Slut Wife - Katie in Charge Pt. 03


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The fact that he had seen Katie in such an obviously sexual situation meant that there were few barriers between them from the outset. He knew she was a slut. She knew that he knew that she was a slut. And they were both ok with it.

The first time they had sex was moments after Katie had sent Derek home. She asked him to tell her (again) that he wanted to fuck her. The boldness of it made her wet even though he was just repeating what he had said earlier. Then she peeled of her dress and her g-string and fucked him with her heels on.

He took his time and obviously knew how to pleasure a woman. Physically he was every bit as impressive as any of the men she had been with the night before. He was as fit as he looked and hung like a mule. He had a lot of stamina for a man of his age even if it wasn't as much as the young men. But he was much more attuned to Katie's body, and he easily found the places she liked to be touched and not just the sexual places. Whereas the other men fucked her, Marvis made love to her. Not that he loved her, just that it seemed that much more sophisticated.

She sat naked on his couch in the afterglow of sex when he asked her about Derek and his "story".

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I see lots of men coming and going, but he seems different. He is here more frequently and often after another man has left. Is he a boyfriend or something?"

"Derek is my ex-husband. I should say we are separated but not divorced and we do still spend a lot of time together in a way that is different than the others."

"Oh, like a cuckold. Are you sort of a hot wife?"

"What? I don't really know what that is."

"It is a wife who has sex with other men while her husband is exclusive to her."

"Really?!" She exclaimed with surprise and curiosity.

"Katie quite a few women in my age group -- particularly white women -- are embracing this lifestyle. And when they do most seek out new sexual experiences, including -- and I hope this doesn't sound immodest -- well hung black men. Most of the women I date are married white women who are in the hot wife lifestyle."

"It is not immodest if it is true Marvis. Is this why you are so accepting of my sexual proclivities?"

"Yes, 20 years ago I would never have guessed it and probably would have judged you. But the women in the hot wife lifestyle have shown me just how marvellous it is to be with sexually liberated women. I have been with several and they all have a special something that sets them apart from other women. And I see it in you."

"What is it?"

"I don't know exactly. But they don't fit society's stereotype of sexually active women. They are usually lovely personable people who just aren't made for monogamy and who are exceptional to the point that men don't expect or even want that of them. And I'll tell you something else."

"What is that?"

"Their husbands. Their cuckolds are also unique in their own way. And I see that in Derek from what little I have seen of him."


"Oh yes. I would bet you money that he would jump at the chance to get back together with you and be your loyal cuckold. I mean that is sort of what he is doing now anyways isn't it without the acknowledgement?"

"Yes. I suppose you are correct."

From that day forward Marvis was one of Katie's regular lovers and she often talked with him about the hot wife lifestyle and the role he plays with the women with whom he has sex."


Things carried on as they were for a few more months. Katie had started seeing all four of her young black lovers (usually individually) on a semi-regular basis, so she had far too many men to see them all regularly if she had a regular job. But since her job now was generating explicit content, she could seemingly keep as many going as she wanted, especially those willing to fuck her in front of the camera and of course the sugar daddies who paid for regular access.

Meanwhile, Katie became ever more curious about the hot wife lifestyle. The fact is that she still loved Derek and enjoyed having him in her life. And as Marvis had said he was sort of already playing the role. Furthermore, she had learned from Marvis and her own research that hot wives also frequently manage female led relationships or FLR's where the woman is explicitly in charge. She had also been assuming that role with Derek and it suited them both.

One day after Tom had left her apartment and Derek had come to stay the night, he had just finished licking her pussy clean when she decided to broach the topic.

"Marvis said to me that he thinks you want to be my cuckold."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you familiar with the hot wife lifestyle?"

Derek's heart skipped a beat. Of course, he was familiar. He was a dude who surfed for porn all the time, especially when he was waiting for the call from Katie.

"Yes, I am."

"Can I ask you something else?"

"Of course."

"Have you been dating anybody else since we separated?"

"I've been on a few dates, but nothing noteworthy. Honestly, they all pale compared to you."

