Sleep Together to Stay Together


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"Hmm," said Dad. He perhaps had more to say but his attention was reverted on the thighs of his daughter that were now bare almost up to the groin. It did not appear that she had knickers on. He did not subscribe to his daughter's theory that driving blood to the brain by gravity would improve intelligence, but he liked to see the theory put into more detailed practice. He did not have to wait long.

It was an intricate bit of algebra that did it. She had to further improve blood to the brain. She hitched up her legs a bit further and got her neck into a tangle, but with an effort she was stable again, but in the process she exposed herself completely and Dad, with protruding eyes saw his daughter whole and he liked what he saw. Her pussy was shaved smooth, the bulging mons was a treat to the eyes, and the tiny pussy leaves and the clit hood were absolutely exquisite. The only flaw was the view lasted but a few seconds. But daughter s now up on the sofa in a posture that people normally adopt, and was again reading with deep concentration.

Hanging the feet down was probably draining a lot of blood away from the brain. She did the obvious—she put both feet up on the sofa seat, and what Dad saw took his breath away. Her large and smooth thighs shone like glass, and visible in between were her pussy folds in the all the glory. But again it lasted only for a brief moment. The telephone rang, and she jumped up to take the call as if she was expecting it.

The telephone was close to the banisters; if she chose to stand against the banisters Dad would have a perfect upskirt view. But suppose she chose to seat on the chair placed against the wall? Dad need not have worried. Daughter did the correct thing. She stood, and she stood in a way that Dad could see all that can be seen from where he sat just seven feet away.

The call was from Silvia.

"What's happening, Lenny?"

"The sofa sequence was simply splendid. Dad had a tough time hiding his erection."

"What now. Is he where he should be?"

"Very much so Silvia. I am now squatting, and I won't be surprised if his cock tears through. I feel sorry for him Silvia. I have no right to torture him. What should I do?"

What Silvia said was not audible, but Lenny must have got the gist for with purposeful steps she approached Dad.


"Yes darling." His voice was hoarse.

"I have problem concentrating."

"Why not a little more of gravity feeding the brain." Dad was teasing, but hoping that daughter would take the bait.

"My friend says that the human mind is like a computer that when shut and restarted corrects itself. She says that a spot of sleep would revive the brain."

"Go ahead and sleep."

"But I can't get sleep. My friend says that taking pills would muddle up the brain further. It should be natural sleep."

"Yes it has to be natural sleep."

"I have an idea, but I don't want to trouble you."

"No trouble at all Lenny. What should I do?"

"If you could lull me to sleep it would be wonderful."

Dad did not reply at once. He was looking up and moving his lips. Praying possibly. Then he spoke, in a tone that suggested that he would mind going through that ordeal for her sake.

"Lie down with you head on my lap. I'll sing you to sleep."

"No Daddy, no singing," said Lenny with horror, " just rub my scalp with your fingertips. That will surely put me to sleep."

Lenny curled up on the sofa with head of Dad's lap and facing him, and Dad gently scratched her scalp with his fingertips the way one shampoos.

"Delightful, Dad. I'm feeling sleepy already." Dad continued. Suddenly Lenny became fidgety.

"Dad gently scratch my back just the way you did the scalp."

Dad hesitated for a moment, and then he boldly lifted up her T-shirt up to the shoulder blades and ran her his fingertips over her back.

"You must go up to the neck Dad," she said and he pulled up her shirt to expose more of the back. He was not sure if the breasts that he could feel pressing his thighs were exposed by this manoeuvre. He ran is fingers from top to the waist and from side to side.

"You must go right up to the end of the sides almost to the front Dad," she said and gingerly Dad did so. He was careful to keep clear of the breast, both masses of which were now pressing against his thighs. He had a hard-on, but that was pressing the sides of daughter, but he minded it not. Lenny was breathing deeply. She was asleep. Dad could wait no more. Gently his movement went closer and closer to the breast, the right one. He first touched its base and then with increasing confidence he was over it and soon he was cupping it.

