Somebody Take Me Drunk...


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We still hadn't resolved anything between us. I felt that I needed resolution before making any decision on trying for the Governor's Mansion.

"Victoria, I'd like to spend a little time, just you and me, talking," I mentioned.

"Ok, shoot," she said jokingly.

"This is hard for me, but it's time NOW if ever there was a time. I care for you. I want to know that you are ok. I want to spend my time with you. I want you to want me, I love you," I said quietly, with my head bowed, afraid to look her in the eye for fear of rejection.

She was silent a long time. We sat across from one another, her looking at me and me avoiding her gaze. I realized that this was the moment that the rubber hit the road. Our future hinged on what was about to be said.

I wasn't overly invested, because our relationship had matured and I knew that we'd always be friends, buddies. That I'd tipped my hand and spoken the 'L' word was a first for us. But, it forced her, at last, to make her heart known to me. I'd never known her even to date other men, cops or otherwise.

Victoria weighed her words carefully for several minutes.

"You are so good for me, I never feel this way around other people. I mean I am from a large family of all brothers. My brothers and I are friends, we are more than that, and we are best friends. The cops I work with are mostly men. We are brothers, we are family, we are not really friends though, because too much is riding on our confidence level with one another, we are comrades in arms, I guess," she said.

I blinked at her, wondering when she'd comment on what I'd said, wondering if or how I figured into this, her life full of men. I was such a different type of man in her life. Her brothers and her cop buddies were all macho, tough guy types. Me, I was certainly not effeminate, but just didn't need to prove anything. I was kind of mellow and laid back, bright but content with who I was.

"Like I said, Scott, you are so good for me. Around you, I feel different. I feel that I'm gently treated, that I am a treasure to you, that I am special. I do sense your love for me. It has perplexed me for a long time, I don't know what to do with it, it isn't something I'm used to dealing with."

"Ok, well, um...," I stammered.

"Do I love you back?" she asked.

I blinked, then blinked again, breathless, waiting, wondering.

"Yes, I do. I've never felt free to express my love. It was always, 'tough love,' 'rub some dirt on it, it'll be all right' type of love," she said.

"Scott, I'm totally inexperienced with men. I mean, I have more men in my life than probably any chick you ever met, but I don't know anything about love, the type of love that I know you are offering and that you want me to express to you," Victoria said.

"I mean, I'm not a virgin. I've had sex a few times but I've never had an orgasm with a guy in the room. Everyone seems to think that I want it rough, that because I am tough and can land and take a punch, that I want to be treated rough in the sack," she lamented.

She continued, "I've avoided all this with you. I've made you back off when you've got horny, even when you've got me horny. I did that because I didn't know what to do if you made me fall in love. It is something gentle and soft and kind and I don't go there too much. I know it's there, but it kind of has me buffaloed, know what I mean?

One more thing, then I'll shut up. Scotty, if I let you inside this tough exterior, I fear that you may not like what you see, that you might reject it and leave me weakened. I've never been weak and I fear it." She was speaking quietly and her vulnerability was beginning to reveal itself.

"I understand. Look at me Victoria. I love you. What you've just told me about is that little girl who was locked up by rough and tumble guy brothers who wanted to tease and overprotect their baby sister. But, you grew up taller and tougher than some of them and so they still forced you to be one of them, not let you be who you might choose to be. All I can say is that I promise to do my best to love you as you are and let you be you."

She had tears in her eyes. She wasn't sobbing, but I'd never seen her tear up. She had always been strong, she'd seen horrible suffering, handled horrific situations, dealt with terrible people and for her, a revealed tear was quite a step.

Even when she was fighting Oxycodone, she stayed tough-minded. What a great woman, what a great person, I do love her so.

"Scotty, make love to me. Teach me how to be loved. Show me how to love you." Then she cried, great heaving sobs, a lifetime of suppression began to find it's way to the light of day. For Victoria, to allow herself to be vulnerable was as big an achievement as any she ever had accomplished.

She left her chair across the table from me and ran around sobbing, her blonde ponytail bouncing as she trotted, all six feet one inch, to me. I was standing as she reached me and nearly fell with her as she impacted me with such force.

