So This Man Asked Me Out Pt. 05


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"Now please." I replied and John turned up the vibrations.

I was still trying to stay relatively quiet and still when the wine waiter returned with our wine. He gave me a funny, knowing look as he poured a little for John to taste then when John was happy he filled John's glass then mine. I was sure that he had a grin on his face as he turned to walk away.

"Oh my gawd John, what are you turning me in to?" I asked when my waves receded and I was able to talk.

"I'm just encouraging you to be your natural self Jade, do you want to cum again now or wait a while?"

"Can you wait until we've finished our main course please?"

We had an enjoyable and relaxing meal with me managing not to think about what John might do as soon as we finished eating. I think that he must have forgotten about the vibrator right until I was pushing my empty coffee cup towards the middle of the table. I saw his right hand go below the table then the vibrations started again. Thankfully not very strong and I was still able to hold a conversation with him.

John slowly increased the vibrations until I orgasmed again just as the waiter was handing the bill to John. I managed to see the bill and register the amount but I couldn't say anything until John turned off the vibrations and I began to relax.

"I saw the bill John."

"Don't you worry about it."

"It was more that I used to spend on food for a month."

"Did you enjoy the meal Jade?"

"Yes but that's crazy. No meal costs that much to prepare."

"True but it's not just the food that you pay for."

"Wait until I tell Jenny and Rose, they'll think that you are crazy."

"Stop thinking about it Jade, you enjoyed it so end of, where do you want to go when we leave here?"

"Back to the hotel so that you can fuck my brains out."

"That will be later Jade, let's go for a wander and see what London is like at night."

"Okay, just so long as we stay in the busy parts, I wouldn't feel safe going to the quiet places even with you by my side."

"Yes, London has changed so much even in my time, it's really gone down the nick."

As we left the restaurant John put his arm round me and I could feel the hem of the dress a lot higher on the side where his hand was, I was sure that half my butt and probably all of my slit was on display for anyone who cared to look to see, but strangely, I didn't care, I felt safe with John and it felt good to be on display like that.

We walked along the busy streets with everyone going about their own business, ignoring the rest of the world and not even noticing what I was displaying.

We came across a pub with lots of people standing outside drinking and talking. It looked like the typical London pub that you see on the TV so we went in and just about fought our way to the bar. People were standing around talking most dressed in business suits. It was like they had just left work and were having an end of week drink before going home, even though it was after 9 p.m.

"And beer costs more that three times than at the Drunken Duck." John said after he'd paid for the drinks.

I saw one or two men looking at me and when John turned back to me with our drinks I told John. His reaction was to stand beside me and put an arm round my neck and let his hand fall on to one of my tits like he often does. It was like he was sending a message to all the other men in there that this girl was his.

"Don't squeeze too hard John, it still hurts a bit." I said.

His response was to press his fingers into my under boobs.

We stayed there, talking about what we were looking at, until we'd finished our drinks and then left.

"Not that much different from the busy boozers back at home, apart from the prices." John said as we walked down the road.

"No, just that the people in the pubs back home at this time of night don't look like they are on their way home from the office." I replied.

We turned a corner and found ourselves in Trafalgar Square. The place was heaving with people and traffic. After wandering around for a while we decided to go back to the hotel for some more fun. John flagged down a taxi and knew that the whole of my bare butt would be showing as I got into the cab after John. Within seconds of sitting down John was kissing me and his right hand was between my legs which had spread wide to give him access.

As we got out of the cab the doorman at the hotel got another great view of my pussy and as we walked into the hotel John turned on the vibrator again. I find it difficult to walk with it vibrating away inside me so I was hanging on to John as we walked across reception to the lift. John had his arm around me and I'm pretty sure that it was holding my dress up higher than it was intended to be.

There was no one in the lift and as soon as the doors shut John was lifting my dress up and off me. I saw a sign saying that the lifts were monitored by CCTV cameras but I just didn't care.

It was well after midnight when we finally got to sleep with John spooning me and his cock still inside me.


