Solstice Ch. 10


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"Yes, it is."

"All I have to do is make her cum?"

"That's all."

"This one, I'm taking my time. Nomena, I'd like you to come with me."

Nomena spoke to the old woman who thought for a moment then replied. "She said I may go with you, but I am not to participate in any way."

"That's good enough for me. Lead the way. Can someone get me some un-drugged food and water? I'm going to need nourishment when I get back."

"We've got you covered, dit wad," his sister said.

He winked at her then walked away with Nomena. They walked into another house together and in about thirty seconds, Alex was red in the face and storming back to the table. Nomena was right on his heels with a puzzled look on her face.

"Fuck this. I quit!" he barked.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Nomena asked.

"Gaia or Zanahary can kiss my ass. I AM NOT FUCKING A COW!!!"

Nomena started laughing. When she tried to speak, she laughed even harder. It was several minutes before she had calmed enough to speak, and even then, she broke into laughter several times. When she finished speaking in Malagasy everyone, except Aphrodite, Ariana, and Alex, were rolling with laughter.

"Nomena, what's going on?" Aphrodite asked.

"When we walked in, she was standing next to the bed. When she saw Alex, she spoke to him in Malagasy. A renitelo had wandered into the house."

"And I'm not fucking it!! Let's go," Alex said.

Nomena started laughing again. "Women in our village are forbidden to touch them. She was asking Alex to get it out of her house, not fuck it." She started laughing again. This time Aphrodite and Ariana joined in the laughter.

"So, I'm not expected to fuck a cow?"

"Alex, it's a bull," she laughed. "She wants you to shoo it away."

"Oh," he replied.

The old woman spoke. "She said you've passed the tests. You don't have to take the last one."

"Screw that. This woman's never had an orgasm. I'm fixin' to rectify that." Alex grinned and walked back to the house. A moment later the bull ran out the front door. Alex stepped out and took a bow then went back inside.

The woman looked about forty and was stunning. Her skin was darker than anyone he had ever seen. Her smile was to die for. Alex walked to her. He touched his hand to his chest.

"I'm Alex," he said, then touched her chest.

"Pia," she replied, smiling.

"Pia, you are a beautiful woman."

She had no clue what he said, but the way he said it made her feel good. She smiled again. Alex put his hand on her cheek and kissed her softly. She responded with slightly parted lips, and soon their tongues were teasing each other. Her arms went around him and began removing his white cloak. When she got it off, she gently placed it on the chair next to the bed, then removed her sarong. Her body was as beautiful as the rest of her, and Alex quickly achieved a full erection. She smiled and took his cock with her hand and began stroking it. Alex wanted no help from the pre-cum and knelt in front of her, as he kissed his way down her luscious body. He lingered at her breasts for a long time before moving lower. When he began kissing and nibbling around her pubic hair, she sighed. He laid her back onto the bed and moved between her legs, then with just his lips and tongue teased the entire area. He continued for a good fifteen minutes until her pelvis rocked with his movements. She was close. Alex teased more, avoiding her hard little pearl. When she came closer, he backed off several times. He could make her cum whenever he wanted but continued to edge her. When he finally let her cum, it was ear piercing. Her screams were loud enough they were heard well beyond where the others were waiting. Everyone at the table smiled, knowing what had happened. Alex let her rest a few minutes before returning to her sensitive pussy and starting again. She came again about five minutes later, with just a bit less volume than before.

Alex moved up between her legs and lined himself up. Very slowly, he entered her. She was so tight; it was like entering a virgin. She moaned with his every thrust and gasped with every withdrawal. They continued slowly for several minutes and she began to increase her speed. Alex matched her. His mouth covered hers as she moaned. She stiffened, her legs began to shake, and her pelvis drove onto him as she came again. She was even louder this time than before. Alex rolled over and pulled her on top of him, then Pia took over the movement. She pounded herself onto him and soon came a fourth time.