"So, you or rather we, are already sort of living that lifestyle."

"Yes, I guess you might say that."

"Then is Marvis, right? Do you want to be my cuckold?"

"Yes, he is right." Derek said almost sheepishly. "Do you want to be my hot wife?"

"I think maybe I do."

"You do or you think maybe you do."

"I don't mean that to be evasive. It is just such a big move and there are a lot of unknowns."

"We could do it on a trial basis."

"Is this something you think of as second best compared to things going back to the way they were? I wouldn't want you to be pining for that and ending up disappointed."

"No. It isn't. That isn't even something that I have thought about in a long time. I don't think that we could ever put the genie back in the bottle. The reality is that I wouldn't want to. Adapting to all of this has been challenging at times, but now being around you is electric in a way that it wasn't before, and it never has been with anybody else."

"Is that why you haven't dated anyone else?"

"Maybe. I don't know. Bottom line is that I don't want anyone else."

"So, you have thought about this. I mean before I asked you?"

"Yes. Many times."

"Do you jerk off thinking about me with other men?"

"Yes. Many times." He said somewhat sheepishly. "I almost exclusively think of you when I jerk off. Even more so than I did when we were monogamous."

The look on her face told him that this pleased her. It wasn't the wicked or haughty look she sometimes gave him when requiring him to submit. It was a warm happiness that he now wanted what she wanted, and she didn't need to feel like he was just doing it in hopes of something more. Just as Marvis and her own research suggested there are some men suited to cuckoldry and Derek was one of them.

"I think it would need to be a female led relationship. From what I understand that can be very helpful in setting the right parameters."

"We are already sort of doing that as well aren't we?"

"Yes. I think that the only thing that would change is that we would formalize these things and I would nominally move back home. I would keep this apartment. And I would insist that there be no limitations and I can bring men here or to our house."

"Katie if you come home to me, you can have anything you want on your terms."

"Alright. Let's give it a try. But for now, let's call it a six-month trial."

"You got it."

"Listen Derek. There is a lot to think about here and I want to get this right, so we aren't just going to jump into this tomorrow. You will need to be patient until I decide how all this is going to work."

"Yes Katie." Responded Derek. The fact that she asserted that the decisions to be made would be made by her was like a warm comfortable wrap. He knew it was best that way and it meant that hopefully he didn't need to worry about what would please her. All he had to do was obey.

Derek was over the moon and Katie was feeling very optimistic. However, while it was true that they were already engaging some aspects of the hot wife/cuckold lifestyle they would soon learn that they had only just begun to really experience it.


Two days later Katie was sitting naked next to Marvis. He had just finished railing her for the second time that evening.

"Derek and I had a talk about that hot wife and cuckold thing."

"Did you?" he asked inquisitively.

"You were right. And we are going to give it a try."

"Oh Katie. I am so happy for you and for him. I really think that you two are perfect for the lifestyle."

"Me too. But I might not have seen it if you hadn't pointed it out."

"Oh, you would have gotten there eventually."

"Maybe. But thank you anyway." Said Katie. The she gave him a soft warm kiss the way lovers do.

"You are welcome. Say, would you like to talk to one of the hot wives I know to get their perspective on the lifestyle."

"Yes, that would be fantastic."

"I know the perfect woman. I'll be seeing her tomorrow and I'll ask her about it."



The next day Katie was just finished taking some pictures with Lamar for Maya. There was no video. Just pictures of Lamar fucking her. The ladies had found that there was really something qualitatively different with actual photographs as opposed to taking a frame out of a video. And everyone seemed to enjoy the dynamic of Maya's shutter capturing the action as Lamar was raw dogging her. Katie wasn't particularly partial to black men. She liked them fine, but not any more than any other race. What mattered to her was the individual. But her subscribers loved to see her fucking black guys, and she was always looking to keep them happy.

Maya and Lamar had just left, and she still had the taste of his cum in her mouth when she got a call from Marvis.

