Slut Up Ch. 02

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Anna starts to open up sexually and learn new pleasures.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 11/29/2021
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Anna laid in bed, her mind running through what had just happened. She'd got a new roommate, Ruby, and within twenty-four hours of her moving in, had heard her having sex. Within forty-eight hours, she'd had Ruby's tongue down her throat in a kiss that made every kiss she'd ever had before seem extremely tame. She'd never felt such passion, such excitement before even while having sex, yet Ruby had managed to make her feel it with just a kiss.

She'd always heard from friends or tv shows people discussing how great a kisser someone was, but she'd never really understood. To Anna, kissing had just been kissing. It was something you were either doing or weren't, there wasn't any real skill involved. Sure, there was extremely bad kiss, but good kissing was just that. At least, that's what she had thought until Ruby had proven her wrong.

The rush she had felt, the tingle between her legs, the excitement that had caused her heart to race, she had never felt anything like it before and she wanted to feel more. What confused Anna most was that she wasn't attracted to women. At least, she hadn't been. She'd thought about it before, but women just didn't interest her like that. While she'd never been big on sex, she had definitely found men extremely attractive before.

Thinking about Ruby though, Anna found herself conflicted. Ruby was attractive, she was very pretty and she had tits that most guys would die just to look at. Anna wasn't sure how she felt. She knew she wasn't attracted to women, at least not in the past, but right now she was definitely attracted to Ruby. She fell asleep extremely conflicted.

The next morning Anna felt different. For the first time in her life, she wanted a sexual thrill. She wasn't sure exactly what it was she wanted, but in the past when someone had talked about something be sexually thrilling or exciting, she had just ignored it. She put it down to some people enjoying things that she didn't. Like how she loved reading and a new book release excited her, where as most people found the idea of a new book being released a pretty boring affair.

Now though, Ruby had awoken something inside of her. She knew she could feel that thrill people had always talked about, Ruby had shown her that. She wanted to feel it again, to experience things she hadn't experienced before. As she walked to work, she walked past the construction site and once again heard shouts from the men on site.

"Show us your tits!" One of the workers yelled. Anna had braced herself for their taunts, already determined she wouldn't get annoyed. Yet as she heard them yell, it wasn't annoyance she felt, but excitement. Before she could register what she was doing, she turned and faced the men, pulling up her shirt and exposing her small breasts. The men cheered loudly, snapping Anna out of whatever it was that had just made her do that.

Her cheeks burned bright red and she quickly pulled her top back down and spun on the spot. She couldn't believe she had just done that, she was so embarrassed and quickly marched away. She had taken a few steps before she realised instead of being horrified at what she had just done, she was smiling. A small chill of excitement ran up her spine.

Her day went in a blur. Rather than being absorbed in her work, thinking about the artifacts and their origins, as she usually did. She instead spent the whole day questioning herself. Why had she flashed those construction workers? Why had she found it so exciting? They were questions she didn't know the answer to.

She was still wondering about the answers when she walked home. She took a different route, it was slightly longer, but she couldn't face them recognising her. Arriving home Anna found Ruby sat in the living room.

"Hey, about last night-" Ruby began.

"How did you learn to kiss like that?" Anna asked, cutting her off.

"You're not mad?"

"No, it was the best kiss I've ever had. You don't know me, but I've never been a particularly sexual person. I mean, I've had sex and I've enjoyed it, kind of, but it's never been something exciting. I've never come away from sex going wow, that was amazing. You know what I mean?" Anna asked, the words tumbling from her mouth.

"You've never found sex exciting?" Ruby asked, looking a little confused and surprised.

"No. I've wanted to, it's just always been a thing that I do because they want to. I've never once known I was going to have sex and been excited by the idea. Yet that kiss, that kiss was amazing! I've never felt a kiss like that before and do you know what's weird? I'm excited by the thought of being kissed like that again."

"You want me to kiss you again?" Ruby asked, a slight smile forming on the corner of her mouth.

"I- Ermmm- I mean-" Anna stuttered. She hadn't thought this far through, she had just started talking and the words had just come out. Did she want to kiss Ruby again? Or did she just want to be kissed like that by someone? Anyone? She didn't know.

