Some Threesomes are Great


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"So why did you start up with me?" She asked.

"Honey, I never intended to 'start up with you'. You will remember that I was introducing you to sex and one thing led to another and each of us began to realize that our feelings for each other were beginning to develop into a lot more than that of a teacher/student."

"I know Bob. It just happened. Neither of us did anything out of the ordinary to encourage it other than screw each others brains out." She said with a huge smile.

"Marlo, I have thought about this problem almost full time for the last day. We were even having sex last night and I was thinking about it. My thoughts ran to your folks. What would they say about us being together? You said your father is a huge bigot. What would he say if he thought his little girl had found someone she liked and he happened to be white?"

"Oh God, I hate to even think about that." She muttered.

"Well, dear one. If our relationship is going to go anywhere other than to bed every chance we get we are going to have to face that problem sooner or later. I was thinking last night that when we get back into the Philadelphia area you ought to call your folks and tell them you want to bring a guy home to discuss some things with them. Don't tell them anything other than that. I'll talk to your father and if I can't get him to soften his position on whites then you and I are going to have to go our separate ways. You once told me that you would hate to do anything to disappoint him even though he is so bigoted. Well, the time is here."

"Oh shit, that is going to be one terrible phone call." She said.

"The one before that is going to be even worse. I am going to have to talk to Sara about all of this. You can imagine how she will feel." I said. "In fact, I am going to call her before we leave here hoping I can arrange to meet her in the Phila area when we get there. You don't have to attend that meeting."

That evening was very quiet. We didn't have sex and just sat out on the balcony sipping some wine and admiring the view. Marlo let it be known that she was feeling some deep sympathy for Sara and how she was going to react to what had happened.

The night was very peaceful without much conversation. We hit the sack early and ended up spooning to each other for almost all of the night. I got hard sometime during the early part of the night and slipped it in her and then neither of us moved and we just lay like that until sleep again overcame us. We awakened in the morning far apart in the king-size bed.

I got a hold of Sara about the time we were having breakfast and she told me she would be back in their apartment by mid afternoon. I told her we would try for the same thing.

The drive wasn't too bad and we had lunch in the same place we had on the way up. I was parking in front of their place exactly when Sara's friend was dropping her off. I went over and expressed my sympathy about the death of her mother and she took off.

"Hi guys. C'mon Bob, you can help both of us carry our shit into the place. They had a great little two-bedroom apartment as part of an old Phila. estate and it was one half of what used to be called the 'carriage house'.

It didn't take long to get them settled-in when I told her we needed to talk.

"Oh shit, this sounds serious."

"Sara, I afraid that the relationship between Marlo and me got a lot more serious than that of a student/teacher. We have begun to think a lot more of each other than just about sex."

A huge smile began to creep across Sara's face and she responded with,

"Are you trying to tell me that you two have something going between you?" she said with a huge smile.

"Well, yes but what the fuck are you smiling about?" I asked.

"Bob, I'm sorry but I would have bet a lot of money that this would have happened. Marlo, is one beautiful gal and smart enough to keep your mind stretching to keep up with hers."

"So what are you saying. You're not upset about this?" I asked.

"Not really Bob. I have been offered a great job in Paris that I want to take. I knew you would be upset that I hadn't finished college but it is a chance in a lifetime and I'm going for it. I also knew it was probably the ideal way to end this incestuous relationship we have and have been trying to stop for some time. I think the world of Marlo and really believe you two will make it together. Will I miss what you and I have had? You bet, but we have had it for a long time and should be thankful for that. So bro, I am wishing you well and will always love you dearly."

"So how about that?" I asked Marlo.

She just laughed and threw herself at me. "Now all we have is my father."

She had set up the appointment with him for that Friday night at seven. We arrived right on the dot and instead of just going in she rang the bell. Her mom answered the door and raised her eyebrows when she saw me and then simply nodded. She knew what was up.

"John, there are people her to see you." She yelled to the other room and Marlo and I went in to meet him.

"Dad, I'd like you meet Bob."

"Oh hi, do you go to school with Marlo?" he asked.

"No sir and I think you might want to sit down for this conversation." I suggested.

"What the hell is going on here Marlo?" he roared.

