Smartphone Spellbook Ch. 09

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Ethan grows in power.
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Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/07/2020
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Glad people are the story so far, although it seems I upset a couple of people with Ethan being fucked by Vex, which I should have put a clear warning for, so I apologise for not doing. Although she did threaten to do it enough times to hint it was coming. Regardless, here's a warning: There will be more futa content, futa on male, transformation, gender swapping and other kinky things coming that may not be everyones cup of tea! So be warned and if that stuff isn't for you, stop reading here. For the rest of you, enjoy!

Ethan woke up and sighed. Ruby and Anna were snuggled up next to him, while Vex was curled up at the end of the bed. He was still pissed with her, but he knew he'd need her help. She had told him he was part demon, it was the only thing she could think of that would explain how he could use demonic magic and the markings.

Except, that was apparently impossible. A demon was basically a human, but without a soul. A human soul was what kept a person alive, if the soul died, so did they. Demons on the other hand were kept alive by magic itself, their bodies were saturated in it, which was why if a demon ran out of power, they died.

The issue was, according to Vex, that a human soul and a demonic body couldn't co-exist. She likened it to putting a ball of fire into a tank of gas, the whole thing would just burn up. Some how though, Ethan was proving that theory wrong.

He wiggled his way out of the two women and climbed out of bed. It was still early in the morning, so he went downstairs and prepared breakfast for everyone. He paused when thinking about how much to make, did Vex need food? Did demons need food? He assumed no, but made some anyway just in case.

He returned to the bedroom to wake the others only to find them already awake. Ruby was riding Vex's cock, while Anna was watching and masturbating. Ethan walked in and grabbed Anna, pushing her backwards and moving between her legs. She grinned at him as she grabbed his cock and guided him inside her. They began fucking hard and fast, Ethan's new strength and stamina taking over leaving Anna incapable of little more than holding onto him tightly as he pounded her into the mattress.

It wasn't long before Ruby was begging Ethan to let her cum, she still needed his permission and he granted it. As the words left his mouth, Ruby shuddered and screamed loudly in pleasure. Ethan was amused by how loud she could be when she didn't have to stay quiet. The pleasure overwhelmed Ruby and she flopped sideways as her eyes rolled into her head. Vex looked annoyed as her cock slipped free of the now barely conscious red head.

Ethan grabbed Anna and rolled over, pulling her on top of him. She began to ride his length, taking every inch inside of her as she moaned and grabbed her breasts. Vex moved behind her, straddling Ethan's legs as she pushed Anna forward, exposing her ass. Anna simply waiting as Vex pressed her cock against her tight asshole and pushed the head inside. With a single thrust, both Vex and Ethan were buried to the hilt inside Anna's two holes and she groaned in delight.

Vex held the woman's hips as she began to thrust, while Ethan thrust up into her. The dual stimulation sent Anna wild. She had done double penetration with toys before, but never two cocks. The feeling of two hard cocks inside her was better than any toy could feel. She dug her nails into Ethan's chest as an orgasm washed over her, the first of many to come.

After Anna had her fourth orgasm, Ethan felt his own approaching. He grunted as his balls tightened and he began emptying his load inside his step mother. Vex asked if she was allowed to cum too, but he denied her. Anna could barely talk by this point and just mewled happily as she felt his seed fill her insides. Once he was done, Ethan ordered Vex to pull out, which she did as Anna rolled onto the bed next to her daughter.

"Breakfast is ready, although it might be cold now," Ethan announced getting up. The two women slowly crawled from the bed on shaking legs and followed him and Vex downstairs.

They ate their breakfast and as it turned out, demons did in fact eat food. Not that they needed to, but it was still enjoyable apparently. At least that's what Ethan gathered from how fast Vex ate and the fact she finished off both Ruby's and Anna's left overs. Although, it was her first meal in centuries, so he could understand her enthusiasm for cold pancakes.

"So what do you want us to do today?" Ruby asked.

"Anna you need to continue going to work, things need to appear normal for now and we still need the income. Ruby, I have an idea for you, but we'll need to go shopping first. So today you can spend the day tidying the house. As for you Vex, you're going to teach me everything I need to know about demons and magic," Ethan explained.

The women all agreed and set to their tasks. Vex and Ethan returned to his room and she gave him a crash course on demons, how they use magic and the most common types of demons. She explained that demonic magic was mostly intuitive, you just thought what you wanted and it happened. They had much more control over magic than humans and didn't require ingredients or potions, although they did use incantations on occasion.

All demons required one thing though, magic. They didn't naturally generate it, nor could they channel it from the environment like humans could. Different demons got their power from different sources. Some examples vex gave were demons of lust, like herself, who got theirs from pleasure. Demons of chaos got theirs from chaotic events, things from someone missing an appointment to a house fire could all provide power for them. Demons of greed got their power from people being selfish. Basically any act humans did, demons had found a way to exploit it.

