Slippery Slope 01


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Amber continues, "I know that if any of that happened to me, and some of it did, there would be flashbacks, memories, triggered fantasies, and body parts eager to misbehave. Knowing me, I would be putting a top fuel dragster out on the front porch to get my ass as far down 'slut road' as I could go, no matter how squirrely the ride. But poor Mark would be squashed flat by the dragster, with Billy and Johnny left behind. Those three good men deserve better. Those three loving men deserve all the benefits and goody baskets they can handle. But they don't have a clue that their world has changed. They deserve a chance to accompany us down that road." Amber tried to explain in a way Denise could grasp how big a fucking deal this really was to both their relationships.

"So how do we make this all work out without making the slut pay a penalty?" Denise is still caught by the poor turn of phrase.

"If there is any slut here, it is the bisexual devotee of multiple person sex, including three well hung men who fuck her airtight when she isn't blowing any man who stops by to flop his cock out in her general direction. The same slut who seduced you into your first lesbian tryst if I recall. So I'd rather not pay a penalty for any of that, but would rather use it to our advantage. What we have is man-cock ratings gold, and we better strike while the pussies are hot." Amber is all jazzed up but buried in simile and metaphor too deep for Denise to get her head around.

"Ok, I'm not the slut, and we don't have to pay a penalty for being who we are. What is this man-cock ratings gold that you speak of, and how are we using it to our advantage?" Denise tries to come close to making a point that she can even understand.

"Worst thing you can do to a dude in a sexual situation is to present him as the smallest cock in the room. Billy, Johnny, Micah - they all make Mark look small, less than a man. So we don't put that aspect of Slutville in front, but push it to the back, until he gets his sea legs. Instead, we take our hot bi-ladies, both interested in one man - Mark, and give him a threesome to remember! His favorite food, drink, ganja - hosted by two women who want to fuck him to death with a big grin on his face. Let him see Slutville as a place where Mark is beloved, pleasured, and given the gift most men cannot refuse - bisexual women. The ability to convert two women about to leave mankind for womenkind back into true believers of the sexual worth of one man." Amber exudes confidence in her plan.

"KFC, Bailey's, and that Son of Maui Wowee will do nicely." Denise gets into the plan. Amber dials her phone to bark out orders to make all of that happen, stat, while Denise is distracted separating and hanging her jewelry chains.

"I'll get the hot tub roped off for a private party, that way the smaller weekday night crowd will pretty much be limited to nuru massages on the mats out by the pool. Nothing we can do about the couches or the beds upstairs - but out of sight, out of mind. If we really need privacy, we can always go back to your place." Amber figures it out.

"Yes, but what to wear? And makeup, hair?" Denise worries.

"I have some Wicked Weasel bikinis that should focus Mark's attention properly - on us. Plus some fuck me heels and hose. I can fluff out your hair in a couple of minutes flat, and I have a couple of cosmeticians who can do doll masks in two minutes flat. Sound like a plan?" Amber pats Denise on her luscious rear end.

"Kiss me again please." Denise begs, needing to be sure the spark she felt was real, would stay true, would last.

"As you wish." Amber says as she pulls Denise down on top of her on the bed, pulling off clothes, and using feather light touches to fondle Denise everywhere at once. Her mouth and lips start a sustained assault on Denise's lips, resulting in 'mewling kitten syndrome' as Amber likes to call it. One hand goes up into Denise's pussy, the other locks onto her clit, while she rubs her breasts nipple to nipple against Denise's. A gush of wetness results, and Amber regrets not pulling the duvet and covers back. Amber rolls on top, switching positions to bring the oral attack to bear on Denise's pussy. Denise is no slouch, and quickly copies everything Amber does, since she has no girl/girl experience of her own. It is a no holds barred lesbian 69, and they find they are nearly perfectly matched as lovers. They end up panting from their first climax together, and then dish out a dozen more.

"Holy fuck! I didn't even know it was possible for my body to do that!" Denise cries out in glee. Her hedonistic cravings are becoming her realities faster than the speed of light and it is joy itself to her.

"I think I got in the neighborhood of that once with my Magic Wand vibe. But nothing compares to you my love. Nothing compares to you." Amber says as they rotate back to a more romantic, face to face, softer, slower paced kissing and fondling. Several minutes pass as they cool down while deepening their intimacy.