"Ahhhhhhhh," she cried. "Ahhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh!!!" Over and over.

She had recovered and sat back up when Alex came. She sat smiling at him. Then the effect of his cum hit her. Her first expression was surprise, followed by pure bliss. She screamed again several times before she collapsed.

"Thank you, Pia."

She started sobbing. Alex held her for a while, but she wouldn't stop. Alex got up and walked to the door.

"Nomena," he called. "I need your help."

She ran to him. "What's wrong?"

"She's crying. I think I may have hurt her."

Nomena went to her. They spoke for a moment before Nomena turned back to him, smiling.

"She isn't hurt. You made her feel like a woman. Her tears are happiness."

Alex walked to her and cuddled with Pia. Nomena left them alone and went back to the table. When she explained it to those at the table, the singing began again and continued until Pia and Alex walked together back to them. He kissed her again before helping her sit in a vacant chair, then returned to his own.

"Is this drug free?" he asked.

"It is," Ariana said.

"Sounded like it went well in there," Aphrodite said.

"I didn't cheat either. The first four were without pre-cum or cum. All natural."

As Alex began eating, the old woman at the far end of the table got up and walked to him. She smiled and spoke in Malagasy.

"She says, you are the real thing, and she would like to introduce you to Gades tomorrow morning."

"I'd like that."

The woman spoke again. "She is sorry, she tried to trick you, and wants to thank you for making her daughter a woman."

"Tell her that her daughter was always a woman. She had never been loved properly before."

Nomena translated for him. The woman smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. Alex reached behind her and grabbed her butt, then winked at her. The woman shook her head and spoke to Nomena.

"She says, maybe in a day or two. She's still getting over the last time."

"I'm holding her to that," Alex replied.

When Nomena translated it, the woman blushed and kissed him on the cheek, then went back to her seat. No one started leaving until Alex finished his meal. When Pia finished, she walked to his end of the table and spoke to Nomena.

"My sister wants me to tell you thank you again and that she hopes her daughter accepts you tomorrow."

"She's Gades' mother? And your sister?"

"She is. She will accompany you tomorrow to meet her and tell her about her experience with you today."

"I hope she accepts me too. Will you introduce my wives to Pia?"

Nomena spoke to Pia. Pia smiled then kissed both on each cheek. "She says your mother and sister wives are very lucky women."

"I'm the lucky one," Alex replied, taking each of their hands and smiling at them.

She spoke again to Pia. Somewhere in the conversation her heard dit wad.

Pia spoke again and finished her statement with dit wad. "She says you are all very fortunate, dit wad."

Ariana laughed. Alex winked at her, then stood and held Pia for a long time. She kissed his cheeks then kissed him on the mouth.

When nearly everyone had gone, Nomena turned to Aphrodite. "I assume you are all tired. Would you like me to show you where you'll be sleeping?"

"I think we'd love that," Aphrodite replied.

"I'd like another shower, if that's possible," Alex added.

"How many women would you like to help you? Every woman in the village would love to do that."

"Every woman?" he asked.

"Every one of us," Nomena replied.

"Then, I'd like you to help me, Nomena."

She smiled. I'll show you to your lodging first then."

"Alex, save a little for mom and me. We haven't been laid in four days," Ariana said.

"Do you enjoy the company of women?" Nomena asked, Ariana.

"Mom and I both do," she replied.

"My daughters would both enjoy spending time with you. They've offered several times already."

"You aren't old enough to have grown daughters," Aphrodite told her.

"I assure you that I am. They are twins and both almost nineteen. They are very capable young women."

"I'm in," Ariana replied.

"Me too," Aphrodite added.

"I'll send them too you when I take Alex to the shower."

Ariana and Aphrodite gave each other a high five. Nomena dropped them off and left with Alex. They went to another house nearby and went inside.

"Lanja, Lanta," Nomena called. Two girls walked into the room and bowed to Alex. "These are my daughters, Lanja and Lanta." Both smiled and bowed again.

