesitated. Who was she talking to right now? Her mother? Or her Mommy Slut? Were they the same person? Deciding to be safe, Sam didn't tell her she had wanted her brother to fuck all her holes and fill her with his cum until she was overflowing. Instead, she said, "I could have kept going."

Nancy smiled. "I heard you managed to keep going after I left."

Sam grasped her own elbow. "Not, uh- Not completely."

Nancy raised her eyebrows. "It sounded pretty complete."

"Justin wanted to," Sam raised her hand and made air quotes, " 'keep his well from running dry,' so he just helped me- um..."


Sam blushed.

Nancy placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Samantha. We've kissed, sucked each other's tits, placed fingers inside each other, and shared a dick. I think we're passed being shy saying the word 'cum' in front of each other."

Sam looked to the floor in shame. Why was this so weird? Are you really asking yourself why having a threesome with your brother and mother, and talking about it with her afterward, is weird?

Nancy sighed and knelt down to be within Sam's field of vision once more. She flicked her hair out of her face and looked up at Sam. "Please Mistress. Won't you come into your Mommy Slut's room and tell her all about how good your brother fucked you?"

Sam blinked. Who IS this woman? However, it did the trick. Sam wasn't exactly turned on, but it helped her confidence return - at least slightly. She said, "get your ass in there before I have to spank it." It felt forced.

Nancy squealed and dashed into her bedroom.

Sam followed her, seeing the towel discarded on the floor. Her mother was sitting naked on the bed. Her parent's bed. The bed she'd been conceived in. The more she thought about how wrong the situation was, the more confident she felt. "Is this where Daddy fucks you, Mommy?"

"Twice a day, Mistress. He gives Mommy that thick cock of his and all his yummy cum."

Sam approached her mother and straddled her. Nancy had just showered, and Sam loved the idea of smearing all of her and her brother's shared juices on her freshly cleaned body. Nancy's hands found her ass and Sam grasped her mother's face. "Does Daddy make you beg for it?"

"Mommy begs for it all the time, Mistress. Mommy just loves cum." She started to maul Sam's ass, pulling the cheeks apart and pushing them back together. "Do you love cum, Mistress?"

Sam wrapped her arms around her mother's neck, hugging her sensually. She rocked her hips, finding comfort in the motion. She moaned. "I love cum so much, Mommy."

"How much cum have you had, baby?"

Sam hugged her mother tighter. "Justin only gave me one load, Mommy. I couldn't get him to fuck me again."

"How do you know that you love it, then, baby? Surely you'll need more loads before you can decide."

"I do! I need my brother to cum for me."

"Why is that, baby?" Nancy's hands moved up her daughter's back, pulling her into the embrace more.

With her mother's hands no longer on her ass, Sam had free reign to rock her hips as much as she wanted. Just talking about this was making Sam hot. "Because it makes me cum too."

"So then, do you love cum? Or do you love to cum?"

"Oh, Mommy, I love to cum!"

Nancy grabbed her young daughter's breasts and squeezed. "Do you want Mommy to make you cum?"

Sam didn't think of herself as a lesbian, or bisexual, but being naked with her mother on her parent's bed, discussing her and her brother cumming, it was doing something to her. It was a different feeling than when she'd been with her brother. It wasn't a wanton hunger, but more of a full-body itch that she couldn't scratch. "Uh huh."

Nancy pulled Sam's face down into a kiss. It was tender. No shoving of tongues or biting of lips, just a gentle suction. It made Sam's lips tingle. She wondered what would happen if Justin, or even her father, walked in on them. It made Sam's need grow.

Nancy pulled away. "Not here, baby. You're filthy and you've gotten Mommy all messy again. Let's take a shower."

Sam stood up. "Together?"

Nancy stood up. She was only four inches taller than Sam, but she seemed to tower over her. "You've been a very dirty girl. Mommy's going to make sure you're squeaky clean." She turned towards the master bathroom.

Sam stood in place a moment. She wondered what had just happened. Wasn't her mother the submissive? How had she turned this around on her?