His routine was to cup the breast and then withdraw and go all the way down till he came up with the elastic of her skirt. But finding her still sleep he lifted up the skirt and felt the buttocks. He had never felt anything so soft and firm at the same time. He had by this time lost his grip altogether. His hand was on the inner side of the thigh and then left for a routine now well established. It went all over the back and then a brief visit to the right breast (the left was against his body), and then a soft pinch of the tit and then all over the back and then buttock one, and a jump to buttock two. Then came the critical part, the venture into unexplored territory. The inner side had to be explored and at every cycle the hands went closer and closer to the pussy. Then something strange happened, that brought his heart to his mouth, and then made it race madly.

As his fingers were going higher up her inner thigh Lenny lifted up her leg in the air invitingly. She was awake. Dad gasped in horror. But it was only for a moment. It clearly was a signal of total acceptance and that sent his heart into a flutter. He hesitated no more. He held her hips and gently turned her round. She was lying on her back with knees on Dad's shoulder; her pussy was inches away from his lips. She must have been pouring juices for it was wet all over and the wetness had spread to the thighs. The inner leaves were glistening, as was the prominent clit hood. Dad kissed the lips and went up to the clit and gave a gentle lick.

He looked up, and made eye contact with daughter. Her eyelids were drooping in the excess of thrills that were passing through her body. She smiled and said softly but audibly.


Dad had never hear anything so lovely and moving in his life than that softly uttered 'Daddy.' It put him into frenzy. With tongue tip he probed the clit till it came out and then he caught it in his lips and worked his tongue over the now captive clit tip. She was so hot that no further effort was needed to plunge her down the falls. 'Daddy. Daddy,' she moaned as she cascaded down. And finally when he bit her clit with his lips she screamed.

"Fuck me Dad, fuck me."

He carried her to the bed. He entered her and then they had it together, and then she had some more. They lay in each other's arms exhausted. Soon they were asleep. They woke up and washed, and cuddled again as they explored their naked bodies.

She sat up and took his cock into her mouth.

'This is where Deno gets his elephant from.' She said, but to herself. It as soon hard. She took her pussy to the cock and tired to insert it. Dad watched amused. Finally she did. She worked herself up and down.

"I'll put on the condom," said Dad belatedly.

"Not needed Dad, I am on the pill," said daughter and giggled.

"You are an absolute darling said Dad."


Mom does what only Moms can do

Silvia heard Lenny's story.

"Wonderful," she said. "Now for the last link in the chain. That's going to be tough. Silvia explained her plan. The problem clearly was Deno. 'Was he up to it?' was the question in Silvia's mind. She need not have bothered. Drilling the matter into his skull would take some doing, but once in it had a way of remaining there.

Silvia and Lenny conducted the rehearsals. There was competition between the two as who should be the other party in the rehearsals for it ended with a Deno special. Commonsense prevailed and they shared it half and half.

"Would your Mom take to it," asked Silvia.

"I think she would," said Lenny. "She should like it," she continued after a pause, and then she was more emphatic. "She most certainly would," she said. D-day was on the next day. Dad was off on an office trip, and Lenny had a school excursion for the whole day. Silvia gave final instructions and the warrior declared himself prepared for the task.

The next morning Dad left, as he always does, sharp at nine, and soon after Lenny left. Silvia fidgeted with anxious glances at the house, as if she expected an explosion. Meanwhile Deno was at action station.

Wrapping a towel round his waist Deno appeared before Mom. She was watching morning news on TV.

"Mom I am going for a bath. If any of my friends call please tell them I'll call them back." He disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door with a gentle bang. Soon Mom heard son singing, something he did when bathing. Then suddenly there was a scream and a loud metallic bang and then a thud of some soft heavy object crashing, and then silence. It came from the bathroom. Mom ran to the bathroom and tried the door. It was latched inside.

"Deno, are you OK."

"I am OK Mom, sort of. I fell out of the tub and took a mighty toss."


"All parts of my body are sore."

"Shall I call someone to help?"

"No Mom. I can reach the door and undo the latch. You can help." Mom heard a scarping sound, and soon the door unlatched and slowly opened. Mom entered and gasped.

Deno was lying on his back stark naked. He seemed to be in pain. He pointed to his groin. Mom bent down and felt his groin.

"Not there Mom, slightly towards inwards." Mom moved her fingers till she was at the base of the cock. Now she was touching it. The cock was big and it was getting bigger by the second.

"Mom, I'll get up and sit on that stool." Mom helped him get up. He held her in a tight embrace, cheek pressing her breasts, as he moved to the stool. He sat, still holding Mom. Suddenly he started wailing.

