Sleepwalking Mom Ch. 16


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We sat there like that for a while and then stood up and finished the shower before the hot water ran out. I dried her as she giggled when I vigorously dried her erogenous parts. She dried me but I don't think she dried off anywhere except for my cock and balls. I dried the rest of my body as I headed back to my room.

Mom threw me an air-kiss as she went to hers. At her door she said, "I'm done in. I'm going back to bed. You wore me out." She giggled and shut her door. I thought about going back to bed too but when I crossed the threshold of my room and shut my door, I heard tiny little giggles and the covers on my bed were all humped up and moving. I pulled back the bedding and two naked teenage blondes were cuddled up beside each other. They started laughing as I looked down at them.

Julie looked at the frown on my face and said, "What? You two couldn't make it to a bed? At least we waited until you were done with Mom. How many orgasms did she have anyway?"

Before I could even hunch up my shoulders, June piped in with, "There were a lot." June reached up and wrapped her fingers around my balls and pulled me into bed with them. I had no options but to go wherever she was pulling me. June said, "Don't worry. We're not here for sex. It looks like the big guy is wore out anyway. That was some kind of show you and Mom put on. We watched most of it from the top step of the stairs. It was really hot. While you were in the shower, we got each other off right here in your bed, so we're good for the moment." I kissed her gently and then kissed Julie the same way. We snuggled down in my bed and I pulled the covers over all of us. We all fell back asleep.

We didn't sleep long. I woke to a pressure on my glans. I lifted my head to see what it was and Julie was looking back at me with my knob in her mouth. She was gently licking the 'spot'. She giggled around my knob and pulled off. She kissed it and said, "Just kidding." She kissed the tip of my glans again and rolled out of my bed. She nudged June and woke her up. She said, "Come on June. Let's go enjoy the weather.

June groaned and rolled across me and pressed her pelvic mound on my cock as she went by. She giggled and stood up beside Julie. They were an incredibly erotic sight standing by my bed in the nude. Their nipples were on high beams. I pulled the covers back over me to hide my erection.

The girls hurried down the hall and thundered down the stairs like they always did. I watched their hips swaying erotically as they went. I lifted my covers and looked at my erection and said out loud, "Go back to sleep." I fell back asleep again.

I woke again to the doorbell ringing. I expected that the girls would go to the door but the doorbell rang again and again no one went to the door. Then loud knocking came. I pulled the covers off me and I pulled on my shorts and a tee shirt and trudged down the hall and stairs into the foyer. I looked out through one of the sidelights on either side of the front door and to my surprise there were two Police Officers standing under the portico. They must have seen me in the sidelight and one of them said, "Police, please open the door. I reached for the lock knob just as June and Julie ran in from the backyard in their micro-bikinis. They had apparently come from an erotic encounter as their nipples were rock hard and pushing firmly against the flimsy material. Julie said, "Who is it?"

"It's the Police." Julie looked through the sidelight to see for herself. She grinned and looked back at June.

Julie said, "June, there are two gorgeous young cops out here." She looked at me and urged me to open the door as they stood back behind the door. The doorbell rang again and I opened the door.

Julie was correct. There were two young Officers in full uniform. Whether they were gorgeous or not wasn't for me to say. One was blonde and one was a redhead. They each had brass name plates on their uniform. The redhead's read, 'Officer Sweet' and the blonde's read 'Officer Jenkins'. Officer Sweet said, "Excuse me sir. Can we come in?" I asked him what this was about and he said, "We should discuss this inside. It has to do with an incident at a highway toll booth last night. A complaint was filed by an attendant and she recorded a license plate number."

Officer Jenkins piped in with, "Is that your car?" He was pointing at my car. I told him it was. I stepped back from the door and motioned for them to come in. I looked around the front yard to see if someone on the street was curious about why the Police were here and closed the door.

I turned around to usher the cops into the living room and practically ran into June and Julie grinning at the young cops. They didn't even realize that they were fondling their own nipples. I gave them a look and Julie looked back with a "What?" look on her face. I looked down at her fingers and she yanked them away and pushed her hands behind her back and thrust her shoulders back. June did the same. The net effect of this move was to thrust their big boobs forward. The cops were staring at them nearly salivating. I wondered if they even remembered why they were here.

