Six Dead Poets


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"Oh, yes, yes." He finished the wine and looked at the empty glass, then held it out to me.

I took it from him and set it back on the tray as Will came back.

"Here." Will swabbed my chest clean with some rubbing alcohol and cotton wool, then put a sticking plaster over it. "All sorted."

He looked at the empty bottle of wine.

"Ah, we're out. I'll get some more. Back soon."

He disappeared again.

Emerson looked up at me and there was hunger in his eyes.

"How old are you, lad?"


He nodded and dropped his gaze.

"Do you let him fuck you?" he asked the floor as I sat back on the bed.

I laughed deep in my chest, and tugged at the waist of my jeans so that my thumb brushed against my trapped cock. "Yeah, I let him fuck me."

He swallowed hard. "I should very much like him to fuck me, but he doesn't do that anymore."

I stared at him. How many of these guys had Will fucked?

Christ I was horny. I knew I should wait for Will to come back, but I couldn't stand the waiting any longer. I needed relief. I got to my feet and walked over to Emerson. I hooked both thumbs into the waistband of my jeans, tugging them low.

"Do you suck cock?"

He looked up at me and his eyes glittered.

I put my hands to my pants and undid the fly, and as soon as I did his hands were on me, fumbling to lift me out. I stepped in close to him and he licked his lips as he fondled my erection.

"I didn't realise," he said.

"Yeah, neither does Will," I said. "But his time's coming."

Emerson leaned forward and licked at the thick precum oozing from my cock, then suctioned his lips around the head of it. I pushed my fingers into his hair as he sucked me.

He was gentle, attentive—and it wasn't enough. He wasn't trying hard enough.

I pulled him off me and walked backward to sit on the bed. "Come here."

He got to his feet and fell in front of me without being asked, his hands and mouth back on me, my cock jumping in his mouth, explosion imminent.

"So you take it up the arse," I said in a low voice as he sucked me, and he shuddered and bobbed his head over me faster.

"Do you like it when men cum in you? Do you like it when they fuck your arse and shoot their cum inside you?"

He let out a moan in the back of his throat and gripped me tightly.

My breathing was growing ragged as he brought me closer and closer.

"Do you take their cum in your mouth?" I asked him. I put a hand on his head, encouraging him onto me. "Do you swallow?"

I humped his face and he gave me a delirious look of adoration, letting me fuck his face as hard as I wanted.

"Oh, fffuck!" It was a savage growl of triumph as I came in his mouth, and there was fuck all for him to swallow.

When he was done cleaning away what little I'd managed to produce, he sat back on his heels.

"Would you... would you suck me, please?"

"Yeah," I said. "Of course."

I pulled him to his feet and pushed him down on the bed, then dropped to my knees and pulled his pants open.

This time, I wasn't sucking him because I was horny, but to show my appreciation for him submitting to me. I serviced him with my mouth, keeping my dark-ringed eyes on his, licking and sucking him until he was hard and thick and throbbing in my mouth.

When he came, his hips lifted off the bed, his arse cheeks clenched under my hands, his cock pulsing thin strings of cum across my tongue.

When he was done cumming, I pushed him back on the bed and crawled on top of him. I kissed him, sharing his taste with him, sharing my hunger with him, so he knew; he knew he was wanted. Gave him my hunger to keep him going until the next kid asked him to suck his dick.

Will came back into the room and gave us a surprised look as I got off Emerson.

He set a bottle of wine down next to the empty and pointed at the touch screen.

"You still have a couple of minutes left."

Emerson smiled at me. "Come here."

I threw myself down next to him on the bed and he closed his eyes and rested his hand against my chest.

"I'm glad you survived Frost," he murmured. "So many don't."

I propped my head up on my arms and said to Will, "Did you fuck Frost?"

Will snorted. "Fuck no. I wouldn't let that psychotic wanker anywhere near my prick."

I stared at him and he laughed.

"I didn't have me looking after me," he said.

Emerson sighed against me and I put one arm under his neck. He toyed fingers against my chest, while Will watched, slightly baffled.

Whatever song was playing ended and Emerson sighed.

"I should go. I believe Byron will be waiting."

He got to his feet and tidied his clothes. "Thank you for your company, my boy."

He gave me a shy smile, then headed for the door.

Once he'd gone, I gave Will a curious look.

