Solstice Ch. 23


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Aphrodite gave her a sideways glance then smiled. "Careful, you're on thin ice, little girl." Urania blushed. "She's right. Keeping Xanadu alive is draining me. We have six months before we begin the cleaning. That takes a year. Then we put plants on it. That's six more months. Once we have plants, we add the animals. Six months later we move. That's two and a half more years. I'm cutting it really close strength wise. If we have no delays, we'll make it. If you, Ariana, and Terra fail, everyone in Xanadu is going to die."

"Fuck!" Alex snapped.

"Dad, you're going to have to go in strong. With all eight personas, Ariana, and Terra cumming, then drop your bubble. I've calculated from what Grandma said about how fast it works. It'll clear an area with 1.4 feet per second once it begins. In less than five seconds you'll have a space large enough for the three of you. Five seconds, Dad."

"Can we survive five seconds?" Alex asked.

"That I can't answer yet. I don't have enough information," Urania replied.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!" he shouted, as he paced around the room. "Ariana and Terra need to be told of the risk."

"I agree," Urania said.

When Alex left, he went to his wife and daughter and explained the situation to them. They still wanted to proceed.


After a long discussion over the next week, it was decided to cancel the A-bomb test. If it was successful, they would gain a small amount of information, but if it failed, they were all doomed. The risk didn't outweigh the benefits.

Alex continued his other testing and learning to control the bubble but failed to discover an alternative.


The day before the cleansing, Alex' stress level had reached its max. Ariana suggested that Alex get away with Terra for the day. He agreed but also had a persona with Ariana. Both women wanted to spend the day with family and friends. Neither showed any indication of fear or nervousness.

In the evening, Ariana wanted alone time with Alex. They had a nice dinner for two then retired early to their room.

"Alex, can you turn off your enhancements?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Make love to me tonight. Let's just be a regular husband and wife. No magic pre-cum, enlarging dick, or super cum."

"May I ask why?"

"I fell in love with you when I was a little girl. When I became a big girl, we made love. Not once in all these years have we ever just made love. Between your superpowers and elixirs, we've always been enhanced. I want to know what it's like just being people who love each other."

"What if I'm lousy in bed?" he asked, with a curt smile.

"I guess I'll have to dump you. Shut up and make love to me."

Alex looked at his sister. "You know I love you, don't you?"

"Yes, I know that. I also know that you know I love you. Are you going to make love to me, or talk all night?"

He didn't answer with words as his lips met hers. Both moved slowly, as if it was their first time together. No part of her body went unexplored as he proceeded. Alex kissed and nibbled his way down as she cooed. She almost came when he kissed her mons the first time. Sensing it, he backed off. She would cum when he was ready. He edged her for what seemed to Ariana as hours. When he finally began tonguing her clit, she exploded with a moan that could be heard throughout the entire house. Her hips raised completely off the bed as she came. Ariana's entire body shuddered before finally dropping back onto the bed. Alex watched her as she slowly began returning to the present and smiled.

"Wow!" she whimpered. "That was the biggest of my entire life."

"Oh bull. You had bigger when you took that elixir," he replied.

"Not bigger, just more explosive. This one lasted longer than anything we've ever done. Come up here. I need you inside me."

Alex moved up and positioned himself between her legs then slid his cock into her. As they began slowly moving on each other she looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Troubled?" she asked.

"Worried about tomorrow. If anything happened to you or Terra, I'd never forgive myself."

"Alex, you've given me everything I ever dreamed of and more. Tomorrow, you, me, and Terra are going to create a world for the children of Gaia. I'm willing to take whatever risks I need to, with you, to accomplish that. Terra is too. Tonight, I need you to hold me, make love to me, and be completely in the present. Will you do that for me?"

Alex smiled then kissed her. "I can do that. God, I love you."

"And I love you...until the end of time," Ariana replied.


Two rooms away, Alex and his daughter, Terra, were laying together.

"I thought you'd be with Titanus tonight."

"No, tonight I wanted to be with you. He's busy with one of the others tonight," she replied.

"Anxious about tomorrow?" he asked.

"Not at all. I'm excited. Tomorrow I fulfill my other destiny."

"Other destiny?"

"My first was to give you our daughters, Sol and Luna."

"What treasures they are," he said, smiling.

