Snow Job


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"Mistress! This isn't funny JJ. He's my Dad. Can't you see how bad this is? What if people found out? He could be ruined."

"Oh right! Look Cindy, we are very careful about not letting anyone else know what's going on. In fact as far as I know you are the only other one in the know. And for your information he is more worried about "my" reputation. Besides, the only thing that would happen if this got out in the open is that most of your dad's friends would be jealous and all of your mom's friends would be lining up for a piece of the action. He is such a good lover. That man eats pussy like a lesbo."


"Sorry, it's just that you've always been interested before in what I do with guys..."

"Your other boyfriends weren't my Dad! God this is"

Jessica sat on the stool next to her friend. "Cin, your dad has been the best thing that ever happened to me - period. He talks to me like an adult. He treats me like an adult. Did you know he got me to enroll at the community college? He makes me feel like a woman, he makes me feel whole. And I don't think I'm the only one whose benefited from this - don't you think you're dad is happier now?"

Cindy nibbled her bagel and sipped her coffee. She reviewed the last few months. It was true, her dad was happier than she had seen in a long time, a real long time. "Yeah - I guessed this morning that he had a girlfriend. I told him I was going to give him the third degree at dinner tonight. I was happy for him Jess. I am happy for him. God this is so weird...oh all right. Who am I to stand in the way of happiness? You might as well come to dinner tonight JJ. I'm sure you were planning on being there later anyway."

"Perfect." Jess hugged her friend. "Oh and Cindy there is no need for you to call me Mom."


Chapter Two

"Wow, something smells delicious. Is that lasagna?" Frank walked to the oven and peeked in. "Mmmmm. I see you have a bottle of wine out, shall I open it?"

"That'd be great Dad. I'm going to go change, can you make the salad?" Cindy kissed her dad on the cheek and trotted off to her bedroom. She couldn't keep from smiling to herself. The evening was about to get very entertaining.

"How do I look?" Cindy turned around. The doorbell rang before Frank could answer his daughter. "I'll get it dad, oh shoot, I almost forgot, can you set the table for three? I ran into {ding-dong} Coming!"

Cindy opened the door to a very nervous and stunningly gorgeous Jessica. "Whoa." The friends hugged, "I didn't tell dad you were coming, and he doesn't know that I know. So just act natural, okay."

"Hey Dad, look who I tracked down today. It's JJ."

Frank nearly dropped the bottle he was opening as she saw his daughter and his lover standing arm in arm. "Jessica, what a wonderful surprise. How are you?"

"I'm great Mr. B. How are you? Bet you're happy having Cindy home." Jessica was standing slightly out of Cindy's vision as she leveled a lusty leer at Frank that slowly drifted down to his crotch. She looked him directly in the eyes and licked her lips. "I hope my coming isn't a problem. I don't want to make things too hard."

"I'm fine." Frank squeaked out in reply then cleared his throat. "I'm fine Jessica. No problem at being problem. You look very nice this evening."

"Yeah Jess, got a hot date later? I'll bet some guy is getting lucky tonight." Cindy turned to her friend and smiled benignly. Jess stuck her tongue out at Cindy in reply. Frank heard the comment and ignored it - somewhat unsuccessfully as his "lucky guy" cock twitched in foolish anticipation.

"Lets eat - I'm starving." Frank decided that sitting was his best defense so he poured three glasses of wine and motioned the girls to the table. He pulled the chair out for Jessica and was startled when she gave his cock a good groping. Frank nearly yelped in surprise. He grabbed the open bottle and held it up.

"Wine anyone?' He went to pour the wine only to find the glasses already filled. He admonished himself to get control and be cool. He could handle long as Jessica kept her hands to herself.

Dinner was filled with an endless string of subtle innuendos and double entendres. The girls seemed amazingly oblivious as Frank struggled to maintain a calm demeanor. Twice during dinner - when Cindy had gotten up to get something - Jessica had flashed a bare tit at him and flicked her nipple ring up and down. He was just at the ragged edge of his composure when at the first bite of desert she moaned her cum face right at him "mmm, that's sooo good.". Game, set, and match to Jessica - Frank doubted his ability to stand without a major readjustment of his trousers.

"Dad, mind if I borrow the car?" Cindy was up, giving her father a quick kiss on the cheek and heading toward the door, car keys jingling. "I want to do some visiting. Jess, do you need a ride anywhere or will someone be coming here?"

