SIW: Adam & Bronwille Ch. 01


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She paled at hearing his words. Her eyes traveled to the visible bulge and that further caused her to panic. No one saw her being taken and no one would know to report her missing. Not until tomorrow when people started arriving for work and seeing her purse and car would someone think to call in a missing persons report. She was alone and she felt the biting fear that she was probably going to die after this was all over.

"I see you finally understand," he sneered from behind his ski mask. "I picked you because you are a loner. You don't have friends and you don't have anyone who gives a flying fuck about you in this town. You're mine now, bitch. So start acting the part and get undressed. Now."

Amelia gulped twice before she sat up and looked down at her tattered clothing, or what remained of them. He'd pretty much shredded her suit and so she slowly removed what was left and sat there in just her bra and bikini underwear.

He eyed her lewdly, "I took you for a tease, Amelia, and thought you'd wear a thong. You strut your hot cunt for the rest of the world, but don't let anyone near enough to see between those hot legs of yours."

The use of her name jolted her violently. Her heart sank well into her stomach when she heard it spoken off this man's lips. Suddenly, she knew who he was and it caused her to sink lower into a state of despair.

Giant started laughing the moment recognition bloomed in her eyes. "How's it going, sweetheart."

"How?" she moaned. "How could you do this to me?" Rubin was a man from work who started with her company six months back and had slowly worked under her protective barrier that kept people at arms distance. She'd miscalculated with him...trusted him...and now this. Making friends had always been hard, but he'd promised her he'd never bring her harm and slowly over time, he'd earned her trust.

"Easy. You're my ticket, so I used you. Simple, I want something more but I get a bonus in this deal because I've wanted to fuck you senseless for months."

"But you, but you said—,"

"—I said shit. I said absolutely nothing," he leaned closer and pulled the mask off, showing his smooth face and dimpled chin. Ruffling his sandy blond hair and then smoothing it back in that awfully familiar fashion had Amelia cursing to herself that she'd ever found him charming at all.

"Why?" her voice cracked, still unable to comprehend what was happening as the shock started to make her mind numb and her body useless.

"I spotted you at work immediately. All I had to do was seek out the one woman who always ate lunch alone, took breaks alone and left alone. Darling, that is you. Hell, I bet you fuck yourself alone." Rubin sneered as his eyes roamed rudely up and down her scantily clad body, "But not for long. Tonight I fuck you and hard."

She leaned back, covered her breasts with her crossed arms and closed her eyes. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't be happening. It couldn't be...she jumped when his hand gripped her chin and tilted her head up breaking her private chant to make all this go away.

"Keep your eyes open."

The van slowed and turned onto a dirt road throwing both her and Rubin around in the back until he had her pinned to the floor looming over her body. He laughed crudely when he took advantage of their predicament and pressed between her legs with his rock hard cock.


"Fuck off."

"Soon. Many times."

The driver and the other man turned back right when Rubin kissed her hard, pressing his lips roughly against her struggling face and smashing her head back into the floor. She turned into a hell cat in that moment and fought with a strength she didn't know she had, raking her nails down the front on his face, drawing blood.

Rubin slapped her hard, causing spots to flash behind her eyes before he did it again and again until Amelia was stunned still. But she wasn't through.

When Rubin was starting to relax enough to check his wounds, wiping the blood off and cursing silently, Amelia struck out and kicked him hard in the balls again and then kicked out again when he leaned forward in pain, colliding with his face breaking his nose immediately.

Blood splashed across her bare skin and splattered down the front of his shirt. This sent Rubin into a freakish rage as he sat there for a moment holding his bleeding nose watching her. She could see the heat burning behind those eyes and regretted her actions immediately.

"You fucking bitch!" Rubin roared and pounced on her smashing her head back against the floor in one smooth motion, knocking her unconscious immediately. The last thing she saw was his feral face as he bore down upon her frightened self and then nothing.

* * * *

* * * *

Adam leaned back as he pinched the bridge of his nose. If what he had just read was what had happened to her... Suddenly standing up, his chair fell abruptly to the side by the sheer power trapped inside of his body. His wolf was angry, it wanted blood, and it wanted revenge for what had been done to its mate.

Grabbing for the beer he emptied it in one go, hoping it would numb his senses just a little bit. Breathing heavily he tried calming down his wolf but failed. The familiar snapping of bones reached his ears and a few seconds later his wolf stood in the middle of the living room.


Pacing back and forth.

More growling.

Grabbing one of the large cushions, his wolf started shaking the offensive thing as if it were its prey. Little pieces of the stuffing were flying all over the place. Only when the wolf noticed nothing was flying around anymore did he release the empty cushion and calmed a little bit, having expressed his anger for this situation he was in. He felt his human side fighting for control and reluctantly gave in.

