Size Matters Ch. 04


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"Do you have panties here; I'm looking for something in a thong, chico." The nervous teen responded with a half-hiccup before pointing to the other side of the store. Angie put a little extra in her step walking to the other side of the store. She knew he was looking after her letting her cheeks bounce for his enjoyment.

"Well, what do we have here; fat little bitch out shopping, eh?" Angie found herself looking five feet away at Maricela, one of her cousin's best friends.

"Don't." Angie put her hand up in the thin girl's face in a silencing motion as she looked through some adjacent racks containing underwear.

"Yeah, that's right slut; you walk it off-BITCH!"

"Excuse me but I thought I asked you not to do that Maricela; mind your own fucking business and step off while you still can." Angie underlined her statement with a smile as she continued shopping. Some Asian pop music played lightly over the P.A. system.

"Oh, ¿se supone que eres una gran mierda o algo así? ¡Esa fue una mierda jodida que le hiciste a Brenda y a su madre y ahora estás aquí de compras con la perra del dinero de un viejo! Sí, ¡también sé cómo te follaste al novio de Conception, puta! ¡¡Vas a recibir toda esa mierda pagada muy pronto!! Maricela wasn't used to being casually dismissed responding to the girl she remembered as the slightly mute, indentured servant of her cousin, Brenda.

"Hey cutie?" Angie ignored the spanish language rant looking over at the Korean kid still sweeping up imaginary dust.

"What's your name?"

"Eddie." He answered sheepishly under her gaze, still uncontrollably staring at her voluptuous, pear shaped figure. A bit of her prominent areola was still visible in her cleavage; he could've sworn both of her nipples were erect.

"Eddie, can you take these things and ring them up while I talk to my friend here?" Eddie found the chubby latina so cute that he couldn't deny wanting to kiss her right on the spot. Instead, he meekly smiled taking the dress and two pairs of underwear from Angie to ring up at the register. She noticed the way his hands trembled as he took the clothing from her. He paused like a deer in headlights as Angie blew him a kiss before turning her attention back to Maricela.

"You don't know what you're talking about; so, like I said before, mind your business and maybe, you should shut the fuck up." Angie leaned against the top of nearest rack looking over the girl's shoulder at a row of three changing booths.

"Ain't nobody scared of you-FOLLANDO CERDO!! No sabes a quién monto con puta; mejor mire su maldito paso!!" Maricela yelled back unfazed by Angie's muted warning, but the kid at his own raised countertop noticed everything.

"Hey, don't start any trouble in here or you'll be banned from the store." His tone with Maricela was stern, and decidedly harsh.

"Nobody talking to you, Jackie Chan!!" Maricela's English speaking voice always had this valley girl sounding twang to it that Angie hated.

"Jackie Chan's Chinese." He continued ringing up the items.

"So, FUCKING what!!" Angie's temperature was starting to rise as she glanced back towards the other side of the store noticing the other shop keeper was engrossed in some foreign soap opera playing on a wall mounted television.

"You're banned." Eddie responded still looking down at the counter as he put Angie's belongings inside a plastic bag. He glanced at the panties she'd chosen, wishing she would model them for him.

"UUUURRRKKK!!" The sound was as brief as it was loud, suddenly gone as his head whipped up finding Angie and Maricela gone from his immediate countertop view. Eddie stared at the empty space for a few seconds before running down from the counter towards the area. he could hear a partially muted voice that had to belong to Angie Delgado.

"Tú tampoco me conoces niñita; sí, soy grande y jodidamente gordo, pero eres tan flaco que podría estrangularte y nadie podría detenerme ni gilipollas!! ¡Te mataré si escucho otra palabra de tu perra! ¡TE LES MATARÉ AHORA MISMO SI HAS ALGUNA VEZ RESPIRANDO EN MI PUTA! Entonces, hazte una pregunta ...Do you wanna die?" Eddie found one of the curtains to one of the trio of dressing booths closed. Both girls were obviously inside from the visible legs. He squatted down noticing that Maricela appeared to be sitting on the floor, wondering what was going on inside. There was some muffled whimpering emanating from behind the curtain. He was confused and a bit frightened; something was telling him not to open the curtain. The other shopkeeper had been alerted by the sudden outburst and was standing at the far end of the aisle containing the dressing booths. He waived her off as he summoned the courage to speak as sounds of heavy, labored breathing emanated from the booth.

"Uhm, ma'am; your stuff is ready." His voice faltered.

