Slut Wife - A Submissive Tale


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For three months Carlos and I had a torrid love affair that grew into love. We were married a year later. A year after that he accepted the leadership of a multi-institution research project. He would be on the road at least one week per month and very busy all the time for the better part of 18 months. He encouraged me to take a lover.

I didn't quite know what to do. For two years he had been my sole focus and I didn't even know if I could recognize the affections of another men any more or at least how to handle it in the context of an explicitly open relationship. He just smiled and said he knew it wouldn't be a problem. In fact, he could think of at least a dozen men who looked at me with desire. He was correct. As it turned out it was a relatively simple matter. As soon as my mind opened to the possibility, men seemed to sense it and came calling. Carlos one piece of advice was to be straight with them. I was somewhat surprised to find how many were perfectly willing to have a sex only relationship with a married woman. Over that 18 month period I sampled five lovers. I discussed them openly with my husband and received helpful advice on handling many aspects of those relationships. He was more than magnanimous and helpful. He was turned on by my extramarital affairs and told me so outright.

Once his project was over he returned to being around more frequently but encouraged me to continue maintaining outside lovers. He had the occasional dalliance as well but was less active than me. Carlos was always my first priority and I his.

Over time he learned more explicitly of my desire to be dominated. He did not see himself as dominant in the fullest sense. In part he cared for me too deeply to put his own needs ahead of mine. He could see that I craved a man that would be more assertive and demand that I cater to his needs. A man who would use me for his selfish pleasure and more thoroughly immerse me in that experience by virtue of playing no other role than this. Just as he had encouraged me to take a lover years earlier, he encouraged me to find a dominant man. I was excited and scared by the prospect. The possibility was made real by Carlos's genuine support and this time I asked for his help in finding a man. Over the course of the next year we each spent considerable time meeting potential candidates online and personally. Of the first six candidates, none were suitable (although I fucked one of them).

Early in our search we started corresponding with an interesting man. Unlike the others he was in no rush and took his time to understand each of our perspectives, experiences and limitations. He was very concerned with ensuring that we had a genuine understanding of what we were getting into. We even shared some of my experiences with the others and he demonstrated a great deal of insight. Carlos and I found the correspondence very compelling, especially the way he subtly maintained control and authority at all times. Eventually it led to an invitation to meet. I was thrown by the fact that Jim wanted the first meeting with me to be as Dom/Sub. He understood my hesitation but was firm that he believed the overall experience would be more compelling if this was the only context in which I knew him. The better way to ensure a comfort level was to have Carlos meet him in person prior to our meeting and be present for our first "date".

I was fretting over how to convince him to change his mind when Carlos made the point that whatever Jim's reasons were we knew him well enough to know he wasn't going to start out by ceding the point. It was most certainly, as Jim said, a take it or leave it proposition. And weren't my Sub tendencies precisely about taking a rest from such anxieties? With Carlos' assurance I agreed.

Jim and Carlos met to get to know each other and discuss the broad parameters of our encounter. He explained that the psychological aspect of Domination is more important that the physical. The Sub puts substantial trust in the Dom and he takes that responsibility seriously. His role entitled him to his indulgences but that would come later and never to my or Carlos' detriment. And to the extent other fetish practices came into play it would be as a test of obedience and exploration. His dominance would be absolute unless there was something I just couldn't take - it was not an a la carte menu for me to control. I should expect to be pushed to my limits and beyond because that is where the depth of my obedience would be demonstrated and the greatest thrill would be realized.

Our first encounter would involve both Carlos and I and thereafter Jim would decide. We would both be submissive to our new Dom and he preferred couples. This last part surprised me, but it soon became clear that Carlos enthusiastically embraced his own participation.

The day Carlos went to meet Jim in person for the first time he was gone for several hours. He returned to me thoroughly convinced that Jim was the one. I pressed him for details on what had transpired over such a long meeting. Carlos responded that Jim had forbade him to tell me more. He was noticeably excited by his own obedience. I was sold. The man that could bring Carlos to heel and with such an expression of satisfied submission was the man I had been looking for.


