Sisters' Misters Ch. 04


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"I had a feeling that you'd say that," Trey said, adding, "You were fucking fantastic, Katie (which made her smile). You know you're hooked now. You're addicted. You're going to want to have a big black cock filling your nice white pussy every chance you get from now on.

Katie nodded her head, accepting her fate.

Trey came up with a plan, saying, "If you want, I'll come back at about 7 o'clock tonight. We'll tell Jennifer and Jamal that I'm going to show you around town, then we'll go to my place and I'll fuck you even harder!"

"Oh yes, I love that idea!" Katie said. "I'll be ready at 7. I feel like a teenager going on her first date! I can't wait to feel your cock again, honey. See you tonight!"

With that, Trey left the apartment. Jennifer saw Trey drive away and waited about 10 minutes before heading back across the street to her home.

Jennifer entered the apartment and shouted, "Hey Mom, it's me. My boss let me off early."

Katie strolled out of the guest bedroom, carrying a book and said, "That's nice dear. I was relaxing and reading and must have dozed off. Now we can spend the afternoon together."

Jennifer pointed at the fishing rod, still standing in the corner, and said, "Trey didn't come by yet?"

Katie thought fast and said, "He was here but I guess he forgot what he came for. He's a very nice man. We had a cup of coffee and talked. Trey volunteered to come by at 7 o'clock tonight to show me around town for a while. I hope that won't spoil any plans."

"Is Trey going to show you his bed?" Jennifer asked with a big grin.

Katie put on her best stern look and asked, "Now why would you say such a thing?"

Jennifer, smiling ear to ear, approached her mother and said, "Mom, let me show you my new video!"

Jennifer held the phone in front of Katie's face and pushed play. At first, Katie didn't understand why her daughter was showing her a shaky pornographic movie, then after about 10 seconds, she realized the woman being fucked by the black man was her! Katie gasped and covered her mouth, then said, "Jennifer! You shouldn't have! When did you do this? Why did you do this?!"

Katie burst into tears.

Jennifer tried to embrace her hysterical mother, but Katie pulled away and turned her back.

"Mom, it's okay," Jennifer said softly. "You couldn't help yourself. You were starved for attention and Trey's big black cock was irresistible. This just proves that you're no worse than I am. I'm no better than you are. We're no different than Chelsea!"

"Please Jennifer," Katie pleaded, "Don't tell your father!" I wish I hadn't done it!" Katie sobbed for a minute, then started to recover her composure.

"You know, Jennifer, the real truth is, I'm not sorry I did it," Katie continued, "I would do it again. I'm going to do it again!"

"You're going to do it again, Mom?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes," Katie said, breaking into a small smile as she dabbed her tears. "I just love the way he fucked me!"

Jennifer was surprised by her mother's candor, and her language. She started laughing and Katie joined in.

"You set me up, didn't you, you sneaky little pain in the ass!" Katie said, grinning.

"No, I wouldn't say I 'set you up'", Jennifer said, grinning. "I just arranged an opportunity for you and you took full advantage of it!"

"Well, when Trey picks me up tonight we're going to go to his place and he's going to fuck me and I'm happy about it!"

"And I'm happy for you, Mom!" Jen said. "I'll bet you're getting horny!"

"That's true," Katie said, "and I haven't been horny in a long, long time."

"I need to ask a favor," Katie said, "Trey wants me to shave my pussy before he fucks me again, so can I borrow a razor, dear?"

Jennifer said, "Of course, anything to help!" and went to her bathroom, returning with a disposable razor, shaving cream and scissors.

Taking the items from Jennifer, Katie said "I don't how I'll explain my pussy's new look to your father, but then again, he'll probably never notice."

When Jamal got home that afternoon Jennifer followed him into their bedroom as he changed clothes and told him everything. Jamal found it all quite amusing.

At 6 o'clock, Katie started getting ready for her 7 p.m. date with Trey.

Katie had only packed one simple dress, in case she went out to dinner with Jennifer and Jamal. She hoped that Trey would like it.

She slipped the dress on and thought it looked presentable, but she was bothered by the panty line visible when she bent over in front of the mirror. She pulled her panties off and thought it looked much better that way. She had never gone out in public without panties, but this would be a night for firsts, so she decided to go bare-bottom, feeling very daring and naughty.

