So This Man Asked Me Out Pt. 07


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"I heard a rumour that a naked girl was chasing a man behind the industrial estate that one of the locals works at, that was you was it? I heard that you looked like you were chasing him to get him to fuck you."

"Yeah, that was me, Adam thought that it was better that I follow him rather than the other way round. He said that if he was following me people might get the wrong idea and call the police."

"Your Adam seems to be a sensible bloke."

"Yeah, he's okay but I prefer it when John fucks me."

"You let your trainer fuck you Jade?"

"John likes to watch."

"I bet he does. So you really like everyone seeing you naked Jade?"

"I never used to but John has made me realises that I do, and that it is okay for men to see a girl naked."

"That's certainly true Jade, most girls have very nice bodies that they should be proud of and not be ashamed to let men see them. Girls are so lucky, imaging a woman walking in here with a naked man on a leash, everyone would laugh at the man whereas no one is laughing at you Jade, all the men are lusting after your body and the girls here are more than likely very jealous of you, your courage and your body. You are one very lucky girl Jade."

"I know, and I've got John to thank for that."

By then John was getting towards the end of his pint of Pigswill and my Negroni was making me a bit tipsy. As John swallowed the last of his pigswill he said,

"Right Jade, are you ready to let the customers get their hands on that gorgeous body?"

"Oh yes please."

John led me to the nearest table and asked who wanted to put their hands on me. Sat at the table were four elderly, male locals and the nearest one said,

"Come and sit on my lap for a couple of minutes luv."

I looked at John and saw him nodding so I sat on the man's lap. His arm went round me and his other hand went to my tits.

"These are nice young lady, do these (my barbells) hurt or make you loose any sensation?"

"It hurt a little when they first went in then they ached whilst they were healing but no. You'll make me cum if you keep doing that to them."

"Sorry about that young lady."

"Don't be sorry, I like having orgasms."

"Even in a place like this?"

"Especially in a place like this."

"Hey guys, did you hear that, this girl wants us to make her cum."

All of a sudden the tingling that I'd had since we walked through the door got a lot stronger and my pussy got a lot wetter. John started gently pulling on the leash so I said,

"Thank you sir but I have to move on now."

I stood and moved to the next man, the first man loudly saying,

"She's left a wet patch on my trousers."

John 'led' me to the next elderly man and I again sat on his lap but this guy was a bit more adventurous and one of his hands moved to my thigh, high up my leg. I eased my knees apart and the man could just about touch my clit.

"That's a real pretty pussy that you've got there Jade, do you mind if I rub it a little?"

"I don't mind." I replied, and his rough finger started to rub my clit.

Unfortunately for the old man, and me, John didn't let me stay there for long before he 'led' me to the next old man who's hand also zeroed in on my clit but again John obviously had no intention of letting the old man take me to, and over the edge, and it was the same for the fourth old man. I thought that it was a bit of a shame because, I guessed, that all four of them hadn't had their hands on a young pussy for lots of years.

The next table had two young couples sat at it. All four looked around my age and the two guys were smiling as John 'led' me over to them.

"Who would like to put their hands on my body?" I asked as I looked at both the young men.

I could tell that they both did but at the same time I guessed that they didn't want to upset their girlfriends by groping the naked girl in front of them, but one of the guys had the courage to say,

"You don't look old enough to be in here Jade, that is your name isn't it?

"Yes it is," I replied, "and I assure you that I am old enough, I'm nineteen."

"You've only got tiny tits and that pussy looks like it belongs to a girl half your age."

"That's because I've had cosmetic surgery."

"I thought that FGM was illegal." One of the girls said.

"This wasn't FGM, I can still function just the same as any girl, maybe even better. Last chance to see what I feel like."

John didn't give them much of a chance to grope me because he gently pulled on the leash and led me to the next table which had just two men sat at it. Both looked to be in their late twenties and neither were shy about coming forward and openly groping me. Even as I sat on the first man's lap his hand was on my pussy but he was more interest in finger fucking me that playing with my clit.

That man didn't quite make me cum because John gently pulled on the leash before that could happen, and it was the same with the second man at that table.

It was a frustrated me that was 'led' to each of the rest of the tables and at each table and each person John gently pulled on the leash before I could actually cum.

When I was 'led' from the last occupied table John left me standing in the middle of the room whilst he carried over an unoccupied table and put it in the middle of the room.

"Up," was all that John said and I climbed on and lay back on my elbows with my legs wide apart and facing most of the people in the room.

"Practise for the 'O' Club Jade." John said.

I smiled and my right hand went to my pussy.

"Would someone time thirty minutes please?" John asked.

My first orgasm came quite quickly, me laying back because my left hand was needed to play with my nipples. I verbally, and quite loudly, let everyone know that I was cumming just before my body started shaking and jerking, me being more turned on that embarrassed that lots of strangers were watching me masturbate.

As I was coming down from that high the fingers on my right hand kept working and after four or five minutes I was climbing up there again. Five times in total I reached that edge and I jumped over before three different people said that my thirty minutes was up. I was pleased because it was one more orgasm than the previous 'O' Club practise but my hand and wrist ached and I was shattered.

Ken appeared above me with a large glass of cola in his hand.

"Amazing Jade, just amazing. Here, get some of this down you."

"Thanks Ken, I need that." I replied as I sat up.

"Very good Jade," John said, "you're really getting into this pubic sex aren't you. I might just fuck you next time, or would you prefer it if the public fucked you and I just watched?"

"Both." I replied.

Just then Ken called TIME and people started leaving. One of the locals came over to John and me and asked John if my stripping and playing with myself was going to be a regular thing.

"You'd better ask Jade mate, it's her body."

I didn't wait for the elderly gentleman to ask me and I replied,

"I hope so, it was great fun, but I don't know which nights it will be, it depends of so many things. I'll try to get here at least once per week and things probably won't stop where they did tonight."

"I'd better not pass that bit on to the missuss, thanks Jade."

"Well done Jade." John said.

"What, it was the truth."

"I know, it was you saying that you didn't know which night we'd be here, that means that he will try to come here more often hoping that you'll be here and that he doesn't miss the nights that you are here. That means more profit for Ken and I."

"I didn't think of that, maybe my subconscious did."

"Another drink?" Ken asked.

"But it's passed closing time." I said.

"The law says that I can't SELL alcohol after time I've but I can still give it away."

"Ah. I see." I replied, "but no thanks, and John's driving."

"That's right Ken." John said, "we need to be going as well, busy day tomorrow."

John took hold of the leash and led me out to the car and as I got it I said,

"Will I ever spend more time in here with clothes on than without them?"

"Not if I can help it." John replied and we drove home with one of John's hands spending most of the time between my legs and toying with my clit.

It was a good job that a towel now lives on that seat.

It was a long and very enjoyable lovemaking session before we finally fell asleep.


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