Adam swallowed hard, sitting in the middle of his room. He took in the results of his wolf's little outburst. The anger and rage was still bubbling inside of him but his heart also wept for her. Rationally he knew he couldn't have prevented what happened to her that time but he cursed himself for not staying with her when she left "The Viper". He got up again and a rage came over him. He kicked his chair to the other end of the room, shattering it against the wall. Agitated and angry he called Chris, letting him know he'd be running on their land near the lake. He needed fresh air and he needed it fast!

+ + + +

He wasn't able to shake the anger off of him. Four laps around the lake and he didn't calm down at all. Crouching down he drank some of the ice cold lake water. Adam shook his head as he felt it go down. Still the rage and anger rippled through him and before he knew what he was doing he jumped into the water.

His wolf didn't agree with this course of action and forced his human form to appear. Gulping down a big swallow of water, he quickly resurfaced and coughed up the water he accidentally swallowed. Silently he cursed his wolf but he was surprised that his temper had cooled down as well.

Feeling the cold take over, he quickly swam to the shore and climbed out. Much to his surprise he saw Mia standing there with a towel in hand.

"Chris told me you'd be running here. I'm assuming you read a certain something?" Mia explained herself being where she was.

"Just the first chapter. I couldn't bring myself to open the next one. I was this close to losing it," Adam answered, holding his index finger and thumb close together. Accepting the towel, he dried himself quickly, before wrapping it around his waist, covering up his nakedness.

"Come sit with me for a little bit," Mia told him, patting the spot next to where she sat down.

They both stared into the distance for a while, just enjoying the quietness between them.

Fiddling with a corner of the towel, Adam finally broke the silence when he asked, "How accurate is her story, Mia?"

"She never told us what really happened, but when I checked up on her I could read some of her dreams." Mia reached for Adam's hand and gave it a good squeeze before she spoke again. "It's as accurate as it can be, apart from the changed names. When I looked at her dreams it was only bits and pieces. Only when I read her story did those pieces fall into place."

Adam's anger reappeared. His eyes took on a golden shade as his wolf battled him for control. A growl was already emanating from his chest and he was showing the telltale signs of an upcoming shift.

"Get a grip on it Adam. You won't be of any help to her if you lose it this easily. I thought a former SEAL had more self-control?" Mia said putting him straight.

Taking a few deep breaths, he relaxed again. Mia was right. He couldn't act like this every time the attack was mentioned. He felt Mia squeezing his hand reassuringly again, this time he returned the gesture.

"You're right, as always. Why didn't I find you first?" He smiled down at her, released her hand and pulled her in for a friendly hug.

"Now you're being silly," Mia chided him.

"Maybe, but I bet you're giving Chris a serious run around? Or at least I hope you are. Don't make things too easy on him."

Mia just smiled as he made that statement.

"Why don't you go home now and get some sleep? I'm sure the rest of the story will prove to be even harder. Don't overdo the reading and control your anger. Remember she has dealt with it. The current attack only brought back the memories and she's coping thanks to you. She only has to realize and accept that little fact. You'll have to earn her trust from scratch."

"Yeah, think I'll do that. I'll wait a day or two before reading the next. I have to give myself some time to process all of this too. Just tell me this, did the ones that hurt her ever got caught?" Adam asked.

"I'm afraid not. She didn't even press charges. She packed up everything, sent in her letter of resignation and went off the radar, so to speak. She came back home to us. She looked like a ghost when she arrived, but she refused to open up to any of us. We only found out by accident what happened when one of us glanced over her laptop screen one day.

"We looked it up, read it all and decided to let things be. At the same time we tried to make sure she didn't bury herself in her apartment and when we did go out we always stayed in a group so she was never alone. Just the last six months she really was getting back to her former self. We still kept an eye on her, but over time we were convinced she was starting to manage being alone in a crowd again," Mia told.

"If only I had known," Adam said defeated, "I would never have left her alone. I'm such an idiot!"

"You listen to me! You are not an idiot!" Mia emphasized each word as she poked his bare chest. "You did nothing wrong. You saved her from the assault getting out of hand. You had your revenge on her attackers. We all stopped this from happening again. This attack has got nothing to do with her past, it only brings it back and she'll need time to work it out of her system.

"Just as you will need time to read her story and come to terms with what has happened to her. I hate to say it, but the best thing you can do right now is back off and let her be. I gave you that link for a reason, not just to read her story, but to give you a back door to her very soul," Mia spoke lively.

"What are you saying then?"