"Dad, please just listen to Bob for a few minutes. After that you can say whatever you want."

"Sir, there isn't an easy way to say this but I'll try. Marlo and I have grown very fond of each other and are thinking that there might be more to our relationship than just being friends. She has told me how you feel about 'Whitey' and there is nothing I want to do that would harm the relationship between you and her. So, I would like to ask that you give us a chance for some period of time during which you can get to know more about me and get to see how much she and I mean to each other. If at the end of that time you still feel as you do now I'll get out of her life and never look back. How about giving us that chance? "

"Mom, did you know anything about this?" he bellowed.

"Not a thing honey until I saw the two of them standing at the door and I then knew why she had asked for the meeting."

"Well, there isn't any way I'll ever accept a Whitey taking my daughter away from me. No how, No way. You might as well get your white ass out of here right now and not waste another minute trying to prove to me what a great match you two make."

"Now wait just a damn minute Dad," yelled Marlo.

"Where would you and Mom be right now if her folks had said the same about you and her?"

"That's different." He mumbled.

"How the hell is that different. You are two different races and yet her folks accepted that she thought you were the right guy for her. Why are you going to let your long standing bigoted feelings stand in the way of my happiness?" Marlo countered.

"Mom, will you listen to her. She is now swearing at her own father. Did you teach her this Whitey?"

"No but I'm wishing I had taught it to her years ago. Perhaps you wouldn't be so hardheaded right now."

I continued with, "Marlo, I am going to leave now. I don't think there is anything else I could say to him that would make him change his mind. Give me a loud ring if he does. OK"

She followed me to the door with tears flowing like rivers down her cheeks.

"Bob, we can run away together." She said through the tears.

"We could but we won't. Marlo, I'm not going to be the one to tear apart your family. You'll remember when I asked for this meeting I was mentally prepared for either eventuality. I love you and will hope and pray he changes his mind in the days ahead."

"I do too and he better if he knows what's good for him. My mother and I will be making his life totally miserable."

I left and made the mistake of turning to look at her as I walked down the front steps. Her tears were flowing and her body was racked with her sobs. Just as I was about to go back up and hug her her mother came and wrapped her arms around her and then just nodded to me and flicked a hand at me as if to say, 'Go on, I'll handle this.'

Marlo called me a week later and asked that I come back for another meeting with him. I had no damn interest in going through more of the same shit and told her so. She assured me it wouldn't be like that.

I drove up on Friday afternoon and got there right at seven. Marlo answered the door with a huge smile plastered all over her face. She reached out and grabbed my hand and led me back into the living room where both her mother and father were both sitting. Her mother spoke up.

"Bob, I am absolutely convinced you are a man of principal and wouldn't lie to us. Other guys would probably have kept going with Marlo on the sly afraid to face the music. You didn't and that means a lot to me. Now this hardheaded husband of mine with his deep-seated bigotry is having a bit of a tough time putting all of his stupid feelings aside and I am doing what I should have done years ago. I am calling him on it. With that she turned to John and said,

"John, you better get this through your thick skull right now. All white people aren't bad just as all Negroes aren't good-for- nothing- lazy assholes like some of your friends. I am not going to stand here and let you ruin our daughter's life just because of your prejudice. Now get your nasty ass up from that chair and come over here and shake Bob's hand and welcome him to give a the possibility of a relationship with Marlo a chance."

There wasn't a sound or any movement in the room.

"John, I am going to give you one more chance before I go upstairs and start throwing all of your shit out the window to the street. Just think of what all of your buddies will day about that when you see them again down at the local bar."

"Well, I guess she means it. Look young fellow. I guess I am the prejudiced asshole my wife says I am but I know when I am licked. You didn't do it ----she did," he said laughingly and stuck out his hand to shake mine.

Marlo's smile could have lit up Broadway and she took my hand saying, We're going out for a beer. Talk to you later."

Her mother followed us to the door and grabbed my arm to say one thing very clearly, "if you ever so much as hurt her you will feel my wrath and what you just saw is nothing. Tell him Marlo."

Marlo just rolled her eyes and I leaned over and gave her mom a huge hug.

"Have no fear Mom. I'll be treating her with love and respect because that is what I feel for her."