"While I could do this forever and WANT to do it forever, we need to be ready for Mark sometime soon. I suggest we put a sign on the front door telling him to look around then join us over at your place. Going back and forth will use up time we don't have. Food and Drink and maybe ganja need to be retrieved since they've been ordered. Plus fluffing. Fucking Billy! I want to be fluffing him right now too! Does this stuff ever settle out into normal life?" Denise says as she tries to find fuck me pumps and hose in the boxes.

"Just a note, food, drink, and ganja were ordered pre-orgasms, but you are correct, we need to send minions to pick them up. As for fluffing Billy, that is entirely your problem because unless he is giving a speech, he will practically beg you for a repeat of this afternoon, and is no doubt thinking of how to get a repeat plus get his cock into your pussy as we speak. Johnny too for that matter. You are going to be a popular girl, so pace yourself." Amber warns.

Throwing on clothes to avoid getting arrested in between houses, they rush over to Amber and Billy's to find things are already in full swing, music blaring, thirty to forty people in the living room, equal numbers upstairs. Amber quickly dispatches Billy to complete the KFC run and Johnny to complete the booze run. She sends minions out to the pool to get that area set up, and now they focus on getting the centerpieces of the show, the babes, into serviceable shape.

"Find me Becky and Jen. Need them here ASAP for cosmetologist emergencies." Amber commands from just outside her bedroom upstairs, dispatching more minions.

Denise gets her first glance at the multi-person sex already in progress in the other two bedrooms on that floor. Lots of threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes. Most of the arrangements are two or more couples, the rest one woman with two, three or even five men. Denise sees exactly how far she has to go down slut road, and can almost hear the top fuel dragster chugging away on the porch, ready to take her to her final destination on slut road in four to seven seconds.

Wicked weasel bikinis are acquired, and with hose and heels, Amber pronounces them presentable in case Mark arrives before the plan is fully complete. Amber wears the red bikini, Denise the purple. Jen and Becky arrive, with Jen being very 'hands on' with Denise. Hair is fluffed, Amber gets a wicked stepmom doll mask of makeup, while Denise gets a nubile ingenue doll mask of makeup. Jen pulls down Denise's bikini bottoms and begins fluffing her. Becky does the same for Amber. Two guys appear and Becky disappears with them, two more take Jen, leaving Amber and Denise to do their own hair. Amber quickly pulls up their bikini bottoms.

"What the heck was that?" Denise asks Amber.

"Like the couches downstairs. If you stand by the doorway of the group sex rooms, people presume you are waiting for a quorum, i.e. enough people for the sex you want to have. Jen and Becky are now in a 69, with a guy on each end, and two stroking their dicks waiting to 'hot bunk' when one of the other guys cums. Maybe by the weekend you will be up for it, its lots of fun and by that I mean lots of orgasms. But we have places to go and people to see, so this will have to wait until another time." Amber tries to explain.

"So what if Micah, Johnny, Billy, Mark, you and I just want it to be us?" Denise is concerned there is no privacy here.

"Then we go into my bedroom and shut the door. These people all live in the neighborhood. They have their own homes and bedrooms if they want privacy. They are here because they want to make love with their friends before they go back to work tomorrow. Most of them work at the plant. High tech work tends to emphasize the human aspect, - i.e. relationships - strangely enough. On weekends, sometimes the party flows out into the halls, plus all around the pool. Lots of twenty something fish tacos and sausages. So you and Mark never really had a chance once he bought the house - you both are going down slut road whether he likes it or not. Let's go make sure he likes it." Amber argues.

Making their way down through the sea of bodies, Denise is both surprised and discouraged that Mark is not home yet. The house is filling up, making movement more difficult, but not wall to wall bodies as Amber said it frequently got on the weekends.

Seeing the white Tesla pull up into their driveway, Denise made the cardinal sin of being a tall woman trying to run in high heels, and would have been face planted in the hall without everyone there to catch her. That said, many liberties were taken by the hands which saved her tits and ass from going ass over teakettle. Amber glides on by, and the hands let go of Denise one by one, once she is fully vertical and stable again.