"They love their daddy. So does their mom. I want you to always remember that."

"I'll remember," Alex replied, kissing her."

Their hands began caressing each other and soon they were physically joined.


Alex was up early and drinking coffee with his mother.

"Alex, when you're there today, Ariana and Terra are going to need more help than just the bubble."

"What kind of help?" he asked.

"In order to begin the cleansing, they're going to need your fertile sperm to give them the power to do it."

"That shouldn't be a problem."

"They'll tell you what they need and when. Listen to them. If you don't, you'll all fail."

"Mom, I'll listen."

"Don't just listen, do what they tell you."

"Mom, I know how important this is. Trust me."

"Promise me," she said.

"Fine! I promise," he said, somewhat annoyed by her persistence.

"You're keeping one persona here?"

Alex chuckled. "Yes, mother. We've been over this multiple times."

"Just making sure," Aphrodite replied.


The cleansing was planned for noon. With the importance of the event, it was to be based in the assembly hall with most of the adults in the community.

After one last review, Ariana, Terra, and eight Alex personas went onto the platform and removed their robes. The other Alex stayed nearby with Aphrodite, Demi, Alexandra, and Urania.

"Alex, follow their instructions," Aphrodite said.

All nine Alex' gave her a thumbs up and smiled. Ariana and Terra got on their hands and knees. An Alex got behind each and began fondling their pussies. Once wet, they slipped their cocks inside.

"When you're both cumming we'll go," Alex told his wife and daughter.

They nodded as they began moving on the cocks inside them. As soon as they began to flush, a moment later, all the Alex' joined hands. The bubble appeared as both Alex' came in the women. A few seconds later, Ariana and Terra came. The bubble and all ten occupants disappeared.

They were inches above the ground with soil beneath them. The bubble moved laterally and stopped where one side was over land and the other above water. The air outside the bubble was so clouded there was no visibility. Alex set them gently on the ground.

"Weaken it so we can get through," Ariana said.

Alex slowly eased off. "I don't like this," he said, but continued.


"They're in and easing down the bubble strength. Everything seems good so far," Alex, in Xanadu, said. "Almost there...hands are through."


"Weaken a little more," Terra said.

"Be ready. We're going to need the dimiourgo sperm in a second," Ariana advised.

One at a time, the Alex personas began to fade. They'd never done that before. They had always just vanished.

"Something's wrong! We've gotta stop," Alex shouted.

"No! Keep going," Ariana insisted.

"Now, dad!" Terra shouted as only the last two Alex remained.

"Dimiourgo!" Alex screamed.

His personas both came, then vanished. The bubble was gone and replaced by a spinning wind that was clearing the air and expanding around them. As Ariana and Terra came, their bodies began to wither and fall.


"Noooooo! Oh god! No!!" Alex, in Xanadu, screamed, as he vanished.

Alex stood within the whirlwind. It had grown to a width of about five feet and was completely calm in the center. Where Ariana and Terra had been there was nothing.

Alex screamed at the top of his lungs. "NOOOO!!!!"

He began pounding the ground repeatedly as he screamed and cried. The ground began to shake and tremble, both on the ground and in Xanadu.


"They've done it," Demi said, just as the shaking started. "Mom?"

"That's Alex. He's there. His anger is causing the quakes," Aphrodite said.

"Why's he angry?" Urania asked.

"All eight personas, Ariana, and Terra, are gone," Demi replied.

"Oh God," Alexandra said, crying.

Demi took Ally in her arms. "They knew this was a one-way trip," she said, as she began crying.

"That's why Terra asked me to take care of the girls?" Ally asked. Demi nodded. "I need to go to them. This is going to kill Alex," she sobbed.

Demi looked at her mother. Aphrodite looked as if she'd aged ten years in the last few minutes as tears streamed down her cheeks too. Aphrodite turned and left the building.

"Someone tell us what's happening," a woman called out.

Urania stepped onto the platform then turned to the crowd. "They were successful getting the cleaning started, but we lost Ariana and Terra doing it."

"They died?" someone asked.

"Yes, along with eight of the nine Alex," Urania replied.

There was a lot of mumbling within the crowd. "We should honor them," Chen, from the China group said.

"Name the planet Terra, and the ocean Ariana," someone shouted.

