Sisters at Christmas

Story Info
Two sisters enjoy a family Christmas together with some toys.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/05/2022
Created 02/22/2019
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Snow fell gently outside the Dale household creating a white Christmas that was magical and calm for all to see. The early morning sunlight made the ground glisten and sparkle like fairy lights, and frozen spiderwebs shimmered like necklaces freshly unboxed. Two faces looked out of their window across at the bright, snow-covered wonderland that had previously been their sleepy village. The faces excitedly displayed their childish eagerness that had returned to them in the build-up to the festive season. Although they had outgrown a belief in a red-cloaked, jolly figure, the celebratory atmosphere remained deeply ingrained inside them. Maturing beyond their childhood was something both sisters were experiencing intensely this year, but they were quickly snapped back to priorities when they heard rustling from the next room. The two young adults pulled themselves away from witnessing the serene scenery outside and focused on grasping their bundles of presents and their phones, ready to take them into their parent's room and begin the festivities.

They giggled to each other about the secret they shared and exited their room. Pushing the door open, Ivy was the first to pounce on to their parents' double bed with her piles of presents. She rebounded from the bed and her gifts fell into a heap around her as she giggled and surged forward to hug both of her parents.

"Merry Christmas!" Both girls screamed at their parents and the older sister, Holly placed her presents and phone daintily on the bed before leaning in to hug and kiss her mum as Ivy moved to kiss her dad on the cheek and wish him a Merry Christmas. Sitting back and allowing Holly to say good morning to her father, Ivy tugged her green t-shirt dress down over her bare legs from where it had ridden up and adjusted herself, so she was sitting on her heels. Holly joined her at the foot of the bed glancing briefly at the presents piled up next to her parents' bed and smirked at Ivy attempting to get comfortable. Straightening out her jumper and skirt she crossed her legs and perched on the edge of the bed as the family began to talk about how they slept.

Quickly Ivy's eagerness to begin giving out the presents she'd bought with money from her first paid job overwhelmed the others and they set about handing out presents. They started with their parents exchanging presents for each other and the girls gave their presents to both of their parents. That CD Dad really wanted, that new gadget Mum had needed and many more besides. Eventually they moved on to handing out presents for the girls to open. Holly was first, and the eldest daughter was rapidly surround by presents as she moved closer into the middle of the bed. She smiled and screamed at certain presents and laughed at overly wordy cards. She opened one of Ivy's presents to find a very fluffy, red and white Christmas hat.

"You complained last year about not getting one so now you have one!" Ivy said excitedly, grinning at her sister.

"Thanks, sis." She said trying the hat on rolling her eyes.

"Come on, pose for us!" Ivy declared pointing her phone at her from across the room, her finger on the screen.

Holly's face took on an unimpressed look as she tilted her head to the side and modelled for her sister, humouring her picture. Holly quickly and suddenly realised that the glint in her sister's eyes meant that her phone was not currently using the camera app. Ivy's fingers glided across the screen as her sister jumped slightly before recovering control. Their eyes met with a mutual understanding and both began to smile. Ivy aimed her camera phone and moved through various angles to capture her sister in her present. The elder sister jumped, manoeuvred herself, and occasionally squirmed during her impromptu photo shoot before Ivy finished "taking photos" and permitted Holly to open the rest of her gifts. Holly's slightly flushed face and infrequent glances at their parents was the only give away that anything more than Christmas cheer was occurring in the room.

Breakfast was next on the agenda once the family had opened every gift that they had chosen for each other. The croissants came smoking hot out of the oven and onto the table where the girls sat patiently. Jams and butters surrounded them, and the family got to work preparing their croissants to their own tastes.

Ivy's eyes were distracted half way through breakfast when they followed her elder sister slowly lick a dollop of strawberry jam that was coating the top of her ring finger. She was made aware moments later that Holly was simultaneously moving a slider on her phone that was under the table. The slight movement exacted an instant reaction of a poorly stifled yelp originating from the younger sibling.

"What was that Ivy?" The girl's mother asked, not incredibly concerned, more surprised at the outburst than worried.