Jim gave Carlos specific instructions on what I was to wear for our first encounter and insisted that we buy everything new for the occasion. Carlos was also to take me shopping for these items and ensure that each fit and looked as Jim wanted.

The instructions were very simple - a white v-neck t-shirt, very tight and short jean shorts, wedge sandals with at least a 3 1/2" heel, red thong panties and my wedding ring. All other jewelry optional.

Our first meeting was to be on the patio at a local pub. It was a warm sunny day. As we walked up I saw a very handsome and large man. Jim is about 6'4", 220 lbs. and very fit with the air of a man with nothing to prove. I was tingling with excitement.

"Have a seat Carlos." said Jim motioning to the seat across from him. But he held a hand up to me as I stood there. "This is not the outfit you were told to wear."

I was immediately taken aback, mentally off balance. "I, um, I..." was all that came out of my mouth.

"I didn't tell you to wear a bra. Did you tell her to wear a bra Carlos?" My husband also hesitated. "Go to the ladies room and remove it now." Jim then turned back to his beer.

I scurried off to find the bathroom as fast as I could. I was anxious to get back to Jim and prove myself to him. Maybe he thought I was being disobedient or testing him. I wasn't. Although Carlos had given me Jim's instructions I guess I just didn't grasp how specific he was being. And it isn't like going braless was new to me but it is just female instinct to wear a bra under a tight white t-shirt unless you consciously want to show off your boobs.

I was changed in no time, taking only a second to check my figure in the mirror. I am proud of my body. My tits have just enough weight and size that they have the slight tendency to fall down and away while maintaining lots of perkiness...the way only real tits look. I was so focussed on impressing Jim that I barely noticed that my tits were bouncing and my nipples hard by the time I returned to the table. With the memory of his hand held out to stop me I stood next to the table waiting now for his approval and direction.

Jim took a few seconds to finish making a point to Carlos...a point I did not hear because I was so focussed on not making another mistake. He sipped his beer and turned to me after making me wait several seconds. "Did you get the panties right?"

"Yes sir I did." I said not knowing how I was expected to address him.

"Good." He smiled at me and motioned for me to sit across from him and next to Carlos. "Give your bra to Carlos. And relax. It is ok. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt this time. In the future I will give you explicit instructions and you will follow them precisely. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir it is. Thank you." I said with visible relief.

My nipples were hard enough to cut diamonds. And for the first time in my life I was aware of wanting them to stay that way and consciously aware of the degree to which pleasing this man was much higher priority than my own modesty. That thought made me tingle and I was immediately impressed with how quickly he had touched that part of my psyche.

"Well so far it appears as though we are all on the same page here. However, the path that you two have chosen is not for everyone so we will take some time to discuss how this all works." Jim then turned to look directly at me. "Stephanie you are probably wondering why I insisted on meeting with Carlos first."

I nodded. "Yes sir a bit."

"Well it isn't unusual for a man to want to meet and vet another man who will be taking liberties with his wife. But it has also been my experience that the husband is more likely to have difficulty with this situation than the wife. Once a man sees certain things, he can't unsee them. And much as I enjoy dominating pretty young wives such as yourself I don't want to hurt anybody. I must say that I am impressed with Carlos. He is genuinely open-minded and adventurous. More importantly he is well aware of your sexual proclivities. From what he has told me you are already quite the slut and he is well adapted to that reality. Is that true Stephanie?"

"Um, well I guess so. We have an open marriage." For all of our openness I had never considered myself a slut. Although I had always been sexually active it was never indiscriminate and since marrying Carlos it had always seemed so adult and sophisticated.

"You guess so? From what I heard you have had at least five lovers since getting married and dozens before that." He paused. "Perhaps I should clarify. You are practically the definition of a slut wife, which is someone I regard as owning her sexuality in a good way. We just want to be honest with each other. Your sexual choices are your prerogative but if a woman as beautiful as you had not indulged her opportunities I might wonder why you would feel you are ready to be sitting here with me."