The cops were standing back to the stairs gawking at the twins. Mom appeared in her robe at the top of the stairs to see what was going on. I motioned for her to disappear and she pulled back down the hallway.

I got the attention of the cops and it wasn't easy. I asked if I could get them something to drink and they both declined but at least they were back on task again. Officer Jenkins reiterated the reason for their visit. I knew exactly why they were here but I played dumb. I motioned for the girls to disappear but they were having nothing to do with that. They came into the living room too and sat directly across from the officers. The cops were clearly distracted as the girls listened intently and I recognized that the twins were both getting aroused.

Officer Jenkins, who I assumed was the one in charge, restated the reason they were here. The twins were amused by their story that the toll operator had filed a complaint against a young man who was driving the car in our driveway while getting oral sex as the attendant made change. The complaint seemed that the attendant was more pissed off that the young man had given her a twenty-dollar bill to pay a seventy-five-cent toll. This seemed to amuse the Officers. Officer Sweet was paying no attention to his partner or me. He was gawking at the twins.

I didn't confess to the incident. In fact, I lied. "It wasn't me," I said.

Officer Jenkins smiled and said, "This is only a visit to inform you that driving while engaged in sex of any kind is very dangerous. No one is going to get charged with anything." Then he asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?" I nodded 'yes' but I wasn't positive that was true anymore. "Is she a brunette?"

I nodded again and then said, "But she was at work all day yesterday until quite late. What time did this happen?"

Officer Jenkins pulled out a small notebook and scrolled through several pages and said, "Around eight o'clock. So, it was still light out."

"My girlfriend was at work until after nine-thirty," I said. The twins were back to fondling their nipples. They were clearly sending a message and Officer Sweet was paying attention to nothing other than them and there was clear evidence that he had an erection. With the display the twins were putting on, he would have had to be dead or gay if he didn't have an erection. The Officer Jenkins was catching some of the twin's antics and he wrote something in his notebook. Then he stood up and motioned to his partner that they had fulfilled their task to simply warn me to be more discreet and to drive safely.

Officer Jenkins looked around and said, "Is there anyone else here?"

I shook my head and said, "No. These are my sisters June and Julie." I pointed at the appropriate sister with my introductions but they wouldn't be able to tell them apart anyway. The girls stood with huge grins on their faces. They cocked their hips and thrusted out their boobs again. Officer Sweet struggled to his feet but he was leaning forward quite a bit indicating to me that he had a raging hard-on. I had been there and done that many times.

Julie said to me, "We'll walk them out. Your breakfast is getting cold." I chuckled because there was no breakfast but I got her message. I thanked both Officers for their concern but still didn't commit that I had done anything wrong.

The cops nodded and headed for the door with June and Julie beside them. I stopped around the corner and looked back into the foyer to see what the twins were going to do now. I wasn't surprised that June and Julie took up a position blocking their exit through the front door. Julie pushed herself up close to the redhead, Officer Sweet, and pushed her hand to the bulge in his pants. She gently rubbed it up and down waiting to see what he would do. I couldn't see his face from my position but he bent forward and kissed Julie.

It looked like Officer Jenkins was going to put a halt to what was going on between Julie and his partner but June interceded and pushed her boobs to his chest and leaned in and kissed him. They were all roughly the same height so there was no escaping June's lips. She pushed her hand to his crotch too.

Julie started to unbuckle Officer Sweet's belt but she quickly realized that there were multiple black leather belts around his waist and she didn't know where to start. He made no attempt to help her or stop her. They were still in embrace and the kiss was getting more urgent. Julie opted for his zipper and when she pulled his erection from his pants she dropped down to a squat, removed her bikini top and sucked his cock into her mouth. His head snapped back on his shoulders and he let out a loud groan as Julie pushed her lips down his shaft.

I was getting an erection watching this scene. I rubbed mine through my shorts. Officer Jenkins looked over at the treatment that Julie was giving to his partner. He was fighting his urge to continue until June got his hard-on into her mouth. Then he was fully on board. In fact, Officer Jenkins started fucking June's face as he gently held her head perfectly still. June was easily taking all of him just like Julie was taking all of Officer Sweet's cock.