"Oh- I- I just bumped my foot on the chair. Nothing major. These croissants are really good, aren't they?"

Holly's finger had dipped inside her mouth to second joint and her lips closed on the invading digit as the focus of her parents centred on the younger sibling.

"Aren't they just, I'm glad you like them darling-" Holly's finger slid higher on the screen "-although I'm sure dinner will be even better!"

A low quiet groan emanated from Ivy's mouth that she quickly became aware of.

"Um yes, I bet it will be-fantastic." Her speech ended in a slight sigh as Holly's finger slid down her screen and released her sister from her momentary torment. Holly pulled her finger out of her mouth with a slight pop, still damp with saliva that began to trickle down her finger.

"Oh, I'm sure it is going to taste heavenly Ivy." The elder sister said. Her eyes locked onto the younger sister informing her that their game, while back and forth, was in no way equal. Holly was firmly in charge of her little sister as she watched Ivy attempt to return her breathing to normal and hide the blush spreading upwards from her chest.


Ivy's breathing gradually returned to normal over the course of breakfast, but it was not to stay that way.

"Want us to clean up for you? You're gonna be working hard cooking today. It's the least we can do." It was an innocent enough suggestion from Holly. A kind-hearted offer to her parents on a special day of the year. Ivy would have had no reason to worry, if she didn't know her sister better and hadn't seen the way Holly's eyes had flicked over to her.

The girls' parents were very appreciative as they walked over to the kitchen area of their open plan kitchen-dining room and moved behind the counter that separated the two. Ivy lent over and began to unpack the dishwasher and pass the dishes to her sister who stood behind her at the cupboards opposite. Holly's glance flicked over to her parents every now and again as she dutifully put away the crockery, a glint in her eye could be seen as she saw them become fully immersed in their own company.

The elder sister placed her left hand on Ivy's barely covered behind, grasped her green t-shirt dress and pushed it firmly up her back. Holly pressed her hand onto Ivy and pushed her into a bent over position as her butt came into view. Shuddering for a second as she felt her skin exposed to the air, but not exposed to her parents' sight below the countertop, Ivy slowly passed another plate to her sister. Holly grasped it with her right hand as her left hand lifted and rolled over to where her sister's top had gotten caught. Her eyes checked on their oblivious parents as she unhooked the bottom of her sister's dress and raised it over the black silicone bump that protruded from her sister's tightest hole. She sensed Ivy's breathing increase dramatically as she tapped and pressed upon the toy she had inserted earlier. The slightest dribbles of lube that remained outside in the valley between her cheeks reminded her of the leisurely process of placing it inside her sister that morning. Holly's fingers moved further down tracing a nail over the flesh of her sisters' butt and nearing a warmer centre as she grasped another bowl from her obedient sister. Her fingers moved towards the opening of her sister's intimate den as she carried the bowl towards the shelf.

Holly had difficulty at first in finding the shelf. She moved her hand and the bowl back and raised it. She lifted it over the other bowls that were sitting inside the cupboard, nudging them slightly. She ever so gently placed it inside the ring of the others. It settled there with barely a sound.

Holly slowly extracted her fingers. They came out moist and warm and a trail stuck to them as she moved them further away from her sister. Ivy waited patiently with a plate outstretched as her sister wrapped her lips around her finger and finally tasted what she had imitated minutes ago. Following through on her unspoken promise.

When her finger returned Ivy backed her waist ever so slightly towards the waiting fingers. Holly continued to accept and put away dishes as she moved her fingers around her sister's lips to lather the juices she was producing on every surface she could. Her index finger drew large soft circles around the puffy, excited lips drawing lines of juices over them. Holly look over her sister's butt to her open mouth and sparkling eyes that were locked on her own. A single flick upon her sister's exposed clit made her sister buck her hips forward and nearly hit her head on the counter before pressing back on Holly's waiting finger. Ivy's pussy landed on Holly's finger held parallel to her lips, fully coating it. The older sister drew it upwards in a fluid movement and the pressed it back into her sister's very warm core and the sisters lavished in the moment, Holly enjoying the feeling of her sister's tight pussy clasping her finger and Ivy feeling the heat spreading through her entire body acutely aware of the drone of her parents' conversation. Holly moved her finger back and forth inside her sister's very damp pussy once again as she squirmed and shifter her hips beneath her. Holly's eyes flicked between her sister and her parents. She reached around her sister as she added her middle finger to the increasing pleasure of her sister. Picking up and putting away the plate Holly grasped allowed the siblings to keep up appearances for the sake of their parents while the older sister increased the pace of her fingering forcing Ivy to grip the counter to steady herself. When Holly returned her hand to the dishwasher she did so solely to grasp at Ivy's breasts. While smaller than her own, Holly knew that they were just as soft and that her nipples were just as sensitive as the ones poking through her jumper.

