Smut Meets Reality

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A shitpost anthology of sorts containing realistic porn.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Author's Note: (read first)


I just wanted to write a quick foreword on this particular story, because there should probably be some context given, and maybe a few warnings. First off, I just want to make it clear that I am by no means angry or anything of the sort. Do I find it annoying when people comment on my work, or the work of others, saying how unrealistic it is? Yep. Definitely. Does it really bother me THAT much? No. I know those people are idiots with little imagination. But I am a petty individual. So petty, in fact, that I wrote an entire short series to demonstrate just how foolish they are to want all their erotic fiction to be 'realistic'. That said, don't expect any high-quality writing on this one, aight? I didn't go to any exorbitant lengths here by any means.

That's basically what this is. It's a cross between a shitpost, some experimental writing, a bit of dark humor, and memes. Don't expect my usual stuff, which is all about deep dives into sexual fantasies and the fun that can be had with them. This series is simply to prove a point to trolls about how dumb it would be if porn was realistic. Also, I know that this series will piss off every single kinkbase on the internet, and that makes me chuckle to myself.

But anyways, moving on, like I said above, this series is a bit of dark humor. Dark, and dry. There are definitely some sad themes, and endings to some of this stuff, and you should be aware of that before you continue. If you're expecting some sexy shorts to jack off to, you probably won't get that here. Or maybe you will. Some people will get off to anything. Nothing surprises me at this point after writing erotica for six years. But yeah, this series might bother you. It might not. If you are a particularly sensitive person, maybe this one ain't for you. That's what I love about writing, is that I can appeal to all types of people through different kinds of themes. Just don't complain to me if you disregard this warning and then get pissed off after reading. I will not care.

Finally, I wrote this because there is something that I can admit to finding dumb, and that is when genre tropes are blatantly overused. I think it's lazy writing. I try to find unique ways to write my plot when possible. I am also guilty of falling into the use of bloated tropes and mechanics, but I do genuinely try to make my stories as creative and different as possible. So, this series also takes one or more tropes from a few different genres and shits on them.

Incest just going flawlessly all the time? Nope. Rapists getting away scott free? Miss. A male getting raped by a futa and suddenly loves being on bottom? Strike three. Gay guys that can make any straight guy want to fuck them? Definitely not. These are some tropes that are prevalent that I kind of wrote a reversal on and put what actually would likely happen. For those realistic-loving fucks. But I did shit on the cheating kink pretty hard. I went hard in the paint for sure, and that's because I fucking hate cheaters and adulterers of any kind. For personal family reasons, I think cheating is fucking disgusting and it makes me sick. So yeah, there is some cathartic release here for me, too.

I've rambled on long enough now. I doubt anyone is even still reading this shit. I hope you get some enjoyment out of this series. I had some fun writing it, and now when people say (whiney voice) "But firebiiiird! That's not realistic, firebiiiird! That would never happen, firebiiiiiiiird! You should write more rEaLiSTic, firebiiiiird!" I can point them to here and let them read their reality-based porn. Try jacking off to this, ya bums.

So, I bid you a good journey, and let me know your thoughts on the whole thing in the comments. I would be interested on your opinions.



Entry #1: Incest-Brother/Sister

Jessica and her brother Alex trudged through the door to her dorm room, tiredly closing it behind them. It was late. The partying had been intense. They were tired. It was only the first day of Alex's visit, and they had already gone out to hit up the local party houses around campus. Jessica had invited her younger brother, still in his senior year of high school, to come visit her college at their mother's behest so that he could get an idea of what school life would be like for him next year. Of course, that meant that the first item on the agenda was to show him how much fun it was to live a little wild.

But still, they were pretty worn out, and it was past two in the morning. There was just one problem. Two hormonal, young single people sharing one bedroom. Alex, of course, as any strapping eighteen year old would, had hoped to maybe pick up some pussy while he was here. Unfortunately, he hadn't really considered how that would work out when he was staying in the same room as his sister. Between that and his ultimate failure to find a suitably easy chick at the party, it left him pent up and wishing he were alone to jack off right then, the mere thought of striking it with a pretty college girl making him stiff in his pants.

