Sleepwalking Mom Ch. 19


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Dad laughed and held up his flaccid cock and said, "I'm done. At least for a while." We all laughed. Mom reached down between her legs and pushed a couple fingers into her gaping and still spasming anus. Cum oozed out of her ass to the towel.

Mom lifted her hips and pulled the thong string back between her butt-cheeks and then placed the narrow strip over her sex to cover her pussy lips. She dropped her ass back to the towel and pulled the narrow strips over her erect nipples. The strips of material weren't wide enough to cover her aureoles with her nipples in that condition. She giggled as she sat up and pushed her big tits together creating more cleavage than is usually there. I helped her to her feet and she staggered a little. I held on to her hand until she steadied herself.

Julie peeled off her soaking wet tee shirt from Mom's squirt. She wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples were hard and long, just like Mom's. June got up and tugged Dad up to his feet. His soft dick dangled down over his balls. I stood up and no one was surprised that my cock was still semi-hard and projected out above my balls. June giggled and moved over beside me and cupped my balls in one hand and the fingers of her other hand curled around my shaft. She looked up at me waiting for me to give her the go ahead. I shook my head and June frowned and released both hands. I pulled her to me and kissed her and said, "Later, Okay?" A huge grin formed on her face and she nodded and kissed me back.

Mom took Dad's hand and they headed inside. She still had that look in her eyes and she winked at me as she stepped into the sun room. Julie saw Mom's wink and said, "I don't think you are done yet.

I had to get them all together for my story and I was thinking that Mom and Dad were headed up to their bed. I loudly said, "Hey guys. I have something to tell you. It's important." Mom stopped and looked back at me. The twins came up to my sides and looked up at me.

June said, "Reece is pregnant. No, no. Sylvia is pregnant."

Julie picked up on June's theme and said, "Both of them are pregnant."

I raised my hands to my face and swiped them quickly to get them to stop. I said, "Stop it. Neither of them is pregnant. This is important. We've all been threatened with God knows what by a seriously disturbed dude." That stopped all the conversations and I had their attention. They gawked at me and I had the floor. I said, "Come back out and sit down." Mom and Dad eased past me looking into my eyes. We all took lawn chairs so we could look at each other.

I told them the entire story that started at Sylvia's apartment when Reece and I had gone back to wait to go to the Rave. Their mouths hung open and I hadn't even got to the threats at the restaurant this morning. Mom gasped when I got there and she pulled her hand to her mouth. The twins were looking at each other with their hands to their mouths. Dad wanted details and I provided them.

I explained that this was all about this Jinx being pissed off that Fatima has a new girlfriend, Sylvia, and dumped her. She, and her supposed brother threatened Fatima and Sylvia. When they caught me in the Lady's room with Fatima at the restaurant, they broadened their threats to me and mine. The inference was that the 'mine' part of his threat was my family.

Julie found some humor in all this and said, "So, our lives are in danger because you couldn't keep you dick in your pants." June elbowed Julie but giggled at Julie's statement. I was concentrating on what Mom and Dad had to say.

Mom said, "Have you called the Police?"

I said, "I called the Police precinct and talked to Officer Sweet." June and Julie both locked on to what I'd say next. "I couldn't give them anymore information about Jinx and her 'brother', from what they already had from the night before, except the gun. He said they would increase their patrols in our neighborhood. He told me to make sure we were locked up tight at all times." Dad nodded, but I could tell he was frustrated. So was I. All we could do was wait to see what happened. I know Dad wished the Police could do more but he understood that all they had was our descriptions of Jinx and her 'brother'.

No one spoke as we all contemplated our futures connected to those two low-lives. Mom spoke to break the silence and said, "Well. I think we should all get dressed in case we have to run." Her words made sense so we all went to our rooms and changed.

That afternoon, the doorbell rang. I happened to be coming down the stairs, so I looked out one of the sidelights at the front door and it was Officers Sweet and Jenkins dressed in full uniforms, hats and all. June and Julie were standing at the edge of the hall when I loudly announced that it was the Police. The twins physically relaxed and took deep breathes.

I unlocked the deadbolt and the door lock and let them in. The twins squealed when they saw Max and Jerry and they ran into their arms and held on like they were life preservers in a rip-tide. After hugs and kisses, Max and Jerry became Officers Sweet and Jenkins again. Mom and Dad were coming down the stairs as I ushered the Police into the Living room. I offered them something to drink but they declined.