"Hi Katie. I am just here with my friend Roxanne. She would be happy to have a chat with you about the hot wife lifestyle when you have a moment. When is a good time?"

"Any time that works for her. I am here right now."

She heard Marvis talking to someone in the background. "Perfect. She will be leaving here in a few minutes and can come up and see you then."

"Great. Thanks, hun. Give me 10 minutes."

The idea of meeting a real hot wife had Katie excited and keen to make a good impression. She hastened to put on one of her "go to" casual outfits. In this case it was skin-tight, modestly faded stretchy jeans that hugged her every curve and sat low on her hips. A red G-string that peaked out just a bit above her jeans, 4" black patent leather heels with the shiny red soles (Christian Louboutin), a snug red V-neck cable knit top, nipple studs, no bra and a leather black choker. She looked in the mirror and decided that she looked very hot and very slutty and all that was needed was a layer of red lipstick to match the rest of her bold outfit.

After Katie buzzed her in, she waited and watched as an equally ravishing woman climbed the stairs with a seductive sway of her hips on every tread and a warm welcoming smile on her face.

The woman was petite and stacked much like Katie, but her hair was a dark chestnut brown. She had a mature look that suggested she was in Marvis's age range. Really just a few more wrinkles than Katie, but she was in marvellous shape and very vibrant. Her outfit was obviously chosen to be sexy. She wore light grey cashmere stockings to just above the knee with a little string bow holding them up and a cashmere pleated skirt that came less than halfway down her thighs, leaving several inches of exposed bare skin between stocking and skirt. On top she wore a cashmere cardigan that was cropped to just above her bellybutton and fit very snuggly. It was unzipped halfway to expose her impressive cleavage and her nipple studs were clearly visible through the fabric as was the stud in her bellybutton that was fully exposed, which was a little spade with a 'Q' in the centre of it. Her shoes were light grey suede booties with a 4" heel. And she had on black leather choker and earrings that appeared to be a 1.5" string of glistening diamonds.

While her outfit was mostly a gently light grey that might almost be considered drab on its own, the flashes of perfect smooth, milky white skin on her thighs, belly and cleavage is what gave it the 'pop'. The delicate cashmere was the frame for the naked body beneath.

"Hi. You must be Katie. I am Roxanne." Purred the sexual goddess. Katie wondered if this was the effect that she had on men and other women. She hoped so. This gorgeous woman exuded a sexuality that was both raw in its intensity yet refined in its presentation. She was other worldly, and it was clear that she played by her own rules. To Katie she was the embodiment of what she wanted to be - a woman whose sexual power and appeal transcended conventional expectations.

Katie was a bit awe struck. In that second that it took to regain her composure Roxanne leaned in for a soft hug and a kiss on both cheeks -- not that faux fake kiss where you don't touch the other person, but soft lips on her cheek and soft breasts against her breasts. She smelled amazing.

"Can I offer you a drink?"

"Sure. Do you have white wine."

"Yes of course."

As Katie poured them both a wine Roxanne got right to it. "So, I understand from Marvis that you have decided to join the hot wife lifestyle."


"It is so nice to see young women embrace this alternative. I wish I had figured it out sooner, but I am thrilled that I did at all. I know it isn't for everyone, but I am firmly convinced that a lot of wives would choose it if they really understood it."

"Well, I must say that I hadn't really thought about it explicitly until Marvis raised it with me, then suddenly it seemed like the most obvious thing in the world. But there is still so much that I don't understand, which is why I jumped at the opportunity to talk to someone with experience."

"What would you like to know my dear?"

"Gee Roxanne, I don't even know where to start. I don't know what I don't know."

"Ok. Let's start with how and when you started cuckolding your husband and how has he adapted to it?"

As Katie described the path that she had taken with Derek, Roxanne listened quietly and nodded in approval.

"That is perfect. He has had a crash course in being cuckolded. That can be risky, but it sounds like you were determined to not be monogamous in any event, so the extra aggressive approach helps establish clarity. And he responded in exactly the way one would hope. In my view that is better than having to convince him or it being his idea with his imagined terms. He knows exactly where he stands, and he knows to prioritize you and your expectations."