Jessica wasn't much better, either. She hadn't had sex in a while, ever since she and her boyfriend had broken up almost a year ago. She got by with just her fingers and a vibrator, but at the end of the day, it didn't compare to the real deal. Now that she had a little alcohol in her, her libido was really ramped up, and she was sorely wishing that she could have found a decent looking guy to bring back, but running into the same issues as her brother. She was sharing a room with him, and hadn't really succeeded in chatting up any hotties at the party, either. Still, her mind couldn't get off of it, and her pussy was aching for a cock. Or a dildo. Or fingers. Or ANYTHING. Maybe she could sneak off to the showers and give herself a quick orgasm before bed.

The only thing that finally distracted herself from her desire to be banged was when her brother sat down on her roommate's bed, sighing. Well, it wasn't really him sitting down that got her attention. It was what was standing up that caught her eye. Namely, the substantial bulge that was quite evident running down the leg of his jeans. Her brother was hard as a rock, and he had a pretty big dick, too! And there she was, back to thinking about getting railed again. But this time, the fantasies didn't involve some handsome jock. They involved her younger brother and his surprisingly large cock. He wasn't bad looking at all. She could definitely see him on top of her, letting her have it until she came her brains out. It wasn't until a whole minute of this fantasy had played out in her mind that she snapped back to reality a bit, wondering what the hell was wrong with her that she would think about fucking her own brother. Was she really that much of a horny slut?

Well...the more she mulled that question over in her head, the more apparent the answer became a stark 'yes'. Maybe not that she was a slut, but she definitely was that horny. The combination of sexual frustration that had built up over ten months of a dry spell paired with the slight intoxicating alcoholic haze in her brain was really putting things into perspective for her. She would certainly let him fuck her, and she would suck him off, and she would swallow his cum. She might even let him stick it in her ass if he did a good enough job pounding her pussy. And judging by the bulge in his pants that was refusing to wane even a little, there was a good chance he would be interested, too. She was a pretty girl. No way he would say no if she came onto him. Luckily, her roommate had agreed to stay with her boyfriend and lend Alex her bed so they wouldn't be getting interrupted. She had all weekend long.

"So, how was the party, Alex?" she asked him, taking a seat next to him on the bed he was now lying down in.

"It was fun, for sure." He replied, attempting to subtly shift the sheet over his lower body to hide his erection.

"Really?" she giggled. "You sound a little disappointed. Was there something else you wanted to do?"

"No, not really." He shook his head.

"Are you suuuure?" she teased, smirking down at him.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, staring up at her in confusion.

"Well, it just seems like there might have been something that you wanted to do tonight that you didn't get the chance to." She shrugged, innocently. "Maybe something with a girl. A nice, pretty college girl. Something like that?"

Realizing what she was getting at, he blushed and rolled his eyes.

"Nope." He responded, curtly, embarrassed about talking sex with his sister. "You're just crazy."

"I don't think so, bro." Jessica snickered. "Your mouth might be able to lie to me, but this..."

She grabbed the edge of the sheet and threw it off of him, revealing the sight of his erection straining in their denim prison once more.

"This can't lie."

"Jessica!" Alex exclaimed, his hands coming down to cover the tent in his jeans.

"Oh, relax!" she scoffed, reaching out and lightly placing her hand on his opposite thigh, leaning on him. "I don't care that you're hard or anything. In fact...I might be able to help you out."

"Jessica..." Alex warned her, swallowing nervously.

"Don't you worry, little brother." She smiled at him, her hand moving to trail up his thigh towards his crotch. "I'll help you out, and you'll be helping me out, too. It's a win-win situation. You get to fuck a pretty college girl like you wanted, and I finally get to get dicked down for real after so long."

"Are you crazy? Stop!"

But there was no stopping her, and Jessica's hand finally found its target, grasping the imprint of his cock over his jeans.

"Oh, yes!" she moaned, feeling him throb under her fingers. "This is gonna feel sooo good inside me. How do you wanna start? Want me to suck you-..."

In a flash, Alex had rolled away from her groping hand and sprang up out of the bed, a disturbed look in his eyes.

"Are you out of your mind?!?!" he shouted, staring at her incredulously. "You're actually serious! You seriously wanted me to fuck you?! You're my sister, Jessica!"