Officer Sweet took the lead and said, "The finger prints taken at Dex's girlfriend's apartment last night turned up nothing. We dusted the restaurant and got only smudged prints. The descriptions did turn up something though. We are fairly sure these two are 'Jupiter Ramirez', aka Jinx, age 25 and her brother and pimp, 'Adonis Ramirez', age 28. They have never been arrested before, hence no prints on file. We went to their apartment but there was no one home. We talked to their neighbors and they say they are prone to violence, so we are taking their threats very seriously. We know what their car looks like but the neighbors didn't know the make or model or the license plate. We have an APB out on them. We'll get them soon enough but stay diligent until we do."

The twins were all grins. I couldn't tell if it was because of the news or the fact that their knights in shining armor had come to the rescue. They were nearly vibrating. My guess was that they wanted desperately to throw themselves against the two officers, who were maintaining a professional appearance even though Officer Jenkins was trying to hide his erection as he had been concentrating on the twins rather than what Officer Sweet had to say.

When Officer Sweet stood to leave. I felt bad for Officer Jenkins, who eased himself up off the sofa to stand awkwardly, bent slightly at the waist. The twins knew what was going on. They'd seen me in the same predicament many times. June giggled as she stared down at Max's bulging crotch.

Mom and Dad stood, as did I. Officer Sweet said, "I notice that you don't have a security system. You should get one installed as soon as possible." Dad just nodded and walked them to the front door and I could hear him thanking the Officers. He didn't know that June and Julie were dating them. When they were gone, Dad relocked both locks and returned to the living room. We all sat back down and discussed what the Officers had said. Things looked a little brighter. Dad said that he'd call to try and get a security system installed tomorrow.

I went up to my room and called Reece to tell her the news. She was excited but she said that they all wished I was with them. It was just three young women against two psychos with a gun and a knife. I reminded her that this Ramirez guy had said they were coming for me and mine before they went after Fatima and Sylvia. We agreed to stay in touch often. Reece's voice was trembling when we hung up. I felt bad for her. She was just a peripheral player in all this, but I thought that she was safer there than here.

Mom ordered Pizza delivery and Dad and I met the delivery girl at the front door. She was spooked by our demeanor but her eyes brightened when Dad gave her a big tip. She thanked him and bounded down the steps and we watched until she was gone. We locked back up and ate the pizza huddled up together in the family room. There was a pall that hung over us. None of us were feeling in the mood for sex, although I was thinking that maybe that was just what we needed.

We watched TV after Mom and the twins picked up from dinner. We all changed into our sleep attire. The twins in their mid-thigh length tee shirts. Dad had pulled on pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. I had never seen him in pajamas. I wore my boxer shorts and a tee shirt. I didn't own pajamas. Mom was in her fluffy robe, tied tightly at the waist but gapping, as usual, at the bustline to display her ample cleavage. Mom clung to Dad on the love seat and I was ensconced firmly between the twins on the sofa. As usual, Julie's ever-present sexual appetite couldn't be totally squelched and she fondled my flaccid dick through the hole in my boxer shorts. I wasn't in the mood and I kept pulling her hand from my completely soft dick. She giggled each time and then went back for more. June knew what her sister was doing but she ignored it and didn't join in like usual.

I had to hand it to Dad; he was being a rock. He maintained a positive attitude for all of us to grab onto.

At eleven o'clock, Dad disentangled himself from Mom and went around the house making sure the windows and doors were all locked. The twins reluctantly went to their room. Mom went with them and they both got into Julie's bed and cuddled up together. Mom kissed them both goodnight and closed their door behind her. Mom and Dad went up the stairs to their room and I followed closely behind after looking around the first floor for anything that was out of place. We were all feeling a little paranoid.

I slept fitfully and woke instantly at every creaking noise. After concluding that the noise was just the house, I'd drift back to sleep. I got into a recurring dream of analyzing noises for every possible source: Door frames torqueing from temperature changes. Roof rafters releasing tension. I went round-and-round until another noise woke me and then I went right back into that dream again. It was terrible. I couldn't escape it.