I led her into my bedroom. We stood there, her tears still flowing, the cleansing of the moment not finished. I motioned for her to stand still and went to get a warm washcloth. I started the huge tub full of water and came back to wipe her face. As I wiped her cheeks and nose, like a little girl, this six feet one inch; one hundred sixty five pound child became pliable, eager to be loved, touched, caressed and treated tenderly. She just didn't know what to do.

Neither of us spoke. I unbuttoned her blouse, brushed it from her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. I then loosened the fasteners on her brassiere. As I began to peel it from her breasts, she showed a twinge of shyness, pulling her arms up protectively. I hesitated, waiting. She lowered her arms and I dropped the bra to the ground.

Very gently I caressed her shoulders from behind, moving my hands around her neck. I pulled her to me, I was behind her and I puffed in her ear, nibbled on her lobe, and then licked her neck. My hands lightly touched her skin and moved to the swell of her C-cup breasts. She inhaled as my palms found her areolas and her puffy, skyward pointing nipples at the same time.

Both my hands on her hard nipples, gently circling with my palms, she ground her still clothed bottom into me. I kissed her cheek, breathed on her neck. She turned her head and we kissed. Without losing contact, she turned her body and we embraced, opening our mouths, intermingling our tongues, expressing our desires with our mutually labored breathing.

Her tears had stopped. She became wanton with her kiss, exploratory with her hands. I stopped her and she blinked in my face. I smiled warmly and unfastened her pants, shucking them down her hips and legs. She stepped out of them and revealed she had not worn underwear. I led her to the nearly full bathtub of water and helped her in, then she sat down. I took my clothes off and joined her, standing over her for a moment, my erection jutting out directly above her eyes. I stood and let her look at me, then allowed my cock to rub and bounce on her head and chin as I sat down in the tub.

She reached for it, but I deflected her hands, grabbing them and bringing them to my mouth. "You said, 'teach me, show me,'" I said, "Let me." I smiled at her.

I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured some in my hand, then applied it to her wet hair. I shampooed it, taking my time and scratching her scalp, caressing her blonde locks. I rinsed her with water from the tub and then I shampooed it again, the fragrance of the clean smelling soap filling the air.

I took a bar of soap and she handed me a washcloth off the counter, but I dropped it. I turned her in the tub so her back was to me and she was sitting between my legs. I rubbed the bar of soap on her back, neck, shoulders and under her arms. I soothed it down her arms and squeezed her fingers, massaging each one.

Gently, I pulled her back. She rested against my belly and chest. I took the bar of soap and rubbed her forehead, her cheeks and lips; her chin and neck and the front of her shoulders down to her breasts. Her breathing began to become labored again as I soaped her breasts, circling her nipples.

Her hands gripped the side of the tub as I trailed lower from her breasts, across and around her taut belly to just above her pubic mound, reaching over her from behind.

I scooted her up in the tub and moved both my arms beneath her arms, holding her upright. I took the bar of soap and rubbed her vagina, soaping her silky pubic hair, squeezing her labia and running my fingers in the areas where her legs joined her torso. I lathered my hands and rubbed her ass. Her breathing turned to moans as I carefully cleaned around, first one way and then around the other way and then directly onto and a little bit inside her little star.

She had become limp in my embrace from behind. I turned her body around, spinning her on her butt as the pivot, and moved her legs over my shoulders, leaning her body against the opposite side of the tub for support. She fastened her eyes on mine, heavily lidded, lusty and filled with the new experiences and sensations. Then I soaped her thighs and calves down to her feet where I kissed each toe as I rubbed it with soapy fingers.

While she watched, I cleaned myself. I raised up, on my knees and washed my hair, under my arms, my chest. I grabbed my very erect cock and balls and soaped them well, I rubbed the soap between the cracks of my ass and then I washed my feet and legs. I sat in the tub and rinsed my body.

I stood, as she watched silently, and stepped out of the tub. I grabbed a towel and dried myself vigorously.