After doing the best she could with the little bit of makeup that she had, she brushed her blond hair and went to the living room to wait for Trey along with Jennifer and Jamal.

"Mom, you look great!" Jennifer said.

"Yes, very sexy!" Jamal added.

"Really?" Katie asked, "I wish I had something a little nicer but this is the best I can do."

"You look fine," Jennifer assured her mother, "Besides, Trey wouldn't care if you wore nothing at all. In fact, he'd probably like you better that way!"

"You know, I'm nervous enough," Katie said. "I shouldn't be doing this at all and you two aren't making it any easier."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Jamal answered it and invited Trey in.

"Hello again, Katie," Trey began, "you certainly look very nice tonight." Trey then walked over to Katie, who was standing near the couch, and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Wow, that's not much of a greeting for such good friends," Jamal said with a smile.

"Well, we just met this morning," Trey said.

"Yeah, but it was quite a meeting!" Jen added, smiling and winking her eye.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Trey said incredulously.

"They know," Katie said, blushing just a bit.

"Know what?" Trey asked.

"They know we had sex today," Katie informed him. "Jennifer got off work early and walked in when we were in the guestroom."

"Holy shit!" Trey exclaimed before he started chuckling. "Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag!"

"You mean the pussy's out of the bag!" Jamal quipped, causing everyone to laugh, breaking the tension in the room.

"Well then, I can say hello properly," Trey said, throwing his arms around Katie and planting a big kiss on her lips.

Embracing Trey at that point, Katie looked him in the face and said, "Jen got us on video."

"No shit!" Trey declared, "On video? Let me see it!"

"No," Katie said, "this is embarrassing enough. We don't need a replay."

"I want to see it, baby," Trey said to Katie. Jennifer already had her iPhone in hand and was queuing it up.

Jen pushed the play button and held the phone sideways so Trey and Katie could both see the small screen. With the speaker up loud, everyone could hear Katie pleading for Trey to fuck her harder in her white pussy.

"Wooo hooo!" Trey shouted as he stared at the action, "You are really taking it, Katie!"

"Well now everyone knows our little secret," Katie said, "and we have to keep it a secret, although I'm glad we don't have to keep up any charades tonight." Katie then leaned into Trey and gave him another kiss on the lips.

Still holding Trey, Katie turned to look at Jennifer and said, "I'm sorry dear. Does it bother you to see me kissing someone other than your father? If it does, I'll try to control myself, but I don't know if I can control Trey!" Trey was grabbing Katie's boobs and nibbling at her ears as she tried to have the conversation with her daughter.

"No, Mom, it's fine," Jen said, "in fact, it's pretty hot. Seeing you getting felt up by a handsome black stud is kind of surreal. But whatever you do, don't stop on my account!

Trey and Katie stood there, kissing and caressing each other. Trey reached his arms behind Katie and squeezed her ass cheeks through her dress, noticing that she did not have any underwear on.

"No panties. I like that!" Trey chuckled. Then he stepped back and lifted Katie's dress up high to see if she shaved her pussy.

Seeing Katie's baby-smooth cunt, Trey said, "Now that's the way I like it!" He put his hand on Katie's pussy and said, "Oh yeah!"

Katie pulled her dress back down and said, "Trey please, not in front of my daughter!"

Jennifer busted out laughing and said, "It's okay Mom, really!"

Katie kissed and hugged Jennifer, who took it as a "thank you", and strolled out the apartment hand-in-hand with Trey. After they climbed into Trey's Escalade, Katie asked Trey if he lived far from there. She was eager to crawl into his bed.

"I've got a townhouse not too far from here," Trey said. "But first I'm going to take you to the club and show you off to my home boys. You look so beautiful tonight."

Katie blushed and smiled.

The club was a black nightclub. As they entered the cavernous and dimly lit lounge, Trey had his arm around Katie's trim waist. There were dozens of black men inside, along with a lot of black women and a few white ladies. Katie was, by far, the best looking female in the place. A number of guys whistled and hooted and several greeted Trey by name and gave him high-fives. They passed a black man sitting at a table, making out with a young white woman, who smiled and winked at Katie. Katie responded by giving her a little wave of her hand. Katie thought the woman's gesture probably meant "welcome to the club."

