Sleeping with Friend's Mom Ch. 06

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Divorce, moving and a proper first date with son's friend.
13.5k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/19/2023
Created 11/07/2021
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"What do you mean you two are getting a divorce?" asked Pete, "Was it something I did?"

Audrey shook her head slowly. She knew Pete would think that way. Most children think that if their parents get a divorce or separate, it's their fate. But it's not. It's the parents fault. More importantly, it was Jason's fault.

"It's not because of you sweetie," Audrey stated softly, "Your father and I...just can't make our marriage work anymore."

"I still don't understand mom," Pete said.

Audrey sighs and sits next to Pete on the couch. She can tell he was about to cry and pulls him into a hug. Stiffling his growing sobs, as she gently strokes his hair.

"Your father...did a very bad thing," Audrey said, "something that I can't forgive him for."

"W-What d-did dad d-d-do?" stammered Pete.

Audrey sighs again and looks into her son's face. She had to tell him.

"Tell him!" a voice shouted in her head, "Pete deserves to know what his father did!"

"Do you remember when I made that special dinner for dad last year?" Audrey asked.

Pete nods his head.

"Your anniversary," he then said.

"Well...your father forgot all about it," Audrey stated.

"You can do this!" she told herself.

"Forgot our anniversary," Audrey continued, "because he was..."

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Say it damnit!" she scolded herself.

Pete pats her hand, as if reassuring her.

"It's okay mom," he said, "I think I understand now."

Audrey sniffles and composes herself afterwards.

"That's why we are getting a divorce sweetie," she then said.

"Do you think you could forgive him?" Pete asks, "Like give him a second chance?"

She ponders that question a bit, then shakes her head. Then stares daggers at Jason across the room, who was silently listening to the whole conversation. Staring at the floor, just like on Christmas. He was beaten and Jason knew it.

She planned on Ben staying over on Christmas night and show Jason, that she had moved on from him. That she was happy.

"Sometimes I wonder what I even saw in Jason," Audrey thought as she looked at Jason, "and what made me fall in love with him to begin with?"

"He had his second chance the moment she appeared on our driveway." Audrey stated, "I asked him very clearly it was either her or me and he chose to not give me a straight answer."

"Other woman?" repeated Pete, "Oh...I see now dad cheated on you."

"He did," Audrey said, "and for five years too!"

Pete now looks over at his father sitting in the armchair. He was still looking at the floor.

Audrey thought back to Christmas night. It was a truly magical night, that ended with Audrey and Ben fucking on that same armchair Jason sat in. She knew Jason saw them that night and Audrey counted on it. She wanted to drive home just how different Ben was compared to him. Both in cock size and as a man.

Did it work? Well see for yourself just how uncomfortable Jason looked sitting there. Knowing his soon to be ex-wife was fucking their son's friend and loving every second of it.

"Nothing to add?" Audrey asked Jason.

He ignored her.

"How could you dad?" Pete asked.

Jason said nothing and continued to stare at the floor. Ignoring her was something she could live with, as him ignoring her just nails home how pathetic he is. But ignoring their son? Their son Pete who was just wanting to know why, made her more upset than ever. Their son deserved to know why. But clearly Jason didn't care, as he just sat there.

"Tell Pete the truth Jason!" she shouted, "Tell him how you chose to be with...that homewrecker, instead of being with your family! A family you don't seem to want or care about!"

Pete looked at Aubrey now. Eyes widened by her sudden outburst. Then saw fresh tears flowing down her cheeks, which she angrily wipes away. Those tears were the result of her opening up old wounds she thought were healed.

She had enough of Jason's stupidity and was ready to just throw him out then and there. All of this was for Pete's sake and clearly Jason didn't care on that end. He just sat there.

"Five years Jason!" Audrey stated, "Five fucking years of screwing your boss behind back! Five fucking years worth of birthdays, holidays and anniversaries that you chose to ignore!"

She then gets up and heads upstairs to her bedroom. Slamming the door behind her in the process.

"Your mom is taking that part a bit to far," Jason said.

"Can you blame her?" Pete said clenching his fists, "Mom planned that night so perfectly for you two. But what do you do instead? You cheated on her with another woman."

Jason opened his mouth to speak, but was instead cut off by Pete.