Nancy looked back and held out her hand. "Come along. Take Mommy's hand."

Sam took Nancy's hand. It was warm and tender. She was safe here, in this room, with her mother. She knew her mother was going to take care of her. She let Nancy lead her into the bathroom.

Nancy placed a tender hand on Sam's arm while she turned the shower on and held her hand beneath the water. She looked Sam up and down. "You and your brother were playing so rough and you got all filthy."

"I did, Mommy. It was so much fun."

Nancy removed her hand from the water and used it to guide Sam into the shower. "Well, Mommy's going to make getting clean fun too."

As she stepped into the shower, Sam instinctively started wiping herself down and looking for a body wash to use. However, Nancy caught her arm and said, "no, no, baby. Let Mommy clean you up."

Nancy detached the shower head from the wall and brought it close to Sam's skin. At this distance, the water streams were still smooth and hit her body with a soft touch. Nancy slowly moved it around her shoulders, letting the water cascade down her body and push off the sweat.

Nancy brought the nozzle to Sam's head and Sam closed her eyes. The water streams massaged her scalp, allowing her to relax her brow and neck. Tension fell away. She was warm and safe. But that itch within her still remained.

Instead of complaining, she let the water continue to relax her, trusting that her mother would take care of her.

Like she always had. This was just a new way for her to do so.

Sam felt the water streams move back down her face and she lifted her chin. They moved down her neck, then repeated their path around her shoulders. Finally, they moved down and massaged her breasts. First one, then the other. She'd never felt something like it before. It wasn't the hard tugging or squeezing she was used to, just a gentle, warm caress completely coating each breast.

Sam released a soft, quiet moan.

"Does that feel good, baby?"

Sam kept her eyes closed and slowly nodded her head, trying to stay in the state of relaxation she was in. The water streams left her body and a moment later, her mother's hands were on her arms, turning her around. The next moment, the water streams returned, this time on her back. They moved down her torso, drawing tension out of her as they went. Eventually, they reached her bottom. It was a similar feeling as when they had massaged her breasts, but tickled more. She fought to not flex her glutes and let them relax as the tickle alternated between them.

The water streams moved around to her front and she felt her mother's body rub up against her. The nozzle moved down the same path on her stomach that her brother's hand had earlier. As it moved further and further down, the itch within her grew. It moved passed her belly button, but stopped on the surprisingly ticklish area between it and her sex. Sam couldn't help but wriggle against the steady onslaught.

"Does my little Sammy want to cum?"

Sam nodded her head. "mmhmm."

"Before Mommy helps you, I need you to agree to a few things, baby. Can you do that for me?"

Sam undulated her hips, trying to get the water to stop tickling and teasing her. Her mother's body behind her, and arm wrapped around her, prevented her from turning away. She also didn't want the tickling to stop - just move lower. "Yes, Mommy."

"Good girl. Answer Mommy's questions and then I'll help you scratch that itch of yours."

Sam continued her wriggling.

"We can't tell Daddy about this, baby. He would be very angry and then all of our playtime would end. You don't want that to happen, do you, baby?"

"No, Mommy."

"Good. Now, Mommy could hear you and your brother playing from over here in the shower. When your Daddy's home, you're going to have to be quiet."

Sam released a frustrated moan. "Mommy, how can I be quiet when my brother fucks me so good?"

"Do you ever hear Mommy and Daddy fucking? We fuck twice a day."

The tickle of the water was starting to fade, replaced by a dull attack against her flesh. However, Sam's itch continued to grow. "No, Mommy. How do you do it?"

"Mommy finds things to stick in her mouth. Pillows, dildos, clothing. Sometimes, Daddy covers Mommy's mouth with his big hand and holds me down while he fucks me and fucks me and fucks me."

The image made Sam's itch explode and consume her body. She had a desperate need, now. "Oh, God, Mommy, please help me cum."

"Will you be a good girl and keep our playtime secret?"