"Did you leave us alone on purpose?"

He nodded. "Yeah. He gets shy otherwise. How did it go?"

"I told him to suck me off," I said.

Will frowned. "You told him to suck you off?"

I got to my feet. "Yeah. Why are you surprised?"

"How did that..." he trailed off as I stalked up to him.

I put a hand on his shoulder and put my face close to his. "I told you, Will, you won't always be on top."

Something lit in his pale blue eyes, but before he could say anything, Byron pushed the door open.

I remembered now; the man in the dark blue suit, with the diagonal-striped tie.

He walked into the middle of the room as if he was expecting applause and rubbed his hands together. He looked from Will to me and started loosening his tie.

"Quite like you in those jeans, old chap," he said to me as he pulled his tie off. "Where's your jacket?"

Will brought it over and I shrugged it on.

He ran a hand down my naked chest.

"Excellent. Shockingly lovely."

He stepped in closer and grazed his knuckles along the side of my jaw.

"Are you still hungry?"

I shook my head. I'd cum four times tonight already. I wasn't sure I could do it again.

"Well, best we fix that." He put a hand against my chest and pushed me backwards until the backs of my legs hit the leather-covered ottoman and I dropped down onto it.

Byron pulled his tie off and dropped it over my head.

"You stay there, dear boy, and I'll see if I can wake you up."

He undid his shirt and let it hang open as he walked over to Will. Will tapped a panel on the wall and I recognised The Who. I didn't know the song, but I recognised the singer's voice. Will listened to them sometimes when we smoked weed. Something to do with it reminding him of bonding with his dad, I think.

Will handed a glass of wine to Byron, who sipped it happily as he wandered back to me.

"How many cocks have you sucked tonight, my boy?"

I held up four fingers and Byron grinned. He took another sip of wine then handed the glass to me.

"Drink up."

He undid his pants and pulled them down, then stepped out of them. He hung them on a hanger on the back of the door while I sipped his wine and wondered what he was up to.

I held the wine out to him, but he pushed the glass back towards me.

"You hold onto it for now."

I watched curiously as he held an arm out to Will. To my surprise, Will strode over to him and they started kissing passionately.

They ran their hands over each other's bodies, Will teasing Byron's nipples with the flat of his hand, as Byron pushed his hand into the back of Will's cargos.

Christ, I was coming back to life. How was that even possible?

I'd never seen Will kiss another man before, and watching him made my chest swell with excitement.

I downed the wine and set the glass on the floor, then crawled up the bed and lay on my back to watch them, the rough fabric of my jacket brushing pleasantly against my nipples as I got comfortable.

Their kiss and their touch was so intimate, so sensual, that I tugged my jeans off and lay in my briefs, my fingers lying against my damp underwear as I swelled into a decent semi.

Byron slid his hands up under Will's shirt, his hands caressing his waist then his lower back, one hand sliding down to cup his arse, one up to cradle the base of Will's skull as their lips and tongues moved against each other.

Will's eyes were closed, but Byron's were open and watching me.

The music built and Will pulled back. His lips were swollen and full as he gazed at Byron and I felt a kick of jealousy. They'd fucked before. I could tell. And Will had liked it a lot.

They moved apart and Will took up his position against the wall. I could see a swelling in his cargos, but he ignored it, putting his hands behind his back as he leaned against them.

Byron approached me on the bed, shedding his shirt as he did, so that he was naked. He crawled up beside me, and the music grew along with my willingness to fuck again.

I'll sing my song to the wide open spaces

I'll sing my heart out to the infinite sea

I'll sing my visions to the sky high mountains

I'll sing my song to the free, to the free

He ran his hands over me as he had Will, leaning over me to kiss me, pushing the jacket down over my shoulders and then tugging it off altogether. I helped him pull off my briefs, leaving me wearing nothing but his tie.

He wrapped the tie in his hand and pulled me into him.

He kissed as well as Will; maybe even better, if I was honest, and I put one arm around his neck, a hand against his back, and concentrated on the tongue in my mouth.

His hand drifted down to touch me, teasing against the insides of my thighs, and I pushed my hips off the bed, my legs falling open, my hole craving his touch.

I realised I wanted to fuck him. Not suck him, not be sucked, but actually fuck him. His touch was addictive, the pressure of his fingers gentle where I was sensitive, harder where his hand teased towards some other part of me I wanted touched.

