Size Matters Ch. 03


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"Mierda!!"Her panties had ridden up into the deep crack of her tanned posterior providing an inviting view for the man with a severe ass fetish that caused him to put up with bitch of an aunt. He burned a hole in her bottom with his eyes hardly believing how wide her hips were in relation to her waist. She mumbled a little in her sleep and moved about a bit making her massive butt jiggle and slightly bounce. He was sporting serious wood in seconds and it was all he could do to leave the room turning off the lights as he went.

He didn't hear the teen snickering into the mattress in the darkness.


Louis woke abruptly to some loud music and the smell of breakfast. He'd had a rough night drinking several beers and trying unsuccessfully to draw his thoughts away from his girlfriend's niece. The portly middle aged man ended up taking matters well into hand jerking himself into the toilet before crossing himself. He cursed himself knowing that he could never "un-see" what had been revealed to him the night prior and worried that it would affect his relationship with Angie. He'd always see her in a sexual manner even though he legitimately had her best interests at heart. He checked his phone noticing a large number of texts from Conception. The living room was immaculately cleaned and everything had been wiped down and put away.

"BREAKFAST UNCLE LOUIS!!" He jumped as she called out to him from the kitchen. He found that her self-imposed chores extended to his kitchen which was as clean as the first day he'd moved into the small one bedroom. Angie had prepared a veritable feast from the meager offerings in his fridge and was sitting at the small table smiling at him.

"Thank you for cleaning the house little flower; but you didn't have to do all of this Angie." He grabbed a seat and filled a plate with some eggs and chorizo. She'd set the table buffet style with everything needed on the picnic style tablecloth which covered the second hand piece of furniture.

"I always earn my keep Uncle Louis and I just wanted you to know how grateful I am. If it wasn't for you I'd probably be sleeping on a park bench somewhere." She poured him a large glass of milk from a decanter she'd found under the sink and cleaned.

"Oh I'd never let that happen; you're like a daughter to me." Even as he spoke the memory of her lying prone on his bed stung at his conscious.

"So you are going to be the daddy huh?" He coughed up some milk onto the table making her laugh aloud.

"AH COME ON ANGIE; WHY DO SAY SUCH THINGS?!!" She casually handed him a paper towel while taking a drink from her plastic cup. He would never know that Angie was actually drinking a screwdriver having found some vodka to mix with her orange juice.

"I'm just having a little fun with you payaso; lighten the fuck up alright?"

"You're just so different than what I first thought and you act like a grown woman. I guess you had us all fooled little flower." She didn't answer as he found himself trying to figure her out.

"So you never answered my question; what do you see in my aunt?" Her features softened a bit as she leaned back in her chair feeling him out. She already knew that he was infatuated with her aunt's big flat butt having seen him taking every opportunity to palm and grope Conception's behind. Angie was interested in finding out if he would be honest with her because she really wanted to like him. The chubby girl had only known disappointment and indifference from the adults in her life. She had little use for the petty selfishness of her aunt and cousin preferring her own company over her family.

"Me gusta su' gran trasero...Alright Angie?!" He always answered in Spanish when he was uncomfortable with something asked of him and this question had him sweating bullets. He figured the shock value of actually admitting his fetish would throw the teen off balance.

"Wow Uncle Louis; doesn't it feel good to get that shit off your chest?" She handed him a glass of her specially prepared orange juice and laughed as he choked on the rough alcohol.


"Sorry about that Uncle, I thought you could use something to take the edge off."

"Look Angie I'm pretty sure that things are going to work themselves out but I want you to know that while you're staying here there will be some uh, house rules. You still have to go to school and eh-no drinking alright?" She just nodded noting the pleading tone in his voice and felt a bit of remorse for teasing him.

"I was just playing with you man; don't be so serious. I'll clean the dishes if you're finished." He nodded just as is phone chimed signaling a text message which turned out to be Angie's aunt. She stood and gathered the plates on the table while he texted back. Conception wanted to go shopping with his money no doubt and there was no mention of her ousted niece. He worried not knowing if he would be stuck with raising a troubled teen in his small one bedroom apartment. Angie's mother was serving time in the prison on some drug related charges and her grandmother definitely wasn't going to welcome the girl back into her home. He knew that he couldn't abandon her and it made him angry that Conception wasn't the least bit concerned about Angie. He poured himself another glass of Angie's specially prepared "orange juice" and stared over at the teen placing the dishes in the sink.