"Yes, Mommy! I'll be so good for you!"

"Good girl. Let's make you even dirtier before Mommy cleans you up." The water finally moved to Sam's sex. All that tickling sensation returned in full force, only better. It was like a thousand tiny licks. With all the sensation, it felt like her crotch was burning. Wonderfully.

"Now, tell Mommy about your playtime with your brother."

Sam thought back to a few minutes prior. She told her mother how she'd had to convince her brother to continue. How he'd pinned her down and rubbed his cock against her clit, just to let her cum. She didn't tell her about how he'd made it weird after.

"Was that what you were hoping had happened, baby?"

"I wanted more, Mommy."

Nancy's hand found its way to Sam's breast, gently palming it and rolling the nipple with her thumb. "Tell me what you wanted, baby. Tell me how you wish it had gone."

Sam bucked her hips against the water, some of the intensity was already waning, but her mother's hand on her chest seemed to say, be calm, I've got you. "After you'd left, I wanted Justin to lift me up and slide his big cock back in me."

"What would have happened then?"

"I would have ridden him, like I good little sister - make his cock feel good inside of me."

Just as the effect from the water receded, Nancy moved the nozzle away, then placed her hand on Sam's stomach. She moved it downward slowly, teasing Sam again. "Does my little girl like having things inside of her?"

Thinking about the dildos she'd been using, and her own hands, Sam answered honestly, "I like my brother's cock inside me."

"And what about Mommy's fingers?" As she said it, Nancy brushed two of her fingers over Sam's clit and curled them inside her pussy. As they moved in and out, they rubbed against her clit. It was so much better than her own hands had ever been.

"Oh WOW, Mommy. How are you so good at that?"

Nancy kissed the back of Sam's neck. "It always feels better when someone else is doing it, baby." She moved her hand to Sam's other breast, hugging herself tighter against Sam's back. Sam could feel her mother's breasts pressing into her. The softness of her body behind her and her soft hands on Sam's front made Sam feel enveloped. Safe.

And the fingers in her cunt made her increasingly hornier.

"Just imagine it's your brother's cock sliding in and out of you, baby."

Sam pictured the scene from earlier, only this time, he was sliding that marvelous cock into her. She moaned.

"Tell me what you're imaging, baby."

"Justin- Justin's fucking me."

"How is he fucking you?"

"He's on top of me. I'm laying in a damp puddle of sweat and cum like the little slut I am. He's pistoning into me."

Nancy increased the pace of her fingering. "Like that?"

"Mmmmm, yesssss. Just like that, Mommy. Don't stop."

Nancy kissed Sam's neck again. "Wouldn't dream of it, baby. What else is happening with Justin?"

"His hands are on me. He's just holding my shoulders in place as he slams into me. I can't do anything but lay there and take it."

"You're just like me, baby. Mommy loves to get fucked rough too." Nancy brought her hand up to Sam's chin and turned her face. She kissed her again. It was a soft kiss, in contrast to the rough imaginings going on in their heads.

Sam, wanting to explore the tenderness of this experience for a moment, turned her body around, forcing her mother to withdraw her fingers. She grabbed her mother's face and held the kiss longer. Nancy, in turn, reached her hand down, lifting her daughter's ass cheek, and started fingering her from below.

Sam, overwhelmed with the pleasure, buried her face in her mother's chest and just held on.

"You're just like Mommy, baby. Such a horny little slut. But you have something Mommy never did."

Sam couldn't help but stand on the balls of her feet, unable to stop her knees and hips from moving around on their own. "Mmmmmm, what's that, Mommy?"

"Horny family members to help get you off."

Her mother and brother were going to help her. The thought brought Sam to a new height. She was getting close.

"How would you have wanted your playtime with your brother to have ended?"

Sam closed her eyes again, placing herself back below her brother. "He'd tell me he was getting close."

"Just like you, baby?"

"Oh, God, so close, Mommy. Yes! He'd tell me he was getting close. And I'd tell him I wasn't on the pill."