Vex asked Ethan to lay down on the bed, which he did. She straddled his hips, his cock growing erect into her ass as hers lay across his stomach. She ignored his cock though and suddenly plunged her hand into his stomach. Ethan's eyes went wide as he watched her hand disappear into his abdomen. It took a moment for his brain to realise, there was no pain. Nor was there any blood or wound and he realised her hand was inside his stomach, but it hadn't broken his skin. She was using magic of some kind.

"Keep very, very still," she warned as she began to move her arm. She closed her eyes and focused for a moment before quickly withdrawing her hand as if she had touched something painful. It reminded Ethan of ever time he had accidentally burned his hand on the oven. Vex clutched her arm defensively, looking down at Ethan with fear in her eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You're not possible..." She whispered.

"What? What is it? Tell me!" Ethan commanded.

"Your soul, it's not like anything I've ever seen. There's a technique of measuring someones capabilities of magic, to check their upper limits as it were. This is the theoretical cap on the amount of magic a person can use. You though, you don't have that cap. Your soul feels like ocean with no bottom," Vex replied.

"So what? I can use a lot of magic? Why is that so bad?"

"No, don't you get it, that shouldn't be possible. Everyone has a limit, even demons," Vex replied, her voice still filled with fear.

"So I could become stronger than any demon?" Ethan replied with a grin.

"I don't know, probably," Vex replied. Ethan felt his cock swell harder as he thought about that. The power he could get, he could have anything he wanted if he was too powerful to be stopped.

"Fuck me," he commanded Vex. She still looked nervous, but did as she was told. She moved her hips up slightly, allowed the head of his cock to press against her slit before sliding herself down on it. As soon as she slipped inside, her expression changed from worry to joy.

"That's a command you don't need magic to make me follow," she smiled as she began to ride him hard and fast. Ethan had never been interested in cocks before, but as Vex rode him and hers bounced up and down, he found the sight of it a turn on.

"Did you always have a cock and balls or is that magic?" He asked.

"Magic, I am female, but I'm a demon of lust, why restrict myself to the pleasures of just one gender?" Vex replied. Ethan thought about it a moment before realising it made sense, a demon of lust would want all the pleasure they could get. So would most people now he thought about it.

"So how much of your body is natural?"

"Most of it, demons are born with predispositions to certain things. For example, if I wanted to, I could have chosen to be a different type of demon, but my nature is one of lust and my body is made for that. Everything about me is designed to be as sexual as possible."

Ethan looked over her body, it was tight and toned, but with curves in just the right places. He reached up and grabbed her breasts, they spilled out of his hands as he squeezed them. They were both soft and firm at the same time, the skin perfectly smooth and the nipples hard and proud. She was right, her body was designed to induce lust in anyone that saw it.

"What about humans though? Surely you can't just go out in public looking all demonic?"

"Well no, we disguise ourselves as humans. You already know we can change our bodies, you changed your own," Vex replied.

Ethan realised how stupid a question that had been, but he blamed it on the fact he was distracted by the beautiful demon currently riding his cock. He decided that was enough talking for now and grabbed Vex by the hips. In one smooth motion he rolled her over so he was on top and began pounding into her. She mewled happily as he thrust deep inside her, but part of Ethan felt it wasn't enough.

With a brief thought, he felt his cock swelling inside her as it grew in size. He couldn't see how big it was getting, but could feel Vex getting tighter and tighter around his shaft. She groaned as his size filled her and began thrusting her hips up to him. Despite his cock growing in size, it seemed she wanted it even deeper inside her.

It wasn't log before Vex was begging Ethan to let her cum, this time though she sounded very desperate. Ethan debated allowing her, before remembering that she had tried to enslave him. Resting on one hand, he began to stroke her cock as he slammed into her, causing her to moan loudly in pleasure and frustration.

"Please, fuck fuck fuck, oh fuck! Please let me cum, pleeeaaaaaase!!" Vex screamed out, but Ethan ignored her. He felt his own orgasm building and began to thrust even harder, the bed underneath making loudly creaking noises as the motion pushed it to it's structural limits.

He groaned loudly as he came, filling Vex with copious amount of his cum. Breathing hard, he slipped his cock out of her, surprised by how long it was. It was well over a foot in length by the time the head popped free and still rock hard. He focused and watched as it shrunk down into a more manageable size.

"I hate you..." Vex whined from the bed.

"Get used to it, if you want to be allowed to cum again, you'll have to make up for trying to enslave me," Ethan replied. Vex pouted but didn't argue. Just at that moment, Ruby entered the room.

"I've cleaned everywhere else, I only have in here left to do," she smiled. Ethan had never seen her cheerful to do house work. Usually Anna asking her to do even the slightest bit of tidying resulted in a snarky remark and it not being done.

"That can wait, we're going shopping," Ethan replied. They got dressed as Vex watched.

"Can I come too?" She asked.

"Sure, I'm kind of curious what you look like as a human anyway," Ethan replied. He watched as Vex smiled at him and began to change. Her horns vanished and her hair turned blonde while her skin became pale. In moments she went from obviously a demon to completely human. She still had a strong, toned body, but with long legs, round hips and perky breasts. Ethan could easily see most men giving anything to spend the night with her.

