Smartphone Spellbook Ch. 14

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Ethan goes too far.
4.8k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/07/2020
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This is the final chapter, if you're still reading, I hope you've enjoyed so far! This chapter goes from 0 - 100 real quick as I didn't want to get repetitive going into details with spells and scenarios that have already been talked about.

Ethan left it for a day before deciding he wanted to go after someone else. He went up to Vex's bedroom and walked in without knocking. Inside, he found Maldras bent over the edge of Vex's bed while she was vigorously fucking his ass from behind.

"Please mistress, fuck me harder," he begged.

"Having fun?" Ethan asked.

"So much. I mean, I might have commanded him to beg me to fuck him, but that was hours ago, I don't know if that's him or the command at this point," Vex replied.

"How long have you been going?"

"When did we get back?"

"Yesterday. Wait, have you been fucking him since yesterday?"

"On and off. He can't cum unless I say so, but neither can I unless you say so, so it's been a fun balance of keeping him on edge without making it too bad for myself," Vex grinned.

"I thought you were a demon of lust, that not cumming wasn't that big a deal for you?" Ethan teased.

"I am and it's not, but when you have a tight virgin ass like his to fuck, it's torture. I just want to fill him with my cum..."

"Oh please mistress, fill me up," Maldras whined.

"Well then, if that's what he wants, do it," Ethan commanded. Vex groaned loudly as she came hard. Despite all her big talk, she was obviously pent up as her body shuddered and her cock began emptying a stream of fluid into the muscular demon.

"Fuckkkkkkkk, cum with me slut," Vex ordered Maldras who roared in pleasure as his cock began emptying it's load onto the side of the bed and floor. Ethan watched with amusement until the pair were done. Maldras stomach was bloated from the large load inside him. Vex pulled out of his ass and went to a drawer. She pulled out a large dildo and handed it to Maldras.

"Fuck yourself with that until I return, keep yourself right on the edge, but don't you dare cum," she ordered. Maldras looked at her with a face full of rage, but took the large dildo and began sliding it into his ass.

"While you're doing that, tell me, where is another powerful demon?" Ethan asked. Maldras looked at him with contempt in his eyes, but told him anyway as he was unable to resist.

"My partner, a death demon, London, England..." He spat before giving the exact address.

"Looks like that's where we're going," Ethan smiled at Vex. She grinned, she had been hesitant the first time, but after seeing how easily Ethan dealt with Maldras, she wasn't worried anymore.

"Let's go then," She replied.

They went to Ethan's room and looked up the address online. The one rule of teleportation was you had to either know where you were going or know someone already at the destination. As Ethan didn't know the demon and had never been to London, he needed a reference. Thankfully you could travel almost anywhere virtually now.

They appeared down an alleyway near the apartment building. For the first time in a long time, the pair were dressed. They hadn't been able to get a view inside the building and couldn't exactly walk the streets naked. They made their way inside and were stopped by a security guard.

"Allow me," Vex whispered, stepping in front of Ethan between him and the guard. Ethan watched what could only be described as a master class in flirting and within moments the guard was allowing them past, with vague, but exciting promises of seeing him again later from Vex.

"Wow, he was putty in your hands in moments," Ethan commented.

"I'm out of practice, but still one of the best lust demons to exist, in centuries, men haven't really changed," she replied.

They made their way up to the apartment on the top floor. The building was extremely fancy, only the richest of the rich could afford to live here. Each apartment spanned two floors, each one bigger than most family homes. They found the door they wanted and knocked, with no response.

"Think we should wait inside?" Ethan asked.

"Careful, no doubt a demon as powerful as this will have set traps. You won't just be able to use your magic to unlock the door without triggering something," Vex warned.

"Want to be?" Ethan replied flatly. He placed his hand on the door and focused. The lock quickly clicked open, the electric whine of the door unlocking signifying they could go in.

Ethan stepped inside and instantly felt a bolt of magic hit his body, stunning him in place. It jumped from him to Vex, holding them both. Vex tried to struggle and cried out in agony as she was shocked by the powerful magic. Ethan on the other hand simply flexed his own magical powers. There was a flash of energy as the two magics fought, but Ethan's easily won out and the spell holding them in place vanished.