"Mom devoted herself to you," Pete continued, "all she wanted in return was for you to be the man she married. But instead you chose to cheat on her and ruin your marriage over a five year long affair."

"You sound like your mother," Jason muttered.

"I would rather be like mom instead of a cheating scumbag like you dad." Pete stated.

"You have no right to speak to me in that matter boy!" Jason said.

"Else what dad?" Pete asked, "You're all bark and no bite."

Jason stared at the floor. He knew Pete was right.

"What was so special about her that made you apparently find mom unattractive?" asked Pete, "Because I know Ben would kill to be with her. As well as a number of guys at my school too."

At hearing Ben's name, Jason clenches his fists. He thought back to Christmas night, when he saw Audrey fuck Ben in his armchair. The same one he was sitting in now. Their naked sweaty bodies luminated by the glow of the fireplace. The sound of their moans, soft yet also passionate, were mixed in with classic christmas music. Making it seem like a porn video, a rather homemade and amateur porn video at that. But the way they moved in unison to bring the other to orgasm, made Jason realize that they must've had previous experience with each other.


It made him feel jealous that Audrey found someone better than him. Even before all this came into the open, Jason disliked Ben. Just like Ben disliked Jason. A few times Jason caught Ben staring at her when Audrey was in the kitchen. He even brought it up to her when Ben went home afterwards.

"You forget that I have eyes Jason," Audrey would tell him, "there's nothing wrong with him looking at me. It goes to show you that I'm still considered hot for my age."

"Hot my ass Audrey," Jason would tell her in turn, "you're too old to be having some nineteen year old kid drool after you."

"Oh fuck you Jason," Audrey would retort, "who cares if he does! It's just innocent puppy love."

Every time he brought it up, it always ends the same way soon afterwards. With him getting in his car to "cool off" and drive to his boss' house. His boss Rose was hot. Audrey was not. Ben had poor taste apparently. Rose was more exciting than Audrey ever was.


"I need some air," Pete said.

He then stood up and left the living room as well. Leaving Jason alone downstairs in the living room. He then heads upstairs and knocks on his mother's bedroom door. Though knowing she probably couldn't hear him due to it being soundproofed.

He opens the door, just as Audrey looked up as Pete entered her room. Her eyes were reddened from crying.

"I take it he didn't tell you anything?" Audrey sniffed.

Pete sat on the corner on her bed.

"Nope," Pete said, "only that you were talking that five year thing a bit to far."

He then sighs and leans into her shoulder. Audrey pats his head as he does.

"I told him that you had every right to be upset." Pete then said, "That you devoted yourself to being the perfect housewife and mother. That he should've done the same thing."

"Instead he chose to have a five year long affair with his boss." Audrey added, "and ruin our perfect little family."

"Dad is stupid if he thinks that you are not attractive mom," Pete said, "Ben seems to think so and so do many guys at my school."

"Ben said that huh?" asked Audrey, "Of course he would. What guy wouldn't want a hot milf like me!"

Pete lets out a short chuckle.

"Mom!" Pete said.

"Well it's true!" she giggled, "I've seen the way boys your age look at me."

Pete lets out another chuckle, as Audrey smiles at him. If only Pete knew the truth...that Ben was her boyfriend for a few months now.

"Speaking of Ben," Audrey said, "best not tell him about the divorce between your father and me...okay?"

Pete tells her he won't.

Audrey then stood up.

"How about we go for a drive and I'll buy you another game for your new console?" she then said.

Pete beams with excitement as she told him that. She grabs her car keys from her dresser and stood by her bedroom door.

"Mom will we have to move when you guys do divorce?" Pete asked.

"Of course not." Audrey said, "Why would you ask that sweetie?"

"My girlfriend's parents did after they divorced," he said, "her dad moved to another city and her mom moved them to another house here."

"That was probably because there was too many painful memories in their old house sweetie." Audrey said, "Our situation is different. We don't need to move, unless we decide to."

"Okay," Pete said.

"We can talk about this later." she then said, "For now let's leave the house for a bit."

She then opens the door and steps outside her room. Pete follows behind her. Once the door closed behind him, they walked down the hallway to the stairs and descended them. Audrey peeks her head around the corner to the living room and saw that Jason wasn't there anymore. She sighs in relief.

"Probably left for good this time." she thought, "Good riddance!"