"Then you are correct sir. I am already a slut." I said for the first time feeling that was a good thing.

"Good. So let me describe how this works. I am not interested in what anyone else thinks is the correct label or way to interact with my submissives. When I interact with individuals in a relationship I insist that both parties be involved. Or more precisely, I will interact with each of you separately and together but you both know about it. If we are to proceed, Carlos will also be my submissive. He has convinced me that he is not only accommodating you but ready to embrace this role for its own sake...Does that surprise you?"

"It is not what I expected sir, but I am not completely surprised."

"Excellent. You two are fairly in sync. Now Stephanie, do you believe that you can see your husband submit to me and still respect him?"

"Yes sir, I think I can. This is new territory for us but we have always had a very open dialogue."

"Great. There will be two things going on with the three of us."

"The first is domination. In its simplest form this has nothing to do with sex or BDSM. It is the basic practice of being obedient to me in whatever way I require when we are together. I like to think of my authority as being subtle but firm. I need you to understand the difference between being a Sub and being a bottom. A submissive gets satisfaction from submitting, not from finding ways to get themselves 'punished'. When I punish a Sub it is a real punishment...something you don't want or enjoy. And if I am doling out fetish style 'punishment' that you enjoy it will be as part of a reward for your obedience. I know that is a bit convoluted but do you understand."

"Yes, sir I do. It has been precisely the opportunity to be obedient that has eluded me. Other guys just want to tie me up and spank me." I smiled back at him.

"It bet they do." Jim smiled at me. "The second part of what will be going on among us is sex. Like I said it isn't always part of the Dom/Sub dynamic but it is with me."

I blushed just a bit and my nipples were still rock hard. Although I sat silently waiting for his next words it felt as though I was screaming my sexual desire for him. I was barely conscious of Carlos presence next to me.

"You must always feel safe and secure. You will always have the option of removing yourself from my authority but if you do it is more than likely that our relationship will be at an end. Submission does not involve picking and choosing. It involves complete surrender. If you cannot comply neither of us will enjoy the experience. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes sir. What if we see someone that we know, and who we don't want to know about our arrangement?"

"My role doesn't need to be that of an overbearing, walking fetish scene. We will present ourselves to third-parties as simple friends and you will be careful not to say or do anything that would require discipline. And on that note, you don't need to call me sir all the time. There are times when it is appropriate and we will find our way as we go, but Jim will do fine as well. Now come sit next to me."

Jim put his arm on the back of the bench on his side of the booth. Without taking my eyes off of him I got up and squeezed in next to him. Jim's powerful arm came down on my shoulder and he pulled me snug up next to him. My hand instinctively reached for his inner thigh where it came to rest on his enormous cock.

Jim lifted my head and gave me a long lingering kiss. Then he pulled a piece of jewelry from his breast pocket and put it on the table. "Put that on your wife's right ankle Carlos." I extended my right leg up so that it rested on Carlos knee as he looked at me from across the table. "It's a slut wife anklet Carlos. Most people have no idea what it means. But for those who do, this together with your wedding rings tells everyone that I am banging your wife or will be when I am ready." Jim smiled at me as his left hand came down over my left breast. He first squeezed it then pinched my nipple and gave me a long deep kiss while Carlos put on the anklet.

His lascivious manner was borderline sleazy and would normally have been a turn off. But somehow I knew that it was an affectation to test my obedience and it was very easy to give in as I was literally hungry for the opportunity to obey. From that moment forward Jim regarded us as two individuals who belonged to him. Jim touched and kissed and interacted with me without any regard whatsoever for the fact that my husband sat across the table. He had simply claimed me.

After a few moments, Jim said. "That is just about it for this meeting. I want you two to go home and reflect on this." He then motioned for me to exit the booth but held onto my hand as he stood. Then he put his arm around my waist and looked at my husband. "Take care of the bill while I spend a few minutes outside with Stephanie."