John was still spooning me and his cock was inside me when I woke but I suspected that his cock had gone soft and slid out when he went to sleep and that he had woken with a woody and put it to good use.

"Did we make love last night with the curtains open?" I asked after we had both cum.

"Yes why?" John replied.

"Well there's a man in the hotel opposite looking at us."

"Does that bother you Jade?"

"No, not since you corrupted me, do think he'd like me to stand in front of the window like this?"

"I'm sure that he would."

So I did, and I stood there until he turned away. I'd waved at him and he'd waved as well, I just hoped that it was me that he was waving to.

I went for a shower, on my own for the first time since moving in with John and I wondered why he didn't follow me. I found out when I got out and walked into the main room, a man was pushing a trolley of breakfast into the room going right passed the naked me.

"I thought that we'd have breakfast up here." John said as he came and stood next to me, his right hand doing what it usually does when he's stood next to me.

As the man walked out of the door I told John that he could get more friendly with my nipples as they only hurt just a little bit now.

"Oh good, we can go and get you some nice things to hang from them, maybe a chain so that I can pull you around like a puppy dog."

I had these images jump into my head of a big chain attached to a leash and John walking me around a park, and another one of a big bell attached to each nipple and stretching my tits so much that the bells were dragging on the floor.

"Whoa there lover, my nipples aren't one hundred percent yet so only light stuff hanging from them for now, okay?"

"You didn't think that I'd attached something like a ships anchor to them did you? I could never hurt you Jade."

"I know, I just had these horrible visions in my head." I replied and told him what they were.

"I would never do that to you Jade, well not until they are fully healed. That's what those rings hanging from the roof of the garage are."

"What? You'd hang me from the roof of the garage by my nipples?"

"Only when you beg me to dearest."

"No chance, well maybe no chance, I'd have to build up to it. Can you try taking one of the sleepers out then putting it back in, see how it goes and how much it hurts?"

John waited until we'd finished breakfast then he told me to lay on the bed.

"I'm going to enjoy this." John said as he very carefully held one end of the sleeper bar and slowly turned the other end. I winced a little as the bar was slowly pulled out.

"How was that Jade?"

"Okay actually, try putting it back in."

John did, slowly, and again it didn't hurt.

"Okay John, if the other one doesn't hurt it looks like I'm good to go. Now what are we doing today lover?"

"Well, since you haven't been to London before I thought that we could get one of those open top, red tour buses, the type that you can get on and off anywhere all day so we can stop at Oxford Street and get you some nipple jewellery."

"Sounds good to me, what do you want me to wear?"

"I'd love you to go like that but I think one or two people might complain."

John went to the wardrobe and selected a dress for me, one of my ultra short dresses that is slightly sheer, button all the way down the front and has a lose fitting top. When I put it on I fastened the buttons from below my tits to the hem knowing that even with the bottom button fastened when I walked the little unfastened bit at the bottom would gape open letting my pussy get lots of fresh air.

Take it easy with my nipples," I said as we walked out of the hotel, "they're still a bit delicate."

"I will try to remember but tell me to get off if I forget and get too rough."

We didn't have far to go to catch one of the big red tour buses and as John followed me up the stairs to the top deck he reached up and slid a finger along my slit. When we sat down he said,

"Remind me to go ahead of you when we go up those stairs again and remind me to make sure that another man is following you up. He'll enjoy looking at your wet pussy Jade."

I smiled as he turned his head to face me and he continued,

"Good, the top of that dress really shows off your nipples from this angle."

I looked down at my chest and realised that he could see into the top, obviously quite well.

I found the tour interesting but not startling, it was the times when we got off the bus to do other things that were notable. The main one was Oxford Street, wow, so many people walking about. It was so busy that John asked me what the name of our hotel was then told me to get a taxi back there if we got separated, and if we did he'd phone the hotel and get them to pay for the taxi and put it on his bill, you see, I'd gone out with just the dress and shoes, not even my phone or a little bag.