"Great, Eddie!!" Angie opened the curtain blocking his view of the other girl with her body as she reached out pinching his cheek. She closed the space between them giving him a closeup view of her cleavage as her body pressed against his. Angie began walking using her size to heard Eddie back towards the counter without letting him see what she'd been doing.

"You kind of cute, Eddie." She touched the tip of his nose with her pointer finger while the other storekeeper threw open the curtain reacting with a loud shriek that jolted both Angie and Eddie. He managed to see the distressed girl scurry out of the both on all fours like some kind of rat, accidentally bumping into the legs of the older woman just outside the curtain. Maricela quickly got to her feet, her face a mess of running mascara, tears and visible snot running from her reddened nose. Her chin and neck were a deep shade of crimson as the other shopkeeper attempted to help her.

"Oh my god; you want police here?"

Maricela looked as if she would scream, her face frozen in terror as she stared over at Angie's smiling face. The traumatized teen shook her head in the negative before half stumbling out of the store, nearly falling through the glass door in her panic.

"How much?" Angie wistfully asked going into her small purse.

Eddie's hands trembled a little as he completed the purchase, stealing glances at this really cute, Latina with an outrageously thick, body. She had this kind of look that made you think she was the nicest person in the world, but what he'd just witnessed said otherwise. This girl was somebody you wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of when she was pissed. Her actions were savage and frightening to the meek teen, who only knew a privileged existence and was about to graduate from a private boy's academy. He was a virgin in the worst way, finding solace in a heavy stockpile of internet porn. There was no way he could look or muster the courage to even talk to a girl. Angie had been a chance to correct this social flaw and get out of a never ending cycle of jerking off into his trusty gym sock.

"Twenty three, fifty."

Angie put the money on the counter with an inviting smile, taking her wares as he watched helplessly silent. The pronounced bounce and sway of her huge butt was killing the eighteen year old virgin.

"Maybe next time." Eddie mused before going back to tagging merchandise.


Angie continued on with her afternoon like nothing happened, scoring some food from a curbside food truck as she tried to figure out what she would do next. There were some plastic tables set up in front of the food truck as she sat down to have her lunch. Her phone buzzed deep in her cleavage were she usually kept it hidden away from her cousin and aunt. She thought about the front she'd been putting up with since moving in with her abusive relatives and faulted them both for never taking the time to get to know her as a person. It wasn't like she was necessarily hiding anything; it was just that Brenda and Conception couldn't so much as see her, rendering the large, chubby girl effectively invisible. Now maybe things were changing for the better as she sat munching on a stacked plate and drinking a large Styrofoam cup of vanilla soda. Louis definitely wouldn't be a problem; she knew his kryptonite intimately smug in the fact that all it took was a dip in her hip and he'd fall to his knees before her. She felt a sliver of regret at manipulating and seducing the clueless man, but the troubled teen had experienced enough adversity in her life and was willing to work thing out in her own way. Sleeping with an older man was no big deal. In fact, she was getting more action in the last few days than she had in a while. It had been particularly hard pretending to be a good girl before she'd gone rouge.

She took it all in feeling the lightness of no responsibility for once. Most of her days had been spent doing housework and menial chores from the moment she got home from school to bedtime. It seemed that her relatives wanted a servant more than a cousin. Even then, she'd excused their treatment because of her own situation. Her mother was currently serving time behind bars with no guarantee they would be a family when she was paroled. Angie felt things would change over time, but it never did which left her feeling empty most days and exceedingly angry the rest. She still couldn't reconcile the fact that she still felt hurt at being put out of her aunt's home and it bothered the teen. It was a miracle she hadn't harmed them up until that point considering all she had endured under Conception's watch. The large girl sat slumped over at the plastic table looking out at the street traffic wondering what would come next. Part of her considered taking her chances on the streets knowing that her real upbringing made her suited for the hard knocks. Her thoughts returned to Louis and the probability that Conception would make his life a living hell. She'd probably even lie to the cops and get him locked up. Angie knew she couldn't allow this to happen, resolving to return to his apartment after all.

