Solstice Ch. 15

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Bad news and good virgins.
5.2k words

Part 15 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/15/2021
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Children of Gaia - Journal entry #1 (Alexandra writing)

We had been back for two days from Hawaii. Demi seemed sullen and out of sorts. We had all noticed it and asked her about it, but she simply said she'd tell us before Alex and Ariana left for Sedona. She called us together this morning.

Sitting around the table were me, Aphrodite, Ariana, Demi, and Alex.

Demi began, "Ally, as historian, you need to write down what I'm about to say and begin a new journal. It'll be called 'Children of Gaia.' You don't need to write it right now. Gaia has given you the ability of recall. You'll remember it word for word when you write. Just listen for right now.

"In Hawaii, the Oracle came to me and told me things. Some of those, I can reveal to you today. What I tell you is for the five of us only for now. The rest of the family will be told after the births of Alex' son, Titanus, by mom, and Adara's twins, Pontus and Artemus, at the summer solstice."

"Will Adara be there?" Alex asked.

"Yes, so will Miora. It's going to be the biggest festival ever. All the adult family in the country will be there," Demi said.

"Demi, that's over two hundred people," Di said.

"Yes, I know. Gaia will be there too, for all the family to see and hear."

"Demi, you're sure about this?" her mother asked.

"I'm sure."

"Do we need to make travel arrangements for...," Ariana began.

"Guys, hold the questions for now. I need to finish telling you this. After I'm done you can ask questions. Okay?" Demi asked. Everyone nodded. "There's a legend that many years ago there were two advanced civilizations, the Atlanteans and the Lemurians. The story goes that they disagreed on how less advanced people should be treated. The Atlanteans wanted to subjugate them. The Lemurians wanted to leave them alone and let them develop on their own. A war broke out between the two and wiped out the planet and almost everyone on it. All that was left were a few Lemurians. With the planet devastated, the Lemurians moved into a recess far below Mount Shasta in California, until the planet was habitable again, then repopulated the earth. It never actually happened that way. The legend came from a prophecy from the Oracle about something that's going to happen. There were no Atlanteans or Lemurians. In the actual prophecy the Atlanteans were the people of the earth. All except for the children of Gaia, our family, and the other small groups that Gaia has placed around the earth. Besides ours, Adara's, and Miora's, there are five others. They're in Australia, South America, China, northern Russia, and Israel."

Demi stopped and took a drink of water. "In just over two years...the world, as we know it, will change. Mankind will be at war. Within a year, our earth will be uninhabitable. The only people left will be the children of Gaia."

"Demi, you're saying the world is ending?" Alexander asked.

"The one we know. World War 3 will be a nuclear war. The air, water, and soil will be poisonous from the radiation. There won't be many people left near the end, and someone will trigger an event that'll kill them. I don't know who does it, and I guess it really doesn't matter. The largest atomic bomb ever, will be set off in Yellowstone and cause the mega volcano to erupt. The earth will be in darkness for about seven years. The last people and plants will die."

She took another drink of water. "The children of Gaia will be the only ones spared, all eight groups. We'll all be in an area that Gaia has created that will shield us. We'll be there until the sun returns then we will return to the earth to bring it back to life and repopulate it.

"Alex and Ariana are going to Sedona where Gaia will show them the portal. They'll be the first to see our future home. When they get back, they'll tell us all about it. Okay, question time. Who's first?" Demi asked.

"I am," her mother said. "You're sure about this?"

"It came from the Oracle. She showed me. It'll happen as I described."

"Demi, if the earth is poisoned, how are we going to clean it up?" Ariana asked.

"Gaia gave you power over water which controls weather. Your daughter, Terra, will have the power of the soil. Working together, you'll take care of that."

"Another orgasm thing?" Ariana asked.

Demi chuckled, "I doubt it. Terra will only be about eight or nine."

"Terra? I was planning on naming her Julie," Ariana said.

"Sorry, sis. The Oracle said it's Terra."

"How about the plants?" Alex asked.

"Artemus, your daughter with Adara, will take care of that. Between us, Adara, Miora, and our children, Gaia has everything covered."

"This place is going to be big enough for all eight groups?" Aphrodite asked.

