Some Threesomes are Great Ch. 02


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There was a small service bar just outside of the door into the cabin and I walked over and grabbed a roll of paper towels and handed them to Bob that he used to clean himself off. He handed a wad to Sara.

Just then one of the couples that had be inside decided to come out for fresh air. We didn't realize it but they had been standing just inside of the door looking at the sights behind the boat as we passed them and not only saw the sights but also the three of us going at it. The gal looked at Bob in awe of his cock and the guy just mumbled something about,

"Lucky guy" he mumbled.

We all laughed but the gal kept giving Bob the eye even as we were finally getting off the boat at the end of the cruise. We better watch that bitch!

We caught a Metro back to her apartment and hit the neighborhood café just down the street from her place for a final-final before we were going to hit the sack. Marlo and I were dragging for neither of us really slept that well on the flight over so it sure wasn't going to be a late night.

We spent the next few days visiting a ton of the famous Paris sights. The Louvre had me wanting to come back for more but the place is so huge it would take forever to make a dent in seeing all it has to offer.

One morning I asked Bob is he had heard when we were going to meet her new boyfriend and he hadn't but suggested we just ask. I did and instantly got a huge blush.

"What's the matter Sara. Why are you blushing?

"Well, to tell the truth I am very nervous about it. If you and Bob don't like him I'll have to dump him and I think I really like him."

I screamed at her, "That's BULLSHIT." And that brought Bob out of the bedroom on the double and out with us.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

"Sara is under the impression that if we don't fall in love with her new boyfriend she will have to get rid of him and she really likes him so she as nervous as hell about our meeting him."

"Sara, c'mon, stop that and stop it now. You and I love each other and you don't think for one minute that if you like him Marlo and I won't. And guess what, even if we hated the asshole, he's your asshole so that will make him OK in our eyes."

'My asshole' sure has a way with words and we all roared.

That brought a whole new look to her face and she said, "OK, I thought that the three of us would go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower tonight after the light show starts. After seeing that we would drop down to the Jules Verne restaurant in the lower level of the Tower where we will meet him for a nice dinner.

There are two elevators that take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower and we hardly had to wait at all for the first one. When we got to the first level and made the turn, the next one was also sitting there waiting for us. Not another person in sight. Whoopee, who knows what will happen up there?

We walked around the parapet to get a good view of the sights from that altitude and were in awe of the beauty far below. Bob got a head of us and Sara pulled me aside and asked,

"Mar, this might be the last time we will ever have sex together and I hope you won't mind if I give your hubby a BJ up here. I know it would turn him on and it will have me going crazy."

"Sara, I would be pleased to think that someone as special to us as you are was going to be giving him a high altitude blow job. This would be the next thing to the one I gave him on the plane coming over."

"Really, did you? Tell me about it." She begged.

"Another time Sara. Go and do your thing right now before we get some visitors."

Sure enough she walked up behind up and threw her arms around him turned him to her in the process. When he turned all the way she planted her lips on his and reached down and had her hand massaging his cock as the kiss went on. She soon had him hard and then had it out for the entire world to see. He was hard as a board and with his cock pointing out over the city far below us as he let out one huge bellow of,

"Fuck Paris and the French."

Damn, I thought the gendarmes we saw all over the place would have us in jail for that but they either didn't hear it or decided we were just a few drunk Americans and let it go.

Sara was on her knees in a flash and while I always was amazed at how much of his cock she could get in her mouth this time she was even more awesome. She damn near had it buried. He didn't need to thrust she was doing enough of that for both of them and it didn't take long before he was damn near howling with the passion rising deep in his balls. She reached in and lightly touched his balls and that did it. He was filling her mouth with his love juices and she was gulping them down as fast as he was unloading them.

The light show was beautiful after which we headed for the top to middle elevator. When we got to the lower platform there were two or three gendarmes and what looked like a couple of pair of tourists standing there looking up in the air. When they say us get off the elevator they all broke into a tremendous round of applause. They had been staring at a TV set that was showing the top deck on the screen. The whole top deck was monitored with TV cameras and everything we had done had been watched by all of them. Talk about embarrassed. I was mortified but Sara just took it with a grain of sand took a little bow for the crowd as they applauded again.

We went down to the entrance to the restaurant with Bob in the lead followed by Sara and myself. As we were going through the door she said,

"I'd love to have a picture of his face when he sees you are black."

"Really! what you are saying is that you are so ashamed that your brother married a black woman that you chose not to tell him until he was in a position where it would be embarrassing to him and you if her rebelled in public. Well Sara, I'll save you the problem."

I turned and said, "Bob, I'm not feeling well and I'm going to catch a cab back to the apartment. Have a nice dinner and you can tell the guy I approve of him. I'll see you later."

He was shocked and said, "Honey, what's up? You are crying or have been"

"No, nothing babe. I'll be fine just go and enjoy the dinner and don't to be too hard on the guy."