"No one has to know, silly." Jessica sighed, waving it off. "Let's just have a little fun."

Shocked by her behavior, Alex just quickly grabbed his duffel bag off the ground and zipped out of the dorm room before Jessica could even call out to him to wait.

She spent the next couple hours trying to text and call him, but to no avail. She was actually starting to get worried, since she hadn't heard from him at all since he had run out of there in such a hurry, and was about five minutes away from going out to look for him herself when she got a text. It was from Alex, thankfully, so he was safe. He told her that he had caught a taxi to the train station and was currently heading home. That was it. Jessica was left with just that, a whole torrent of emotions swirling around in her head until she eventually got some sleep.

Jessica didn't see Alex for a few more months until summer and she came home from school. He never brought up what had happened between them, thankfully. However, there was constantly a thick tension between the two of them. Like an ice barrier that she couldn't get through, no matter what she did. Even as the years passed and they both got older, they only drifted apart more and more until they hardly spoke more than a couple times a year, all because of that one night all that time ago.

Entry #2: Incest-Father/Daughter

"Hey, dad, can you come out here for a minute?" Angela called from out in the backyard.

"Sure, just a minute, sweetie." Dan replied, hefting himself off his recliner and tossing his empty soda can in the recycling.

Poking his head outside, he looked for his daughter, who was currently on a lounge chair soaking up the sun by the pool.

"What's up, Angie?" he asked.

"I don't want to get burned." She answered, squinting at him in the bright sunlight. "Can you put some sunscreen on my back for me?"

"Sure thing. You got it out here?"

"Yep, here ya go."

Handing the bottle of lotion to her father, Angela rolled over to lay facedown on the reclined lounge chair so he could apply it to her back. Dan's breath caught in his chest at the sight. His daughter had really grown up in the last eighteen years. It seemed like just yesterday he was welcoming her into the world. And now here she was, the summer before she was to head off to college. And she had really blossomed. Clad in only a small bikini for maximum tanning potential, she was giving him quite the view. Most of her full, perfect ass was right on display for him, his mouth watering at the sight. Her top was only a skimpy matching piece, too, a few strings and a flimsy tie the only thing keeping him from the best show on earth.

'Get ahold of yourself, Dan!' he forced himself to snap out of it. 'For God's sake, man! She's your daughter! Don't be a creep!'

Steeling himself, he knelt next to her on the lounge chair and uncapped the lotion to squirt some of it on her bare back, Angela letting out an adorable squeak at the sensation of the chilly gel hitting her skin. Swallowing, he set the bottle aside, and his hands came down onto her back. His cock was already approaching maximum output as he just started on the task, his shorts straining to contain it. Hoping that Angela didn't lift her head and turn around, Dan ignored his stiff dick and kept on working the suntan lotion in, regrettably enjoying the gift he was being given, which was to be able to subtly feel up this pretty, young thing and listen to her gentle sighs from his hands. Even if she was his daughter, she was still cute. He couldn't help but enjoy it.

And the more it sounded like she was liking it, as well, the braver he got. His hands traveled further and further down her back, inching ever closer to her pert butt. God, she had a great ass. It was just begging to be squeezed, fondled, and fucked. He would give anything to do those things to it. And even as he was thinking it, his hands were brushing over the top of her tiny bikini bottoms, still moving downwards on a path for glory.

It wasn't until his palms fully came onto her bikini and gently cupped her cheeks that Angela finally took notice. He felt her stiffen up underneath him, her muscles tensing at the feeling of her father grabbing her ass. However, she said nothing as he retreated up to her lower back to carry the guise of applying lotion, so he took that as a good sign. Maybe she was into it. Swooping back down, this time he fully squeezed her cute butt, grabbing two hefty handfuls of booty and enjoying the feeling immensely. This time, it did not go without a word from his daughter.

"Dad!" she snapped, rising up on her elbows, and turning around to stare at him in shock. "What the hell are you doing???"

"I was just...I was just doing what you asked, sweetie." Dan stammered, caught off guard. "Putting on lotion."

"No, you weren't." She shook her head. "You were grabbing my ass. What's goin-...."