"Plenty big enough, with lots of room for all the new babies. We'll all be able to understand each other's languages. Everyone will work together and create our new lives and societies. Each group will bring in their special skills and teach the rest. No crime, no illness, no war, it'll be a beautiful place."

"Does this place have a name?" Ariana asked.

"I vote for Alexville," Alex said.

"Sorry, the Oracle called it Xanadu."

"Cute movie, but dated," Di said.

"It won't be anything like the movie, mom."

"Demi, what about the good stuff we have? Things like cars, computers, TV?" Alex asked.

"When man goes, so does his technology. None of that stuff will exist. It won't be needed. The Oracle said, it won't be missed either."

"It's Arizona. What about air conditioning in the summer?" Ariana asked.

"In Xanadu, it won't be needed. Once we leave there, earth will be a lot different. The climate will be more temperate, much like we experienced in Hawaii."

"Demi, what about the reproduction?" I asked.

"That's where Alex comes in. He carries the seed of Gaia. All his offspring, including those currently developing, will have most of his physical gifts. His firstborn male to each of the eight groups will also have Gaia's seed. The other men, will still be fully functional sexually. For them it'll be for love and recreation, but not for reproduction. Our group pretty well lives that way now."

"What about relationships likes ours?" I asked my wife.

"Ally, we love who we love. If it's two women, two men, or any other combination it's fine. Race is the same way. The eight groups represent essentially all the races. We'll mix and match as we choose. Humankind's prejudices and biases are learned. Those won't exist anymore. We'll be children of Gaia, all of us." They were all quiet for a moment. "Nothing else?" No one spoke. "None of this to anyone else. Adara and Miora already know. I visited them earlier. Gaia will be telling our family at the summer solstice."

"Any clue where we'll find the portal?" Ariana asked.

"Not a clue, other than in Sedona. Gaia will show you. Have a fun trip."

End of entry #1


They all left the table. Each dealing with this revelation in their own way. Alex and Ariana left for Sedona. It would take about nine hours to get there. Both were quiet and introspective the first few hours.

"That was quite a shocker this morning," Ariana said.

"No kidding. Do you think Gaia is punishing people with this?"

"Like in the Noah story?"

"Yeah. God got pissed and wiped everyone out."

"No, I think this is mankind destroying itself."

"Seems like Gaia could step in and stop it."

"Alex, she probably could, but what would that accomplish? They'd be right back at it as soon as she turned her back."

"Yeah, probably. What about animals and stuff?"

"Alex, relax. Gaia has it all covered."

"I guess. Where are we staying in Sedona?"

"I got us a little cottage. It sits right on the edge of the valley. It's very private but less than a mile to the city center with all the shops and restaurants. You'll never guess what the cottage is named."


"Close but no cigar. It's Xanadu House."

"You're kidding."

She laughed. "Not at all. It really is."

"Too weird," he replied.

They arrived at the cottage about an hour before sunset. After unpacking they sat out back to watch the sunset over the valley.

"Ariana, look. That one shadow looks like an arrow," he said, pointing it out."

"Wow, it does. Do you think that might be our sign?"

"I doubt it. Gaia isn't known for being particularly subtle," Alex chuckled.

His chair began to wobble then fell backward dumping him out. He got up and looked at the chair. It seemed perfectly stable.

Ariana laughed. "Subtle enough for you?"

Alex shrugged and returned to his seat. They watched as the sun set in the west and the shadows became longer, all except the arrow. It remained where it was.

"That's our spot. We need to go there tomorrow," Ariana said.

"I think it's just..." His chair began shaking. "Good idea. We'll go tomorrow." The chair quit shaking.

Alex took out his phone to take a picture so they would have a visual reference for tomorrow. After taking the picture, he looked at it and laughed, then handed his phone to his sister.

She laughed, looking at the picture. "So much for subtlety."

The shadow was gone and had a yellow arrow pointing where the shadow had been. In script, near the tip of the arrow it read 'up here Alex!'

They showered and went to bed. Ariana was stroking his cock, lying beside him.

"Alex, where do I fit in your scheme of things?"

"I've got four wives. Mom was first, but she still loves dad too. She's also the matriarch and has a lot of responsibility with leading the family. Don't get me wrong, I love her as both my mother and my wife. Dad will be back when we get to Xanadu. I'm not sure what'll happen then.