"Now what to wear?" Vex muttered. She thought for a moment before a simple outfit of jeans and a crop top appeared on her. On most women it would have been sexy, but acceptable. On Vex, it looked down right slutty. Her breasts practically spilled from the top and her nipples poked through the fabric making it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Let's go then," Ethan said as he went for the door.

"Where are you going?" Vex asked.

"To the mall?" Ethan replied, but stopping where he stood.

"Take my hand," Vex told him, offering a hand to both him and Ruby.


"Just do it."

Ethan took her hand and Ruby took the other. Vex told him to picture somewhere near the mall, somewhere quiet where people wouldn't be. He pictured the parking garage across the street, the top floor where no-one ever really parked and he knew there were no cameras. The next thing he knew, wind was blowing through his hair as the trio stood on top of the parking garage.

"What just happened?" Ruby asked confused.

"We teleported," Vex answered.

"We can do that?" Ethan asked, this was news to him.

"Yes, but only if you know exactly where you are going. You can't teleport some where you haven't been before, unless you're with someone that has and you can use them as a locator," Vex explained.

"So you used me to teleport us here?" Ethan asked.

"Exactly, now, let's go shopping. I've heard a lot about these malls, but I've never been to one, I want to see inside!"

They made their way down to the ground floor and across the street into the mall. They got a lot of looks from people passing by, mostly men staring at the two women, but a few women also checked out Ethan, which was odd to him. He had never been bad looking, but he hadn't ever turned peoples heads like he was now. He smiled at the attention and made his way through the crowd.

They stopped at a few stores, buying clothes and accessories, he even bought Vex a few items. Clothes shopping wasn't why he was here though, he wanted a specific store near the back of the mall.

It was an adult store, the largest he knew of. It was filled with every type of toy, outfit, device, anything sex related. If it existed, chances are this store sold it. They browsed the shelves as Vex excitedly looked at everything. She had only heard of half the items in here, but never seen them herself.

They made their way around the store, arriving at the counter with a mountain of items. Vex was positively bouncing with excitement while Ruby was blushing profusely as the cashier rang them up. They spent a huge amount of money, a good chunk of Anna's savings, but Ethan didn't care. He already had a plan on how to get plenty of money.

They took their bags and went into the bathroom, Ethan checked there was no-one else inside before the women entered. Vex quickly teleported them home with all of the shopping.

"You're going to have to teach me that," Ethan told Vex as they appeared back at home.

"What shall we do with the shopping?" Ruby asked.

"Put it in your room for now, you won't be sleeping in there anymore anyway," Ethan replied. He picked up an outfit from the shopping and told Ruby to put it on once she was done. Vex stretched as Ruby left the room hauling the shopping bags with her, before returning to her demonic form with a content sigh.

Anna arrived home and Ethan made dinner while they talked. It was a strangely normal moment for once, both of them dressed and talking like they used to about Anna's day. The only unusual part was the naked demon setting out plates on the table.

"Oh, I got some bananas, a mango and a pineapple from that market you like," Ethan said. He watched as Anna gripped the side tightly and moaned loudly as her legs shook. He had forgotten about that command and chuckled as he watched her have a powerful orgasm.

Just as Anna was recovering, Ruby returned to the kitchen. She was wearing a collar that had the word slut on the front in big pink letters. To go along with it she had a very short maids dress that left her breasts exposed and barely covered but crotch. If she leaned over even slightly, it rode up enough to show off the pink jewelled butt plug she was wearing. Finally, she had a pair of extremely tall ballet boots that caused her to walk very slowly and precisely.

"You look great," Ethan smiled and Ruby beamed happily.

"Thank you," she said, doing her best to curtsy in her boots without falling over.

"Now, jobs. Anna, from now on you're in charge of household management. Money, shopping, bills, all that sort of stuff. Vex, you're in charge of keeping us safe. I'm sure I'm going to upset a few people in future and it's your job to make sure we're protected. Finally Ruby, you're in charge of cleaning, keeping the house tidy and following any orders that Anna or Vex give you, unless they contradict my own or go against me in any way. You will all refer to me as master, is that understood?" He asked the group.

"Yes master," they all replied in unison. They sat down to eat dinner as Ruby served the food. Ethan smiled at the three women in front of him. This was a good start, but he wanted more. He knew Ruby had very attractive friends and there was also the woman who lived a couple of houses down. Not the mention the extremely rich couple that lived in the large mansion down the street. He was going to be busy.

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tiercenpttiercenptalmost 4 years ago

what got me curious though is... why does/did ruby hate Ethan?

There's always a reason. Just popped in my head,

I thought about the entire story and the Potion he gave Anna earlier, which was a truth serum of some sort too.

NoctustheOwlNoctustheOwlalmost 4 years ago

But don't push yourself too hard. You may hit a writers block that is bad for you and the fans.

lockedndenied13lockedndenied13almost 4 years ago
Cant get enough

Love it still, cant get enough. Need to churn them out faster haha!

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