"MIERDA!!" Louis found himself staring at her humongous ass clad only in lime tinted panties. The thin rayon material had rode up into the crack of her butt leaving one cheek completely exposed. He was compromised again as his cock nearly burst in his pants.

"What?" Angie looked over her shoulder while casually washing the dishes.

"Maybe you should go to the bedroom and put something on little flower." She was getting a kick out of pulling his chain for his reaction to her if nothing else.

"But it's more comfortable doing my chores like this; besides my skirt is dirty and I need to wash it." He was puzzled that this large pear shaped girl seemed unaware of the effect she was having on him. There was so much that seemed innocent about Angie Delgado even after everything he'd witnessed.

"Please Angie I can't take it."

"Geez Uncle Louis you act like I'm torturing you or something. It's just some fucking panties payaso; what's wrong with that?" Even facing was no better because now he was looking at her pronounced camel toe. The large full back underwear was so tight on her body that the garment almost looked painted on.

"It's just not right little flower." He pleaded as she threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Alright I have some jean shorts in my bag; if that's okay with you Louis." He nodded his approval waving her off and his eyes followed the sway of her tremendous backside as she left the room. He went to the living room checking a new series of texts from his girlfriend asking how long it would take for him to get to her house. She was also talking about taking her spoiled daughter to a plastic surgeon and this made him chuckle. He wished he'd been there to see Angie paste Brenda in the face. The stuck up beauty had been writing that check for over a year now and Angie had inadvertently avenged him. He held a grudge after being unfairly accused of peeping at the thin teen.

"Uncle Louis, can I play with your video game system?"

"You don't have to ask me; it's yours from now on okay?" She walked into the living room and gave him a peck on the forehead before kneeling down and pulling the controller from under the television stand. He chaffed inwardly when he noticed her wearing a pair of jeans that had been cut into an obscene pair of homemade booty shorts. Angie made a show of herself by bending over further causing the frayed material to ride further into the deep cavernous crack of her ass and puffy lower lips while she pretended to look for a video game box. She was intent on driving him wild with her greatest asset besides her devious mind and deceptive cuddly appearance.

"Do you mind if I get comfortable?"

"WHAT?!!" His heart was thumping so loud that he wondered if she could hear it and his boxers were already soaked in precum. He was sticky between the legs and his cock was painfully thumping. She surprised him by moving his coffee table aside and laying on her stomach with her legs spread wide. Her ankles straddled the outside of his feet as she began playing Mortal Kombat. She was actually quite good at the game and quickly got into what she was doing forgetting about her little game with him. The view from where he was sitting was incredible as he took stock of her wide arching hips that formed a perfect semi-circle on each side. It was all he could do to keep from crawling down on the floor and prying her thick mounds to get a taste of her virtue.

Louis was already acting on his lust by absentmindedly rubbing his crotch as he noticed the slightest hint of a tan line at the borderline of her short bottoms. He was sweaty and flushed red as he increased the cadence of his finger's path along his cock.

"Like what you see?" She suddenly asked.

"HUH, WH-WHAAAT?!!" He quickly pulled his hand away and crossed a leg over the other to hide his tumescence.

"I have the perfect score-on the game silly. Bet you didn't think a girl could be so good at playing video games huh Uncle Louis?" He coughed and tried to covertly adjust himself in his pants.

"I thought nothing of the sort; don't you think you should be getting ready for school?" The smile and subsequent pout she gave him in return for his compliment tugged at his heartstrings.

"I thought maybe we could hang out for the rest of the day."

"Now you remember what we talked about Angie, you have to go to school." He tried to sound stern but doubted that she took him seriously. She turned off the system and turned to him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Is that for me?" Angie ran a finger over the bulge in his pants and bounced off to the bathroom before he could react. His eyes were glued to her massive butt and she put a little extra in her step making it jiggle a little bit for his enjoyment. Angie was confident that she had his undivided attention and was intent on driving him wild with the one thing her aunt had used to keep him locked in a shitty relationship. Louis was at the end of his rope from all of the teasing when he heard the shower running. He figured he could run back to his bedroom and rub one out before he did something he regretted. He was halfway down the hall when he heard a blood curdling scream from the bathroom that caused him to stumble into the wall.