With that I quickly turned and took a few fast steps to the entrance to the elevator. It was just stopping and disgorging passengers and I jumped on and was on the street below in a minute or so.

So, live and learn as they say. I would never have guessed Sara felt that way about me but there it was. Our return flight home leaves the morning after tomorrow so I won't have to face her very long.

I got madder and more hurt the more I thought about the situation and knew I didn't want to face her again. As soon as I got to the apartment I got on the phone and found a hotel room a mile or so away and made the reservation and called for a cab to be at the apartment in twenty minutes. I left a note for Bob telling him I would call him in the morning and then scurried around packing my stuff and dragging my rolling case down to the curb.

The room was fine and I was asleep in a half-hour. The next morning I called and Sara answered the phone.

"Good morning Sara, please put Bob on"

"Mar, I'm so sorry you got upset with me last night. I certainly never meant to offend you."

"No problem Sara. Make I speak to Bob please?"

He was on the phone in a flash asking if I was all right.

"I'm fine honey. How about grabbing a cab over here and YOU AND I can spend our last day in Paris just putzing around. Perhaps another quick visit to the Louvre?"

"I am thrilled to hear you are OK but you sure worried the hell out of me. Promise you will never hurt me like this because someone else hurt you. OK?"

"OK. How soon will you be here? Look, why don't you pack up your stuff and bring it along. We can leave for the airport from here in the morning? You can say goodbye to Sara for me."

"Honey, this isn't right to leave here like this. Sara went out of her way to host us and I think she did a great job of it. We can't let the trip be ruined because of one issue."

"Bob, I don't want to hear another word about this. I have listened to this kind of crap my whole life and enough is enough --- no more; particularly from my own family. Don't you understand it? It's not what she said but it is the way she feels deep down that came out without her even knowing it. Now if you don't want to come over her to spend the day with me just let me know and I'll get ready and go myself."

"I'll be there in forty five minutes or so." He said through grated teeth.

"Fine. See you then." I replied with equally grated teeth.

We had a nice last day in Paris and a wonderful night. Our flight home the next day was delayed an hour but after that went off without a hitch. Our airport arrival here in the States was magnificent. My parents had little Johnny all dressed up spiffy and holding the toy rabbit I had given to him at the airport when we were leaving over a week earlier. As we emerged from the jet way you could have heard him scream a mile off,

"Mommy, Daddy, here I am." Both Bob and I pushed aside other travelers to get to him and then we damn near squished him to death with our hugs.

Whew, never again. We will never go anywhere without him. I don't care how inconvenient or much trouble it is ... we are a family and he is a major part of it.

My folks said he was a little prince and waited patiently each night for our phone calls. We had timed them so he would be just getting ready for bed and Bob and I would tell him how much we loved him and all of the things we were getting for him. The calls sure made us feel better and they seemed to please him.

Well, the months went by with me getting bigger by the day. I entertained myself by decorating the spare bedroom into a nursery. I even got up on a small ladder and put a wallpaper strip at the top of the walls with all of the usual cartoon characters seen on TV. Little Johnny would come in and help and tell me how much fun he was going to have playing with a sister. Bob never mentioned it but it was becoming obvious to me that I was no longer walking ... I was waddling. Big deal, it was the best I could do.

We were still having sex but it was a lot quieter and far less rambunctious. Our favorite position soon became us lying on our sides with him spooning to me and entering me from the rear. He was very gentle and I truly believe that if it weren't for me being so horny he would have done without sex for the entire pregnancy.

I can't begin to count how much time we have spent trying to choose a name. We went through any number of books listing them and were still discussing them in the eighth month.

Driving a car became a real ordeal. Not the actual driving but just getting in and out of the car and then strapping Johnny in his car seat was a major event.

For some darn reason I went up to the third floor of our house to a storage area to grab some old silverware Bob's parents used and I was coming down the stairs and the next thing I knew I was in an ambulance with the siren screaming. There were two EMS techs in the back with me and I asked what I was doing there. They informed me I must have tripped coming down the stairs and took a huge tumble. I asked them how they knew about it and they pointed to a little fellow sitting in a car seat up by the driver and they said he rang the alarm.

When he saw me lying there and not moving he ran out of the house and pounded on the door of the house next door crying his heart out while telling our neighbor his Mommy was lying on her back on the stairs and wouldn't talk to him. The neighbors called 911, EMS was there in a flash and they got me out of the house and into the ambulance and I gave them Bob's work phone number. He must have broken every speed limit in town for he was at the Emergency entrance waiting for our arrival. I knew he was there for the loudest thing I heard was Johnny yelling,

"Daddy, Daddy, here we are." My little protector at work again.

There wasn't any time for him and I to chat as they whisked me away to the ER area.

An hour later he was let in to Intensive Care to see me and from the look on his face I knew the worst. I had lost the baby but I was all right. Oh God, NO... What did I do to deserve this?