They then stepped outside the house and got into her car. When she began to pull out of the driveway, it was like a cloud lifted from her mind.

Maybe moving to a new house isn't such a bad idea after all. A fresh start, a new life.

With Ben there by her side.


The bed creaked steadily under Audrey and Ben, as they made love later that weekend. Her hands clung to his shoulders, as her legs wrapped around his waist. Holding him close to her, as they both climaxed together a short while later. He rolls off her and pants heavily.

"So I finally did it Ben," Audrey said panting, "I finally told Pete about my divorce with Jason."

"How...did he take it?" said Ben catching his breath.

"As good as any kid who gets told his mother and father are getting a divorce because his father is a sleazy asshole." Audrey said.

"I take it....asshole was there too," Ben asked.

Audrey rolls over onto her side and pokes at his chest.

"Hey now I might feel the same way big guy," Audrey said leaning over Ben, "but he is still Pete's father."

"Some father," Ben scoffed.

She then lays her sweaty head on his shoulder and runs her hand lazily up and down his chest. Feeling the muscule definition of each ab as she does. She loved how different Ben was compared to Jason.

"I agree with you completely love," she said, "but Jason is still Pete's father. Even if he is a worthless piece of shit at being one."

"You know he still needs to know about us Audrey," Ben said.

"I plan on telling him about us," Audrey said and kisses his cheek, "soon."

"For now let's enjoy our new life together," Audrey continued, "because this time next month we'll be living in a different house."

"You know that Pete will more than likely hear us whenever I stay over right?" Ben said.

"Oh I'm not worried about that Ben," Audrey said, "Pete is a heavy sleeper and besides I'm taking this door with us too."

"I still can't believe you guys are moving into a new place next month," Ben laughed.

"It was a decision me and Pete discussed all week." Audrey said, "he wants to move closer to his grandparents."

"Where did you want to move to?" asked Ben.

"That...will be a secret until we move into our new place," Audrey said, "but I will need up christening the master bedroom later on."

They share another long affectionate kiss, before falling asleep in each other's arms.


One month later, Audrey sat on the toilet seat in their new house, looking down at a homecare pregnancy kit. She's been feeling funky all morning and decided to get herself checked.


She...was one month pregnant. Her thoughts were jumbled in her head. They were so careful! How did she get pregnant? Then she remembered that they didn't use a condom on Christmas when they were upstairs retrieving the presents. But that was only time they did raw. Surely his sperm isn't that strong.

She looks at the little plus sign. Well clearly his sperm was that strong and she was ovulating that day too.

Audrey hides her face in her hands. How can she hide a pregnancy from both Ben and her son? She sighs heavily.

This just threw a monkey wrench in her plans. She didn't plan on doing it raw with Ben until AFTER they moved in together and Pete was aware of their relationship.

A knock on the bathroom door startled her.

"You okay mom?" asked Pete, "You need anything?"

"I'm fine sweetie," she called out, "did you finish setting up your new room?"

"I did," Pete said, "do you want me to start setting up the kitchen?"

She flushes the toilet and discards the pregnancy kit into the trash bin. Pushing it deep down and covering it with bits of trash. Then washes her hands before staring at her reflection.

"Pregnant," she then muttered to herself, "I'm fucking pregnant."

"Did you say something mom?" asked Pete.

"Are you still outside the bathroom door?" Audrey asked.

"Well I was waiting for your response." Pete said.

"To what?" she asked.

"Do you want me to set up the kitchen?" he repeated.

"No I'll do that," she said opening the door, "you can go play on your new game console."

"You sure?" asked Pete.

"Yes I'm sure sweetie," she said and kisses his forehead, "now shoo!"

She watched him disappear around the corner and into his room. Once his door latches shut, she sighs heavily.

"I just can't believe I'm fucking pregnant," she said.

She walks around her new living room. Boxes still left unopened on the carpet. This new house was just a short walking distance from the high school and alot more easier for her parents to come visit.

It was also (to her knowledge) alot closer to Ben's house. So he can come over to see her more often.

A thought she relished. She loved waking up next to him. What was next after being his girlfriend anyways. Would he want to marry her and take over as man of the house? To be her husband and also her best friend. To be the father figure Pete never had and the father to their first baby together?

Audrey then brought herself down from thinking such thoughts. She still had a lot of time to ask him that question.

