Sniff Test Ch. 02


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"They loved me. Truly, madly, deeply. They trusted me. And they called me a goddess! Me, a goddess! I was fucking unemployed for almost a year and they call me a fucking goddess!" I cry out.

"I take it you aren't really displeased with that, and these are really tears of joy?" Roberta asks very carefully.

"Uh-huh." I admit with a teary smile.

"Then girlfriend, could you do me a solid? Could you give me a sniff test? I tried to fuck your husband to death last night and again this morning, but neither the fucker nor his gorgeous cock would go down! Fucking energizer bunny of cocks, that one! But it's been so long, I think all the excitement has gotten my wet pussy to wash it out. So could you check to see if there's any trace of him left? I promised Simon a 'box lunch', and if he can't be sure there's cum in my cunt, he'll think I've cheated on him by making the story up when I should have just cheated on him leaving the cum for him to eat, and there will be a terrible row. Could you help me out girlfriend, and give me a sniff?" Roberta begs.

"I'm not sure I follow the logic there, but you can explain about your relationship with Simon in detail another time. I owe you about a million billion tongue rides to glory, so anytime you are hungry for one, just let me know. Now panties off, on the loveseat, lovely pussy spread for inspection." I demand.

"Yes mistress." Roberta says happily as she complies.

"I'm beginning to get in touch with my dominant side. I think I like it." I say playfully.

I do the nose drive-by, and Roberta has my husband's sperm all over her blonde 'bird nest' above her snatch, much less dripping out of her pussy in creamy blobs. "That's one well fucked pussy", I say.

Her vulva is still red and swollen, but the taste of my husband's cum calls to me, and I dive in, licking from cunt to clit until my beloved Roberta climaxes so hard she passes out.

I scotch tape a post-it note on her forehead, saying "There's still time to catch him before he leaves and give him a long limo ride home."

The Return of Sinclair

I don't know if you have ever lived in Chicago, but one of the big social calendar events is the Lyric Opera Gala, every September, traditionally held at the Hilton Chicago. Women wear formal gowns, there is a red carpet, it is one of the most important fashion statements you can make in the area. You can imagine my panic when Zhang tells me that I must be fitted for three ball gowns, and she will choose the one I am to wear to the ball.

One is a silver 'fish dress', or 'mermaid gown', very traditional and elegant. One is a slinky green number, apparently a style popular with the younger crowd that shows more skin than I'm comfortable with, and I think it makes me look like a floozy. The last is a traditional lace bodice black dress, simple, elegant, but slit so high it is easy to move in and kick a leg out. All I know is I will be wearing over a million dollars of Harry Winston diamonds. I know because I had to sign the insurance forms.

The limo ride is as choreographed as any play, with the three couples on opposite sides in the back, Jane and Zhang, Dan and I, Roberta and Simon. Simon is such an absolute delight, with a sense of humor and wicked banter that just keeps us in stitches. As for the dress choice, I got the LBD, Zhang took another version of the slinky green number, and Jane took the fish dress (in a completely different size). Roberta wore a lacy bodice top number that showed about as much of her breasts as legally possible, frickin eye magnets for Dan, Simon, and any other heterosexual male. I have to admit I stole glances at her fulsome rack whenever I could too, remembering those sweet afternoons kissing and caressing her.

Jane and Zhang left the limo first, then Dan and I, then Simon and Roberta. When I see Simon I think of the actor who played the Russian Spy in "Red" and "Red 2", Brian Cox (who played Ivan, the spy in love with Helen Mirren. Who wouldn't be in love with Helen Mirren?). I always wondered what a goatee would feel like as a guy ate my pussy, and I think I'm going to find out tonight!

The bizarre trip down the red carpet will forever give me a sense of wonder for the people like Jane and Zhang, who can look like they are having a great time while being assaulted by a seemingly limitless number of bright flashes, literally less than three feet from your face. The picture they published in the society pages of the paper the next day must have been the only one where Dan and I were both smiling.

I am the belle of the ball. Captains of Industry, Politicians, movers and shakers of all kinds want to dance with me. They need to know Jane's new gatekeeper and if they can work with me. Until a very familiar dancer slips into my arms.

