Smokey and The Merry Girls Pt. 03


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But Patty's mother's chagrin crushed her. She wanted to die—and not for the first or last time. She didn't know any other gay people, but had a conduit to her favorite celesbrity. She started a pen pal-like friendship with Velette, writing the beloved singer some of the most heartfelt fan mail ever penned. It became a nice therapeutic exercise to get her feelings out and share some pretty personal things.

One such raw detail was her suicide attempt. But she survived, developing into a new life phase: sex. Well, with herself. Her libido was naturally high, but finding high school lesbians was hard, and toying with her own goodies was much easier. Year after randy year passed, and before she knew it, Patty'd reached 20. And getting on close to birthday #21, something magical happened. Patty fell in love. She was surfing web waves, and found the Facebook of a friend of a friend of a friend of a distant relative. And her name was Susan Day.

Unearthing the radiant wonder that was Susan, Patty's mind went almost entirely one-track, though her method of meeting and courting was unorthodox. She got a job in Susan's office to get closer to her, but remained afraid to show her feelings. But she couldn't resist going home to think about Susan while enjoying her brandy, pussy and vibrator. And in all the self-induced romance, she unknowingly took a big step too far. Still semi-tipsy, she phoned Susan, talking dirty to her. This sat unwell with Susan, to say the least. When Patty sobered up, she realized she'd better clear the air about this, so she finally told Susan the truth about everything. While Susan obviously liked this sane, personable Patty much better, she wasn't ready to return her flirtatious feelings. But Patty hasn't given up. She can't. She's in love. Meanwhile, she's channeled her energy into sports. Another discovery made in her early 20s was her awesome left-handed pitching talent, perfect for softball. Starting in the 2016 season, she joined the Minnesota Sprites, for whom she still tirelessly pitches a hell of a game.


#27: BECKY (The Closet Caser)
Full name: Rebecca Heidi Hughes
Nickname/a.k.a.: Becky, Becks, Becca
Born: Sunday, October 20th, 1996, Commons County, Juniper
Residence: 727 Sullivan Avenue, Commons County, Juniper
Occupation: sales associate at Ford & Maylor in Juniper Mall
Relationship status: single
Hair color: golden blonde
Eye color: emerald green
Height: 5'7"
Measurements: 37C-27-35
Fetishes/kinks: she doesn't know yet
Created: January 2015
First appearance: "Mother And Child Communion"

One of the youngest characters I've created, Becky Hughes is the co-star of my one and only incest story. The other is, unsurprisingly, her Mom, Vivian. The story's a bit isolated, in that Becky and Viv appear nowhere in any other Smokey Saga, just this one. They're quite a pair.

Becky's father Fred sadly passed when she was just a little girl. Viv was doubly crestfallen, at both the loss of her husband and the mortal trauma little Becky had to suffer at such a young, innocent age. But secure in the knowledge that Fred would want them to celebrate life, rather than mourn, they went on spending quality family time. Just as if he were still with them. Vivian began taking Becky out to do all sorts of things together. One day they discovered what would become a great love of Becky's life: clothes. Shopping for them, trying them on, putting on private fashion shows with her mother. Vivian was so pleased Becky shared this interest of hers, she couldn't resist shelling out cash for more and more garments. It was one of the finest ways for a mother and daughter to bond and get close. Becky got so excited whenever her Mom announced they were going to the mall. Her favorite stores were Penney's, GapKids, Neiman-Marcus and so forth. And these excursions weren't just for her daughter's benefit; when she bought Becky something she liked, Becky jumped up and down with joy and hugged her like it was the last hug she'd ever give. It made Vivian melt with elation and fall in love with her daughter all over again.

She was a bit concerned she was spoiling Becky with all her generosity. But her daughter was performing well in school, so Vivian made a deal with her. If Becky kept her grades up, then she could do the same with the hope that her Mom would go on buying her apparel. Academics didn't come hard to Becky, even as she advanced to middle school, so she held good on her end. Neither her scholastic marks nor her gratitude wavered. Vivian was so happy, she didn't want Becky to ever have to grow up. Alas, she also knew this wasn't her call.