Mark is still taking stuff out of the car when Denise and Amber get to the driveway. Two briefcases, two laptops, and two banker's boxes are sitting on the driveway, waiting to be sorted.

"Howdy neighbor! Can I lend you some hands?" Amber says, without waiting for a response.

"Hey baby! This is my friend and lover Amber. She has a permanent hall pass from me to you, and she has a permanent hall pass from her husband Billy for you. Can we get some of this stuff inside for you?" Denise fires lots of information at Mark all at once.

"Thanks that would be great. Is she your twin sister or something? Other than the height difference and hair color difference I'd swear you two have almost the same body frame." Mark's head pin pongs between the two beauties. Amber's face is more heart shaped, Denise's more oval. Amber's tits are larger (he didn't think that was possible), Denise's ass is definitely larger. Denise is a borderline plus sized model, Amber is more bodybuilder/bikini model style.

Amber scoops up the briefcases, while Denise grabs the laptops, and Mark grabs the bankers boxes, so only a single trip is necessary. Once they drop their cargo in the foyer, the women close ranks on Mark.

"Gawd bless you two look hot!" Mark blurts out what he is thinking to relieve his nervousness.

"We're actually much hotter than we look. We can't wait to start making love with you. We've already started with each other." Amber says as she starts kissing Denise, with an intimacy that could not have been made up on the spot.

"Oh fuck, I think I've died and gone to heaven." Mark cries out as the two lusty women turn to him, then "Please Gawd tell me this is real and not a hologram!"

"He doesn't have a clue what heaven feels like." Amber coos as she kisses Mark's neck, then starts a series of hickeys to mark him as theirs, while fondling his cock and balls.

"Shall we show him?" Denise says as she does the now standard pull them to you and kiss them while fondling all their naughty bits kiss she learned next door that very afternoon. She leaves her own set of hickeys, to show joint custody. Then she begins kissing him again.

Amber rubs her full breasts down Mark's front, while undoing his belt and zipper. His pants and briefs are on the floor with his cock in Amber's talented mouth while he moans in his wife's mouth.

"No trace of office poon - yet." Amber reports sadly.

"My, My, you've been a very naughty boy by not being a naughty boy. Just for that you don't get to wear anything more than a speedo tonight so everyone can see your hard-on." Denise teases her husband.

Amber is making her guk-guk-guk full speed dick drinking assault sound, so Denise taps her on her shoulder to change places. Denise notes Mark is as stiff as his cock ever gets, and by association remembers sucking Billy earlier, to a gush of wetness in her cunt. Her mouth swallows her husband, so familiar, yet seen in a completely different light. She keeps the pace very slow and sensuous, wanting to drag this out for as long as she can, knowing Mark will need that long lasting start to make him have any chance of lasting for Amber.

"Holy fuck! You really can kiss! And what the hell did you do to my wife? Not that I am in anyway upset about it. Plus how did you get the whole house sorted? I thought it would take three days!" Mark is trying to wrap his head around getting fabulous head from a woman that resembles his wife, and another super hot blonde version of his wife.

"Simple pimple." Amber replies, continuing "We made hot lesbian monkey love so that we would be ready to give ourselves to you all night long. We had to give away a few blowjobs to the work crew to get the house sorted. Plus we both had to blow you to welcome you home."

"Well thank you for that. You said there was food?" Mark turns to the need foremost on his mind.

"Endless poon buffet of Denise and myself of course. Asian delights should you wish to branch out. KFC original recipe chicken over by our pool, Mac and Cheese, green beans, biscuits with either butter or grape jelly - basically a standard KFC spread. Bailey's on the rocks, and some ganja which got rave reviews from Denise earlier, plus got her frisky enough to be turned into my personal boxlicker." Amber tries to explain the spread of edibles available.

"Hey! I resemble that remark!" Denise momentarily stops sucking off Mark. Gawd, she loves this man, loves this cock, despite being the runt of the litter after her experiences today. So much sex, so many long term fantasies becoming reality at warp speed, her head spins as she reapplies herself to pleasing her husband's cock while her girlfriend kisses on him.

"As a point of personal privilege, since Denise and I will be lezzing out to entice you to fuck us, I'd like for you to have both oral and vaginal sex to completion with both of us tonight. Should you wish to experience our blowjob on demand service with extended personnel options in my living room, either Denise or I can guide you. Should you wish to visit the nuru massage and more services out by the pool, that can be arranged. Finally, the group sex rooms upstairs are available for groups of three or more. All for your enjoyment." Amber says with some pride.