It was the pinching of her younger sister's nipple that stopped their fun as Ivy just barely managed to stifle a moan but was unable to prevent her knee from knocking against the wire frame of the dishwasher tray. The surprise coupled with the intense pleasure she was feeling caused Ivy to open her mouth and take a sharp gasp. Both parents looked up.

The bottomless and practically dripping Ivy was hidden behind the counter but the flushed Holly was very visible as she feigned an innocent look at her parents.

"Everything okay over there?"

Holly extracted her soaked fingers that glistened with her sisters' juices and held them up above the counter. The shiny fingers distracted the adults as Holly's other hand subtly moved a hand over Ivy's back and moved her dress back into place.

"Yeah, don't worry. Just splashed Ivy with some water." Holly replied gesturing at her parents with the clear liquid that both sisters knew to be far from innocent water.

Ivy could not believe her sister's dangerous gambit still bent in her hidden position hiding her burning face and heaving chest. The following seconds however, caused Ivy's eyes to roll back in her head, when her older sister took the damp fingers that had recently been plunging into her sex and curled them between her lips to suck them dry in front of her parents. Some form of Ivy's consciousness bit her teeth together keep her ecstasy from becoming vocal as an electric wave rolled through her body and shook her to her essence. Her hips rose as her muscles clenched through the sequential surges of pleasure. A small stream of juices flooded out of the younger sister from the intense mischief and sexuality of her sibling who stood commandingly over her with a gleeful smile and lustful eyes. The juices rolled down to the young girls' mid thighs and peaked out from beneath her dress. Informing the elder sibling that she had indeed recognised the tell-tale signs of her sister experiencing an orgasm mere feet away from their parents.

"Don't worry. I think we are done." Holly said as she skipped out from the kitchen area towards her parents. "I think Ivy is just finishing."


The girls' mother was working hard to chop carrots and parsnips ready for roasting while her husband worked on the batter for his famous (family-wide at least) home-made Yorkshire puddings. He briefly paused his pouring off the batter into the tray as he felt his wife press into his shoulder. The smiled at each other enjoying the privacy and closeness their kitchen afforded them. Together they worked on a glorious feast of a Christmas dinner, that would likely keep the whole family full for days.

While their parents were collaborating in the kitchen to feed the whole family, Ivy opening the door to the living room to get revenge on her sister.

"You like that bitch? Trying to hold in your moans so our parents can't hear from the next room? Imagine how it felt to be in the same room as them?" She spat with a hint of venom, but her malice was mostly her playing the part. Her sister was already squirming away in front of her as Ivy thumbed at the controls that she had begun to turn on while still in the room with her parents.

Ivy had tried to follow her parent's conversation as she finished emptying the dishwasher her sister had left her to do after brining her to orgasm but her post-orgasmic state had severely impaired that. Her mind was mostly focused on the juices she felt seeping out of her sensitive and exposed pussy. She had managed to catch most of the escapees that ventured further than her dress by squeezing her thighs together but that in turn seemed to only let more escape her core. What had granted her smug satisfaction was hearing a glass slam onto a placemat from the living room when Ivy had moved the dial on her phone up to the mid-point on her screen.