"What's the matter? Where is the pain?"

"Look at this cock of mine Mom. My friends call me elephant and they jibe at me. It gets big like this and I have to leave class to sit it out in the bathroom. I'm miserable Mom."

"Jerk it off."

"That's what my friends say, but I do not know how."

"Don't be funny. Boys your age would know how to jerk it off."

"My friends say the same. They say I'm a sissy. Now you say the same thing. Mom. I'm miserable. My own Mom calling me a sissy." He wailed all the more.

"Deno, I never said you are a sissy. Now I'll teach you how to jerk yourself off."

She sat in front of him on a stool and took hold of his cock and started stimulating it over his foreskin. The cock was now less hard than it was a while ago. She rubbed but seemed to make no progress.

"You must make it harder," she said.

"Mom my friends also say that. They say I must picture a nude girl in my mind and then it would harden. I tired to Mom, but it did not work."

"Whom did you try?"


"That's wrong. She is your sister."

"Mom I don't know any woman other than you and Lenny. I don't think thinking would work for me. I am sure I am not normal," said Deno and started weeping.

"Don't open that tap of yours Deno. We can find a way."

"Unless I see a naked woman it would not work, Mom. I am sure of that."

"And where would you go for that?"

"You Mom."

"I?" she almost screamed.

"Yes Mom you. Because you are my Mom you have to help me. Or it must be Lenny."

"Leave Lenny out of this. I can't."

"Mom you can. Please Mom, to help to get your son out of his misery." He wept.

"OK. I'll bare my chest. See if that works."

"It may Mom. Thank you Mom." Mom flicked off her T-shirt and son goggled.

"Is it from here that Lenny got milk?"

"Yep," said Mom thrusting forward her chest proudly.

"May I?"

"It's dry."

"Just for the experience." Mom hesitated, and then she agreed. Deno bent forwards and took one tit in his mouth and bit on it with indrawn lips. Mom shuddered. The sensation must have been very different from what she experienced years ago when her daughter suckled. This time her eyes were half closed and she was purring. At that moment her sexual impulses were aroused. Suddenly she thought of her task of jerking her son and she went ahead. His cock was hard and large. She had never seen anything like this before. Deno was holding both the breasts and suckling each in turn. Then it started happening.

"Mom, do it rapidly. Something is happening. Mom I'm shuddering all over. I am going to die Mom." Mom jerked with vigour and then he hugged her as he spurted. He held her tight till he was spent. Both remained like that for a long while. Then Deno released her and examined the result of his action. A reaction set in. He was pointed to the mess he had made of his Mom's body and skirt and was wailing again.

"Mom, how can I pardon myself for making you dirty. I'll clean you," he said and started undoing her skirt tapes. She did not object. Soon she was naked and both were in the tub each washing the other. Then they dried, and in the naked state walked to the bedroom. Mom opened her dresser drawer for dresses but Deno said that she be as she was. Mom again did not object. They lay on the cot hugging each other. Soon both were asleep.

Mom woke up to find son crouching in front intently watching her pussy. Mom closed her thighs at once.

"Mom, please Mom. It is so lovely."

"Don't be silly Deno. I am your Mom."

"Please Mom, please." She opened it slightly.

"Do you shave Mom?"

"Of course I do."

"Please show me the clit, Mom." She pointed to he clit.

"May I touch it?"

"You may not."

"Please Mom, Please."

"OK." He pushed back the hood.

"It's looking out as if it is a worm." He took his head closer and closer. Mother got up and slid backwards.

"What are you up to?"

"You must allow me to lick it."

"Deno you have gone too far. Please remember I am your Mom."

"I know Mom. Please Mom, please.

"He dug his head in. Mom did not resist. She in fact assisted by spreading her thighs, and as he licked she held his head and pressed it on her pussy. Her movements became more and more vigorous, and then she relaxed moaning and clicking.

"Son, my darling, fuck Mom," she said. Deno's cock was now like a monster. Mom was wet and he inserted. Soon they had orgasms together.

"Don't pull it out my darling," she said. She then asked him to do it and she had another orgasm and then another. Both lay hugging each other exhausted. They had two more that afternoon.

Deno gave his report the next day to Silvia.