Ruby stood up from the couch. She looked at Anna, the pair just looking at each other and not talking. Anna didn't know how to react. Her heart was racing. She scrunched her hands up into fists, trying to hold eye contact. Ruby smiled at her and Anna broke, she bit her lip and stared at the floor. Ruby grinned and moved over to Anna, reaching out and cupping her face. She lifted her head until they were looking at each other, before leaning in and kissing Anna firmly.

Anna didn't freeze this time, she instantly starting kissing Ruby back. The rush over excitement filled her body as their tongues met and began to battle for control. She let Ruby guide her, move her body closer to the taller woman as Ruby wrapped her hands around her back, grabbing her ass and pulling her in tightly. It was everything Anna had hoped for and she savoured every moment of it. Time stood still until they finally split apart.

"Was that what you wanted?" Ruby asked with a smirk as she held Anna in her arms.

"Yes..." Anna replied breathily, her eyes still closed as she felt slightly light headed.

"You've really never been excited by sex? What about just masturbation? Please tell me you at least find that exciting?"

Anna shook her head in response. Ruby giggled and kissed Anna again. Anna was surprised, but not unhappy, as she kissed her back. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, touching and feeling the curves and softness of one another. Ruby's hands roamed to the front of Anna, who was too lost in the passion to realise what Ruby was doing until Anna felt her skirt drop to the floor.

She tried to pull away momentarily, but Ruby pulled her close again and Anna melted into her grasp. Their tongues wrestled and fought, Ruby going extra hard to keep Anna engrossed in the kiss as her hand sunk between Anna's legs. Anna tensed slightly, but didn't stop Ruby, as she felt the hand slight along her pubic mound. She tried to focus on the kiss as two fingers slid down and along the outside of her pussy.

It was only then she realised she was wet, really wet. She could feel it soaking her panties and Ruby ran her fingers along them. It had always taken a lot for Anna to get wet, yet Ruby had managed to soak her panties with little more than a kiss. She didn't have much time to think about it as the fingers that had previously just lightly been stroking her sex suddenly pressed firmly on her clitoris. She moaned into Ruby's mouth as a wave of pleasure shot through her, another thing that surprised her. She had never felt pleasure like that that had made her moan involuntarily before.

"Oh god," Anna moaned as Ruby broke the kiss. She kept her eyes closed and let Ruby take control, offering no resistance as the taller woman turned her around. Ruby's hand left her pussy, only momentarily, as it slipped inside her panties. Anna gasped as she felt the woman's fingers on her bare flesh. Ruby placed her other hand on Anna's stomach, slowly sliding up and under her top.

Anna leaned back into Ruby, her shoulders pressing into Ruby's breasts as Ruby's hand reached her chest. Ruby pushed Anna's bra up and out of the way as she took hold of her small breast. She squeezed and massaged the soft mound as Anna's breathing increased.

She had never felt pleasure like it. Anna, knew many women felt pleasure from playing with their breasts, but she had never once felt anything pleasurable about her own. Yet as Ruby grabbed and squeezed her small chest, bolts of pleasure radiated through her core.

Gasping and groaning, all Anna could do was reach behind her and cling onto Ruby's clothes and pleasure built inside her. Ruby's fingers worked between her legs, made slick by her own fluids, they felt like silk gliding over her clitoris and stroking her labia. Ruby barely applied any pressure, her touch light and gentle, each movement making Anna desperate for more.

As if reading Anna's mind, Ruby pressed her fingers down slightly, just enough to increase the pressure she was putting on Anna's clit. Anna moaned as Ruby starting focusing her attention on Anna's sensitive button. Ruby leaned forward, kissing Anna's neck. Anna was completely at her mercy, unable to resist the waves of pleasure cresting through her body.

She'd had guys masturbate her before in the past, but it had never felt like this. Hell, she couldn't even blame it on them being guys and not knowing what they were doing, she'd masturbated on her own and never achieved feelings like this. Maybe she didn't know what she was doing? Or maybe Ruby just really knew what she was doing. Anna didn't have much time to contemplate as her orgasm came careering at her like at an out of control freight train.

All at once the pleasure that had been flowing through her body coalesced into a single large wave that crashed down and made her entire body tremble. Ruby gripped Anna's breast tight, her arm braced across her chest as Anna shuddered in her grasp. Ruby's other hand continued to work Anna's clit, pushing the pleasure to new levels.