Trey led Katie to the dance floor. She hadn't danced much during all her years with Bill, and she normally hated urban hip-hop music, but it sounded really good to her that night. Trey was an excellent dancer and Katie tried to mimic his moves, doing quite well at it. During one dance, some guy squeezed her ass. Trey saw it and laughed, so Katie figured the guy must have known Trey.

Katie and Trey retreated to a table in the far corner. Katie told Trey she didn't drink much but she ordered a Pina Colada. She sipped the sweet and tasty drink very quickly and the server immediately brought her another. Under the table, draped with a large tablecloth, Katie slipped her hand onto Trey's lap and began stroking his cock, which responded by becoming erect and pressing at his pants. Trey discreetly unzipped his trousers and opened his belt, allowing his cock to be somewhat secretly exposed. Then he took Katie's hand and brought her out of her seat and onto his lap.

Katie and Trey started kissing passionately and Katie hiked up the front of her dress so that Trey could poke his cock into her pussy. They both tried to contain any outward signs of pleasure as he fucked her right there. They moved in time with the pounding beat, but to people nearby, it was pretty obvious what they were doing. Katie was in ecstasy! She had never done anything so daring, nasty and brazen in her life, and her pussy loved it! She buried her face in Trey's shoulder every time she came, her flowing blond hair helping to hide her facial expressions. Trey started moaning as quietly as possible and the chair they shared rocked a bit as he climaxed and filled her pussy with his cum. After some afterglow kisses, Trey eased Katie off his lap and back to her own chair, then used a cloth napkin to clean his cock under table. He passed the napkin to Katie, who took another sip of her drink and then reached up under her dress to wipe the globs of cum oozing out of her pussy.

After a couple more drinks and dances, Trey led Katie out of the club and back to his Caddy to drive to his townhouse.

As soon as Trey closed the front door behind them, Katie started stripping out of her clothes. Trey laughed and he said she was one horny bitch, which Katie took as a compliment. Within minutes, the couple had made it to Trey's bed and were once again rutting like animals. After Katie took another large dose of cum in her cunt she went to get her cellphone from her purse.

Katie sent Jennifer a text message: Staying at Trey's tonight ;-)

Then Katie decided to send another text: Am I too old for a tattoo?!

Katie woke in the morning in Trey's bed and in his arms. She thought for a moment she was dreaming, then realized it was real. She began to run her hand over Trey's dark skin, admiring it, and he began to stir. Within minutes they were fucking again. After Trey dumped another load of cum in Katie's pussy he said he had to go in to work for a few hours because a rich bitch was coming in to buy a Cadillac and he had to close the deal. Trey said he would drop Katie off at Jennifer's place and promised to make it up to her that night by fucking her in ways she never thought of.

After Katie was dropped off at Jennifer's apartment, the mother and daughter started chatting. Katie once again surprised Jennifer by speaking so freely and sometimes using words like "fuck" and "pussy".

"So, how was your night with Trey," Jennifer asked Katie, smiling. "I see you picked up a few battle scars," referring to a burgeoning hickey on Katie's neck and red marks on her chest above her bust line.

"Well, it was nothing short of amazing," Katie gushed. "We made love off and on all night long. Trey has so much stamina and is so - I don't know what to call it - skilled? I can't believe I'm telling you this, but I climaxed more last night than I have in the past five years with your father."

"Trey's cock is really, really big. I never knew they got that big. And it's really black too. I just stare at it when he pushes it into me."

"So what about you and Daddy?" Katie inquired, adding, "I guess your sex life has been pretty routine."

"It's been pretty non-existent, really," Katie said. "Once in a while. He's not in the mood much. I think he's more into porno than he's into me. He was on the computer a couple weeks ago and I snuck up behind him to surprise him. He was watching a video of a black man screwing a white woman. I thought maybe he was trying to picture you and Jamal, or something."

Jennifer told her mom, "It sounds like Daddy might have an interracial sex fetish. That's pretty common, mostly men but a lot of women too. There are thousands of stories, photos and videos on the internet."

"Well maybe that's it," Katie said, sighing, and then laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jennifer asked.

