Sisterhood - Initiation Ch. 25

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Leah encounters a very large dick.
5.4k words

Part 25 of the 44 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 09/22/2021
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Leah tugged the curtains aside and reached down into the basket hanging from the end of the bed to take two more clean towels. She sat back and wedged one between her thighs as she had done earlier, snuggling her butthole against its softness. With the other she dabbed at her chest and forehead, and at the corners of her mouth where she thought she could feel a trace of saliva.

She looked around, hoping to see a mirror somewhere nearby, but saw none. She noticed instead that the bed next to hers was now occupied. She was almost certain that it had not been when she and Yvonne had first got there. And she hadn't noticed when the occupants had arrived. With the side curtain of her own bed still drawn closed, as well as that of the other bed, Leah could see only the dark outline of two girls lying together face to face. One looked small and slim, and was lying on her back. The other was poised over her on all fours, and was much fuller-figured, her very big breasts hanging down onto the other girl's chest. There was the faint wet smacking sound of lips kissing where the two girls' faces were pressed together, accompanied by quiet murmurs of desire.

Despite the slight soreness that was creeping back into both her holes as the last echoes of her pleasure faded, Leah found the sound of the two girls kissing unexpectedly exciting. Its delicacy formed a striking contrast to the vigor and fury with which she and Marianne had just coupled. Leah reached for her pussy and put two fingers either side of it, pushing them into the soft skin to apply a little soothing pressure. She began rubbing idly and squeezing her fingers together, watching the two girls kiss. Then she stopped and tore her gaze away. If she could make out their movements through the curtains, then they could surely see her, and if they turned to look it would appear that she was pleasuring herself while watching them. She supposed it might not really matter, considering where they were and what was going on around them, but it still felt somehow rude to do so unannounced. On reflection, she realized that the other two girls could hardly fail to be aware of her presence, and must simply be ignoring her. Just moments before, Marianne had been standing right between the two beds, laughing and talking. And before that, Leah could remember having groaned and shouted a great deal, probably quite loudly.

At the back of Leah's mind was the already blurring memory of what Marianne had shown her towards the end of their encounter. An undercurrent of subdued excitement ran through her thoughts, the promise of something clandestine, a delicious secret. She supposed she had been in some way hypnotized. That was the best explanation she could find for it. And yet, though she had never actually been hypnotized before, she felt sure that that wasn't quite it, and that simple mesmerism would have felt different, maybe drowsier, less intense, more like a dream. Marianne had laughed when she had called it 'sex magic'.

Leah shook herself. She turned back to face the open curtains at the foot of the bed, and looked out. She became aware again of the occasional quiet echoes of laughter or moaning from other beds further along the chamber. Alone with her own imagination, some of the exuberant, celebratory self-confidence that Leah had felt at the climax of her time with Marianne began to slip away, and she felt a familiar, creeping uncertainty. She was worried that she hadn't done enough to please Marianne. Everything had happened so quickly, and she had so thoroughly lost herself in enjoyment, that she felt she might have missed important opportunities to show more of what she could do, to show just how eager she was to please. Had she been too passive? Maybe Marianne had wanted more variety, or more seductive talk, or something else that Leah hadn't shown her?

Leah reached for the chain around her neck. She felt the cool metal of the small engraved plaque, reassuring. Marianne had left so abruptly, Leah hadn't had the time to decide whether she should ask directly about the necklace's meaning. But she guessed that it must mark her out as what Lena and the others had referred to as an 'offering', a girl who would be presented to the Seven Sisters as a pet, to remain with the Sisterhood in their service.

Leah rallied her earlier excitement and resolved to make sure she made the most of her next encounter. Other girls would be coming by, Marianne had said. That meant Leah would still have an opportunity to prove herself, if not to Marianne directly, then to some other girl who might gossip enthusiastically to the rest of the Sisterhood about what a great fuck Leah was.

Leah heard chatter and the clack of heeled shoes against the stone, and saw the curtains across the near entrance to the chamber twitch aside. Remembering something, she leaned over the footboard and rummaged quickly in one of the baskets. She took out two purple and white checked scarves and reached up to tie them to the bedpost under the one that Yvonne had put there when they had first arrived. Leah fussed and tweaked at the three scarves until they were neatly separated out, then flung herself back onto the bed to lie facing up.