"MIERDA!!" He burst into the bathroom to find her standing in his shower wild eyed and nude under the running shower. Her arms were draped across her plump breasts leaving her clean shaven snatch visible.


"I-uhm, I saw a roach." He face-palmed and half considered tossing her out of his apartment when he realized that he was looking at her thick, voluptuous body completely nude. She slowly dropped her arms away from her breasts and ran her hand through her dark hair placing an errant silky lock behind her ear. It was all too much for the stubby, portly man who immediately came in his pants. An oily spot became visible on the crotch of his pants but he didn't move. He appeared to be frozen at the sight of her zaftig proportions. Angie was breathing hard in the narrow standup shower as she slowly lowered her gaze until it rested on the growing stain. He didn't know what to do next as he watched her flush red and a mischievous grin appear on her child-like face.

"Uhm, could you hand me a towel please?" Only his hand moved as he pulled the large towel from the fixture and handed it to her like a zombie. She half chuckled as she covered the front of her body and stepped out of the shower.

"Are you going to be okay Uncle?" He couldn't bring himself to speak simply nodding his head while continuing to stare at the wall.

"Uh, I think you should come with me Louis." She grabbed one of his fingers and gently led him out of the bathroom. She had only covered her front with the large towel and he was given a royal view of her back and enormous, meaty backside. Her tan, olive colored body glistened with beads of water and perspiration as he followed in a bit of a lust induced haze.

She looked back over her shoulder already knowing what he was looking at and gave him a reassuring smile. Louis was so taken with the young, rubenesque nymph that he didn't even realize that she'd led him into the bedroom until she turned and lowered her towel. She was a few inches taller than him which gave him a view of her full breasts. Her nipples were like stubbly raspberries begging to be suckled and the often teased girl had a soft inverted belly with a slight pouch of fat just over her meaty sex. He noticed very slight stretch marks at her hips and yearned to run his fingers over them. Angie had the powerful legs of a thoroughbred that were offset by her tiny looking feet.

"Wipe me off." She handed him the towel while staring him directly in the eyes. There was a smirk on her pretty face that lent itself to her self-taught confidence as he rubbed down the front of her body never averting his eyes from her until she turned around to let him wipe down her back. His hands trembled as he wiped her back clean of moisture before letting his efforts center on her butt. He pushed the towel down across the wide expanse of her bottom and brought it back up again spreading her cheeks. She shivered a bit as the rough texture of the towel brushed along her puffy slit. Louis draped the towel over her butt almost covering it completely placing his hands at her waist and massaging her slight love handles. She reached back slightly yanking the towel from his grasp leaving him no excuse for touching her body. She was breathing hard as his greedy fingers dug into her meaty hips squeezing hard and finding her soft flesh unyielding. Angie leaned forward slightly pushing her ass into his crotch. She tossed the towel on the bed spreading it out before turning to Louis. She reached on his bedside table amongst the clutter of empty beer cans, bills and prescription medication to find a greasy bottle of baby oil. His heart was thumping in his chest as she pushed the large plastic bottle into his hand.

"You know what you want, now take it." She crawled onto the bed on all fours lying face down and leaving him to wrestle with his conscious.

"But this is wrong little flower." Angie simply sighed and closed her eyes with a yawn. He would have to make up his mind on his own.

She was lying spread eagle with her legs spread wide apart and her scent started to slowly permeate the room as he looked at her naked prone figure resting comfortably on the mattress.

"Dios perdoname!" Before he knew it he had already squirted nearly half of the bottle onto the girl's massive ass and he watched as the oil slowly covered and slid down her olive hued cheeks. He placed his large hands flat on each cheek noticing how small they looked in comparison to the soft pliant flesh underneath. His fingers actually sunk deeply into her pillowy ass and he began the spread the oil around until she was shining in the morning light of the room. He cupped her waist and slid his hands down to the deep cuff where her butt met her thighs continuing down towards her thick muscular calves. He continued this motion for several minutes before settling on her cheeks and squeezing as hard as he could. He trembled crawling onto the bed to pry her mounds apart to get a look at her brown-eye and puffy slit as his cock strained in his pants trying to breach the top of his slacks.