"Hello darling. I've been meaning to talk to you. Don't make a scene. That could be very bad. You know I protected you as long as I could. I kept them from making you a whore because you loved me. Now you have to protect me. You have to tell them the truth about us, about how we were in love, and how we had a child together. Give Dan and Gino my best. Kisses forever." John Sinclair said quickly and softly, as two security members in tuxedos escort him out very gently, so as not to make a scene. I go to sit down, still shaking, while Jane and Zhang quickly congregate.

"We need to get her out of here." Jane demands.

"Two birds..." Zhang says mysteriously.

"You'll take care of Dan?" Jane asks hopefully.

"Network emergency at the office. Already taken care of." Zhang offers.

"This isn't over. I won't have that bastard in our face in public like this. He must learn not to fuck with us." Jane is heading towards enraged. Most trains don't survive going down those troubled tracks.

"Go home. Go to the gym, work on the heavy bag. Lose the negative energy on valuable exercise. Let me, coldly, coolly plan the revenge. A dish best served cold." Zhang says as she heads towards the security team.

I don't hear what she says to them, but there are a phalanx of very handsome men in tuxedos that congregate around our table. Dan is looking at his phone in abject horror, as Zhang's phone is making strange sounds too.

Zhang whispers in my ear, "You will be taken to suite 3502 in the Swisotel. It is a safe place. Malcolm Davis, one of the clients from your raft of proposals, is waiting there. He is slightly nervous. Normally Jane or I would soothe him. Tonight, due to circumstances, that duty falls to you. Can you satisfy any questions the man has, take care of any needs or concerns, just as Jane or I would?"

"So am I being promoted from belle of the ball to chief escort officer?" I ask softly with a grin.

"I love your quick mind more each day. Be happy, have fun, he is very well hung, very handsome, and very wealthy. Go have fun, and tell me every frickin detail. He's one of the few that could get me to switch teams - well, for a week or so!" Zhang smiles as she walks over to pull Dan aside.

"You saw the financial network intrusion alarm?" Zhang probes.

"Why tonight? Why does everything get so fucked up when we are just starting to have fun?" Dan demands.

"It could just be a system test. Could be a validation test from adding the second financial terminal. They are randomly scheduled every month. So let's go sort it out." Zhang says as they made their apologies and left.


Zhang swipes her badge, opening the SSDC. She logs in and acknowledges the alarm is received, and is just a test.

"Ok, big nothing burger. Let's go home." Dan suggests.

"Not so fast. There is something to see here. You might want to get naked before you have to pay a lot of money to get that tuxedo cleaned. I personally am going to save this glorious, sexy dress." Zhang says as she unzips the zipper.

"So what is this?" Dan asks hopefully.

"We rent a floor of the Swisotel, secured and instrumented for our purposes. Tonight, Malcolm Davis, a client of ours, is in suite 3502." Zhang explains.

"So we have an escort going there to rock his world so we can keep his business?" Dan guesses.

"Not just any escort. Your wife, my lover. We are going to watch our girl make love to another man, and another woman. Unless I miss my guess, his wife Priscilla is there too, and she's a bi as Jane is. I think I may be heading that direction right now too, because there is nothing I want more than to suck your dick, and ride it while we watch our girl fuck them. Not many people get the gift of watching their wife's first date as an escort." Zhang blushes.

"Why are you doing this?" Dan asks, feeling a little sick and a lot excited.

"You remember our first date, right here in this room? I came to congratulate you on getting the financial terminal installed over a week earlier than the best Mary could do. Well I decided not to bet on promises, but results. You gave me some great advice that day too, proving you are a friend I can trust, and I don't have many male friends, and even fewer that I have sex with. But we both have some very twisted feelings about our girl, and to see this - it is the best gift I could imagine getting, and given your history of being cuckolded by her, probably a gift long overdue for you." Zhang kisses my husband, stroking his cock, as they both try to keep an eye on the display.


I knock on the door, and after a few moments, Malcolm opens the door. He is sculpted ebony excellence, dark hair slightly graying at the temples, I think Zhang told me he was a former swimwear model and I believe it. If I thought Sinclair was handsome twenty years ago, Malcolm makes him look like dog food. I'm going to have to get out of this dress quick before I stain it.

"Who is it honey? Is it Jane?" a female voice asks from inside the suite.

"Ummm, sorry miss. I don't even know your name, but you are simply a stunning beauty. I see Jane traded up." he says as he opens the door wide, motioning me inside. He is wearing board shorts and a half robe, exposing his six pack and glorious chest.