The footsteps seemed to loiter for a moment. Leah could make out one pair of high heels, and the scuffing sound of a pair of more casual shoes. She turned her head to the side and saw through the side curtain of her bed the dark silhouettes of two girls. One was tall and very slim, and as far as Leah could tell through the haze of the curtain, was completely naked except for the high heels. The other was noticeably shorter, and seemed to be at least partially clothed.

It was the shorter figure that spoke first. Leah recognized the loud, husky voice and its subtle lisp as belonging to Ivy, one of the girls that Yvonne had accosted when she and Leah had made their entrance to the North Wing.

"Doesn't look like she's in here," Ivy said.

"Who? The ass girl?" asked the one in high heels.

"No Lia, not the 'ass girl'," Ivy replied impatiently, "That psycho bitch Yvonne. She's not here. So the coast is clear. Let's get stuck in."

"Great," Ivy's companion replied. Leah saw her jump up and down excitedly, her heels clattering against the floor.

"Come on," said Ivy. She led her companion over towards the foot of Leah's bed.

Leah propped herself up on her elbows and tossed her hair from her face. She tried to put on a seductive smile and looked out over the footboard of the bed as the two girls came into view.

Ivy appeared first. She was topless, her small, firm breasts bouncing neatly with each footstep. She had on the jeans that Leah remembered from their last brief encounter. They were unbuttoned and slightly peeled down so that they sat low on her shapely hips and revealed just a hint of the very base of her dick, tucked away inside.

Ivy's companion Lia was indeed as naked as it had appeared from her silhouette. Her body was thin and graceful, and she was almost flat-chested. Her pale skin was dotted with a few freckles on the arms and shoulders. Ivy had a hold of Lia's dick and was using it to tug Lia along behind her.

"Ouch," Lia giggled, tottering unsteadily. Then she turned to look at Leah. The laughing smile fell suddenly from Lia's face. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped in what appeared to Leah to be a look of sheer innocent delight.

"Okay, she's hot," said Ivy. She let go of Lia's dick and brought her fist up to punch Lia gently on the chin, "But there's no need to gawp."

"Hi," said Leah. She bent one leg at the knee and wiggled her toes. She tried not to smile too broadly.

Ivy raised one arm to lean against the bedpost, smiling. She had one of the loveliest pairs of lips that Leah had seen. They were full and pink, and smooth in a way that made Leah certain that they would feel exquisitely soft. At the corners of Ivy's mouth on her upper lip there was the very faintest hint of fine downy dark hair.

Ivy turned away and looked towards the entrance to the chamber, "Oh. Katja," she called out.

"Katja," Lia repeated, jumping up and down and clapping her hands together excitedly, "Come here. We found her!"

Leah had just been wondering where the third of the three girls that she had met earlier might be. She had been trying in particular to remember her name, but had found that all she could think about was the girl's impressively huge dick.

"Katharina," Leah said out loud, remembering.

Katharina appeared and stood between her two friends, wearing the same revealing loose top that Leah had seen her in before. Her fine brown hair was tucked behind her ears and she wore a kindly, perhaps nervous, smile. "Or Katja," she said to Leah.

Ivy was looking up at the array of colored scarves tied to the bedpost. She took hold of the green one and ran it over her fingers. "Ohh yes," she murmured, "All three of her holes are on offer."

"Ass!" yelled Lia quickly, "I called it."

"No way!" Ivy protested.

Lia ignored her. "Katja, which do you want?" she asked.

Leah watched as Katharina appeared to consider Lia's question with some seriousness. "Well, come on, let's let her choose," she said.

Leah sat up and crawled over to prop her elbows up on the footboard of the bed. She rested her breasts on top of it and squished them together between her arms. The hard, ornately carved wood wasn't particularly comfortable against the underside of her bust, but she stayed put, keen to give the three girls an enticing view. Leah smiled up at the three faces watching her expectantly.

Leah loathed having to make a decision that might leave someone disappointed. "Okay," she said, stalling to give herself time to think, "Dick inspection then. I want to see what I'm getting in me before I decide where you can stick it."

Leah watched Ivy yank down her jeans excitedly. Her dick sprang up as it was freed, slapping against her slim stomach. Leah reached out and gave it several quick, rough jerks, watching Ivy's face contort into an appreciative moan.