I chuckled when the two Police Officers high-fived each other and looked down at the gorgeous woman eagerly bobbing their faces on their cocks. I caught movement above me at the top of the stairs and Mom was there, still in her robe. Her right hand was inside her robe vigorously strumming on her pussy. I got her attention and motioned for her to get back out of sight. She frowned down at me but moved back.

It wasn't long before Officer Sweet humped up and blew his load in Julie's mouth. She took one or two shots and then pulled back and while furiously jerking on his spewing cock, aimed his remaining shots at her tits. He groaned hard all the way through his climax as his hips launched forward with each shot. Officer Jenkins lasted a little longer before he groaned out, "Fuck. I'm gonna cum." June giggled around his cock and took his first shot while deep throating him. He muttered, "Oh Jesus," and she pulled off and aimed his cock at her tits.

Cum was splashing everywhere and Julie screeched out "Awesome," as she jacked on Officer Sweet's cock until a last shot drooled from the end of his cock onto Julie's waiting tongue. She dipped the tip of her curled tongue into his 'eye' and then stood up and kissed him with her cum tasting lips. He pulled back away from her when she tried to push her tongue into his mouth. She giggled and kissed him again.

June jacked off the remaining shots from Officer Jenkins and she dipped to collect whatever remained of his ejaculation. Then the twins switched cocks and as if they had previously coordinated it. Julie bent forward and pushed her lips down Officer Jenkins' cock one time and pulled off with a huge grin. June followed suit on Officer Sweets' cock. Julie pushed his softening cock into his pants and zipped up. June did the same with Officer Jenkins' cock and zipped him up. The twins both stood up straight. Julie's tits were on display and both Officers were gawking at them. June hadn't removed her bikini top. The officer's cum glistened on both of the twin's chests.

I quietly backed away from where I was standing so they wouldn't see that I had witnessed what happened. I didn't need any hassles with the Police.

I wanted to go upstairs to let Mom know what was going on. She already knew the erotic part but she didn't know why the cops were here. I walked into the foyer to the bottom of the stairs and said, "You guys are still here? Is there something else you need?"

Officer Jenkins was startled and snapped around to look at me and said, "No sir. We're good. Just chatting with your sisters." I saw Officer Sweet hand his card to June and then one to Julie. They accepted them with huge grins on their faces. I was sure the Police Officers were asking June and Julie out on a date. I'd find out the details later. I bounded up the stairs leaving the four of them at the front door.

I was explaining the details of the Officer's visit to Mom when there was a dual squeal as the twins thundered up the stairs and burst into Mom's room. They were both scooping cum off their boobs and pushing their fingers first in their own mouth and then in the others. They were excitedly comparing the cum of the two cops. Mom got laughing and then she shook her head and said, "What am I going to do with you two?"

Julie laughed and pushed her tits to Mom's face offering her a taste. I laughed when Mom couldn't restrain herself and she licked up a wad of cum and rolled it around in her mouth. She smiled and motioned for June to come in close so she could taste her cop's cum.

I heard the front door open and slam back against the wall. I heard the jangle of golf clubs and said, "Dad's home. He's early, he must have had a good round." We waited for him to come up to change and we were all sitting on the edge of the bed when he walked in unbuttoning his shirt.

He looked at us and stopped. He said, "What's going on? Did I interrupt something?" Julie was the only one displaying her tits. Mom had her robe pulled together and cinched tight. June was in her bikini and I was in tee shirt and shorts.

Mom giggled and said, "No, we were just talking, although I can see why you'd think that," as she looked at Julie's bare chest. She motioned for us kids to go and she was pressing her body to Dad's for a kiss before we could get out of the room.

We went out to the backyard to crash in the lounge chairs and before we were settled, Mom and Dad were going at it again. As it turned out, Dad was celebrating the fact that he had broken eighty on his golf round for the first time. Mom was groaning rhythmically as Dad grunted with each apparent thrust. There were no obvious indications that either of them climaxed. There was just a sudden silence. I was aroused but I successfully hid that fact from June and Julie.