"I heard that!" the female voice shouts.

"I'm Jane's new AA/PA. The name is Julie DeMarco. I know you are obviously Malcolm Davis, but your female companion is..." and as I turn the corner, I see her, big pregnant belly, in some comfy shorts with a halter top, but I've seen pictures when her milk jugs and belly were not so swollen, "...Priscilla! How wonderful to meet you!".

Priscilla is one of those olive skinned women who are so very pretty, like Nikki Haley or Vivian Salama, with perfectly coiffed black hair, luscious lips, gorgeous smiles, and a light that just radiates out of them. She should have been a high end model, but like myself, was just two inches too short. I can remember those last few months of pregnancy when I would have to stop myself from asking people on the street to suck my sore teats. No baby yet, and no one to feed, but the tits don't know that. I make a quick decision, unzipping and shedding the dress.

"Would you like us to suck your tits?" I offer, which Malcolm is about to object to, when Priscilla answers for him.

"Oh GOD YES!" she says as she flips up the halter top, and motions us towards her. We suck on her tits for about fifteen minutes, in total silence. Well, not total. Priscilla is moaning the entire time.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU both!" Priscilla says gratefully.

"How did you know?" Malcolm asks softly.

"I was just like her twenty years or so ago." I admit.

"You were pregnant when you were ten?" Priscilla is confused.

"No dear. I have the good fortune to be older than I look. So do that about three to five times per day, and Pris will have a much better time. About as often as you ask her to suck on your cock." I note pointedly.

"How did you know?" Malcolm asks sternly.

"Because a man like you who has won both the genetic lottery and the financial one deserves to have his cock sucked three to five times a day. If you aren't up to it Pris, I think I can find a half a dozen volunteers, myself first among them." I laugh, as Pris joins in as Malcolm looks confused.

"Jane is first among them. She doesn't know we are here, does she?" Pris starts reading the tea leaves.

"I was sent by Zhang. But given what I know about how hard Jane took your leaving, and how much she craved sex with Malcolm, that's the only conclusion I can come to, myself." I nod, agreeing with Pris.

"Is that all I am to you women, a slab of meat?" Malcolm teases.

"Can't say, haven't seen the meat. But Jane said something about your ability to use it being special, so I may have to take it for a test drive. So wow me." I tease back.

Malcolm shucks the shorts, and God truly blessed the man. He is about ten inches soft, and as thick as my wrist. My pussy wants to jump on this python, like yesterday, and so a big gush of wetness floods my panties, joining the one from seeing him at the door.

"Holy fuck! You actually fit that inside you and survived?" I nearly scream.

"That's not all. Come into the bedroom and I will show you something." Pris offers, so I help her to her feet and we pad into the bedroom, where I quickly lose the underwire bra and sopping french cut panties.

Pris lays down on the bed, her head hanging off the bed, motioning for me to join her. Malcolm kneels near her head as she uses her hands to stroke him hard, feeding his cock into her throat. I can see the plum sized tip of his huge dick progressing down her throat, then back up as he pulls back out.

"Are you a sex sword swallower too?" Pris taunts.

"Never with a sex sword that big, but I'd like to try." I offer hotly.

Malcolm shuffles on his knees over to me, and I grasp his thick shaft with both hands and there is about as much cock left over as my husband has to begin with. I'm a little shy about being able to deepthroat this monster, but my pussy is begging me to do it because she thinks she can slay the monster and make him spit his guts out.

"You can do it, just breathe deeply first." Pris offers.

I decide to go for it, but I can barely open my jaw wide enough to get it inside. I keep trying, but my mouth just won't let it in.

"I know what the problem is. I can fix this." Pris moves around on the bed, then slides a really fucking big vibrator into my cooze, turned on high, as her nimble tongue starts flicking my clit. I go zero to sixty in about six seconds, and start climaxing, not realizing how turned on I have been for half an hour. My jaw goes slack, Malcolm slides in, and the massive fuckstick takes over my throat. All the way to the balls, I leave the tramp stamp I'm proudest of on his huge hairy balls. He slides slowly back up my throat, until he is almost out.

"Breathe, a good deep breath." Pris demands.

I do it, and Malcolm goes faster this time. Over and over, he fucks my throat as Pris licks my clit. I wish so much to be able to thank her, and lick her too.