Outside our small SUV was parked next to a beautiful Audi. Jim's long legs move fast so I was jiggling and bouncing along in my short shorts to keep up. When we got there he lifted me up onto the hood of our vehicle. He held my bare thighs and pushed them apart. As he stepped in between them I could feel his big cock press against me as I wrapped myself around him. Jim kissed me deeply and squeezed my ass. I yielded like a teenager making out under the bleachers.

When Carlos walked up, Jim lifted me off of the hood of the car and onto my feet. He said to Carlos. "You can tell her what we did during our private meetings now if you like." Then he turned to me and said. "Remember I like my women slutty and obedient. I am not saying that is the way women are supposed to be. I am saying that is how I like my women. You must be comfortable with that if we are to proceed." Then he slapped me on the ass, said goodbye and drove away.

Carlos and I sat quietly for a while on the drive home. I finally couldn't wait so I asked him what had happened during their meetings.

"Well the first time we had drinks and talked about all the stuff we discussed today. He was very interested to know more about you."

"What did he want to know?"

"Mostly your experiences and personality. He certainly seemed to be interested in understanding your needs and perspective more so than you bra size. Although I of course told him that you are hot." Smiled Carlos.

"And the second meeting."

"The second time...I sucked his cock and watched him fuck another man's wife."

"What! And you didn't tell me? I mean I know you weren't supposed to but holy shit." I said with my panties getting wet just thinking about it.

"He said he wanted me to see what it would be like and whether I could handle you being in her position."

"Wow! What was it like?"

"I have never seen anything quite like it. He described before we went to her house how each couple was different and that this particular couple was more into humiliation of the husband than most. I met the husband briefly but then Jim sent him to do some errands while he fucked the man's wife. It was incredibly titillating."

"And she enjoyed it?"

"Very much so. It was an interesting dynamic. While he was there he was very domineering and possessive of her. And it was rough sex. Yet before and after he referred to them as a couple and clearly demonstrated an understanding of their preferences and a deep affection for them both."

"So was his time with her...I mean them...more like role play."

"Well, not really. His actions were genuine but more like an exaggerated version of himself. It seemed like he was walking the line of what you have often talked about - being dominant and taking liberties while not being an insensitive asshole. It was sort of like he took what he wanted from her but made sure it was what she would want him to want. That is the way she described it to me afterwards anyway. It was surreal."

"So you talked to her? I mean...what else did she talk about, what was her name?" I asked excitedly almost wishing I could get to her myself through Carlos.

"Yes I did. Her name is Debra. To be honest I was curious about his cock and how she handled it. I've never seen one that big. It is almost like two coke cans end to end. She said he had always been very gentle and patient with that aspect of things."

"I thought you said it was rough sex."

"It was, but she was not in pain. You could tell that he took his time until her body was ready. The way she described it is that to a certain degree she has adapted over time but it isn't like her pussy just got cavernous and ruined. Each and every time he fucks her it takes some build-up to get her to relax and take all of him."

"So she did take all of him."

"Yes. To be honest I wondered how that affects her sex with any other man. She said that with a bit of conditioning her vaginal canal has become very good at adapting. She probably couldn't respond to a small dick but for the most part the sensation of sex with her husband or other men is still enjoyable and more or less the same as before. There is sometimes a bit of a psychological difference now that she has had a big one. But she said it frankly isn't what she would want all the time anyway."


"Yes. She described it as an intense and immersive experience - both the sex and his dominance - which is more than she would want on a daily basis. I asked if it was too much for her and she was quite clear that wasn't the case at all. Her body adapted fairly easily and the female anatomy is very resilient. She said it was more like having a very rich meal - delicious but you wouldn't want it all the time and if you did it would lose its appeal. It is just one aspect of herself that she enjoys exploring and she finds it all the more gratifying because she associates him exclusively with this experience. Jim told me himself that is part of the reason he enjoys multiple women."