It gave me a rolling in my stomach, and I suddenly understood why Will kissed him as if he was in love with him. His touch wasn't just erotic, it was affectionate, attentive, and fuck it made me want his cock in me.

Byron moved between my legs and put his hands against the insides of my thighs, pushing them wide.

"Room three," said Will, with a note of warning.

"William, come on, you can see he wants it!" complained Byron, but I could tell he was teasing.

He ran fingers down either side of my tightening balls, and teased against the underside, so that I threw my head back and moaned.

"He must be ever so much fun to fuck," said Byron to Will, longing in his voice. "But I'll take what I can get with these little flits who refuse to fuck on the first date."

"Throw me down a pillow, would you my boy?"

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, and he had me raise up on the bed and pushed it under my hips.

"Room three," said Will, and Byron rolled his eyes.

"I'm just going to finger him, William, calm yourself."

He spat on his finger and then pressed it against me while he put his lips around the head of my cock, and I let out a groan. Nothing had ever felt so amazing in my life.

I closed my eyes and lifted my hips, pushing his finger into me, wanting a cock in me so badly, and really wanting Byron's cock in me. Imagined how it would feel sliding into me, to have him push my legs back and fuck into me. Even if it hurt more than I could take, it was a pain I wanted so fucking much.

He slid his mouth down around my length almost to the base and I groaned loudly, not even sure if I could cum again, but horny as hell despite that.

He massaged me with his throat while I shoved against his finger, then pulled back. I opened my heavy-lidded eyes for a moment and saw thick strings of saliva between my cock and his mouth, as he looked down, considering it. Sensing my gaze on him, he glanced up as he closed his lips around me again and slid me back into his throat.

He was so wet with saliva, so slick and thick with it, his tongue massaging the underside of me, the suction around me swelling me harder. His finger curled against that place inside me, choking a noise of disbelief out of me at how amazing it felt.

"Don't let him cum," said Will.

I shot him an angry glance. "Why the fuck not?"

He was jealous. I could see it, he was jealous of this man with his magic touch and his throat full of sticky saliva that felt so fucking good.

"Because," said Will, his voice chillier than it'd been all night, "Next is Walt."

Byron paused, my cock slid halfway out of his mouth, his thick saliva trickling down between my thighs into my crack, lubricating his finger as he moved it inside me.

My pulse started beating faster. If 'Walt' had a knife, he could take a hike. I'd be calling home the second he stepped through the door.

Byron slid off the end of my cock and wiped thick strings of saliva from his mouth.

"Best we move things along," he said.

I closed my eyes and silently cursed Will to hell. If he thought he was going to fuck me when we got home after this, he had another thing coming.

Byron got off the bed and gestured to me. I moved to the edge of the bed, and he stopped me there.

"On your back. I'm a little long to do this any other way. At least, the way I like it."

I rolled onto my back and he manoeuvred me so that my head hung over the edge of the bed.

"Have you ever sucked a cock like this before?" he asked.

I shook my head and he trailed fingers over my throat and up through my hair. I closed my eyes into the feel of it and moved my head against his fingers.

He chuckled at my forcing his touch. "You like that?"

He caressed the back of my head and I sighed into his hand.

He kept up his caress against my skull as he slid his cock into my mouth. Just his leaking head. It felt weird, upside-down, staring right at his nuts.

"Alright, hold up three fingers."

I did as he said.

"One is good to go. Two is slow down. Three is wait. Close your fist and I'll pull out. Ready?"

I held up one finger.

He slid further in and paused when he felt the entrance to my throat, precum leaking against the base of my tongue.

Getting no resistance from me, he pushed in further.

He was long, but not too thick, and I made space in my throat for him and let him in.

He slowly fucked his way into my throat, but it was too much. I hated it, and panic started. Before I could even hold up my fist, he drew out. I started coughing and put a hand to my throat. It hurt.

"Not your thing, eh lad?"

He gestured for me to sit up and I got onto my knees, a hand still against my throat.

"Maybe if you'd gone first." My voice was hoarse.

He got onto the bed and knelt in front of me. "To be honest, I wasn't sure you'd still be going at this point."

He sounded so disappointed. I glanced up at Will, and there was a glint of triumph in his eyes. He'd wanted this to fail. I wondered how they chose who went first, and who went last. If Will had anything to do with it.