Sure enough, before either of them knew it, little Rebecca Hughes was a teenager. Under inevitable influence from her peers' broiling teenage attitudes and pressures, like most kids her age, Becky gradually paid less and less attention and respect to her Mom. Vivian greeted her with a smile after school, just as always, but eventually saw she received less in return. While it hurt her feelings, she had to accept and understand Becky'd entered rebellious adolescence. She just hoped this phase of her daughter's life didn't dissolve their bond altogether.

At 17, Becky got a part-time job in another department store in the mall, Ford & Maylor. Around the same time, she inexplicably began "borrowing" her mother's clothes for herself, having grown into roughly the same size. The issue was, she didn't ask first. Vivian had to find this out for herself as well. When she sat Becky down and confronted her about it, Becky tried to laugh it off, as if it were no big deal. So Vivian had to be a bit firmer. She grounded Becky, with a threat to her greatest love and weakness: her clothes. Had one asked Rebecca, she'd have assumed her mother was being overly irrational, and frankly needed to get laid. Strangely enough, she hadn't seen Vivian with another man since her Dad. And she never did find out why...that was to say, up until a few months after her 18th birthday.


#28: ZOE (The Non-Magician)
Full name: Zoe Trix Palmer
Nickname/a.k.a.: Jennifer Williams (literally long story), Palm-girl
Born: Wednesday, November 2nd, 1983, Olmsted County, Rochester
Residence: 1020 Brandon Apartments, number 105, Statler County, Juniper (past/present), 810-2C Wilson Apartments, Commons County, Juniper (present/future)
Occupation: beautician at Zoe's Salon & Shop
Relationship status: attached
Hair color: sun-kissed blonde
Eye color: sapphire blue
Height: 5'3½"
Measurements: 33/34B-24-35
Fetishes/kinks: cuddling and snuggling (if it can be considered a fetish), cute and/or evil smiles (ditto), teasing/denial, tickling
Created: February 2015
First appearance: "Beauty Pool Knockout"
Also appears in: "Beauty Pool Knockout II: Zoe And Lizzy'z Exzellent Adventurez"

One Girl who adequately fits the adjectival Merry, Zoe Palmer's an upbeat, cheery, perky chick. The Palmers lived in Rochester first with a daughter named Zelda, born in 1981. (They couldn't have foreseen the teasing she'd endure starting at age five (thanks to Nintendo), but she took it in stride. And she liked the video games as well.) Two years later, in the brisk fall of '83, another Palmer daughter came along.

Mr. and Mrs. Palmer liked the cutesy convention of their kids sharing initials, and decided on this when Zelda popped out. There were enough common American 'Z'-names for a medium-sized family. Not many did this with the second-least-common and final letter in the alphabet, but roll calling went by surname. It wasn't like their offspring would have to wait for everyone else to make their presence known.

Early '86 brought their third and last kid, a boy, Zack. The kids developed as diverse a collection of hobbies and interests as three children could. Before the '90s dawned, Zoe's penchants included gymnastics and ballet dancing. She could do them for a few years, until almost ten. She had the advantage of being short, but the disadvantage of an unsteady equilibrium. Walking was no problem, running posed little worry, but...going airborne and sticking her landings was where issues were encountered. Single-digit years kept dreams of being a dancer or gymnast alive, but falling on her butt one too many times eventually convinced her that perhaps she should choose a different quest.

Big sis Zelda ended up peaking at about 5'6", and kid bro Zack grew up to stand 5'10". But stuck in the middle, Zoe somehow never quite reached so high as 5'4". It was almost as if she willed herself to remain short. Not that she complained; she thought being just a touch littler than most others made her kind of cute. And she wasn't really that small. She didn't qualify as an official midgish "little person."

At 20, Zoe's Mom took her to a spa day for some quality one-on-one mother-daughter time. Zoe was utterly mindblown at all the things they could do both to help them relax, and especially to pretty them up. She remembered asking the attendants if she could take a turn with the beauty products. They were sorry, they said, but only licensed and qualified spa technicians were put in charge of the equipment.