A noise in my room woke me. At first, I couldn't make out where it was coming from but then I realized that my curtains had brushed across the venetian blinds. I quickly analyzed the cause in my semi-sleep. I dismissed the sound and fell back into my recurring dream. In retrospect, that was a big mistake. In my dream, I analyzed the curtain noise over and over again in my subconscious mind. There was something that I was missing. I finally got out of the dream and fell deep asleep.

The next time I woke, it was still dark. There was the pressure of something hard pressing against my forehead. I was fully awake in an instant and tried to sit up but the hard thing pushed me back down. From the illumination of the streetlights, I could see there was someone standing over me. A coldness coursed through me and I started trembling.

Before the person even spoke, I knew who it was. Bandana dude's face was inches above mine and I smelled his rancid breath as he whispered, "Hello, Dex. We meet again." I turned my head to the wall to relieve the pressure of what I assumed was his gun barrel on my forehead and to escape his breath. He said, "We are going to go down stairs and join the others. They'll be very glad to see you." He pulled the gun back and grabbed my tee shirt and pulled me to a seated position.

He guided me down the hall and I noticed that the door to Mom and Dad's bedroom was wide open. He pushed me hard and I almost stumbled. The light in the hall downstairs was on so I wasn't fumbling in the dark. I went down the stairs with Bandana dude close behind. I slowed at the bottom of the stairs. I didn't want to see what might be down here. Visions of my dead family lying in the family room flashed through my mind. I was pushed into the family room and I exhaled a huge breath that I had been holding when I saw Mom and Dad and the teary-eyed twins tied up side by side on the sofa. Mom burst out crying when I stumbled into the room.

Everyone was dressed as we were when we went to bed except Mom wasn't wearing her robe. She wore a tight white tee shirt that accented her large breasts.

Jinx had a length of rope in her hand but she was looking wide-eyed at my crotch. I looked down and saw that my flaccid dick was hanging out of the gap in my boxers. Jinx looked at her brother and said, "Fuck, Baby. I want to see that thing hard before we're done here."

Bandana dude looked where she was looking and then he looked to the sofa and said, "I see there is plenty here for me too. This is going to be fun." Mom and the twins started crying again. Dad was struggling to get his hands free. Jinx turned her attention to Dad and smacked him hard on the side of the head with the hilt of the knife in her hand. He stopped struggling.

I was pushed into the middle of the room as Jinx walked in close to me and wrapped her fingers around my dick. I didn't respond to her hand, even when she started jerking me off. I was sure that her lips would be next. She grinned up at me and said, "Maybe you'll get that thing hard for someone else in the room." She turned to look at the sofa and then went to Julie and dragged her up off the sofa and said, "Get down there and get your brother's cock hard." She really started crying then as she struggled with Jinx to sit back down.

Mom yelled out, "Leave her alone. That's her brother. That's not right." I had to chuckle to myself at Mom's passionate statement.

Jinx laughed at Mom. Since I had witnessed Jinx sucking her brother's cock in the stall at the restaurant, I knew the fact that the twins and I were siblings would hold no sway in Jinx's mind. It seemed to make her hornier. She walked over to Mom who turned her gaze to the floor. Jinx grabbed Mom's chin and lifted her head. She said, "Either she is going to blow him or you are. You choose."

Mom looked at me and dropped her gaze to my soft dick hanging out of my boxers. There was a hint of a smile on her face. My dick started to harden as the vision of Mom on her knees sucking my cock flashed into my mind. Jinx noticed movement and she walked back to me. She ran the blade of her knife over my dick. She grinned up at me and said, "The thought of your mother sucking on your cock really turns you on, doesn't it?" I shook my head. Regardless of what my head was doing, I got harder and my cock lifted up.

Jinx went back to Mom and asked her what she chose. Mom continued her acting job and whimpered out, "Don't hurt my girls. I'll do it."

Dad picked up on Mom's acting job and said, "Maddy, you can't. He's your son." Jinx smacked him on the side of the head with the hilt of her knife again. Jinx pulled Mom to her feet and pushed her with her hands tied behind her back to a couple feet from me and pushed her down to her knees. My cock jumped up to horizontal as I looked down at Mom's tearful eyes. She winked and nudged herself in closer.