"Fucking payaso." Angie muttered as she gathered up the last remaining plate containing her desert, some large waffle type cone full of whipped cream and assorted diced fruit. It was a desert she recalled from happier times in her youth during a trip to the zoo with her mother, Conception and Brenda. She just wanted to keep things moving as she gathered up the garbage throwing it into a nearby public trashcan. Angie's thoughts unexpectedly drifted to her cousin Brenda, attractive, thin, and popular amongst her peers while she, was barely acknowledged. It was a problem she had taken in stride until fate stepped in letting her know Brenda's true feelings. That revelation had hurt more than it should, igniting something deep inside that bubbled to the top with explosive results. Her phone which was tucked deep into the cleavage of her dress began buzzing with an incoming call.


"Uhm, this Jose..." She smiled to herself listening to the awkward sound of his voice, knowing she still had Brenda's ex-boyfriend in her thrall after taking his cherry.

"So, what?"

"I-I was just checking up on you, see if you're okay."

"Yeah, right."

"No seriously, Brenda put some shit on Facebook about kicking you out of the house. Said she beat your ass, posted some pictures of her face. Did you do THAT to her nose, Angie?" She bristled at the false news apparently posed on her cousin's social media.

"Don't you worry about that homeboy; family business." She was already imagining herself pummeling the petite Latina senseless.

"So, you're really out of the house?"

"WHAT DO YOU CAAAARRRREEEEEE-UUURRKK!!" Angie suddenly found herself in a tight chokehold dropping everything as she noticed someone running up on her out the corner of her eye. A larger, doughy looking woman with a big hook nose laid a powerful sucker punch to the right side of her face. Her weight worked against her as the person, another female used it against her, dragging the chubby girl to the pavement. The attacking woman was some rough looking female, likely of Mexican descent with noticed pock marks on her chubby looking cheeks. The enraged look on her homely face indicated she meant business as her feet stomped at Angie's torso repeatedly. Angie managed to glance over finding Maricela standing off to the side holding a baby looking horrified.

"¡MIRÁNTE A TI EN LA TIERRA, LEVANTATE Y LUCHA PERRA! FAT, STINKY COW BITCH, ¡¡NO ME ENGAÑAS CON MI PEQUEÑO COUSIN!!" The stomping girl yelled as Angie struggled to breathe while throwing elbows that glanced off skin and pavement. The unseen girl at her breathing hard and ragged trying to keep her in a vulnerable position. She seemed to be about Angie's height at half the size, finally locking a long leg around her stomach. There was tearing and ripping of the already stressed fabric of her simple dress.

"MARICELA VIAJA CON NOSOTROS, BITCH Y VAS A OBTENER EL ASUNTO DE LA FAT DE NEGOCIOS!!" The ugly girl stood over Angie dotting the other side of her face with a series of rapid punches that mostly glanced off the side of her face as she planted her feet on the pavement.

"I'm going to kill your cousin, bitch." Angie hissed as she pushed up on the heels of her feet bringing her considerable weight down on the girl under her.

"¡¡OH DIOS MÍO!! ¡OH DIOS MÍO, ESTA VACA QUIERE PULVERRAR SU CULO DERECHO AQUÍ EN LA FUCKING STREET! ¡¡NO TENDRÉ QUE MATAR ESTA PUTA!!" The homely girl became hysterical with outrage, stomping away with little regard to where her foot was landing. The other girl lost it loosening her grip around Angie's neck trying to get in a few shots as well. The distressed crying of the child contrasted with the loud commotion from the scuffle as Angie pressed down on the girl even further until she screamed outright from being squished.

Finally getting the opening she'd been working on, Angie rolled backward right over the girl under her, mashing her into the rugged concrete of the sidewalk to end up on her knees. She was surprised to find this Caucasian, blonde chick had been attempting to choke her out and rewarded her with a big, ham fisted blow to the center of her face. None of her assailants had a clue they were attacking a seasoned street fighter with a high tolerance for pain and an explosive temper. The talkative homely girl and primary antagonist's mouth hung open in a loud shriek as Angie's fist collided with the side of her knee. The girl staggered off the sidewalk losing her footing in a neglected patch of grass as Angie regained her footing with murderous intent. Maricela had a death grip on the traumatized, baby looking as if she was on the verge of pissing herself. Before Angie could get her hands around the homely girl's face, her blonde sidekick locked her arms around one of her thick legs. This momentary window of opportunity was all that was needed as her partner got her fingers around a discarded bottle on the ground. The bottle shattered into thousands of fragments as it collided with Angie's scalp sending her to the ground with a huge thud.