"What she writes are her true feelings. She holds nothing back. She puts it out there on the Net for everybody to read. Reach out to her there, get to know her better. For all I care write a damn story yourself."

Adam laughed at her last words. "Me writing a story, you're joking, right?"

"I was, but now I think of it, maybe that isn't such a bad idea at all. You could tell her your side of the story, bare everything to her with words, not with actions," she pondered as she tapped her chin.

"How am I gonna write anything?" Adam said as he got up. "I can't write for shit."

"She's part of the volunteer editor program. That is your way in."

Turning his back to Mia, he gazed upon the other side of the lake, hoping to find some kind of answer there. Can I write something that would interest her? Or at least make her realize I'd do anything for her? Let her know how I feel about everything, how angry it makes me and how lost I am for failing her? Question after question rolled through his mind. Finally deciding on what to do he turned back to Mia.

"Do you need a ride home?" he asked, more out of politeness as he was well aware that she just had to teleport to be back at her home in a heartbeat.

"I'd like that. Make it a long one, the little one is craving ice cream and Chris refuses to drive me to town to get some," she answered with a smile on her face and gently rubbing her slightly protruding belly.

"That's the least I can do. Come on, I'm parked close by, I'm sure you can manage a five minute walk?" he teased as he reached out his hand to help her up.

"I'm pregnant, not an invalid!" she said with mock anger.

After a quiet drive into town, Adam decided to treat her to some ice cream instead of dropping her off at the store.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. Just let Chris know and tell him I'll drop you off right on his front step. I don't want him going all loony on me for dropping of his pregnant mate in a store with no ride home," he said stopping her protests well in advance.

"Fine, fine. You owe me a big ice cream then!"

"You take the biggest you can handle," he said while he parked his car.

Getting out, he rushed to the other side, opening the door for her. Mia rolled her eyes at his gentleman-like behavior and giggled when he stood next to her presenting her his arm. Looping hers around it they went to the nearest ice cream shop.

Later that evening he dropped her off at her house, just like he promised Chris, who stood waiting on the porch of their newly built house.

"Remember what I've said. Use this backdoor to her soul," Mia whispered before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, stepping back and walking into Chris' arms.

"Hope you had a good run?" Chris asked.

"So, so, until Mia showed up. She's a wise one, you better hold on to her," Adam said as he winked at Chris.

"I'm planning on that, rest assured," came Chris' amused reply.

"Guess I'll see you around, it's time for bed now," Adam said while he turned around to go back to his truck.

"See you later mate," Chris said.

+ + + +

Back at home, Adam stripped of his clothes and took another shower. Everything Mia had said was whirling in his mind. His temper threatened to resurface but he managed to reel it in every time. Sitting on his bed in just a pair of sweatpants, he looked down at the empty notepad in his lap. Then his eyes traveled towards the many crumpled up pieces of paper, all filled with failed attempts of writing down his feelings.

With a grunt he tossed everything on the ground and crawled under the sheets, hoping to get some sleep.

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oneboobeeoneboobeealmost 12 years ago

So emotional right now....I am feeling the sadness of Adam and of Bron being a victim....You are an awesome writer please publish your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LovesAGoodStoryLovesAGoodStoryabout 12 years ago

If Adam really worked in just about every Spec Ops grp,should he have learned something from the SEALS,SAS,USMC or ...whatever

MizTMizTabout 12 years ago

I honestly don't know what to say. I wanted characters different from Nick/Fran and Chris/Mia and you delivered. I'm going to stop here and pick back up tomorrow. I almost feel as if I have invaded someones personal space and I just feel the need to back off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
this story

I am going to be annoying and post this anonymously but mainly as I follow you wonderful people on twitter and I don't want other people I know to see this. This story hits a little close to the bone with me (my situation is no where near as bad, but similar feelings brewing) and when ever I read stories about the subject makes me angry as they are so melodramatic about the whole thing (which in fairness, it is) but with out the truth of the emotions. However, this story truly gets it and I just wanted to say thank you. It is therapeutic in a way to read and experience such a different scenario with different coping techniques but with the same emotional consequences.

Right melodrama over and done with, these stories in general ROCK! but this coupling of Bron and Adam is particularly!


From your secret kiwi admirer

secretitosecretitoover 12 years ago
*Bowing down speechless*

Ok so much for the speechless part, but I truly am having a hard time coming up with any complement that would do you justice. You've outdone yourself, for now anyway, because there is no doubt in my mind that you will do it again. I had already contemplated it, but you completely sold me on Cedar being my next read once I finish catching up with yours. Congratulations on another masterpiece and again thank you for sharing.

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