"He might be into watching interracial sex," Katie said with a grin, "But I'm into having interracial sex! In fact, Jennifer, I'm addicted already. I see now what got into you and Chelsea."

"Yeah, a big black cock got into us both!" Jennifer said, causing them both to laugh.

"Well, since you can't fuck Trey this afternoon," Jennifer began, "what would you like to do? Go shopping? See a movie?"

"Well, I was thinking about that tattoo idea," Katie said sheepishly. "Does it hurt much?"

"Yes, it hurts quite a bit, but it's not all that bad," Jennifer answered. "I thought you were just kidding when you texted about it. You sure didn't like the idea that Chelsea had a Queen of Spades like mine, and now you really want one too?"

"I'm a different person today," Katie said with a grin. "I feel like I want to do something to declare the change. Plus, it'll be something special that I have in common with you and Chelsea, besides the whole big black cock thing! And just think, it'll make a nice souvenir of our weekend that I can take home."

Jennifer didn't say anything out loud, but she thought to herself "I sure hope Mom is taking some precautions or she'll be taking home a souvenir in her uterus!"

After a 20 minute drive, and 30 minutes in the tattoo parlor, Katie had a Queen of Spades tattoo permanently inked in the area just above her left ankle. She was marked for life now, just like her Jennifer and Chelsea.

A few minutes later, Jennifer came up with a devilish plan.

"Let's take a close-up picture of our tattoos together and I'll text it to Chelsea with 'Guess Who?' in the subject line!"

"Oh, yes!" Katie said enthusiastically. "Chelsea knows I'm staying with you but she'll go nuts wondering who else might have gotten the same tattoo! Let's do it!"

On their way back to Jennifer's place, she and Katie decided to stop at the supermarket to buy the ingredients for a romantic, candle-lit celebration dinner.

When Trey arrived that evening, Katie greeted him with a glass of wine, wearing one of Jennifer's prettiest negligees. Trey immediately noticed Katie's new tattoo and absolutely loved it, telling her it made her even more beautiful. Katie blushed and smiled.

Jennifer wore a sexy nightgown for Jamal as well. The two couples enjoyed the food and lots of wine. Katie told Trey he had two choices for dessert: key lime pie or her. Trey said the options sounded delicious and he was going to eat them both!

After dinner they moved to the big couch. Trey was ready to fuck Katie then and there, but she led him to the guest room for some privacy. Katie had loved fucking Trey in the back of the nightclub with 100 people around but she wasn't ready to fuck in front of her daughter - at least not yet, even though Jen had already seen her mom humping Trey when she caught her on the video.

The sex was everything Trey had promised as he introduced Katie to fucking positons she had never imagined.

Trey spent the night with Katie in the guest room. In the morning, they fucked almost from the minute they opened their eyes. As the noon hour approached, Jennifer prepared a bacon and egg brunch. The meal was punctuated by frequent kissing breaks and other loving gestures, then it came time for Katie to leave and drive home.

Kissing Trey goodbye, Katie had one hand on his arm and the other down his pants. Then, after sharing big hugs and many thanks with Jennifer and Jamal, Katie went to her car and drove away.

As she headed home, Katie was a new woman with a different perspective and a changed attitude, possessing a hickey on her neck, bruises and bite marks on her boobs, a shaved pussy, a new tattoo and millions of black sperm wiggling around deep inside her body.

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PenPal2001PenPal2001over 1 year agoAuthor

@ Chloevesfur, That is a high compliment and I appreciate it! Please keep reading and commentintg. PP

chloelovesfurchloelovesfurover 1 year ago

The best you can always say about any story is i came half way through reading it. Read the other half later in the day. Thanks for writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Mother and her two daughters impregnated with black babies. Katie files for divorce and kicks hubby from house before selling it and moving with Trey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Boy do this whitetrash cunts have quick lost their shit for brains.

Guess that‘s why 🐒 wannt to screw them, cos da black sista 🐒 have less.

Ask do motha 🐒

PenPal2001PenPal2001almost 6 years agoAuthor
@ Deerhunter00

Thanks for your positive feedback. There is a strong mother-daughter dynamic is my story "Blackjack Holidays."

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