"COME ON, LET'S GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!" The homely girl screamed as her blonde cohort gathered herself pushing Angie onto her side and getting in a few punches of her own. All three girls ran into oncoming traffic as Angie grabbed her bloody scalp. She watched the get into a weathered Honda civic and speed off, burning rubber.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BITCHES!!" Angie's vision was slightly blurred as she craned her head in the direction of the voice finding Eddie running in her direction with his trusty broom. Of course, the girls were long gone by the time he arrived.

"DON'T WORRY, I CALLED THE COPS!" He went to help her up, but she swatted at his attempt, righting herself into a sitting position on the sidewalk. Everything she had was all over the sidewalk along with some noticeable strands of her hair.

"What, why?"

"You got beat up ma'am; oh, I forgot to push the call button." She thought he looked like a lovable idiot as she reached out stopping him from completing the call.

"Don't do that; it's cool Eddie."

"But, you're hurt." Angie rubbed the top of her head finding a few little fragments of glass there as he looked on with sad eyes. Her dress was in tatters with one of her breasts fully exposed and her underwear visible for all to see. She drew her fingers back finding some blood on the tips.

"Oh Eddie, where's my phone; did they take my phone?" Eddie quickly found her phone halfway down the sidewalk, quickly running it back to her. His eyes zeroed in on her exposed breast, making the virgin flush crimson. She was bigger and more massive than him, impossible to move on his own. Eddie stared as she sat on the sidewalk gathering her wits and the errant things she'd brought in his store. He found her still, impossibly cute even with a cut on her cheek and a little puffiness to her eye. Her hair was erratic and crazy looking form the scuffle with the female thugs as he assisted her in gathering her belongings.

"You should go to the hospital."

"I'm so thirsty, I could use a drink of water, Eddie." He was already in full white knight mode quickly securing two bottles of water from the food truck Angie had been eating at earlier. A few people were staring at her but keeping their distance.

"Here you go."

"Thanks, I don't know what I'd do without you, Eddie." She leaned forward pouring the remnants of her water bottle over her head flushing out some blood. Eddie glanced around at some of the people watching the unfazed, battered girl sitting on the side walk feeling the embarrassment he thought Angie should feel.

"You really should go the hospital, I could take you." He offered sheepishly as Angie glanced at the partially cracked screen of her phone, scrolling through her social media accounts.

"You have a car?" She glanced over at the smitten teen.


Norma Esquivel Garcia knew she wasn't attractive cursed with a non-descript body and perpetually slouched posture, she'd nevertheless decided long ago that looks wouldn't hold her back like it had during her early days of high school where her peers affectionately christened her with the cruel nickname "Gargamel". An infection of mumps had left her with a pockmarked complexion and a bad attitude ripe for trouble. The local homegirls didn't want anything to do with her, branding her a Chola wannabe but letting her work as a gofer anyway. This gave her a sense of street entitlement and false bravado which landed her on the losing end of a record number of street fights. Her losing record was lost on her younger cousin Maricela who inexplicably looked up to her. Maricela was her best friend, standing by the homely, Guatemalan girl through an unwanted pregnancy and godmother to her tiny daughter, Anna. Her cousin stuck by her while at least three child support claims had been filed against potential suitors who were possibly the baby's paternal father. She'd withdrawn a fourth claim when that individual's family asked for full custody of Ana. So, Norman felt indebted to her cousin beyond what even words could describe. Her anger and sense of righteous indignation had been spiked uncontrollably at the sight of her distraught cousin.

Maricela was hysterically crying as she stumbled down the street in a frenzied panic looking as if someone had roughed her up. The teen had been out with Norma and her friend from community college, one Erin Myers had been visiting a secondhand furniture store on the block. Erin, a recent transplant from Nebraska had become fast friends with Norma three weeks in the city. The young, impressionable blonde believed every fabricated thing told to her about the "streets" by her new friend, a "certified" gangster. Erin thought baby Anna was cute, but worried that she would be brought up in a cycle of violence. The morally grey blonde nevertheless fell in line upon sight of the battered looking teen protégé of her friend and subsequent description of her assailant as "some fat chick" with a shitty attitude. Neither girl knew of Maricela's prior knowledge and connection to Angie Delgado. Everything had happened so suddenly as both older girls hopped into Erin's squarish, burgundy colored Scion managing to intercept the fat girl a block up the street. It had been Erin's idea to attack from two different directions with her running up on Angie from behind while she was talking on the phone. The former Nebraska native had been on the boy's wrestling team back in her hometown finding little difficulty subduing the larger girl with a chokehold.