Jess stood up and moved beside Frank, "Definitely coming here. If that's all right with your Dad? I'm sure my date will come. Although if he doesn't come, it'll be a first. I'm sure your Dad will make sure I'm taken care of...won't you Frank?"

Cindy saved her clearly uncomfortable father from having to reply. "Tell you what Jess, knowing you, I'm sure someone will come. So why don't you just plan on spending the night? That way in the morning you can make coffee and omelets for all three of us and then Dad can drop you off at your place on his way to work. You won't have to walk home through the snow like you did this morning."

Frank Barlow's face broke into a decidedly sheepish grin - he'd been had. He struggled to explain but both girls shushed him into silence. Cindy laughed hysterically. Jessica quickly sitting on his lap and hugging her cheek to his.

"Don't wait up for me Dad. I probably won't be home until late. Oh, and I would really appreciate it if you two would try not to make too much noise. I love you both but I'm still getting used to this know, the two of you and all that." Cindy was going to say more but an intense visual image of her Dad and best friend having sex had her spinning on her heel and heading for the door.

The sound of the front door closing had barely reached the kitchen before Jessica was straddling Franks lap. She mashed her lips to his. His response found his hands pushing the straps of her dress off her shoulders and caressing Jessica's perfect breasts. "You poor, poor horny man, you're as hard as a steel pipe. Was I a bad girl?"

Frank moved his hands slowly down to Jessica's thighs. When they moved up toward her hips he stopped and broke their kiss. "No panties? You are bad! I couldn't believe you tonight. Do you have any idea how much I want you?"

Jess didn't bother to answer; she reached down between them and unzipped her lover's pants. She freed his erection and angled it toward her wet cunt. It slipped easily into her hot wetness. She began to post slowly up and down to their mutual chorus of moans. Frank helped by gripping two healthy handfuls of Jessica's ass.

"Hey, I almost forgot..." Cindy was speaking as she opened the front door. What she forgot was never spoken. She stopped and blushed deeply. "OHMIGOD! OHMIGOD! At least use the bedroom. God, I can't believe this..." she called out to the lovers before the front slammed close behind her, "if I need therapy because of this, you two are paying for it."

"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom." Frank spoke as he realized he couldn't stand up unless Jess got off his cock. His futile efforts to stand brought appreciative moans from Jessica.

"Ha! Cindy should have at least knocked, and it's not like she hasn't seen worse in college." Cindy ignored his complaints and sat down on his cock. Frank stopped complaining although he continued to mumble their need to go to the bedroom.

Frank tried to lift Jess off him and succeeded only in driving his cock deeper getting an appreciative moan from his unsuccessful efforts. "I just don't want her to be uncomfortable in her own house because she saw us going at it in the kitchen."

"Oh right, like you're bothered by the fact that she probably screwed Ryan Johansen in every room of this house and on just about every horizontal surface, no to mention a couple of vertical ones."

"What?! Ryan Johansson..." Frank's tone was outrage. His physical response a tremendous spasm of his cock which Jessie politely declined to comment upon.

"Oops, did I let something slip out that I shouldn't have." Jess raised her thighs up and looked down at the cock barely inside her. She relaxed causing her cunt to drive down on Frank's erection. "Nope, everything right where it should be."

"I'll show you where everything should be." Frank leaned forward, eliciting a scream of surprise from Jessica. He rested her bottom on the edge of the dining table. "In the kitchen, on the dinner table, with my favorite slut." He began to thrust quickly and deeply within her.

"'re...only...slut...ohhhhh...fuckme." Jess rolled her head side to side.

"I plan every...fucking"

Later that night Frank heard the front door open and close. A glance at the clock indicated it was almost two in the morning. It sounded like Cindy was humming. He smiled; he hadn't heard that since she was in high school. Frank tensed, high school - that was when she was dating Ryan Johansson! He smiled and relaxed. Ryan was a good kid, pre-law if he recalled. Frank kissed the back of Jessica's neck and cupped her breast. The nipple hardened quickly as the whole breast swelled.

"No more baby, my butt is still sore. I can't believe I let you do that to me," a sleepy voice mumbled. "I'll have enough trouble walking tomorrow as it is. No more little blue pills for wore me out. I love you, you know."

"I know, and I love you too. And not in a way you have to worry know what I mean."

Jessica rolled over and conformed her body to Franks. She kissed him softly. "You know what we were talking about earlier...our relationship? It's coming to an end isn't it? Not just because Cindy knows, but..."