But it didn't matter; Zoe now knew what she wanted to do for a living: make, people, gorgeous. She already did hair and makeup with her Mom and Zelda. She worked, saved pennies, and enrolled herself in the Quartet Academy cosmetology school. Her momentary high at the spa was right. She fell so in love with it, she stayed up nights studying even when she didn't have to. As a bonus, her sister Zelda, who'd gone to business school, was proud of her kid sis' enterprising mind, wanting to open her own salon. She gave Zoe pointers on the business end of things for when her dream became a reality. Shortly before her 26th birthday, it did. Zoe's Salon & Shop's first weeks were slow and scary, but as she took both her time, and good care of customers, with a thorough manner and sunny demeanor, business gradually picked up. She hired staff as needed and stuck fast to the lessons Zelda taught her. Today, the salon runs nice and smooth—though in the summer of '14, while on vacation, a big accident almost disrupted Zoe's whole life, including her career. There and then, into the picture swam...


#29: LIZZY(-BETH) (The Lucky Loving Lifeguard Lady)
Full name: Lizzy-Beth Kessie Williams
Born: Monday, March 3rd, 1986, Ramsey County, St. Paul
Residence: 810-2C Wilson Apartments, Commons County, Juniper (fall through spring), Bayside Inn, 3800 Fisherman's Avenue, Fisherman's County, Juniper (summer)
Occupation: factotum at PetCo (fall through spring), lifeguard at Bayside Inn's indoor pool (summer)
Relationship status: attached
Hair color: brunette with subtle blonde-lights
Eye color: silky chocolate brown
Height: 5'6"
Measurements: 35/36C-26-35
Fetishes/kinks: feet/footjobs, nibbling/lovebites, and most recently, girls whose names begin with 'Z'
Created: February 2015
First appearance: "Beauty Pool Knockout"
Also appears in: "Beauty Pool Knockout II: Zoe And Lizzy'z Exzellent Adventurez"

Lizzy-Beth is one of the most outgoing, backwards-bending, above-and-beyond helpful people there is. She gets a major high doing sweet things, making folks' days and being a cause behind a smile. She has a wealth of love to share, which only grows back and multiplies when she does. Like her girlfriend Zoe, she's from another part of Minnesota, in this case St. Paul. She's younger than Zoe, but taller and stronger. Unlike Zoe, she's an only kid. She always kind of wanted a sibling to play with, but hadn't much trouble getting chummy with schoolmates. Besides, this meant having her folks—and the house—to herself. She had quite the ball just being a kid. Were it up to her, she may never have grown up. But the decision wasn't hers to make, so she thought she might as well enjoy the advantages of each new age.

She got decent grades in school, above-average if not excellent. She wouldn't be valedictorian either, but that was okay. There were far too many other pursuits to be crossed off her list. She wanted to learn musical instruments and new languages. She wanted to play every sport she could. She wanted to travel, meet exotic folks and play with exotic animals. She never wanted to sit still or fall into a rut. Life had too much to offer, too much to get out and do. As she continued growing, interests inevitably traded, and new ones came along. One was shopping. Another was girls. A third was swimming. Shopping, for bathing suits, could lead to swimming, with girls. It was about this time Lizzy decided she was "officially" a teenager. She was pubescent, and really enjoying her female company. For some weird reason, though, most of those around her seemed to like boys instead. Lizzy couldn't help wondering where they'd get such a bizarre idea, when girls—like herself—were so beautiful, and soft, and feminine,, and...sensual, and...bewitching, and...

This train of thought got her carried away. If she'd a girlfriend to work out these feelings and urges, maybe she wouldn't be so excited all the time. She couldn't help wishing she could meet some other lesbians just to hang with, if nothing more. Het-girls didn't seem to get her.