"So is it a whorehouse? Are you a hooker, or madam?" Mark is confused.

"No Mark. No charge. Not a dollar is exchanged for any sex there. This is a private home, with private parties of consenting adults. Most of us work at the Nonodo Ittome plant, which I understand is one of your firms clients. We believe in a free and open sexuality which is fun for all genders. I think Denise now also shares these views in principle and is interested in learning more about them. We can chat about it over dinner if you like." Amber explains.

"That would be nice. Shall we head over?" Mark suggests, offering his arm.

"Not until we temporarily pry your wife off your cock and put a speedo on over it. While you can be as naked as you want in my house, local police still frown on people naked in the streets. Likewise for having sex on the sidewalk. But what you do in your own backyard is your own business, local laws say. Even so, even in my house, keep your Johnson under wraps unless you are using it, because if it is out, the community consensus is it is free to be played with by others. Very fun during parties, and a great way to make new friends." Amber defers, then continues.

"Denise got a drive by pussy licking earlier because her pussy was out. You sit on my living room couch with your Johnson out, it's going to get sucked. If you are nude in the bedrooms upstairs, people expect you are there for group sex. Even in the pool area, unless your nipples/clit or cock/balls are covered, people think they are there to be played with. So you may laugh at how little Denise's and mine bikinis cover, but it is enough to say 'hands off' unless by direct invitation." Amber explains the basics of clothing and nudity at her house.

"I've read about lots of problems with Patriarchy party houses in this area. What's the difference?" Mark asks.

"That is literally the other side of the street here. The Patriarchy disdains consent, especially from women. Their version of Free Use translates legally into Free to Rape. Since large amounts of abuse are commonly used to keep the women in line, they routinely get shut down by the local police. But you get the smooth ones, who know where the legal lines are, and they bring in young women who don't know any better from the local colleges and schools. Their philosophy that women are just holes to be used does not fly with 90% of women, and only with the other 10% due to extortion and abuse. Our stats are the opposite. So we get their scouts trying to prey on our people all the time. To stop that we have the full backing of the police, and the full backing of the plant, since our people work and party, but Patriarchy houses don't work, all they do is use women as unpaid whores. Does that give you the context you were looking for?" Amber answers neutrally, with a few exceptions.

"I think so. We are here. Lots of people, mostly twenty somethings." Mark observes.

Denise takes his hand and leads him out back, while Amber disappears for a few moments. She reappears with Billy, Johnny, and an older black man Denise assumes from what Amber has said can only be Micah.

"Denise knows my husband Billy, also is friendly with Johnny, our live in lover, But I would like to introduce Micah Jones, the spiritual father of our movement. He only has a few moments, but I'd like you to at least meet him so you can seek him out. My personal opinion is the man is a genius, plus he is extremely gifted as a lover."Amber says with obvious warmth and affection.

Amber moves to the side as Denise plasters herself to Micah, in the style she'd been taught by Billy, Johnny, and Amber. The look of shock over what she found and caressed in his parachute pants is obvious on her face. The squelch of his fingers plunging into her dripping wet pussy is also obvious. Amber joins them, and it seems that Micah will be leaving with the women, until they peel off leaving Mark face to face with Micah, who wraps himself around Mark with equal passion to that he had for the women, leaving Mark with a bright red face (plus a full erection!).

"So wonderful to meet you, Denise and Mark. Amber tells me you are the two newest additions to her family. From the way you both greet me, I can tell her unerringly good judgment is correct again. You are destined to change the way our planet loves, to something that will allow us all to survive with each other. I look forward to spending lots of time talking, laughing, and loving with you in the days, months, and years ahead. Love Billy and Johnny as well as you love each other, and everything will work out just fine. I see Jenna is heading to collect me, which means I've stolen too much time from the schedule. Just remember people are more important than schedules, even people as important to me as Jenna. Sometime in the future, when she needs it most, put her at the bottom of a fuck pile and remind her she is a being of bliss, and her bliss blesses us all. Please do this for me." Micah almost sobs as Jenna pulls him away.