"I know. I know." Frank smiled and kissed her again. He held as she drifted into a deep sleep. Then rolling onto his back he smiled himself to sleep. Interestingly, the last thought before he slept was of his wife, he wondered if she was happy. He smiled - he certainly was - as he drifted into a deep satisfying sleep.

Chapter Three

"Hello Jessica, Cindy. Beautiful wedding don't you think? Gretchen was stunning wasn't she? And Scotty, what a hunk."

"He's married now mother. But then that's not really an obstacle to some people is it?" Cindy's tone was drunkenly venomous.

"Oh, looks like I'm needed at the bar." Jessica felt the wave of anger boil off her friend. She marveled that the angers recipient seemed nonplussed by it - talk about being cool under pressure. "Nice to see you Mrs. B. Bye Cin."

"I'm sorry Cindy." Dorothy Barlow looked at her daughter with a mixture of sympathy and remorse. "I had hoped that the passage of time might temper you feelings about me and what happened."

"Don't bother..." Cindy leveled a glare as she turned to face her mother.

"I'm sorry you hate me so much. I'll leave you alone." Dorothy's face fell into undisguised anguish.

"I don't hate you mom. I just...I mean..." Cindy struggled for the words that expressed the depth of her disappointment. "You have no idea how hurt daddy was - it just killed him what you did. How could to hurt someone you say you loved?"

"I know I bet you want to slap some sense into me. Shake me and ask, "What the hell were you thinking? Makes you wonder if I'm just crazy?" Dorothy Barlow wiped a tear from her cheek. "God, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't ask myself that very question. I really messed up big time didn't I?"

Cindy looked at her mother in amazement. By the tone of her voice, Dorothy wasn't trying to downplay her affair. "Yeah mom, you really messed up big time. How could you do that to Daddy? He loved you so much. What did he do to deserve that?"

"It wasn't about your Dad. He didn't do anything wrong and he certainly didn't do anything to deserve this. I guess you could say I had some kind of pathetic mid life crisis. If you really want to know what happened, I'll tell you, don't you want to know the truth?" Dorothy sat down with her daughter and told her everything. The dull routine of the marriage, the empty house once all the kids were gone "everyone seemed to be going forward in their life but me."

"Then came the excitement of flirting, of being pursued and swept off my feet." I felt alive again. I thought I was feeling the true me again. Oh honey I was so confused and conflicted. And then I made that fateful decision to leave my husband for another man. To just up and go, no talking, to counseling, pfft! - it was all a clichŽ straight out of some trashy romance novel."

Dorothy continued with how quickly the sizzle began to fizzle, the growing doubt, the fighting and finally her decision to leave her lover. "He wanted - actually he insisted - we go to a Halloween swingers party. I packed and left that same day."

"Halloween? Mom that was months ago - why didn't you say anything when we talked at Thanksgiving?" Cindy stared at her mother and shook her head.

"Partly because I was ashamed of myself, but partly because I wasn't sure I could return to what I'd left. At that moment I was on my own for the first time in my life. I was scared, but I also knew I had to find out who I was before I did anything else - especially if I chose to come back. The problem wasn't your father - it was me. For the first time in my entire life, all of a sudden, I was left with me...and it was very shocking to discover that there wasn't much there. My life was defined by roles I inhabited, when those roles were no longer needed, instead of doing something for me, I looked for a new role. Unfortunately, that's when George contacted me.

"When George and I reconnected something inside of me snapped. I don't know if you realize this but George and I were meeting well before the reunion. That merely solidified my decision about leaving. I was on my own, making my own choices...or so I thought, when in actuality I was reverting back to being in high school again."

"Mom, how could you think that you were on your own when you were with George? Couldn't you see that he was a manipulative asshole? Why didn't you consider therapy?"

"Actually I've been in counseling since I left George. One of the things I came to understand was that your father and my marriage was a partnership of equals...unfortunately I am at heart, well I tend toward being something of a submissive personality. I want to be told, I want to be protected, I want to be needed. For years I was needed by my children, by my family. But as you all got older I was more and more alone. I'm not blaming you honey - these were simply things I did not know about myself. I had a deep need to be needed and, well George saw it in an instant and used it to his advantage. He literally didn't take "no" for an answer the first time we were together. After that, I simply let him call the shots. I couldn't seem to say "no" to whatever he wanted. Even when I began to awaken to my situation I couldn't say "no." I never told him no about the swinging - I just left. Once I decided what I needed to do, to find me, I got on with it. I moved in with Aunt Patty, started therapy, and here I am".