She froze and her eyes went wide as she caught sight of the blatant tent in his khakis, undeniably a boner.

"Are you...are you fucking hard?!" she gasped.


"Yes, you are! Oh, my god! You're a fucking pervert!" she shrieked, scrambling up off the chair and backpedaling away from him. "I'm your fucking daughter, for fuck's sake! Did you just seriously try to fuck me?!"

"I...I'm sorry, sweetie." Dan tried to apologize. "You just looked so good in that swimsuit, and your mother's been out of town for a few days. I couldn't help myself."

Still staring at him with a horrified expression, Angela slowly backed up towards the house before turning and sprinting inside and up to her room. Dan heard her door slam somewhere in the house and groaned, dropping his head in his hands, cursing himself out.

He tried to go talk to her later and apologize but found her bedroom door locked. When he knocked on it and tried to get her to come out, she just screamed at him to go away, her tone making it obvious that she had been crying. Eventually, he had to give up and just pray that she didn't mention this to her mother when she got back, hoping that she would calm down eventually.

Angela didn't come out around him until the week had passed, and his wife got back from her trip with her friends. Up until then, she had only snuck downstairs at night to get food or whatever, but other than that, she stayed locked inside her bedroom and refused to even respond to him. Luckily, she didn't tell her mother what had happened, but the damage had been done. His daughter never trusted him again. She never allowed him to be with her alone, always making sure that someone else was with them. When she went off to college, it was pretty much the last time he saw her for years. She came home occasionally on holidays, and made the façade appear pleasant, but Dan knew that she still hated him for what he had tried to do, and that she would likely never forgive him.

Entry #3: Loli/Underage

Believe it or not, straight to jail.

Entry #4: NonCon-Public

A sudden bump shook the subway car, causing the tightly packed crowd to be jostled around a bit. Jake, who had boarded before most and had one of the few seats, was suddenly startled as the woman standing above him lost her balance and fell onto her butt, seated in his lap. She tried to stand up immediately, but the crowd had closed in on her previous space, keeping her from standing once more. Instead, she just plopped back down on him, her plush rear sitting firmly on his groin in a pleasant manner.

"I'm so sorry." The woman apologized, turning to look over her shoulder at him, her face red with embarrassment.

"No worries." Jake smiled back.

No worries at all. The woman was cute. She looked about thirty, and totally had the 'hot secretary' vibe nailed. Her clothes were professional. A long-sleeved, white blouse that was tucked into a black skirt. Said skirt was very tight and deliciously short, only reaching down to the middle of her thigh. Seated as she was, the little article of clothing had only ridden up more, practically reaching her hips and leaving much of her lower body uncovered. Jake knew that if there hadn't been a crowd filling the middle of the subway car, the person seated across from them would have gotten a nice view of her panties, Basic Instinct style. Even in the back, her skirt was riding up enough that he could almost see her ass, but not quite. It was tantalizing to know what was right there, and that it would take just a little jostle or movement to free the hem and bare her whole rear to him.

With all this, his cock was getting stiff in a hurry. It pushed the crotch of his khakis up further and further until the bulge pressed into the woman's backside. She immediately went as stiff as his cock was, clearly knowing full well what was poking at her. But, either embarrassed or scared, she didn't say or do anything, and just ignored it. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Jake took advantage and began subtly grinding his bulge into her backside, not able to get much movement with the position they were in, but it was sufficient. At least, for a little while. Eventually, it was too much for him. He needed more.

A quick glance around letting him know that no one was paying any attention, Jake reached down and unzipped his trousers. One more lookout glance, and he reached in and removed his straining cock, his length instantly springing up between the woman's legs and slapping her pussy lips, only her thin, lace panties keeping them apart now. The woman let out a cute yelp of shock, that was mostly covered up by the sounds of the train to all but Jake. Smirking, his hands came down and grasped her hips, nonchalantly feeling her curves in all their splendor, as his cock throbbed against her vagina. The woman squirmed around a bit, trying to evade his grasp, but only succeeded in clamping her thighs around his dick, and rubbing her plump rear into him. Turning around to look at him, a terrified and angry look in her eyes, she tried to push his hands away.