"Would you want him to pull out, baby? You can't let your brother cum inside you if you aren't on the pill."

"He'd keep holding me down. I'd tell him it was a dangerous time of the month."

Nancy, the wonderful mother that she was, increased her fingering faster and faster. It was like she could sense what Sam needed.

"Then, he'd lean down over me, thrusting into me faster and faster. He'd just keep fucking me and fucking me. I wouldn't be able to stop it. I can't stop it. Oh God, he's gonna cum in me. He's gonna cum in my unprotected, fertile pussy. Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! Ahhhhhh-"

Sam came on her mother's fingers. She was somehow both there with her mother, embraced in her warmth, and cumming around her brother's cock as he flooded her with cum at the same time. Nancy kept her fingers going, not letting up, driving Sam's orgasm higher and higher.

As the last convulsions ended, Nancy pulled her fingers free of Sam's pussy. She pushed Sam away slightly and brought the fingers into Sam's line of sight. "Such a dirty girl. You made Mommy's fingers all messy."

Nancy stuck the fingers in Sam's mouth. They were tangy and sweet. "Mommy's going to make you clean up after yourself."

Sam moaned around her mother's fingers, staring into her eyes. Would she look like that in twenty years?

Would she be a mommy too?

She released her mother's fingers with a 'Pop.' "Oh, God, mom. I needed that. Today got me so much hornier than I've ever been."

"I know, baby. But men need more time to recover than we do. Imagine how horny you were when I left the room, but imagine that your whole stomach ached when you thought about cumming again. That's what it's like for your brother so soon after shooting two loads in quick succession like he did."

"That'd be awful."

"Now imagine you feel that way, but your hot older brother won't leave you alone and was demanding that you fuck him again."


Nancy kissed Sam's forehead and hugged her. Their stomachs touched. "It's OK, baby. You're still young and learning."

Is that why Justin got mad at me? Sam thought.

Nancy released her and said, "now we really do need to get you cleaned up. I rinsed off all the sweat, but there's a bunch on you again."

For the next few minutes, Nancy washed her daughter's body. It wasn't sexual. It was more like Sam was five years old again. She rubbed up and down her legs, rubbed her arms, and lifted them to clean her pits. She cleaned her sensitive areas too, but was very clinical about it. Like this was a totally normal thing for a mother to do with her adult daughter.

When they finally finished in the shower, Nancy handed Sam a towel to wrap around herself, then gathered hers from earlier off the floor. Once covered, Nancy stood next to Sam and turned her to look in the mirror.

Nancy's reflection smiled at her. They had the same smile, the same eyes, the same hair. Nancy kissed the top of Sam's head with a big 'muah!' sound and said, "I love you so much, Sammy."

How is she able to switch so quickly between being Mom and being Mommy? "Love you too, Mom."

"Now, go grab your pile of clothes and take them to your room. There can't be any evidence left behind when your father gets home."

Sam moved to collect her bundle she'd dropped when she'd entered her parent's room. She stopped and turned when she heard her mother speak again.

"I know it's going to take practice for you and your brother to be sneaky while you fuck." How does she say that so casually? Sam thought. "So I'm going to surprise your father when he gets home with a hotel for the night. He and I will spend the night fucking, then I'll send him off to work from there in the morning."

Nancy walked up to Sam. "So you can be as loud as you want to be. But do try to practice." She pecked her on the lips - a typical Mom kiss - then shuffled her out the door and closed it behind her.

Was this their new normal?

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lust_lover45lust_lover45about 2 months ago

Great series, I love the sister/brother/mother dynamic very hot!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great story, more please.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

First chapter started the action off in daughter's bedroom then flip-flopped to son's room and back before finally settling on son's room towards end of that chapter and in this chapter, apparently. Was that intentional or just an editing issue? In my experience, arbitrary context changes like that only happen in my dreams.

redlion75redlion75about 1 year ago

Breed her over and over again

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60about 1 year ago

Weak. The Father is left out a.k.a. cheated on. F.T.S.

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