"Cindy, I have a lot of things I still need to address and I think many of them can be dealt with here. I don't know if your Father said anything to you but we've talked over the phone quite a bit over the last few days...I've done a lot of apologizing. Anyway seeing your Dad here tonight helped me decide I'm ready to come back. He looked so alive. We actually talked face to face earlier this evening without arguing. He didn't come out and say it but I think he's ready for me to come home."

"So that's it? Adios George - honey I'm home?"

"Believe me, I know it won't be easy, but that's it more or less. George is in the past and I've decided to come home. After all it is my house too. I know it won't be smooth sailing by any means but I happen to know one very important thing. And that is that weddings make your father very horny. I also know he hasn't been dating - I asked Scotty's mom to check around for me." Dorothy felt her confidence slowly growing. She wanted her husband. She wanted to b e with him again. "He left about twenty minutes ago. So I am going to go home, strip naked and walk right into our bedroom. I know I'll still have a lot of apologizing to do but no time like the present to get started. Wish me luck honey."

Cindy shook her head as she watched her mother walk away. "This is crazy I need a drink," she decided. She walked to the bar to give Jessica a heads up only she was delayed by Ryan - just long enough for one long steamy kiss and a breathy "the other night was amazing" (she really had to get a steady boyfriend going when she returned to college) - and finally arrived at the bar. Where Jessica clearly wasn't. "What do you mean Jessica left twenty minutes ago?"

Chapter Four

Cindy and Jessica sat at the kitchen counter toying with breakfast. "They've sure been in there a long least they aren't yelling anymore."

Jessica sipped her tepid coffee and made a face. She dumped it in the sink and began to make a fresh pot. "God I'll never forget the sound of her scream when she found us; one loud, long "NO!" Then she just collapsed on the floor - thump! I went to her, you know, to see if she'd hurt herself. I didn't think to cover up or anything and well your dad had just finished inside me - I wasn't thinking about how I looked. Your mom was starring right at know, down there. I still can't believe how hard she slapped me. My cheek still hurts. Is it badly swollen Cin?"

Cindy looked again at JJ's cheek and shook her head. She'd hurried home as quickly as she could, but she'd been too late. She'd heard her mothers anguished wail as she opened the front door. The screaming and yelling that followed was frightening, both in it's volume and intensity. Finding all three of them nude was downright disturbing; especially with her very naked father standing between the two women trying desperately to keep them separated.

"I've never seen my dad so angry at Mom. We were talking at the reception and she said she was going to do this. I went searching for you. Mom just thought if she could get him here all alone..." Cindy trailed off into silence.

"Yeah your mom made her move a lot quicker than I thought she would. I figured I had time for one last night with Frank..." When Jess saw Cindy's expression she smiled. "My mom told me a couple of days ago that Dorothy was coming to the wedding and planning on trying to reconcile with your dad. I told your dad and we decided to end our relationship with one final night together which was actually the night before last. He was worried that your mom would make trouble for me if she found out I know, I was with him. See what I mean Cindy - he's really a great guy. I can't begin to tell you how much I'm going to miss him." Jess blinked her eyes and leaned across the table. "Did you see us dance at the reception?"

"Yes, I did. You two made a beautiful couple."

"At the reception when he asked me to dance," Jessica smiled. "He said he wanted everyone to see us together once. He got aroused and then he said he wanted me one last time. I couldn't refuse him. He's meant so much to me."

"Cindy I'm going to tell you something because I want you to know how things unfolded between your Dad and me. After that night at the Doubletree your Dad tried really hard to wave me off. This went on for a couple of weeks. He was so concerned for my welfare. However, I was very persistent. Anyway one evening I was horny as hell, sitting home alone and I decided to go for a walk - it was about ten o'clock I guess. I was just walking around and I found myself in the area behind your house. I opened the gate and looked across the yard. Frank was getting ready for bed. I saw him undressing, so I did the same. I walked naked across the lawn and stood in front of the picture window. When he saw me he was so pissed. I was shivering and he pulled me into the house to warm me up - telling me all the while that we couldn't, it wouldn't work, all that same old crap again. So I just attacked him - and I won. We spent the entire weekend together. I slept with him just about every night after that. Even when you were here for the holidays." Jess wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I just want him to be happy, really, really happy."