He tried to put on a brave face in front of me but in a minute the tears were flowing down his cheeks like a river.

"Oh Bob, I'm so sorry. I have no idea why I thought it was important to go up to the third floor to get that silverware."

He stroked my forehead while saying that the main thing was that I was all right. Where would he and little John be without me?

"Oh Bob, we were so close. I was just over eight months along."

Then it was all I could do to breathe. I was gasping and trying to gulp air but my sobs and tears were making it very hard. He reached into the bed and pulled me to him and we both were crying like a baby as he was patting my back.

I won't go into the next few weeks for they were very difficult. Thousands of others have suffered the same loss but it is very hard to bear.

It was a real challenge to just walk past the room I had been decorating for the arrival of the newborn that should have been there by then. But one night I managed it. I went into the new baby's room and just sat on the floor looking around in every direction at the little things we had gotten for her arrival. The little toys that hung on strings over the bassinet were swaying in the breeze of the AC system waiting for her to see, the pile of stuffed animals waiting for her to hold, the crib she would use when she outgrew the bassinet, the colored plastic figurines on the window, the beautiful pink blanket and bed sheets my parents had bought for her and on and on. Bob came past and found me sitting on the floor looking at this stuff and he sat down beside me and slung one arm over my shoulders.

"Marlo, it has ben very tough on us but I am sure we will get through this. Not tonight or tomorrow but someday."

My tears and sobs started right then and so did his. Here we were, two adults crying like little children. I put one arm around his neck and just held on for all I was worth. Right then we heard a little small voice saying,

"Why are you crying Mommy and Daddy? I know you aren't going to bring my sister home but I'm still here, can't you love me?" The tears were rolling down his cheeks as he was saying this.

Oh my God what have we done?

"You better believe it big man. C'mere and give us a hug." Bob ordered.

He jumped into our outstretched arms and clung to both of us. The little fellow somehow had the idea that because we weren't going to be able to bring his sister home that we didn't love him anymore. God, he couldn't have been more wrong. If anything we will love him even more if that is at all possible. His feeling the way he had broke our hearts even more than they already were and it was our fault.

Things went on pretty much the way they were before our trip to Paris. Sara called a few times to tell us she really liked the guy and they were getting very serious. Bob was thrilled for her but I hadn't gotten over her racial slight.

Sometime much later, perhaps a year or so, we tried again to have another child but things didn't work out. Bob went back to his doctor and tests were made and they discovered the surgery he had to undo his vasectomy had only been moderately successful. Right at that time he was as good as sterile but they didn't know if the tubes would open up again. To tell the truth neither of us were that anxious to go through another pregnancy. We didn't want to live with the uncertainty of getting pregnant again in the upcoming years for we didn't think that if anything happened again like it had, either of us could come through it without being totally devastated.

Our final decision was for Bob to go back under the knife and get a complete vasectomy once and forever. That he did and we will go through our lives with the sweetest, smartest and most handsome little man at our sides.

Our lives are going great. Bob's business is growing quickly. My folks are healthy and they worship the little man. They have also fallen in deep love with the big man in my heart ... Bob. Talking about the little man, the little devil is getting bigger by the minute. I am marking his growth on a yardstick type of display on the bedroom wall and every time I do it I want to cry. I love to see him growing but sort of want him to stay the way he was forever. We travel quite a bit and have recently toured Scotland, a country Bob's grandparents were from and considered getting Johnny a kilt while we were there and watched them being woven but decided at the last minute that that might be pushing racial integration a bit far. Sex is as good if not better as time goes on. Maybe it's like fine wine and improves with age!

I'm not sure there will be other things in our lives that anyone would find interesting but we'll be glad to pass them on if they show up.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
"So Sad"

This was a cute story up until the end, So sad for their son!! And the parents, too.

psychotic1973psychotic1973over 10 years ago

I actually cried when she lost the baby... your stories have a way of pulling me right into them ( and I have read them all ) PLZ keep up the good work. Also let me know if you ever get into a Sci-Fi or Fantasy story. I have a feeling that you would be great in those genres.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
A fantastic piece of work

This and Chapter 1 are unbelievable pieces of literature. They are miles away from the usual wham bam thank you mam type of sex stories on these pages. You have the ability of bringng the reader into the story and as sentimental as this one is of perhaps even bringing a tear or two out of them PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK

Mr Wild willyMr Wild willyover 17 years ago
Wonderful, but Heartbreaking

The story was so wonderful, but the part of losing Sara was a heartbreaker. That was such a key part to the early story. I am also sorry we never met the guy in her life. I hope they can mend those wounds in the future. Her and Bob were so close, it is a shame to lose that now.

CharlieLCharlieLover 17 years ago
A wonderful warm story

This story goes far beyond the usual drivel we see on these pages. The warmth (and yes SEX) makes it one I shall long remember.

Please keep it up


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