"Ohhhh fuckkkkk!" Anna cried out as her hips jerked and her legs spasmed. The pleasure was almost overwhelming. Anna wondered how one person's finger could feel so good. Each time she thought the pleasure was fading, it'd rise to a new peak. It built higher and higher until it became too much. She twisted in Ruby's grip until she managed to knock the hand away from her sensitive clit. Ruby just held her, supporting her weight until Anna's legs stopped shaking.

"You make the most adorable noises when you cum," Ruby teased as she lowered Anna onto the sofa.

"I didn't even know I could make noise while cumming," Anna replied, her brain a fog of post orgasmic bliss. If she had been thinking straight, she'd have been extremely embarrassed and confused about what just happened.

Ruby just smiled at her and left her to rest on the sofa. Anna sank back into the soft material and closed her eyes. It took almost five minutes before she almost fell asleep and jerked herself awake as she almost tipped over. Her eyes suddenly went wide as she realised what had happened. Gathering her skirt, she quickly put it on as she went upstairs. Music emanated from Ruby's room and Anna slipped past to her own bedroom.

She closed the door quietly and fell back onto the bed thinking about what had just happened. She'd just had the best orgasm of her life and it was at the hands of another woman. Not just any woman either, but her new roommate. The woman she had to live with and see every day. Anna wasn't sure how she'd look Ruby in the eye after this.

"Fuck," Anna swore as her stomach rumbled. She hadn't thought about food. She vaguely wondered if she could get a delivery guy to deliver her food to her bedroom. Anything to avoid facing Ruby. Eventually though she resigned herself to the fact she would have to leave her room. She opened her door and heard the music still playing from Ruby's bedroom and she went downstairs.

To her relief, Ruby seemed to be in her room as Anna entered the kitchen and began cooking. She was half way through making her food when she heard footsteps on the stairs. Her heard jumped in her chest and she tried to stay calm. Anna wasn't sure why she was freaking out so much, it's not like they had done anything wrong, they were two consenting adults, yet for some reason she was anxious and facing Ruby.

"Hey, what are you making?" Ruby asked brightly as she entered the kitchen.

"Fajitas, want some?" Anna asked, trying to sound as casual as she could.

"You aren't freaking out about what we just did are you?"

"No, no, not at all," Anna lied.

"You know, we may have just met, but I already know you're a terrible liar," Ruby laughed. Anna blushed bright red and hung her head.

"It's just I've never done anything with another woman before. Then suddenly you kiss me and make me feel all these things I've never felt and suddenly you're touching me and it's just, it's a lot," Anna admitted.

"That's fair. What is it that's freaking you out though? The new feelings or the fact it I'm a woman?" Ruby asked. Anna paused for a moment to think about it.

"Both," she replied eventually.

"Well first of all, both things are perfectly normal. Not everyone discovers their sexuality or enjoyment of sex straight away. Sometimes it takes the right person, in the right situation to unlock it. I had a friend, she was similar to you. She'd had sex, but had no real interest in it, until one day she met this one particular guy."

"What happened?"

"They went on a few dates. At first, she just did it because everyone kept telling she should date and she wanted to shut them up, but then one night he kissed her. A real, passionate mind-blowing kiss. Well next thing she knew, she was in his bed with her legs wrapped around him begging for him not to stop. Now they're married and going swinging every month."


"Yeah, you know when couples meet up and share partners and stuff," Ruby explained and Anna's eyes went wide. She could never do that!

"Wow, yeah I don't see myself doing that."

"Could you see yourself melting with lust while kissing a woman before yesterday?" Ruby pointed out which made Anna blush even harder.


"Exactly. As for me being a woman, there's nothing wrong with liking women. We are beautiful creatures and frankly I don't understand how any woman can say they are straight. Personally, I think everyone is a little bit bisexual."


"Yeah, of course. Human beings are one of the few creatures on this earth that have sex just for pleasure and not instinct. Everything else focuses on procreation, where as we do it because we enjoy it. So why limit that pleasure to just happening with the opposite sex?"

"I suppose, I just, I've never found women attractive before."

"Is that your way of saying you find me attractive? I'm flattered!" Ruby grinned.

"I- Yeah I guess I do," Anna smiled, the blush in her cheeks that had started to fade came back with a vengeance.

"Well, it's a good job I think you're hot too then, isn't it?"