He was covered in sweat and his hands slid around all over his girlfriend's niece. Louis managed to lay on his belly between her legs glaring directly at her snatch. She didn't move or respond even as he opened her sex wide hooking his thumbs inside her juicy snatch. He was overwhelmed by her musky scent and the sopping wet moisture visible inside. He had to get up on his knees to get closer to her sex placing both of his hands around a single cheek and squeezing like his life depended on it. He couldn't resist running his tongue along her skin caring little about the oil he was slurping up as well. He licked and nibbled on both of her buttocks not noticing that Angie was breathing hard from his attention. She began slightly swinging her hips side to side as he sucked on her cheeks and used his pointer finger to trace a circle around her crinkly star. She gasped aloud when she felt his tongue twirl on her asshole and involuntarily pushed back against the older man's face. Angie could feel Louis's prominent nose right between her cheeks as his tongue teased her opening. He liked her taste and lapped hungrily at her entrance pushing her mountainous cheeks apart to shove his tongue directly inside.

Angie loudly moaned twerking her hips in a circular motion completely obscuring his face. Usually she was quiet and lethargic during sex but Louis was making a case as he licked the inside of her dripping walls sending jolts up her spine and forcing moans from the stubborn bbw. She gasped when his tongue sank into her backdoor and started twirling around.

"OOOOOHHHHH YOU'RE SOOOO FUCKING NASTY UNCLE!!" She giggled as the strange sensation made her buck back against him even rougher. He responded by sinking his teeth into the nearest ass cheek making her shriek in delight. Unknown to her he'd exploded a second time on his pants and was a visual mess looking disheveled and zoned out. He slapped her fat ass making it jiggle and wobble uncontrollably. She was ready for his cock and attempted to signal him with a bounce of her huge butt.

"Give it to me." She begged needing to be filled and practically dripping. He seemed clueless to the effect of his actions on her voluptuous frame. She reached back snagging the greying hair on his scalp as she bent forward pushing her rear into his face. He found his head engulfed by her thick cheeks smothering him for seconds that seemed an eternity.

"Give it to me...please." She asked a second time before realizing that he was shoving his head forward apparently trying to asphyxiate himself with her ass.

"JODER E ASSHOLE!!" Angie had reverted to the Spanish language in her frustration releasing his head and accidentally causing Louis to tumble off of the bed. She rolled on her side as he stood ripping the bottom three buttons on his shirt and partially exposing his hirsute pot belly. Her own heart thumped in her chest in expectation of what her Aunt's boyfriend would do next. He was a definite "ASS MAN" and she'd unknowingly given him an overdose of his not so secret fetish. Even with her considerable experience between the sheets, Angie had never had her big wide butt worshipped before. The chubby teen found it oddly empowering.

"What; you're not pussing out on me are you Uncle?" He'd stopped at the large belt buckle on his slacks realizing that he'd soiled himself with a torrent of cum.

"Let me help you with that." Angie was on him in a minute deftly undoing his belt and snapping the clasp on his slacks. She was not prepared for the nasty mess she would find inside as he rolled his eyes towards the ceiling of his bedroom embarrassed.

"Wow es todo eso por mi?" She quickly took him whole into her mouth licking, slurping and rolling her tongue along his girth cleaning him completely. He didn't know what to do with himself as she continually throated his thick, stubby looking cock. Her nails dug into his hairy butt as she pushed down hard on his crotch with her plump lips. Louis quickly realized that the teen was helping him out pulling him rhythmically into her mouth. He grabbed a lock of her hair and fucked her mouth while she looked up into his heavily lidded eyes. Saliva and precum began to bubble around her lips and run down her chin. A wet slurping sound filled the room along with his belabored gasps as he fucked her face with abandon. His cock hit the back of her throat on several occasions and dipped even deeper forcing her to recoil and cough up some mixed phlegm. She cupped her hands under her chin and caught the gooey substance letting it pool in her palms before applying it to his cock. She coated it evenly leaving him glistening and wet before climbing onto the bed turning her massive ass in his direction. Louis watched intently as she spread her thick legs as far apart as possible making the rear view even more enticing. He followed her onto the bed grabbing one of her pillowy ass cheeks and pressed himself against her brown-eye. The bulbous head of his member slipped effortlessly into her as he dug his nails into the matching cheek.