The assembly leader stood. "All in favor?" she asked. The group roared. "Opposed?" There was silence. "Motion passed. Can we have a moment of silence?"

There was utter silence for a moment then people began leaving. Within an hour there were flowers picked and surrounding the house where the two women had lived.


By the time Alex raised his head, the whirlwind had grown to over a hundred yards across. He looked up and saw a clear blue sky. The water next to him was crystal clear. Even knowing that they had succeeded, didn't lighten his guilt. "I failed you. Oh god, I failed you," he said. "Ariana, Terra, I'm so sorry." Alex vanished.

Aphrodite was sitting alone in the grass near the lake. Her head was down. Tears dripped into her lap as she felt Alex' presence behind her.

"Mom, I failed them. They're dead," he cried.

She stood and turned to her son and held out her arms. He walked up and melted into her.

"You didn't fail. They knew they wouldn't be coming back."

Alex pulled back. "What? You knew? They knew?" he asked angrily.

"It was the only way," she said.

"You should have told me! We wouldn't have gone."

"That's why I couldn't tell you."

"Who else knew?"

"Demi and Helen, they're the oracles."

"No one else?" he asked, angrily. Aphrodite shook her head. "Fuck you, Demi, and Helen! I never want to see your faces again." Alex vanished.

Aphrodite walked back to the house a while later.

"Mom, have you heard from Alex?" Demi asked.

"Yes, he came to me a couple of hours ago. When he found out that you, Helen, and I knew what would happen, he got angry and left."

"Where is he?" Ally asked.

"I don't know. He's not in Xanadu."

"I can't sense him," Demi replied.

"We need to leave him alone for now. He's really hurting. Let's give him space," Aphrodite said.


Alex materialized at the old family home in Colorado, in Ariana's room. Laying on her bed, his mind was filled with her memory. He cried himself to sleep. Alex had no idea how long he slept, but still felt exhausted. He picked up a picture off her dresser of happier times. It was a picture with them when they were both teens. He started crying again.


Life in Xanadu was somber for the next few days. Only 'the old ones' had known death. Over time, the flowers in the yard discolored and wilted. Sol and Luna picked them up and planted a small flowerbed for their mother and grandmother. Ally, as she had promised Terra, spent a lot of time with them. They all cried often. The girls were about fifteen in Xanadu time. Except for their father's absence, their lives slowly returned to normal.

About a month had passed when Helen came to them as they tended the flower bed. "Your dad has been coming to the gardens to eat. He comes just before sunrise every day. He always starts at the tomatoes."

The girls looked at each other and smiled.

"Thanks, Helen," Sol said.

"You're welcome," she replied.

That evening the two girls spent time learning to make cookies with their aunt Ally. At bedtime they headed to the gardens. One carried a blanket, the other had the cookies with her. They spread out the blanket near the tomato garden and waited.

When Alex arrived early in the morning, he saw them. Both were asleep. He walked to them and sat on the ground near them and lightly kissed each on the cheek, trying not to wake them.

Luna opened her eyes and smiled. "Hi dad."

"Hi baby. I've missed you."

"We've missed you too," Sol agreed.

"We made you some cookies," Luna told him, as both girls sat up.

"You made them?"

"With Ally's help," she replied.

Sol handed him one. He tasted it and smiled. "Delicious. Thank you."

Luna handed him a folded piece of paper. "Mom left this for you."

Alex looked at it and teared. Then slowly opened it and began reading.


I imagine you're hurting pretty bad right now after what happened. I'm also pretty sure you're angry too. You shouldn't be.

A couple of years ago Demi saw the future and realized what would happen. She talked to grandma about it, hoping that as Gaia she could change it.

Grandma explained that trying to hold Xanadu together was draining her. She no longer had that kind of power. Grandma talked to Mom and me and explained it. We both agreed that our sacrifice would be small if it would save everyone else. We agreed immediately to go through with it. Helen, when she turned eighteen, saw the future too. We told no one else.

Our biggest concern was you. We knew how much you loved us and that if you knew what was going to happen, you'd never allow it. The five of us agreed to hide it from you. The people of Xanadu needed our small sacrifice to survive. We couldn't tell you.

Mom probably knew you better than anyone. Her biggest concern was what would happen to you afterward. She knew you'd be devastated. We all did.