"Nomena, they're beautiful. Oh, to be Oreo stuff," Alex said, almost drooling.

"What is Oreo stuff?" Nomena asked.

"In the states we have a cookie. It has chocolate on both sides and in the middle is white icing. It's called Oreo stuff."

"You would like to be a cookie sandwich with my daughters?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or your daughters."

"I'm not offended at all. Tomorrow afternoon you can be a cookie with them. They would enjoy that. Neither has been with a man."

"They're virgins?"

"All the women under twenty-four are. We've had no man for seven years. We open the hymens so they can use toys, I believe you call it, but have never touched a man. It will be a good learning experience for them."

She apparently repeated to the girls what she had told Alex. They were very enthusiastic about the idea. She spoke to them again and they ran out the front door.

"Why did they run away?" Alex asked.

"They're going to see your wives. That excites them as well."

"Nomena, you only have the three older men that I saw?"

"Yes. Gades' father was the last of the men. He was killed at a sapphire mine eight years ago. None of the women have produced male offspring in many years. We are hoping you and Gades make a son."

"What's going on the next few days?"

"Tomorrow morning, you'll meet Gades. If she accepts you, three days later you will mate. Each morning between now and then you will spend time together and get to know each other. In the afternoon you are free, but most, if not all, the women are hoping to be with you. You impressed them today."

"What if Gades doesn't like me?"

"You'll have plenty of free time before you leave for the women."

"Do you think she'll accept me?"

"From what I saw today, I have little doubt. Ready for your shower?"



Lanja and Lanta walked, almost ran, into the house where Aphrodite and Ariana were. They bowed politely, removed their sarongs, walked to the women, and quickly removed theirs. They were grinning and giggling at each other.

"They don't waste any time around here, do they?" Ariana asked.

"Not much," her mother replied, just as Lanja kissed her.

The beautiful eighteen-year-old twins were all over Aphrodite and Ariana. Rather than put up any resistance, the mother and daughter joined right in. The twins were eating the women, lying side by side on the full-size bed, and triggered both orgasms at the same time. Ariana was resting her hand on her mother's thigh. Loose items in the house began whirling through the air in all directions, and the wind outside sounded like a freight train. The front door blew open and the house was filled by a strong dusty wind. They all covered their heads for protection as they scrambled to get under the bed. The twins chattered with each other in Malagasy.

"Tadio! Tadio!" the twins screamed.

"What's going on?" Aphrodite asked, excitedly.

"Tadio," one of the twins said.

In a moment, the wind and howling vanished, and the women all crawled out from under the bed. They stepped outside to look around. The sky was completely clear. People were standing outside looking around, and they all looked confused.

"Where is Nomena?" Aphrodite asked the twins.

Ariana realized, at that moment, they were standing there naked. "Mom, we might want to go get some clothes on before we go looking for Nomena."

The four naked women went back inside and quickly put on their sarongs, then the girls led them to where their mother was. She and Alex were standing on the porch talking to an older man and her mother.

"Nomena, what happened?" Aphrodite asked.

Nomena turned to them. "My father said there was a tornado, but it was wrong."

"Wrong how?" Alex asked.

"It was rotating backward, counterclockwise."

"When I was reading up on storms, it said the normal rotation below the equator is clockwise. Above the equator is counterclockwise," Ariana said.

"Always?" Aphrodite asked.

"No, there are rare exceptions."

Alex walked to his sister. "Ari, did you cum right before it happened?"

"Mom and I both did."

Alex chuckled. "I think it might be a good idea for you two not to be together when you cum for a while."

Nomena had been listening to them. "Ariana, you believe you and your mother caused the tadio?"

"The reason I was sent with Mom and Alex is because there's a storm coming. If I don't stop it, your entire village will be destroyed. Gaia told me this," Ariana said.

"Zanahary gave you such power?"