"Mm, a nice one," Leah made a show of smacking her lips. She wondered whether her notion of what constituted typical proportions had become somewhat distorted by her recent experience, because though Ivy's dick looked very large at least by Leah's limited knowledge of typical proportions, it felt unremarkable compared to the other girls. It was pleasantly hard, and smooth. She gave it a last few slower pumps, bringing her hand all the way down to the base of the shaft to stretch the skin taut, and then let go.

Leah turned next to Lia, and put her hand on her dick to stroke it as it quickly rose and stiffened. Lia groaned softly, her eyelids fluttering closed.

"So I'm the 'ass girl' am I?" said Leah, putting on an angry pout.

"You just have such a great ass," Lia murmured. "Please let me fuck it. I'll be gentle."

"Hmm," Leah pulled Lia's dick closer and gave it one quick, vigorous slurp, letting it slide into her mouth and then running her tongue across its underside. Leah kept her hand on it after disgorging it, and stroked it slowly. She looked up into Lia's eyes and winked at her, "Maybe gentle isn't really my thing,"

"Uhh," Lia groaned again, "Yeah, me neither. I was lying. There's no way I could be gentle with an ass like yours."

"Good," Leah giggled. She let go of Lia's dick and gave it a playful slap, watching it swing rigidly back and forth.

She turned next to Katharina. Leah reached over and fumbled at the button of Katharina's jeans to pop it open. Her dick was lying pressed against the inside of her thigh. It seemed to lengthen a little as Leah pulled the jeans down. It finally sprang free when Leah had got the waistband almost to Katharina's knees. Then it lifted slowly away from Katharina's leg to stick out in front of her, only partly hard and bent in a stiff arc under its own weight.

"Oh wow," Leah enthused. She leaned down to take hold of it in the middle of its long shaft and hefted it in her hand. "I guess the most important question is where I'm going to put this monster."

Katharina gave her a restrained smile. "You, uh, don't have to put it anywhere if you don't want to," she said.

Leah began to stroke Katharina's dick, running the palm of her hand gently along the side. Judging from the momentary grimace of relief on her face, Katharina enjoyed it. But her posture looked tense, as if holding back.

"Oh I definitely do," Leah smiled. There was no way she was going to pass up the challenge. She wondered only where would be easiest.

Leah thought back to when Yvonne had tried to take Katharina in her throat earlier, and hadn't quite managed to get its full length down. The thought of besting Yvonne was a novel excitement. As Leah pumped gently with her hand she felt her pussy behind her begin to throb with warmth.

Katharina's dick felt as though it was stiffening, but only very slowly. On a whim, Leah took a firm hold of it and smacked it down against her breasts, raising a satisfying soft slap. "That nice?" Leah asked.

Katharina gave a subdued gasp that sounded like appreciation. "You have, uhh, amazing tits," she groaned.

Leah slapped her chest with Katharina's dick again a few times, until she felt a quickening throb of stiffness against her grip. When Katharina looked to be nearly fully hard, Leah smacked herself with it again, this time in the face, giggling excitedly as she bashed Katharina's dick against her cheek. Satisfied that it was ready, she put her lips to the tip and plunged her head forward. Guessing that it was probably best to go straight for her goal without hesitating, Leah put the full weight of her upper body into her first lunge and wriggled her head vigorously from side to side to swallow Katharina's dick as quickly as possible.

The first tight nudge past the back of her throat was more satisfying than uncomfortable, and Leah allowed herself a deep moan of excitement as it slid smoothly on down without raising much resistance. Leah tried to compare the sensation with the visceral memory of Marianne's thick shaft in her throat. Though considerably longer than Marianne's, it felt a little slimmer, like Yvonne's or Annika's.

It was only once it pushed past what felt like the deepest point she had reached with any of the other girls that Leah began to doubt whether she would manage it. The surprisingly pleasurable feeling of being filled and warmed from within gave way to a rising sensation of choking. Leah worked hard to suppress it, and had some success at first, but then her will slowly started to give. She felt as if she had lost track of where exactly it was inside her. She could feel it somewhere in her chest, perhaps pressing up against something, a place where she was a little tighter, but beyond that she couldn't be sure. And opening her eyes wide, Leah looked ahead and saw that she still didn't quite have all of it in. But she was close, her lips just nearing the small smooth ridge of skin where the shaft joined Katharina's body. With a last gurgling strain of her neck Leah pushed on, feeling her face redden with the heat of exertion. She grasped forward with her lips to try to get them to just graze the skin of Katharina's stomach, but when she was only a sliver shy of her goal she felt her throat constrict beyond her control, and her lungs cry out for air. Resigning herself to defeat, she drew her head quickly back and disgorged Katharina's dick with a choking gulp, spluttering for breath as her mouth was finally freed.