"That... Sucked..." Vex panted, collapsing to her knees to catch her breath.

"Eh, kinda tickled," Ethan replied, showing off. He closed the door behind them and walked into the apartment like he owned the place. He spotted a row of liquor bottles on the kitchen counter. "Want a drink?"

"Sure," Vex replied, slowly getting back to her feet. Ethan poured them both a drink and they sat on the expensive looking couch as they waited for the owner to return.

It was late into the evening when they finally heard the door unlock. Ethan stood up, watching the door as a tall, thin demon walked in. She was skinny, almost skeletal, with long horns and dark red skin. Her black eyes went wide as she saw the two intruders sat on her couch.

"Who-" she began before being pinned against the wall. Ethan was in no mood for a long fight after waiting so long. He simply held her in place and repeated the process he had done with Maldras. Within a minute of entering her home, the demon was under Ethan's control.

"Danica I presume?" Ethan asked.

"Yes master," she replied. He'd given her the full command, making her a willing servant.

"Excellent," Ethan smiled.

Over the next week, he visited and enslaved another ten of the most powerful demons alive. The week after that, other demons starting turning up, submitting willingly to avoid being magically enslaved. Ethan was surprised by how many powerful people were actually demons or loyal to a demon.

He found owners of sports teams and businesses who were demons, politicians who worked for demons and even a billionaire who despite running a global company with tens of thousands of employees to his disposal, liked being dominated by futa demon with a horse cock at the weekends.

Despite all their previous connections, positions and political influence, within a month they all served Ethan. He used each new slave to recruit more, bringing their friends, acquaintances and business partners to him to grow his influence. To the public, nothing had happened, but by those who knew, Ethan was now in control of some of the most powerful people in the world. He was fairly certain he could start a war between countries if he felt inclined.

Yet there was one demon in particular left that he wanted to control. He hadn't believed it at first, he thought the demons were lying to him until he commanded them to tell the truth and they still said the same thing. He supposed it made sense that the president was a demon and one of the most powerful of all. So powerful, he'd actually hidden himself from the lesser demons, who were equally surprised when they found out.

"So, you're really going to do this?" Vex asked Ethan as he lay on his bed. Between his legs sucking his cock was Stacey. She had been the head cheerleader in high school, the hottest and most popular girl. She was still gorgeous with long blonde hair, large breasts, an ass that was round and firm in just the right ratio and legs that seemed to go on forever.

Ethan couldn't remember what she had done exactly, but he remembered she had embarrassed him in some way during high school. It wasn't a painful memory, but he remembered it had happened which had been enough for him to track her down and enslave her.

"Yeah, I am. You should know not to doubt me by now," Ethan admonished.

"Sorry master," Vex replied. She had become much more submissive as Ethan had grown stronger. At first she had thought she might be special and not just another one of his slaves, more a partner in everything. He had noticed and quickly put her in her place for not showing him the respect he deserved.

Vex looked over to the other side of the room. Ruby was hanging from the ceiling by her wrists and ankles, leaving her ass extremely exposed as an enchanted two foot long dildo slid in and out of her ass, burying itself so deep it almost entered her completely with each thrust. She had been late cleaning Ethan's room, so this was her punishment. To make it worse, Ethan had changed her body so her ass was extremely sensitive. So sensitive that each thrust of the dildo was enough to make her cum, only she still wasn't allowed, making each thrust a torment of unattainable pleasure.

Even Vex knew she would only last so long against that kind of punishment before begging for release. Ruby had been there for a couple of hours and her moans had died off into quiet whimpers as her cock was bright red and angry, desperate for release it wasn't allowed. She looked back at Ethan who seemed completely uncaring about Ruby's plight. She was careful not to show her displeasure over who Ethan had become.

"So when are you going?" Vex asked.

"As soon as this slut is finished," Ethan replied, gesturing to Stacey. She smiled up at him before swallowing his cock down her throat.

"Pffft, she has no clue what she's doing. May I?" Vex purred seductively. Ethan nodded and Vex pulled Stacey out of the way before devouring Ethan's cock herself. She used every trick she knew to get him off. If he was going to be an evil dictator, the least she could do is make sure she was in his good books. It took only minutes before Ethan grabbed her head and buried his cock down her throat before cumming directly into her stomach.