Would he even want to marry her if the opportunity presented itself to them?

"Stop thinking such idle fantasies," she told herself, "it's still too early to even think wedding bells. You two only just started dating. Give it a year or two."


A knock on the door half an hour later told her that Ben has arrived. She welcomes him in with open arms and gave Ben a quick peck on the lips.

"Thought you were never going to get here," Audrey giggled.

"Well had some...things I had to do before I came over," he said.

She raised an eyebrow at him quizzingly.

"What would be more important than me?" she asked, "Your smoking hot milf of a girlfriend?"

"This," he said.

He hands her a packaged small box. Her heart was hammering in her chest. No-this couldn't be what she thought it was could it? Her heart was racing in her chest. Did he want to marry her? Did he see her as someone he could spend the rest of his life with? She was just fantasizing about this earlier.

With trembling hands, she unwraps the package and gasped out loud.

"Took me awhile," he said, "but you do deserve something nice every once and a while Audrey."

In the opened package laid the most beautiful jeweled necklace she had ever saw. She takes it out carefully and tries it on.

"This must have cost a small fortune," she said, "I-I'm unworthy of such an expensive gift."

He closes his hands over her trembling ones. She looks at him square in the eyes.

"You deserve it Aubrey," he said, "let me spoil you every now and then okay?"

"Mom who was at the front door?" came Pete's voice from down the hallway.

Audrey panicked a bit.

"N-No one sweetie," she answered, "was just someone who got their address wrong."

"Okay," he answered.

She heard his door shut and Ben snickers a bit.

"Someone got their address wrong?" he repeated her statement.

"That someone did," Audrey said pulling at his arm.

"Someone who will see just how grateful I am in a bit," she continued, "in our bedroom."

She held his hand as she lead him down the hallway to her room. Pushing him inside and shuts the door behind them. Then locks it. She was glad she didn't plan on keeping the sound proof door from the old house. Because once she told Pete about their relationship, she planned on not holding back whenever Ben stayed over.

"Now what should I do with you?" she pondered.

She tugs at his shirt and pulled it off his chest. Then kissed his chest slowly, teasingly.

"Maybe this?" she said.

Audrey then unbuckles his jeans and tugs them down his legs. Placing her mouth over the bulge in his boxers. Breathing on it, inhaling it's meaty odor. Kissing it

afterwards. Then tugged them down as well. His thick 10inch long cock springs out like a diving board.

"Mmm so sexy," she said.

She then kisses his tip. Ben lets out a moan. Audrey giggles.

"Does my boyfriend ike what his girlfriend is doing right now?" she teased.

"Very much so!" Ben said.

"Does he want me to suck on his amazing cock?" she asked.

Audrey licks at his tip, causing Ben to moan again. This time a little louder.

"I think he does," she told herself.

Audrey then plunges her whole mouth over his head and down his shaft. Once her nose touched his pelvis, she began swallowing. Causing Ben to moan again.

Audrey then pulls back hard, Ben lurches forward a bit.

"Holy fuck!" he grunts.

She pops his meat from her mouth and coughs.

"Told you that I'd show you how grateful I am!" she then said, "A present like this deserves ALL my effort to satisfy you!"

She then plunges her hot mouth over his cock and closes her lips around it. Staring up at him as she began to suck his cock. Running her tongue over his tip, as Ben grunts in time with her moaning.

With her free hand, she cups his heavy ballsack and squeezes it gently. Ben leans back on her bed. The picture of Pete and Audrey perched on her dresser, looking on, as the couple began to make love now. Audrey slowly riding Ben, as her bed slowly creaked under them.

This time, she was aware they didn't use a condom. It made her feel...excited. Doing it raw with him. Feeling his raw uncut thick cock inside her pussy. Feeling the blast of his cum as he ejaculated deep inside her afterwards. The warmth of it trickling out of her as she laid on top of him. Kissing him wetly.

His cock softens and slips out of her, as Audrey lays beside him. Smiling to herself as she wore his gift around her neck.

"Told you I wanted you to help christen my master bedroom," Audrey giggles, "and you did just that."

She places a hand warmly on her stomach as they both caught their breaths. She'll tell him about her pregnancy, after she tells Pete about their relationship.


"Hey mom you okay?" Pete asked a few weeks later.

Audrey looked at her son, who was staring right back at her.