Byron moved around me and stretched out on the bed. He didn't look at Will, but I got a feeling he knew Will was glad I couldn't take him all in.

"Come here."

He held out his arms and I lay down beside him. He started kissing me again, stroking my arm with his fingers, teasing my nipples hard.

I started humping against his leg and he put a hand behind my head, his fingertips curved against my skull so that the motion of our kissing created friction that made my scalp prickle and my brain go numb with pleasure.

I put my hand around his spit-slicked length and he did the same to me, and soon we were jacking each other in earnest.

Making out with him was like nothing I'd felt before. I humped my cock into his hand and stroked his precum and my drying saliva over him, making him groan into my mouth.

"That's it," he said gruffly, "Hard, my boy, grip it hard."

I did as he asked and he picked up his own pace.

I was so horny for him, I wanted to roll on top of him and fuck him. Or have him roll me and do the same. It was almost torture knowing we'd have to settle for hands.

But his lips against mine were soft and giving, and his tongue was soaked in wine, every stroke of it against mine enhancing what his hand was doing further down.

"I'm going to cum," he said, his voice low in his throat, and then I felt him tense and jerk, his cum wet and hot in my hand. He fucked my palm while I humped his, and then I remembered; I wasn't supposed to cum.

I pulled away from him and rolled onto my stomach, panting for self control.


I gave him tortured eyes. "I'm not allowed to."

I put my hands flat to the bedspread and tried desperately not to hump it.

"Oh, my boy, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot."

He put a hand against my back, and I closed my eyes under his touch, my fingers curling against the covers, every inch of me desperate to fuck him. Or it. Or something.

The song playing ended and Will let out a tense breath.

Byron patted my back and then got off the bed. "I hope I haven't broken the rules," he said, and there was an edge of irritation in his voice.

"You're fine," said Will. "But you know what Walt's like."


Byron picked up his shirt and pulled it on, and I rolled onto my back as he took his trousers from the back of the door and pulled them on.

He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, then strode back to the bed and dropped to his knees to give me one last kiss, cradling my head, a sensual kiss of the kind Will was going to have to work really hard to match.

He finished and stood, and past him, Will's face was stone.

"Maybe next time I'll go first," said Byron, and the sarcasm in his eyes was just for me. He lifted his tie over my head and stuffed it into his pocket, then curved his fingers against his palm in a wave, turned on his heel and strode from the room.

As the door shut behind him, Will visibly relaxed.

I lay there, leaking, horny, desperate to be fucked, and feeling more than a bit emotional now Byron had gone, seeing Will clearly pissed off.

"Right," said Will brusquely. "Walt." He pulled a blindfold from his pocket. "Are you up for this?"

I looked at the blindfold. I looked down at my swollen, red cock with its purple head, and wondered how I was going to survive this. But if it got me off, I'd do it.

"Yeah, do it." I sat up.

Will tied the blindfold at the back of my head as I sat on the edge of the bed and then pulled me to my feet.

He turned me around and put his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.

"This is going to be intense, Jess. Listen to Walt. He's going to tell you exactly what he wants. Do that, and you'll be fine."

That didn't sound threatening at all.

"And if I don't?"

"Depends on how much punishment you want," said Will, and there was a mocking lilt in his voice.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked. "You brought me here."

"I'm not angry," he said, rocking me against his body. "I'm just really, really fucking horny. And I want to fuck your arse, and I can't. So, the sooner we finish up here, the happier I'm going to be."

I shuddered against him and he laughed and kissed up under my ear.

"With Walt you can be your true charming self," he said. "Remember how you tried to top me? Try that on him. He'll love it."

I got a feeling he was being sarcastic.

He withdrew his arms from around me and then moved me down to the end of the bed and had me stand in the middle of the room.

"Walt will listen to your traffic lights," Will said. "If he's in a good mood with you."

What were the chances of anyone being in a good mood with me tonight?

The door opened and some 80s music started. The music was quiet. A backdrop.

Since I was blindfolded, all I had was what I could hear. I waited, naked and fidgeting, and heard someone come into the room.

I wondered what Walt looked like, and tried to think back to the men who'd come to eye me up in the lounge. Had he been the older man with the beard? I couldn't remember.