"Time for fucking." Malcolm declares. He moves over to the chair, using both fists to stroke his massive shaft. Pris wobbles over to place her pussy over the fuckstick, using his legs for support with her arms, lifting herself up and down his shaft. I am there in a flash, licking and sucking on her clit. She was already climaxing when I got to her, I just knocked her vocalizations up an octave. When she can no longer take it, I help her up and put her in the bed.

Malcolm takes me back out to the couch in the front room of the suite. Any idea he would take it slow, or be merciful, were erased with his next comment.

"If you can diddle your clit, you best start now and hold yourself up with the other. You pass out, you fold up, I'm going to keep fucking you until I cum right in your baby maker. Then I'm going to wake you up, have you suck me hard, and we do it all, over and over again, until I get tired. You ever been with a man with stamina?" Malcolm demands.

"Uh-huh". I answer as he lines up the pussy breaker.

"You should be glad my brother isn't here. He likes ass fucking, and he would rip you a new one. I'm just going to melt your mind with orgasms, until you beg every day of your life to fuck a cock like mine again." Malcolm quits bragging and starts fucking.

Malcolm is like a locomotive, starting slow and building up speed. His shaft is gripping every millimeter of my pussy in every thrust, and by the third thrust I am climaxing. I am glad that he is fucking me doggy, because my huge booty is softening the blow of each thrust. That lasts up to about ten thrusts, now his hands on my hips are slamming my body back onto the massive fucktool, as the intensity of the orgasm goes up by a hundred. My pussy walls are starting to spasm, both from the near continuous orgasms, and the increasing friction. Despite the best my poor little pussy can do to produce lube, his big shaft is pumping it out faster than I can produce it. Fortunately for me, the increased friction makes him bust a nut, and then the big balls do their share, pumping lots of jism so deep I'm certain my uterus is now completely filled with his sperm. Now I know why Pris is pregnant.

Malcolm pulls out, sits on the other side of me, and pushes his cock into my mouth. The taste of his sperm is salty and oily, but he only softens a little, and soon is back to full strength. So he gets up, moves behind me, and mounts me again. This time the cum slicks his shaft, and the intensity of the orgasms increases again, as does the speed of his thrusts. I have to switch hands to jill off properly, as my right hand is cramping. That big cock wants to own me, but I belong to Jane and Zhang, and while I get great pleasure from it, it isn't my be all and end all. Right after I reach that conclusion, he climaxes in me again and starts snoring. I get a blanket from the closet, cover him for warmth and modesty, then gather up my own belongings. I check on Pris, cover her, and dress to leave. I call the limo service, and by the time I get to ground level, the limo is pulling up. I am so looking forward to a nice soaking bath, and tell the limo to head for the manor.


We watched and waited, then finally she came to the door and went inside. Zhang manipulates the controls, but she is bent over the desk, and since we are already naked, I just slide my cock into her tight pussy, bouncing slowly into her tight ass.

"What do you think you are doing?" Zhang asks very neutrally, in a tone like 'why did you move the potted palm?', but I know better as I can feel her velvet smooth pussy clenching around my shaft in little pussy climaxes.

"Just keeping you warmed up." I respond neutrally.

"Actually... it kind of feels nice. Nowhere near as good as your tongue, but then you couldn't see them sucking Pris's bloated tits. Wow, how I wish someone was sucking my tits right now!" Zhang fantasizes as I pull out of her.

I try to slither underneath her, but the position just isn't working, so I push Zhang back into the chair and kneel to suck her tits, alternating back and forth, as I lightly brush her clit with my fingertips.

"You're a very good lover, Dan. Very attentive. I like that, and I've never really felt this way about a man before." Zhang observes.

"Are you falling in love with me Zhang?" I tease, while moving from breast to breast.

"Hell no! But you are... sexually interesting. I still fantasize more about Jane and Julie, but I sometimes think about you too. Trust me, that's a first for me. The way you eat my pussy is just divine. I love blowing you, and the taste of your cum is simply delicious. Every single day I have enjoyed being with you here, in this room, having sex while we watch our girl, fantasizing about her taking other lovers, and tonight it really happens! Without you, I might not ever have discovered this secret about myself. I sometimes have the same kind of thoughts about Jane, but that may be just you, or maybe because Jane and I have never had a threesome with you - yet." Zhang muses, as the tit sucking goes on and on.