Leah looked up, blinking, and saw Katharina's face, her cheeks tinged pink. "Sorry," Leah gasped, hanging her head, her neck and jaw aching, "Uh..."

She felt hands grasp the side of her head, and for a moment thought Katharina was going to try to shove it straight back in, but then felt only a soothing, tight grip, fingers massaging her scalp.

"Whoa!" Ivy exclaimed.

Katharina groaned softly, "Uhh, just... give me a moment."

Leah felt a pang of disappointment that she hadn't quite made it all the way. And she suspected she would probably only fare worse if she tried again right away. She consoled herself with the thought that she had probably made it just a little further than Yvonne had.

"What's the...?" Leah began, breathless. She watched a large clear drop of saliva fall from her lips to the floor, not quite able to muster the energy to slurp it back up into her mouth before it escaped. "Uh... What's the deepest any girl has swallowed you?"

"That was," Katharina replied, "You. Just now."

Leah's breathing was slowly returning to rest. She lifted her head and laughed, "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"No. She doesn't," said Ivy, her eyes wide with astonishment.

"I've changed my mind," said Lia, "Mouth for me please."

Leah rose to her knees. She put her hand on Katharina's upright dick, more to steady herself than because she wanted to do anything with it. It glistened wet with her saliva, and at the tip it seemed to be leaking a tiny trickle of clear liquid. She tried to imagine it in her pussy. The idea of it was exciting. But already Marianne's had felt as if it had filled her about as far as was comfortable. She loathed the idea of having to ask Katharina to hold back and only half-fuck her. Although she had difficulty imagining what it must feel like to have a dick and put it in someone, Leah guessed that it would probably be deeply unsatisfying to have to put it in only part way. She stared at Katharina's dick blankly for a moment, vacillating, then concluded that her best chance of being able to take its full length was probably in her butthole.

"Okay," she sighed, "This one is going in my ass."

There was a flash of excitement across Katharina's nervous face. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"Definitely," Leah laughed. She shook her behind from side to side, "Why don't you get started already?"

"Just tell me if it's too much," said Katharina, walking hesitantly round to the side of the bed. She parted the side curtains and climbed delicately up to kneel behind Leah. "Or if there's anything that can make it easier for you."

"Well," said Leah, "If you like you could use my pussy first, just while I finish warming these two up. That would help get me going for sure."

"She gets two holes? No fair," Lia cried, "Why do you like her so much?"

"Oh gee Lia, let me think," Ivy rolled her eyes, mocking, "Maybe it's because she has a giant fucking dick? Sluts go crazy for that thing."

"Get over here you two," Leah beckoned with her finger. She crawled backwards to clear some space in front of her on the bed, then planted herself on all fours and nuzzled up against Katharina behind her, feeling Katharina's dick rest on her lower back.

Ivy hurriedly finished pulling off her jeans as she climbed over the footboard of the bed. Lia bent to unstrap and kick off her shoes before jumping eagerly over after her. Leah tossed her hair from her face and licked her lips. Behind her, she felt Katharina take hold of her hips. The moist tip of Katharina's dick traced a slow path down the base of her spine and then between her cheeks, sliding smoothly over her butthole and down to nudge open the wet folds of her eagerly pulsing pussy. Expecting it to push its way inside her, Leah closed her eyes and groaned, but then felt it slide further down and ride over the stiff, extremely sensitive nub at the top of her pussy, sending an unexpected jolt of intense pleasure up through her body.

Leah moaned again, but as the sound left her throat, her mouth was suddenly stuffed full, two hands grabbing her hair to yank her head forwards. She opened her eyes and saw Ivy's stomach just before her nose squished against it.

"Uhh, fuck yeah!" Ivy grunted.

After the initial shock of the first thrust, Leah relaxed and savored the warm satisfaction of being filled again. Compared to the ordeal she had just subjected herself to with Katharina, it was easy, even comforting, to swallow Ivy. She gulped and gagged theatrically for Ivy's benefit, finishing her moan with a loud gurgle and letting her throat constrict around Ivy's dick.