"You must have done a splendid job Deno. You had to be soft when Mom entered and then you had to harden, and then you have to become limp again to get Mom to undress and finally you had to get hard, and all had to be timed perfectly. Splendid Deno. How was the feeling while fucking Mom?""

"Different Aunty. Just different. Just splendid. Mom knows how to fuck. She squeezed the juice out of me till the pips squeaked. No woman can give me the pleasure Mom did."

"All the links of the chain are now in place. The ends have to be clamped shut. That is going to be difficult."

"What chain, what clamp?" asked Deno. Silvia said that she would explain later. Both were confident that Aunty's schemes would never fail. Silvia was not that confident. She was very apprehensive that if it failed it would ruin the family. She checked and rechecked her plan. She felt that it would work.


Family that sleeps together stays together

The links of the chain were ready, but the task of joining them lay ahead. Silvia knew that was not going to be easy. The key was to get Mom and Dad in bed again. Daughter did not think it as possible. Silvia disagreed.

"In spite of total lack of cordiality they are sharing the same home for three years," she said. That tells a story. Deep inside them they have a very strong liking for each other. I am confident that they would come together, but they need to be pushed into it and only a shocking event can do that. We have to plan one."

Silvia as usual had a plan. But it was as delicately poised as a house of cards. The tiniest whiff of air, cold or hot, and it would topple. If that happens all the work done so far would vaporise. Silvia explained the plan first to Lenny. She liked it. They discussed refinements and soon they had a plan ready in all essentials. Then Silvia had a more difficult task of explaining to Deno. He stared, and then after a while shook his head. From the direction of the shake the listeners had no inkling what he thought of it. Silvia and Lenny sat down to explain it to him word-by-word and then letter-by-letter. In the process they got a clearer idea of what they were about. Explaining to Deno always had that effect. Deno gradually got the idea, and as was his wont, once he got it he took part with enthusiasm.

Silvia did the staff work. The Movement of each one of them was worked out and the outline of the possible conversation lines written out. A regular dramatic script in fact. Only one ingredient was missing. The hero and heroine, Mom and Dad were in the dark though wily-nilly they would come on stage. The three had several rehearsals.

"Once you get into the act you are on your own. I am sure you can manage," said Silvia.

How Mon and Dad would react was the big unknown factor. Silvia knew them not. She had not even talked to them. What she knew about them was what she gleaned from son and daughter. They gave a biased picture. She thought for more than a week and finally decided to go ahead. As D-day neared she became more and more confident that she would come through successful.

It had to be a Sunday. All four had to be home. Mom went to the grocery store, her Sunday morning routine, and strangely Deno volunteered to accompany her. In the shop he was fidgety and was calling on his cell phone so frequently that Mom noticed it and wanted to what was happening. He said that he was talking to his friends. He called Lenny for the last time as soon as they got in line to check out. Lenny was doing her part, and was waiting for his green signal.

Deno and his Mom returned. Deno did not rush in as he usually did leaving Mom to carry the bags, but very helpfully carried two bags, and wanted Mom to take the bags out of the car and line them up so that he can carry them in. The door was open as per plan, and kept ajar by Lenny who had stuck a shoe in. Deno gently opened the door wider. It moved noiselessly. Lenny had oiled it as per Silvia's instruction. He went in and placed the bags on the carpet and crept in. Dad's bedroom door was ajar and he saw Dad licking Lenny. Deno watched, unable to tear himself away watching as his Dad was working on his sister's pussy, and the enthusiasm with which daughter as responding to Dad's ministrations. Then he remembered that he much to do. He crept back, took up both the bags and went to Mom who was unloading more bags.

"Hey! What happened? asked Mom. "Why are you bringing back the bags? Why are you staring like that? Seen any ghosts?"

He stared bewildered, but said nothing.

"What Deno, what happened, tell me?"

He stabbed in the direction of the home and blabbered something that Mom was not able to make out. She made a move to go in when Deno's tongue unstuck and he spoke.

"Please don't Mom. Please Mom, don't." He held her by the waist.

"Tell me what? Lenny may need help?"

"Mom, something terrible is happening." He bent down and whispered into her ear. "Dad and Lenny are in his bedroom. He's fucking her."

Mom turned pale, and then she turned red. She started to go in. Deno held her with greater force.