Your sacrifice was far greater than ours. We're with Gaia now and you're still in Xanadu, probably alone, and hating yourself for not being able to fix it. You aren't alone. Sol and Luna will always be there for you. They need you as much as you need them. They were conceived the day after I found out about the future. They're my gift to you. They'll help you to remember, but they'll also help you to forgive us for deceiving you.

You need to forgive Demi, Helen, and your mom. They did what was best for over a thousand people even though they knew how much it would hurt you. They love you enough they could do that, knowing they might lose you forever. Please don't let that happen.

One day, hopefully many years from now, you'll be with us again in Gaia. We aren't gone. We're with you with every step you'll ever take.

I love you. I always have and I always will.


Alex was crying shortly after he started reading. When he finished, he handed the note back to his daughter.

"I think it's time to come home, huh?"

Both girls nodded and the three embraced for a long time. He had the girls read the note as they sat there eating the cookies. They gathered up the blanket and walked back to the house. Alex sent the girls off to bed then made a pot of coffee. He poured two cups and walked to his mother's room.

She looked at him as he walked up beside her bed. "I understand now," he said, offering her a cup of coffee. "I'm sorry for what I said. Can you forgive me?" he asked, tearing.

"Welcome home, my love," she said, as she held her arms out to him.

Alex set the coffees on the table and went to her. Their lips met as they embraced. Aphrodite tore his clothes off as they began exploring each other with their hands and lips.

Alex worked his way down her body as he explored and took her nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue before moving to the other. Her fingers ran through his hair as she held him close. Alex continued his journey to her nether parts and kissed, nibbled, and licked his way. As he reached her groin, she drew her legs apart for him. Alex' tongue stroked her right up the middle between her labia. She moaned loudly as his tongue entered her.

"Alex, turn around. I need some breakfast too."

Alex repositioned himself and his mother crawled on top of him, offering her pussy and taking him in her mouth. With her first taste of his pre-cum she flushed. He felt her clit get rock hard and teased it with his tongue.

"Mmmph, mmph," she mumbled as her pelvis rocked on her son's face. He felt her stiffen and sucked her clit into his mouth. Aphrodite groaned loudly as she came. She took him into her mouth completely, and in seconds, Alex was filling her mouth with his warm offering. Just as she began to relax her second orgasm overwhelmed her. She rode through it with him deep in her throat, causing Alex to explode again. Alex pulled out as she came a third time from his cum. Her moans were heard throughout the house.

"Alex is home," Demi said to Alexandra.

"Something tells me they're just getting started. Shall we have a little playtime of our own?" Ally asked.

Demi didn't answer as she turned putting her face in her wife's pussy and offering her own.

Titanus was sleeping with Helen and Urania just one room farther away. All three chuckled and started a party of their own.

Soon, there were moans coming from all over the house. The only two that managed to sleep through it were Sol and Luna, who had been up most of the night.


Life, for the most part, returned to normal. Alex slept with his mother full time, but still made an occasional visit elsewhere. At festivals and celebrations, he stayed with Aphrodite and rarely participated. He spent a lot of his time with his daughters, Luna and Sol.

Just before the fall equinox they came to him and invited him on a picnic. Both had just turned eighteen.

"Dad, we need a favor," Sol told him.

"What's that?"

"We want you to be our first," Luna replied.

"Why not Titanus, he's papas?" he asked.

"Because we love you," Luna said.

"Not to mention, we heard you're the best," Sol grinned.

Alex laughed. "Who told you that?"

"Everybody that's been with you both," Sol replied.

"Yeah, and rumor has it you have special talents," Luna added.

"Check with Titanus, Demi, Ally, and Aphrodite. If they're okay with it, I am too."

"Already done. They're fine with it," Sol replied.

"I guess we're good then," he chuckled.

"We want to spend the night with you too. So, you can teach us."

"I could teach you much of it, but a woman would be better for some things."

"Aphrodite has volunteered to join us for that part," Luna grinned.

"Sounds like you have this all planned out."

"She also said we can join you two in your big bed whenever we want," Luna laughed.

"I think I'm too old for that."

"Oh bull. We hear you guys two or three times a day," Sol replied.

"That's probably Titanus."

"Nope. He makes them moan a couple of times. You make them scream a couple of times," Luna said.

"And moan lots of times," Sol added.