"You do?"

"Yeah, you're very pretty and you've got a great body. I like my men big, but I like my women petite," Ruby explained, noticing the small smile that formed on Anna's lips as she spoke.

"Wow..." Anna muttered, she wasn't used to someone being so forward with her or being so shy when someone complimented her. It was like a school girl crush. She was finally experiencing it almost two decades later.

"Anyway, let's eat, I'm starving," Ruby smiled, breaking the tension, which Anna was greatful for.

They talked as they ate. It was surprising Anna with how quickly she was becoming comfortable with Ruby. They talked about intimate topics, like losing their virginity. Ruby admitted to losing hers in a friend's bed at a house party with a guy she had just met. She said she didn't regret it, as it opened up a world of pleasures to her, even if she didn't remember the guy's name.

"So, you know I'm single, but what about you? After what you let me do, I assume you are?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah, I don't date much. Honestly, even if a guy was interested, I can never tell."

"Really? I find guys are always so obvious. Women are harder, they're either straight up or extremely subtle about it. I thought a cute girl like you would have a line of guys waiting to take you out," Ruby giggled.

"You're one to talk, with those tits I'm surprised men aren't throwing themselves at you just for the chance to touch them," Anna countered.

"Yeah, I do have pretty great tits if I do say so myself," Ruby grinned, bouncing up and down slightly causing her breasts to jiggle. Anna found herself staring at the wobbling mounds of flesh.

"You really do..." She found herself saying.

"My eyes are up here," Ruby giggled, gesturing to her face. Anna blushed and laughed.

"It's not my fault! They're so... Jiggly!"

"It's true, they are. What about at work? No guys interested there?" Ruby asked.

"No, only guy I ever really see regularly is Derek."

"Derek? Who's that?

"He's an intern, mid-twenties, he's nice. He's always checking up on me and making sure I have anything I need," Anna explained. Ruby just looked at her before rolling her eyes and laughing.

"You really are clueless, aren't you?"

"What? Why?" Anna asked, confused.

"A young guy, constantly wanting to check up on you and bring you anything you want. He's into you!"

"What Derek? No way, he's just nice!"

"Yeah and he wants to get in your pants!"

"Really? No. Are you sure?" Anna asked.

"I'd be money on it. Tell you what, tomorrow try flirting with him, see what happens."

"Flirt? I can't flirt!"

"Yes, you can, everyone can flirt and if you find yourself stuck for something to say, just suck his dick instead," Ruby laughed as Anna's eyes went wide.

"I can't do that!"

"Why not? If he's into you, he'll not complain and it's not like you're in a relationship. From what you've said, it sounds like you need to just embrace being single and having some fun for the first time in your life."

"Yeah, but sucking his dick? Isn't that too far?"

"It's only too far if you're choking on it. Although I've never had that problem."

"You're awful!"

"You're the one that's going to be sucking a guy's dick at work tomorrow," Ruby countered, causing Anna to gasp and then burst out laughing. They continued chatting for a little while before both retiring to bed.

The next morning Anna was in the archives thinking about the previous night's conversation. As if summoned by her thoughts, Derek appeared holding a cup of coffee. He held it out to her and Anna froze, looking at him and then the coffee and wondering if Ruby was right.

"Thanks," she finally said, taking the coffee from him.

"You're welcome. So, how goes it down in the dark depths of the archives?"

"Slow. Half the items have been shipped to us with the wrong labels. You'd think removing artifacts from ancient Egyptian burial sites would be documented a little more thoroughly," Anna complained.

"Well, if anyone can figure it out, I'm sure it's you, you're one of the smartest people I know," Derek replied with a smile. Anna looked at him. He was good looking. She wasn't usually into younger guys, but Derek was handsome. He had sandy blonde hair, it was short and curly. He was clean shaven and had a strong jawline. He was slim, but not skinny. She wondered if he worked out. Anna's mind wandered back to yesterday's conversation with Ruby.

"Do you like me?" Anna asked suddenly, blurting it out before her brain could register what her mouth was saying. Derek suddenly froze, his eyes widening and his mouth moving without any sound.

"I- Erm- Well- What?" He managed to ask finally. Anna was as stunned and embarrassed as he was, but she stuck with it.

"Do you like me, romantically?" she clarified.