Fortunately, we didn't get separated and we went into a few shops, some of them big with escalators which we went up with John stood beside me doing his usual holding one of my tits. The first time that we went up one I heard a male voice behind me say,

"Hey mate, look at that."

I immediately guessed that he was looking up my ultra short dress and was seeing my bare butt. I shuffled my feet as far apart as I could to let them see my wet pussy as well. From then on I made sure that I stood on the escalators with my feet apart.

We didn't buy anything in that shop, the only shop that we did buy anything was a jewellers, some nipple jewellery. We were looking at a display of them in the shop when a man came over to us as asked if he could help with anything. John told him that we were looking for some nipple jewellery. He took us over to the counter at one end of the shop and started getting some trays out.

John selected some barbells and rings that I was happy with then he asked about chains. After John chose both a small link, necklace type chain and one with larger links I said,

"Won't that one might pull my nipples down and hurt me?"

"Can we try that to see if it's too painful for her?" John asked.

"Sorry sir, we don't have a returns policy."

"I wasn't thinking of buying it then maybe returning it, I was thinking about trying it here."

"We don't have any private areas here sir."

"Then we'll try it right here, Jade, open your top and swap those rings for the barbells and D rings that we've already said that we'll buy."

"Oh err, I don't think ..... "

But it was too late, my top quickly opened enough for my tits to be bared and I was unscrewing my left sleeper. The man stopped trying to protest and just stared as I continued swapping and connecting the chain. It only took a couple of minutes before the chain was connected at both ends and hanging down just below my tits.

"That looks good Jade, how does it feel?"

"Okay, the weight doesn't pull down like I thought it might."

"Try swinging your tits about to see it it hurts."

"John, they're not big enough to swing around."

"Well jump up and down then."

I did a bit, and as I was doing so I looked around and saw that the young girl who also worked behind the counter, and a young couple that she'd been serving were all looking at me.

Instead of feeling embarrassed I actually felt my pussy tingle then I said,

"No, I don't think that the weight is going to be a problem."

"Good," John replied and he turned to face the sales guy and continued,

"We'll take all of those and there's no point of her taking them off, have you got any little bells that can attach to those D rings?"

"Yes, I believe that he have sir, I'll just go and look for them."

I turned to John and said,

"You want me to walk around with little bells ringing as I move? That's like one of those big cow bells. Are you trying to tell me that I'm a cow?"

"Cows wear their bells round their necks. Shall we get a collar and leash for you as well Jade? We can get one with diamonds in it."

"Well I suppose that a collar and leash would be fun for a themed party." I replied.

"Yes, I can lead you around with you wearing just a collar, leash and nipple jewellery."

"Well you have got me naked in a pub so a party wouldn't be that different, but would my friends be there?"

"If you want them there Jade?"

"I'll think about that one."

I replied as the sales guy returned with two cute little bells that actually worked. John held one to my left nipple and shook it a bit. When it rang John said,

"Yes, we'll take all these."

As the man wrapped up what I wasn't still wearing John turned to me, touched both my nipples then started fastening the buttons on my dress.

"I nearly said that you've just made that man's day Jade," John said, "but he's probably seen more tits than I have, maybe seen girls trying clit rings as well."

"So you've seen lots of girl's tits have you John?"

"I've seen my share, but none of them were as nice as yours Jade."

"Good answer lover. Now where to?"

"I don't know, let's just walk, see how many people realise that your dress is slightly see-through."

"You know John, I forgot about that. I just feel like I've got a normal dress on."

"Well it is a normal dress for the new you Jade, and you look great."

We walked right to the end of the main shopping part of Oxford Street then crossed over and walked back along the other side and I never saw one person look at me. We stopped at another jewellers shop and looked at the watches, well John did, and he asked me if I wanted a watch.

"John dearest," I replied, "when I'm at home I don't even wear clothes so why would I want a watch?"

"Okay, point taken, but if you decide that you want one, maybe for when you go out anywhere, just ask me."

"Okay, thanks John."

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