"Not yet, but I seem to be getting it."

"You will use weather to fight weather?"

"Nomena, I'm not sure. For the last couple of months, when I orgasm, it causes air disturbances. Today, Mom and I both came at the same time, and you saw what happened. That's all I know," Ariana told her.

"When will this storm come?"

"I don't know. Gaia or Zanahary, didn't say. I do need to learn more about what the orgasms can do."

Nomena turned to her parents and spoke to them at length in Malagasy. Her father looked at the sky in all directions, shook his head and spoke.

"My father said there is no storm."

"Not yet at least, but there will be." Ariana replied. "Is your father the local weatherman?"

"He can usually tell us a few days in advance of big storms."

"Ask him which direction big storms come from?"

She spoke to her father then turned back to Ariana. "The really big ones always come from the east and move northward."

They continued talking for about another twenty minutes as Ariana began to formulate ideas. She wasn't ready to discuss them yet with the villagers. A short time later, Ariana, her mother, and brother went back to the house.

"I see wheels turning in your head; what's on your mind?" her mother asked.

"Okay, when I cum we get flying clothes. When we came a little while ago, it wasn't just at the same time. I was touching you. I think that amplified it. Gaia said, there's strength and power in numbers, and that women are powerful creatures. A tornado won't stop a hurricane. To stop it we'll need more women cumming with us, and probably, Alex too. We do that at every one of our celebrations with the cup."

"I can see it now. Everyone cums, we make a giant tornado, which would likely kill us all. We can cum and go at the same time," Alex said, grinning.

"I like how you think, dit wad," Ariana said.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Aphrodite called.

Nomena walked in. She looked troubled. "When we have guests in the village, it's customary to make them feel as comfortable as possible. The elders have decided that the three of you need to be separated. They're concerned that if another tadio was generated, people could get hurt."

"Separate us how?" Alex asked.

"Just for sleeping really. You'll sleep in different houses. They don't want you having sex with each other."

"Nomena, the sex isn't a big deal, but I don't like splitting us up," Alex said.

"Alex, I'm not crazy about it either, but they've treated us well. We're here because Gaia wants us here. I think we're perfectly safe," his mother told him.

"I think so too," Ariana agreed.

Alex nodded to Nomena. "Aphrodite will use this house. Lanja has been assigned to stay with her. Ariana will stay at my home with Lanta. They have been told to provide for your every want and need. Alex, since you will be meeting with Gades, her mother, Pia, will be your companion. You will sleep at her home."

"Are we forbidden to have sex?" Ariana asked.

"Certainly not. They just don't want you to have sex with each other. You can have sex with any of the adults in the village," Nomena replied. "Are these arrangements acceptable?"

"They are," Aphrodite said.

Nomena turned and opened the front door. The twins and Pia stepped inside and walked to their assigned partners.

"They'll get each of you settled. Dinner is in about thirty minutes with the entire village, including the children."

"I'm going to need a different outfit then," Alex said.

"Already taken care of. Pia will dress you when you get to her home."

Alex and Ariana grabbed their bags, kissed their mother goodbye, and were led away by their companions. Lanja had Aphrodite's sarong off the moment the door closed.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

+1 Senor Dom!!!!!!


The story gets better and better...different locations, new people, new challenges...and Alex and his family are up to it.

Gaia has prepared them well, the flow of the individual moments is exciting...cannot wait for the meeting between Gades and Alex!

SenorDomSenorDomalmost 3 years ago

Loving the "dit wad" plot line!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I hope there is a chapter 11. Really have enjoyed this. It’s good reading and a pretty good story. As for previous comments from others...not sure why they are reading into the minute details of childish banter between brother and sister. If you’re the author and that’s the way you wanted it to be then who are we to question that? Either enjoy the story or don’t read it. That’s my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

is there more coming soon? i have been looking for it everyday. i really enjoy this story. keep it coming please.

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