"Yes. I think that is true."

"One of the most important things that you can do is internalize the acceptance that he wants this as much as you do. The enthusiasm he has shown tells me that he has already thought about and is eagerly anticipating the possibilities."


"Oh yes. Almost every true cuckold goes from trepidation, to acceptance, to enthusiastic embrace and craving. If he doesn't progress past acceptance into genuine enthusiasm, it will probably never work. However, if he does get to that stage of wanting rather than simply accepting it, he will usually crave kinky dirty stuff that you may not have even thought of yet. It is not uncommon for the cuckold's appetite for the kinky aspects of the lifestyle to exceed his wife's."

"Seriously....because I have thought of a lot of dirty stuff, lol?"

"Yes, I bet." Said Roxanne with a smile. "In any event, the key is to make sure you get past any pre-conceptions you have about what a man wants. In some ways a cuckold is like a bottom in the BDSM world. Lots of people would look at them and think 'why would you want to be bound, gagged and flogged?'. But just because it seems unusual doesn't make it any less true. And denying them that because you don't get it isn't not what they want."

"I get that in principle, but how do I apply that to my Derek?"

"That is the challenging part. From what you have described it sounds like you are in charge, so this is a female led relationship. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that is the case for sure."

"Great. That is not a prerequisite, but I think it helps pave the way when managing this type of lifestyle. Since you are in charge, you don't want to be letting him decide how things go or you lose control, and it isn't as enjoyable for him."

"Not enjoyable for him? How so?"

"Because sweetheart. He wants you to be in control. That is part of the thrill for a submissive. The first time he ate a cream pie for you the fact that he did it for you at your behest is a large part of what made it thrilling for him."


"Well obviously I don't know him, but from what you have told me I'd say it is highly likely."

"So, how do I know what he wants?"

"Building that communication is essential to making sure that your enjoyment and his enjoyment are in sync. You want to be able to prioritize your sex life without leaving him behind or ignoring him. Take things in small steps and see how he responds. You can talk to him about what turns him on without negotiating it."

"That seems like it is a big issue?"

"Well, it can be. Even in a submissive role, men tend to want to turn a sexual situation towards what they want and make you a part of their narrative, so you do need to continue to keep them in their place. It need not be harsh. Just be direct and firm. It sounds like you are already doing that."

"Ok. I think I get it."

"That is all you can expect Katie. Fundamentally you need to figure out what resonates with your cuckold and sync that up with what works for you. Take responsibility for both of your pleasure and don't shortchange either one of you. That means not only can you be selfish but sometimes you must be selfish and that is what he will want and what is best for him. Since he is submissive, he counts on you to set the balance that couples usually settle by negotiating their path forward, often including friction. If you do it right, there should be no friction."


"Oh yes. Absolutely. A well-trained submissive will want nothing more than to obey and please you. If he is acting out and you feel the need to punish him, then you haven't trained him properly. Once full adjusted his primary source of pleasure comes from his obedience as opposed to whatever he is doing that is obedient."

"So, do you find that the stereotypes of what a cuckold wants are a useful guide?"

"I don't know if they are a guide per se. But they provide some useful ideas. Take this for example." Roxanne said pointing at the jewelry in her belly. "I assume you know what this means."

"Queen of Spades. Oh, I didn't think about it until just now. But yes, I do."

"What does it mean?"

"It means that you are into having sex with black guys."

"Yes exactly. And a lot of guys interpret it as meaning I strongly favour black guys or am exclusive to black guys. But that isn't true at all. I like them, but I don't have any affinity for them over any other race. So why do I wear it?"


"Well, let me tell you it isn't for Marvis. He is a mature man and finds that kind of stuff trite. And it sure isn't because I am trolling for black guys. The last thing any thinking woman wants is for every black man to think it is open season on you just because of the colour of their skin. It is because it is a turn on to my cuckold. It is part of our code that lets him know I will be with one of my black lovers and maybe other people will see this and know that I am a hot wife."