I asked, "Are you guys going out with our cop friends?" Julie giggled and nodded vigorously.

June said, "I love a man in uniform. I was so hot sitting there listening to them questioning you. I asked Jerry, the red-haired Officer, what that was all about. He said not to worry about it. Couples having sex as they drive through a toll booth is like a right of passage for young people. That's what you and Mom were doing last night, huh? Driving around while she sucked your cock in public. I guess someone was offended and complained to the Police."

I chuckled and nodded, "That about covers it." Mom had cum on her hand as she reached out the driver's window to get the change and some cum got on the woman's hand. She freaked. She was really mad when I gave her a twenty. That was Mom's idea. She was out of control. She's replacing the risk of getting caught by Dad with the risk of getting caught in public and she's getting more blatant about it.

Julie said, "Well she's the one who told Dad about us and her. I'm certain that she wouldn't have if he didn't already have a family sex history with Aunt Mary and her daughters. She should have just left things as they were."

June said, "I disagree. I like having sex with Dad. If she hadn't confessed to him, we wouldn't be all having sex together. I like Dad's cock. It's not as nice as Dex's, but he has his limits to satisfying all of us all of the time."

Julie giggled and agreed with June's position. I just wondered where Mom was going to get her next thrill from.

June's eyes widened and she said to me, "Not to change the subject, but where were you on Friday afternoon at 2:55? We promised to give you your "Birthday Present" - she used finger quotes - at the exact minute of your birth twenty years ago, like you did for us. We went by your office but you weren't there. Your secretary, Gina or Jinny or something, said you were working on a special project on the top floor."

I said, "Sorry. I totally forgot. Sylvia and I and two other guys were working flat out all day." I chuckled and continued, "Sylvia and a couple of her friends gave me "presents' - I used finger quotes too - that were just about exactly the same as the presents you were going to give me." I grinned at the girls and they grinned back.

Julie said, "Come on, give us the deets. We seem to be living vicariously through your sexual exploits lately." June was all ears too.

I laughed at Julie's statement and said, "Yeah right. You can say that after what I just witnessed in the foyer between you and your cop friends?"

June and Julie both went red faced and laughed hard. June said, "You weren't supposed to be watching. What a pervert." As the word 'pervert' echoed around the yard, there was a short pause and then we all started laughing really hard.

When we settled down again, I said, "By the way, it's Ginger. My secretary's name is Ginger." Julie shrugged her shoulders in a way that said, 'who cares'. "She listened at my office door that first time you two came to my office before you started work." Now Julie was interested.

June said, "No big deal. She didn't know we were you sisters. Right?"

I nodded, "She didn't then but she saw us all getting out of Dad's car on your first day. She knows now and she is kind of blackmailing me for sex."

Julie swung her legs around her chair to face me and said, "What do you mean 'kind of blackmailing you'?"

I smiled and looked at June as she came over and sat next to Julie on her chair. "Kind of because she is nice about it. She's a lonely widow. She asked me if I would put my cream in her coffee. She's an attractive woman. After revealing that she knew about us, what could I do." The twins were listening intently and I giggled as I said, "The cream thing turned out to be a disaster. I don't know what happened. She had my cock aimed into her cup and then I guess she figured I'd just drool my load out and she let it go. I came all over her clothes. Now that she knows that I don't drool cum when I shoot, she'll be better prepared next time." The twins grinned broadly and looked at each other. They were silently communicating with each other again and I looked at one and then the other.

Julie spoke for both of them as she said, "Next time she wants cream in her coffee, can we get involved. She is attractive and since she knows about us anyway..." She let her last sentence drag out for a moment. My erection was back just thinking about it. I was already planning how to do it.

I looked at them and said, "Tomorrow morning, be hanging out in my area with your cell phone on. I'll call you. Okay?" Their eyes lit up as they nodded and they both began fondling their erect nipples.

Julie noticed the sudden movement in my shorts and said, "Do you need some attention? I'm getting horny and it looks like you are too." My erection jumped again and this time June spotted the movement. She looked at Julie and they were doing that silent communications again. This time I got the jist of their communications, 'Let's get him'.