"Demi and Ally are my wives. I love them too, but they're also in love with each other.

"I see you and I as husband and wife first, brother and sister second, Papas and Mamas third. I see you more as my wife, wife. If that makes any sense. A wife in a more traditional sense. My best friend, partner, and the one I turn to for support. Your position, as I see it, is special. If something happened that I had to give someone up, giving you up would be devastating. I wish I knew a way to show you how important you are to me."

Ariana smiled. "You have no idea how precious that is to me. Even as a little girl, I told everyone that you were my boyfriend and someday we were going to get married. When mom gave me the Emamas book to read when I was sixteen, it was like a dream come true. I realized we really would be married. I want us to be exactly what you just described. That's my dream. I want to make babies and be by your side in all things. I talked to mom while you were in Hawaii. She told me how she thought you felt. Mom even suggested that you and I share the master like she and dad did."

"I thought about that, but I was afraid I'd offend her."

"She's good with it. I wouldn't be surprised if she moved my stuff while we're gone."

"Do my Papas duties bother you?"

"Not at all. It's what you're supposed to be doing. That's your job. Now, if I find out you're boinking the girl at the 7-11, you're going to have hell to pay," she said, grinning.

"That won't be happening."

"Good. You realize that once we get in Xanadu..." She laughed. "God, I hope Olivia Newton-John isn't there. Anyway, when we get there, you're probably going to be servicing over a hundred women."

"I got the feeling from Demi that I'll be impregnating, not servicing."

"I guess we'll see. They'll still be wanting your cum. It does have some really nice side effects."

"I suppose. Just remember, at the end of the day, I come home to you."

She smiled, "And Mom, and sometimes to Demi and Ally."

"But mainly to you."

"Enough talk. Wanna eat each other?" she asked.

"I'd love to," he replied.

Ariana turned around and straddled his face. Alex kissed her mons then began kissing the entire area. She used her tongue to tease the head of his cock. The pre-cum, as always, acted as an aphrodisiac and had her rocking her pussy over his face. His hands were stroking the smooth surface of her ass. Ariana came easily but Alex kept his activities just low enough not to push her over.

"Alex, please? You're driving me crazy."

"Are you in a hurry?"

"I'm going to implode. My boobs will swell up five times their normal size, Terra will start kicking my bladder, and my labia will start snapping at your face. Please?" she begged.

Alex moved his tongue to her clit and began teasing her bud. She took half his cock in her mouth and began bobbing frantically.

"Uh, uh, uh, uhhhhh...," she grunted and pressed her pussy hard onto him as she came. Alex eased off after a moment and let her catch her breath before sucking her sensitive clit into his mouth. His arms encircled her hips to keep her from pulling away. She screamed a muffled scream as she came again. Alex eased to let her relax then filled her mouth with his cum. She came again just after he did then collapsed onto him. Cum dripped from her mouth as she did. After about a minute she raised her head. Seeing the cum on his thigh, she licked off.

"Oh shit! I forgot...ohhhhhh," she screamed again in a fourth orgasm, then collapsed again.

"There should be a warning label on your cock," she whimpered. "Caution: contents will make you cum regardless of how exhausted you are."

"Put it on with a marker. I'm not getting it tattooed."

"Chicken," she said.

"And not afraid to admit it."


The morning found them walking through the valley. Even in the spring, Arizona heated up quickly. The area on the picture appeared to go between two large stone formations. When they walked between them it appeared to be a dead end.

"This has got to be the place, but it's a dead end," Alex said.

"Let me see the picture," she said. They looked at it together. "Alex, the arrow points down, but the text says, 'UP here.' They both looked up. About eight feet up appeared to be a ledge. "Lift me up so I can see over."

"Not a chance. Rattlesnakes sun on ledges like that," he replied then jumped up and grabbed the ledge and looked over. "No snakes," he said dropping back down.

"Why would a snake bite me but not you?" she asked.

"I imagine it would have bit me too if it had been there."

"What's up there?"

"A hole in the rock."

"Big enough to go in?" she asked.

"Easy. I'll lift you up but wait on me. Let's go in together."