Jinx came around beside me and said, "Have you ever seen your mother naked? She's pretty hot for an old broad." Mom scowled at Jinx as she leaned forward and put her lips on my glans before Jinx pushed her back. Mom looked confused until Jinx pushed her knife inside the tee shirt. Mom held her breath as Jinx sliced the tee shirt from top to bottom and pulled both sides off her shoulders to her back. My cock lurched upward again. Jinx stood behind Mom and reached around and pushed her tits together. Mom trembled for fear of what Jinx was going to do next. My cock was standing up at a forty-five-degree angle above horizontal and Jinx looked at it and grinned. She said, "Oh. This is going to be so much fun." She pushed Mom's head toward my cock. Mom faked a resistance but relented. Jinx looked at me and said, "What do you think. Can she take all of you?" I didn't react to her question.

Jinx pushed Mom's lips over the knob and kept pushing until her lips pushed up against my pubic hair. Mom didn't gag once. She wouldn't give Jinx the satisfaction. Jinx grinned at me and said, "Well, look at that. That's impressive. I can't help but wonder if this is the first time your mother has had your cock in her mouth." Jinx pulled Mom's head back and off my cock. A flood of saliva burst from her mouth onto my cock. Jinx pushed Mom back on again and then jammed her head all the way to the bottom again and held her there. This time she gagged and coughed. Mom fought back to allow herself to breathe and Jinx finally let her go.

Mom pulled off and gasped for air. Fresh tears exploded from Mom's eyes, as she tried to clear her throat. Jinx let her get herself together before pushing her back on my cock. She looked up at me and said, "Fuck your mother's face. She's a really good cocksucker." I did as she commanded and since I hadn't been tied yet, I held Mom's head in my hands and slowly fucked her face.

Jinx looked over at Dad to see how he was reacting and she yelled out, "Oh my God. Dex. Your Dad is getting horny watching you fuck his wife's face. I looked at Dad and sure enough his cock had hardened and pushed out through the gap in his pajamas. He had an embarrassed look on his face as his cock got harder by the moment. I kept fucking Mom's face and wouldn't let her turn her face to look at Dad. I had no hint that I was going to cum. I let Mom pull back to get a few breaths. Her face was sloppy with saliva and tears.

Jinx pulled Dad up beside me with his hands secured behind his back. She pulled his pajamas down over his erection. She ran her fingers over his cock and said, "Not bad. Nothing like Dex's though. Was his real father the mailman?" She giggled at her own joke. She walked over to the sofa and pulled Julie up and ran her knife down to slice off her tee shirt. Once the tee shirt was pulled back, she ran her knife down between her tits and said, "Oooohhh. Those are nice. You could really make a lot of money in my business. Then she ran the back side of the blade through her naked sex and Julie burst out crying again. I felt awful about Julie's ordeal.

Jinx pushed Julie toward Dad and pushed her down on her knees beside Mom. Then she went back to the sofa and pulled June up to her feet. June showed a little defiance and didn't react when Jinx sliced off her tee shirt and pulled it back. To get June to drop her defiance, Jinx stepped in close to June and sucked June's right nipple to her lips. June tried hard not to react but she lost it and started crying as Jinx move to her left nipple. Jinx pulled back and grinned up at June. She shoved June over beside Julie. Jinx pushed them both to their knees and leaned down between their heads and whispered loud enough for all of us to hear, "Suck your Dad's cock and share his cum or I'll shove this knife between your mother's ribs."

June and Julie burst out crying but both moved forward toward Dad's erection. I resumed fucking Mom's face as she looked up at me. Her eyes told me she was now terrified. She sobbed around my cock and I pulled back until Jinx told me to keep going. Jinx started walking around the five of us, waving her knife in the air. June and Julie hesitated and Jinx came around and pushed the tip of the knife to Mom's ribs and yelled, "Do it!" Julie pushed her lips over Dad's knob and he groaned and his head snapped back. June was about to take her turn when Jinx pulled her back and said, "I've got a better idea for you." She grabbed June's hair and pulled her to her feet and pushed her back toward the sofa again. Julie pushed her lips down Dad's shaft and started giving him a blow job. My cock hardened further.

Because for whatever reason they hadn't tied my hands, I was watching for an opportunity to overpower Adonis and get his gun. Disarming Jinx would be easy if I had the gun. He was as casual and awkward with the gun as he was with the knife the night before. He also had his cock out jerking himself off as he watched mother blowing her son and daughter blowing her father. His cock matched the diminutive size of his body.