Now Ivy stood at the door looking at her sister's drink firmly on the table, with a few splash marks around it. Behind the table and central to the rear wall, Ivy's elder sister writhed on the sofa. A flick down of Ivy's thumb rested her sister's hips back on the soft cushion and allowed her to flick her eyes open and peer through the strands of her now dishevelled hair to look at her sister. A quick flip up of Ivy's thumb again forced Holly's eyelids to clamp shut as she bucked her hips into the air and grasped handfuls of fabric and pillow. Ivy's thumb moved up and down in a slow wave pattern as she closed the door behind her with a click and approached her sister slowly. Holly managed to glimpse her sister's approach occasionally between waves of pleasure and her mind went into overdrive imagining the "revenge" her sister would enact on her. Ivy kneeled in front of her. When it came to a battle of control and teasing in their relationship, Holly was certainly dominant. Yet Ivy had grown wise to the inner workings of her older sibling and had come to realise that for all her posturing, Holly longed to be at her younger sibling's mercy and was powerless to break free if she gave Ivy an inch with which to start pleasuring her. The post-orgasm hunger that gleamed from her sister's eyes made a shudder course through her Holly's every muscle like a hot burn, completely separate from the pleasure that the toy Ivy had inserted into her was producing.

Ivy parted her soft and shuddering legs, watching as Holly's eyelids fluttered and her mouth opened in a silent gasp of anticipation and exquisite imagination. Ivy took her time. Reaching in gently she traced her fingers along the quivering thighs ahead of her, ever so slightly raking her nails along the sensitive skin. Faint red trails led up to her core as Ivy lifted and rolled her sister's skirt up to expose her sweet and smooth centre to the light. A red glow surrounded her vulva as the heat emanating from it escaped to flush her skin. While Ivy watched, her sister's waist bucked and grinded upwards towards the air that caressed her. Between her neatly folded lips that were the centrepiece of the artwork that lay before her, a small, thin, pink, plastic protrusion stood upright. The light at its head blinked in time with the movements of Ivy's thumb on the controls. The antennae only hinted at the vibrating egg that was currently contained inside Holly's vagina and buzzed with almost silent but intense power.

Ivy looked up at her sister as she turned the power down to low. Holly's eyes opened and refocused on her sister.

"Tell me something. How excited did you get licking my tasty juices off your sweet fingers in front of our parents?"

Holly's stomach contracted visibly, and her chest filled out as she tensed and took in a sudden breath. Her eyes flicked to the side as she mentally revisited the preceding erotic moments. Her hips still undulated gently begging for more attention, but Holly bit her lip and attempted her response.

"I d-OOOH" she squealed as she bent forward with the sudden smooth wet tongue that attacked her clit in wide circles alongside 80% of the vibrators' power. The suburb onslaught ended as quickly as it started. Holly slammed her hand to her face to cover her mouth in embarrassment and look at the door. She strained to listen for any sign of her parents as Ivy started the vibrator on low once again. Only the faint conversation and the sound of the kitchen extractor fan could be heard. Her eyes flicked to her smug sister, a faint shine of wetness on the bottom of her lip.

"That is what it feels like to be unable to control your voice. Now grab that pillow and put your pretty little face in it." The younger sibling commanded before leaning back in between her sister's soft legs. She pushed gentle on Holly's legs to part them and shuffled her legs along the soft carpet to position her head better. Holly felt the muscles in her thighs tense periodically and her toes curled in anticipation while Ivy's breath blew stronger on her teased pussy as she inched forward. The sudden wetness on the left side of her lips caused her to bite into the soft and silky, chocolate brown pillow she had seized to stifle her moans and comply with her sister's demands.

With an increasing pace Ivy flicked her tongue from either side of her mouth dragging it across Holly's wet lips just below where the vibrating egg's antennae was emerging. The low vibrations tickled her tongue as she flicked it and excited her with the connection she was experiencing with her sister. As Holly shifted in pleasure Ivy moved towards licking up and down her lips and occasionally flicking her clit with her tongue. Her arms moved from their resting positions on Holly's thighs up under her jumper ready to push up her bra and access her smooth breasts. In response to the increased freedom of her legs Holly shifted more towards Ivy in desperation and wrapped her legs over her sister's shoulders, eager to pull her into her pulsating wetness. Ivy licked with increased vigour and pushed her tongue into her opening between licks to wiggle it around her folds while setting the vibrator on a building wave pattern.