After a couple of minutes he pulled out, leaving Vex looking pregnant, her belly swollen with his cum. He smiled to himself and climbed off the bed. He stretched and then suddenly vanished from the room. He reappeared in the presidents office, much to the surprise to the guards who quickly drew their guns.

"Afternoon Mr. President," Ethan said, bowing slightly.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" The President asked. He was a young man, at least, that's how the world saw him. Only thirty eight, he was the youngest president to ever serve, but in reality, he was the oldest. It also wasn't his first time as president, had served two terms over thirty years ago. Although he had a different appearance and life back then.

"I'm your new boss," Ethan replied casually. The President smirked, amused by Ethan.

"Is that so?" He asked. His body began to shimmer before his human disguise disappeared completely, revealing his demon form. He was tall, with large muscles, but not so big he looked brutish. Ethan couldn't deny that he was an imposing creature, but not imposing enough to make Ethan worried.

"Yep," Ethan simply replied.

"Well, now I'm intrigued, you didn't even flinch when you saw my true form, which means you already knew. You teleported in too, which should have killed you, who are you?" The President asked.

"Names Ethan and you have two choices, serve me willingly or I'll enslave you and you'll serve me anyway," Ethan offered. The President burst out laughing and so did his guards, who had put their guns away and revealed their own demonic forms.

"That's funny. Guards, kill him," the President ordered, not even bothering to look at Ethan anymore and returning to his paperwork. Ethan watched as the guards all summoned various magical attacks. They launched them all in unison. Fireballs, dark magic, lightning and a dozen other spells all hit Ethan at the same time. They watched the smoke clear and each one went wide eyed when they saw Ethan was completely unharmed.

"Interesting..." The President muttered, glancing up at Ethan. He slowly stood up as Ethan watched him with a slight smirk on his face. The President pushed his desk to one side, a show of strength as he easily moved the heavy wooden object. He shrugged and stretched his shoulders, similar to a baseball pitcher would before making their first throw.

Suddenly he burst forward at Ethan, the other guards suddenly all moved too. Ethan vaguely pictured some big fight scene from a movie, where the main character ducked and dodged all the blows from his assailants as he took them out one by one. He vaguely considered it, he could do it, but it would just be for show. Instead he decided to end things quickly.

He crossed his arms before quickly uncrossing them and spreading them out wide. All the demons in front of him went flying, except for the President who barely flinched at the wave of magic that crashed over him. Ethan then stepped backwards, bodily throwing himself into the guards behind him and launching them into the walls. Despite most of them being larger than him, with magic enhancing his body, they were like balloons being hit by a golf club. Two died on impact, while three more crumpled against the wall behind them.

The President swung at Ethan who didn't even try to dodge. He just took the blow and heard the crunch of bones as the Presidents hand shattered on impact. The President roared in pain and clutched his hand. Ethan simply smiled, it was over. He wiped the blood from his chin, licking it off his hand. It wasn't his blood and in moments he had control of the President.

Ethan looked at the mess in the room and the dead demons behind him. He smiled, this had been fun. With a flick of his hand he teleported the President back home before teleporting himself. He blinked, not recognising where he was. There was grass beneath his feet, but this wasn't his garden. Had something gone wrong with the teleport?

Ethan turned, looking around, only to find himself face to face with a man he did not recognise. The man smiled at him and Ethan tensed, something about the mans smile put him on edge.

"Who are you?" Ethan asked.

"The names Michael," the man replied.

"Michael? What am I doing here?" Ethan demanded.

"You've been causing some problems, we've watched you for a while now. We could overlook you taking control of a few small people, but you've gone too far. So now, as usual, I have to step in to fix things," Michael explained.

"Fix things? You mean stop me?" Ethan asked, a cocky smile on his face.

"If you don't agree to stop first, yes. That's what I do, whenever someone grows too much in power and threatens the balance of the world, I stop them," Michael explained.

"Really? So the others before me, that was you?" Ethan asked.

"Yep. We cover it up afterwards, make it look like their followers betrayed them, but it was me. Have you heard of the elder demons?"