Well, the next year or so was exciting to say the least. Marlo's dad finally came around and he and I became very good friends. We were out on a charter boat once and he looked over at me to say, "Bob, I never thought I would see the day when I would say 'Whitey isn't half bad.' I laughed and answered him that he better watch his mouth or I would throw his black ass overboard. Some of the other on the boat heard all of this and almost died laughing.

The wedding and dinner was magnificent. There were over a hundred and fifty in attendance in the church and when the preacher finished his little service he told us to turn and face the congregation that he wanted to introduce us to them as a married couple. We turned and while holding her hand, I, in my best ventriloquist's little quiet voice, whispered,

"They look like half of an Oreo cookie."

She burst out laughing and we walked half way back up the aisle when she made me stop as she turned to the audience and said,

"You are undoubtedly wondering what the heck I am laughing about. Let me tell you what this idiot just said," and she did.

The whole crowd doubled over in laughter and gave us an ear shattering round of applause as we continued back up the aisle.

The wedding reception went on for some time but we left after an hour. We were having our honeymoon in the US Virgin Islands and our flight was leaving Newark at 6 PM. We asked Sara if we could change in her motel and she readily agreed. When we got there we sprung a major surprise on her. We were going to have her I loved to think about doing this to my own grand-daughter. I would hope that the next one about this couple would include mom in the mix.. join us on our honeymoon.

"WHAT, are you two out of your mind?"

Marlo very calmly said,

"Sara, Bob and I have talked this over at great length and have decided that if you won't join us we are going to cancel our honeymoon and just go about our business in a few days. So, either you come or we don't go. What's it going to be?"

"You guys are crazy." Sara answered.

"Honey, if it weren't for you there wouldn't be a Marlo and me. We owe you big time." As I said this I took her in my arms and planted a huge kiss on her.

The tears poured out of her but Marlo was already packing Sara's cosmetics and some clothes knowing we would buy more for her down in the islands.

The honeymoon was terrific. I know you are wondering about the sharing of sex and yes we did; but would you have really thought differently of us?

Marlo graduated with honors and I spent a ton of time with various doctors talking about reversing the vasectomy I had performed on me years earlier. They all said the odds were not very good but finally put me in touch with a doctor working at John Hopkins in Baltimore. He spread the same gloom as his cohorts but agreed to give it a try. He made sure, and even had me sign a release; the odds of a success were very poor.

Marlo accompanied me to the hospital in Baltimore and waited patiently to see how it went. An hour and a half later the doc came out and told her he had done his best and all we could do was wait and see if it worked.

The Lord does work in mysterious ways and one year later Marlo gave birth to a wonderful little boy. Very light brown skin with wavy black hair and blue eyes. WOW, a handsome little devil. We named him John Charles. John for her Dad and Charles for mine. It was rewarding to see the pride of her dad in the little fellow. We were hanging around their house one time and he blurted out,

"What the hell are you two doing here? You should be home trying for another baby. I'll take care of little Johnny while you are away."

We couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't that long ago he would have died if he even thought of the two of us having sex.

We have been married a little over a year and I'm hoping for a playmate for little Johnny. No luck yet but we'll keep trying. Isn't that most of the fun?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I loved it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Possable time

I would say that this was one of the best stories I have ever read I am white and we had a black girl that

was like a daughter to us she was killed in an automobile

accident down in Florida

hejohejoalmost 14 years ago

In all of your first time stories you have placed the hymen deep in the vigina, if you are a woman you would know that the hymen is at the very front of the vigina.

CharlieLCharlieLalmost 18 years ago
Wonderful extremely well written story

What a terrific change of pace from the normal slam bam thank you ma'am sex stories we read on Literotica. The criticism that it is racist is just so much garbage.

The observations of Marlo's looks by Sara and Bob are fair and we would have to assume accurate. Their honest opinions of her looks and behavior are what makes the whole story tick.

JANMARMD pleae keep writing more of this tpe of material

tinman69stinman69salmost 18 years ago
Fantastic story!!!

This is such a great story!! Not only is the sex great, but the love and feelings in it are great also!! There are some lessons in there for a lot of people in today's world! Thank you so much for writing this, It is really a work of art!!

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