He grabbed her just above the knees and lifted. She easily pulled herself onto the ledge. Alex jumped and grabbed the ledge and hoisted himself up. They held hands and stepped into the hole. About six feet in, they hit a dead end.

"Okay, now what?" Ariana asked, putting her hand up to lean on the wall. "Alex!" she yelled as she began falling into what appeared to be solid rock. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back. Her arm had gone into the rock as if it hadn't been there. They held hands and both stepped into the rock.


Demi looked at her mother. "They found the portal."

"What's it like?" Di asked.

"I don't know. As soon as they entered, I lost contact."

"Damn, I knew I should have gone with them."

"Mom, at six months pregnant, rock climbing in the desert is about the last thing you should be doing. Gaia wouldn't have sent them if it was dangerous."

"I suppose you're right. Keep trying and keep me posted."

"I will."


"Holy crap, this is impossible!" Alex gasped.

"Apparently not," his sister replied.

"We should be standing inside a freaking rock!" he said.

They were on a grassy hillside overlooking a beautiful lush green valley. The sky over head was blue with a few clouds. The sun was off to the east where it had been. A river ran through the valley. There were plants and flowers everywhere. They could feel a soft breeze on their faces. The temperature was probably mid-seventies, at least twenty degrees cooler than where they had been a moment earlier.

"Facetime, Mom. She's gotta see this."

Alex pulled out his phone. It was off. He held down the button to turn it on. Nothing happened. It was dead. He looked at his digital watch. It was also dead.

"No phone or watch. Maybe they don't work in here."

Out of curiosity, he turned to put his hand on the rock they had passed through. All he saw was more valley. The rock was gone.

"How do we get out?" Ariana asked.

"Good question? I wish I had an answer for it."

"There's a path in front of us. Wanna try that?" she asked.

"I'm game."

They walked down the path looking around. There was no sign of anyone. They saw fruit trees and vegetables growing most anywhere they looked. The first sign of life, other than plants, were the butterflies. They were about the size of a sheet of notebook paper.

As they neared the valley floor, they could see buildings scattered around. Some looked like they would have a single room. Others looked larger. They went inside the first one they came to. It was like a traditional Hawaiian style hut. The inside frame was made from palm trees with a thatch roof. There was no glass in the windows, simply a thatch curtain that could be pulled closed. There were several rooms surrounding a larger central room with rustic bed frames made of bamboo. Alex felt the mattress then tried it out.

"This is really nice. Try it," he said.

She laid next to him. "Nice. We'll have to test one out properly before we leave."

"If and when we find a way out."

"Look for an arrow," she chuckled.

They explored several others. Some were homes and others served different functions. There was one with lots of tables like a big dining room. One was a bath house. Another looked like a school with multiple classrooms. This was an entirely pre-made community.

"This is amazing. I wonder how they got the running water? I haven't seen anything metal or plastic to use for pipe," Ariana asked.

"I looked at one. There are small water towers scattered around. Somehow Gaia has the water running uphill into them for storage. Gravity lets the water flow into the houses when you turn the bamboo nob. Where it drains to is still a mystery. It's all primitive but designed beautifully with things you can walk out and cut down."

"Have you seen any sign of animals?"

"Nothing so far. Let's walk over to the river," Alex suggested.

As they neared the river, they saw cutout canoes and a pier to tie them to. Fish appeared to be abundant. There were no animal tracks near the river.

"Looks like a paleo diet without the meat so far," Ariana said.

"What about clothes, surely everyone's not running around naked?" Alex asked.

"What does Gaia wear?"

"Not a thing," he replied.

"I'm pretty sure I saw cotton growing along the path we took. If you knew how you could make clothes from that. I'll bet some of the other groups will bring that skill with them. Alex, how many people do you think could live here?"

He looked around for a moment. "I'd guess a thousand or more, and there's plenty of room to build even more."

"To feed that many we'll have to set up fields for crops," Ariana said.

"There's plenty of room. I wonder how big it is?"

"As big as it needs to be," she chuckled. "This is like a sophisticated version of Miora's village."

"It is. Isn't it?"

"What time do you think it is?" Ariana asked, looking at the sky.

"Mid-afternoon, I'd guess."

"I think we should christen Xanadu then figure out how to get back to our cottage before dark."