"They were the first, we let them grow in power unchecked and they threatened to destroy this whole planet. So I stopped them. Since then, any individual who has amassed too much power gets a visit from me and gets the same offer you do. Either stop yourself or I'll stop you," Michael repeated.

"I'd like to see you try," Ethan grinned, readying himself for a fight.

"Ha, they all say that. Are you sure you want to take me on? Do you even know who I am?" Michael replied casually.

"Some guy that thinks he's scarier than he actually is," Ethan replied.

"I'm Michael. The Arch Angel Michael. The most powerful warrior of Heaven," Michael explained. Suddenly two large wings burst from his back, bright white feathers glittering in the sunshine. It was so bright Ethan could barely stand to look at it.

"Well, angels exist, I did wonder about that," Ethan remarked before suddenly launching a bolt of magic at Michael. Michael didn't move to avoid it, instead he swung his hands as a glowing sword materialised in his hands. He sliced the bold of magic, causing it to vanish in a small puff of smoke.

"Last chance," Michael warned. Ethan responded by throwing another ball of magic before quickly teleporting behind Michael and throwing another. Michael slashed the first before spinning and deflecting the next. Ethan's eyes went wide, they had been two of his most powerful attacks.

Michael kicked into the ground, launching himself forward, his wings spread wide as he flew directly at Ethan. Ethan froze, watching the angel coming at him and not knowing what to do. Was this is? Was this how he died? No, he refused. He felt a fire burning inside him and time seemed to slow down. He watched as Michael swung his sword, aiming directly for Ethan's chest. Ethan turned and stretched out his hand, catching the blade in mid swing and gripping it tightly.

Time seemed to move normally again and it was Michael's turn to appear shocked. He looked at Ethan's hand gripping his sword. That shouldn't have been possible. Ethan felt the power in the sword, it was almost in direct conflict with his own and he squeezed. The blade shrieked in his hand before bursting and shattering into pieces.

"No..." Michael muttered. Ethan turned, throwing a punch at Michael faster than the angel could react. He connected hard with his chest, sending Michael flying backwards before he crashed into the ground. Grass and dirt went flying as Michael skidded into the ground like a meteor coming in at a shallow landing. He gouged a long path across the field before finally coming to a stop.

Michael clutched his chest coughing hard. He had never been injured before, let alone almost killed by a single blow. His body was battered and he could barely move. He looked up to see Ethan walking towards him. Slowly he pushed himself up before stretching his wings and launching himself off the ground. He knew he couldn't win this fight, he had to retreat.

As he flew up, Ethan grabbed his ankle. Again Michael was surprised, no-one had ever been able to catch him in flight before. Ethan pulled hard and slammed him back into the ground.

"You were saying something about stopping me?" Ethan taunted.

"You're... You're a mistake..." Michael coughed.

"And you're dead," Ethan replied simply. He pushed his foot against the angels chest and slowly began crushing him. Michael groaned in pain. Ethan smiled before being confused as his foot suddenly stamped into the dirt. Michael had vanished, Ethan looked around and found a woman standing looking at him.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I really didn't want to just leave Michael to die," then woman apologised.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ethan asked, annoyed that his victory had been snatched from him.

"A friend, I don't want to see Michael die, but I don't want to see you die either," the stranger answered.

"Well, someone has to die and since you took away my Angel, I guess you can take his place," Ethan answered, copying Michael's trick and kicking into the ground to launch himself forward. The stranger didn't even flinch, they simply watched as Ethan flew towards them at incredible speed. Ethan smiled, the bitch wasn't even moving, this would be easy to land a solid hit. He flew forward and swung his fist, aiming to crush every body in the strangers chest. His fist flew forward directly at its target, before passing right through the stranger.

Ethan crashed into the ground on the other side, bouncing on his shoulder before rolling to his feet. He growled in annoyance before launching wave after wave of powerful magic at the stranger. The stranger simply smiled as each attack hit her. She waited as Ethan continued his barrage before finally giving up.

"Done yet?" The stranger asked.

"Fuck you," Ethan replied. He wasn't used to being denied what he wanted and right now he wanted this bitch dead. The fact she had withstood every attack Ethan had thrown didn't even cross Ethan's mind. Rage blinded him and he launched another punch aimed at the woman.