In the meantime, she went on swimming. It was a great way to work off excess energy, keep in shape, and lose herself and her worries. Swimming turned out to stand her longest test of time—this, and her tabby Buttons, the cat her parents got her when she was nine. When it came time for college, Lizzy-Beth made sure she could keep swimming. What she didn't know was, she and her fellow swimmers would have to take a class on first-aid and CPR. She was unsure why at the time, but knew she had a career path lined up realizing how good she was at it. Lizzy was a born swimmer, and seemed a natural at CPR as well. And so there she had it. Years of student loans wrecked her finances, but she caught a break. A hotel at the vacation resort Fisherman's Bay—the Bayside Inn—was in need of a lifeguard. Lizzy lucked out with the position, dizzying two birds with one stone: she worked steadily, and lived at the hotel practically rent-free. Zoe was staying at the hotel the night they met. But the resort was and is only open during the summer, so Lizzy-Beth needed some other source of income the rest of the year. So she found a second job at PetCo, where she essentially gets paid to play with cats, in and around her other duties.


#30: ADIA (The Animal Kingdom Queen)
Full name: Adia Zuri Bethwell
Born: Thursday, May 5th, 1983, Andrewsville County, Juniper
Residence: 434 Hewson Apartments, unit 202, Andrewsville County, Juniper
Occupation: zookeeper and factotum at Juniper Zoo
Relationship status: attached
Hair color: charcoal brunette
Eye color: pure green
Height: 5'6½"
Measurements: 35C-26-37
Created: March 2015
First appearance: "Hungry Like The Wolfgirl"
Also appears in: "Lost And Found 1½: Miracles"

Our next unusual suspect is of Kenyan descent. Her parents moved to Juniper several years before starting a family. They tried for a baby, but for a while it just didn't seem it would happen. Then in the summer of 1982, Mrs. Bethwell joyfully announced she was pregnant. Nine moons later came the little miracle, after so many failed attempts. They first-named her Adia (Swahili for "gift"), and middle-named her Zuri ("beautiful"), to show how in love with her they fell. Now excited, they wanted to see if they could make reproductive lightning strike twice. But another child or not, they were happy. And one was a handful on her own. Adia never had siblings either, but thought little of it.

Adia was a good student and a nice girl, with a fair cadre of friends on her scholastic way. She wasn't crazy about school, but not for usual reasons. She wished it could've taken place outside, where nature lived. Of course, this would result in attention paid elsewhere, studying birds, trees and insects instead of course material. But her mind couldn't reason this far yet; she just knew she loved nature. Another big interest early on was games. All kinds of games. Any game someone was inclined to teach her, she was ready to learn: board games, video games, puzzle games, whatever. She was up for them all. Winning of course felt terrific, but if someone had to lose as well, and it was Adia who came out on bottom, that was okay too. Any good gamer had to learn how to win, lose and draw, and be sportspersonlike.

As to her sexuality, Adia was a bit confused till 16. Like many young lesbians, she thought at first she was "supposed" to like boys, and failed to understand why she didn't. But she had the hang of things by the time her 20s came along. This certainly didn't mean, however, that she was courting girls left and right. Half of her felt she should get her feet wet, for practice if nothing more. The other half liked being solo, attending college with her freedom. Maybe her education and future were just more important. She studied science and biology. And animals. All animals—not just domesticated. Whatever she wound up doing for a living, animals would be involved. Veterinary medicine was one way to go, but Adia's fascination lay elsewhere. And it was pulling her towards a very specific environment, called the zoo.

Her affinity for nature manifested here. In her 20s, she snatched up an entry-level position at the zoo, performing menial tasks. But she didn't mind. She loved it here, and willed to do whatever it took to stay. But to her dismay, her college courses toughened up on her. She toiled her tush off, but achieved only average marks. Much as the field of study meant to her, it was equally discouraging turning in an only mediocre performance. But Adia was soon to find that finishing college was not in her cards. This game was tough to concede, but as her grades slipped, she was fortuitously granted a promotion at the zoo. Her tasks shifted from menial to more responsible and thankful.

She took the hint and dropped out of college. By 30, Adia's career was thriving, but she remained single. And grew lonesome. The more happy couples she saw at the zoo, the more she wanted her own mate. What she didn't know was, her fate was soon to turn, but in a way no one could imagine. Today, she has a lovely girlfriend*—with an asterisk—and that female shall be introduced immediately hereafter.


#31: CHRISTINA (The Wolf Who Cried Girl)
Full name: Christina Nadia Lyca
Nickname/a.k.a.: Chris, Chrissie, Christy, Claws
Born: Saturday, June 28th, 1980, Duluth