When finished, I grabbed her hands and pulled her kindly to her feet, leading her to stand outside the tub. I toweled her hair thoroughly. I took a dry towel and patted down her body, rubbing between the cheeks of her ass and around her pussy. I sat her on the toilet, with the lid down, and blow-dried her hair, standing in front of her with my hard cock bouncing and pointing in her face, at her throat and chest.

When she'd make a grab, I would back away or pull her hands down, indicating silently that I was going to finish what I'd started.

Finally we were finished drying and I brushed her hair. I hadn't applied rinse, so it was frizzy, but I never let her see it in the mirror. She only smelled the cleanliness of soap and never saw herself in the mirror.

I led her into the bedroom and turned her to me as we stood beside the bed. As we kissed, I nudged her onto the bed. Her legs buckled and she sat down then lay. I lay beside her, kissing her. I planted kisses on her from her scalp, the tops of her ears, behind her ears, down her neck to where it becomes her shoulder and under her arms, licking her there. I moved from her bushy armpits to the gentle swell of her breasts and engulfed her nipples with my warm and moist mouth, flicking my tongue over her nipples, causing her to arch her back, planting her head into the pillow and presenting her breasts to me prominently.

She was breathing more heavily, sounding like she had the croup, hoarse sounds coming from her throat both on the exhale and the inhale. The odor of her arousal filled the room, I kissed down from her breasts to her belly button and there I discovered the filament-like blonde hairs, almost invisible, which trailed down from her belly button to her pubis. I gently nudged them with my upper lip, breathing through my nose onto them and she gasped and jerked as I lightly touched them.

That is an erogenous zone on her and she was quickly losing any control that she might have had. I lingered a moment on those small hairs there below her belly button, reached my hand around to the small of her back, opposite from where I was nuzzling in front and lightly tickled there in back. She orgasmed slightly, humping the air with her hips. How erotic!

I moved my body between her now open legs, her body writhing, her pussy pumping the air, seeking contact. Her words, "Please...oh, please...don't make me suffer any more...please, Scotty." She pumped the air another time, seeking my lips or my fingers.

I blew a puff of air on her labia, she sucked in a huge gulp of air and stopped all movement, waiting. Very slightly I touched her vaginal lips and nuzzled my upper lip in between them, nibbling around, then inserting my tongue slightly. She jammed her hips into my face and my nose into her clitoris. Her hands grasped the back of my head, she spread her legs wide and pushed with her hands, humping with her hips, seemingly trying to insert my whole head into her vagina. Her orgasm started like a wave crashing in onto the shore and it built in magnitude, never slowing or receding. She squeezed her legs shut on my head and I lost the ability to hear anything she said. With her legs squeezed so tightly, I couldn't breathe, I licked and sucked until I just had to breathe or die. I had to break away violently and when I did she seemed unaware of what danger I was in.

I gasped and sucked in large lungfuls of air, laughing out loud at her.

She seemed incoherent and unaware for a few moments.

Wiping my soaked face on the bed sheets, I slithered up her body to lie face to face. I kissed her and asked her "How was that?"

"I never knew anything like that in my life. I want you to do that to me all the time. I loved that. Thank you so much," she gushed.

"We're not through, little girl," I warned.

"I want you inside me," she demanded. And she rolled me over straddling me. She grabbed my cock and slipped down hard all the way to my belly. She sat there taking in the sensations, her eyes closed, my hands cupping her breasts.

I told her "Spin around, face my feet but don't get off my cock."

Slowly she worked herself around and the sensation was totally different. She rose to her knees and began to pump up and down on me.

"Vic, I'm not going to last long," I said, as I began erupting inside her. That set her off again and she nearly tore me in two pumping and sliding back and forth, literally dragging the come out of my body. Even when I was done, she kept humping and I asked her to stop for a minute, because it was so sensitive.

She laughed, which caused her to involuntarily kegel, which caused my overly sensitive cock to twitch up inside her. She hiccupped at that and laughed again, which caused me to twitch again. It was a vicious cycle of glorious pain and pleasure there for a few moments.

She Lay her long torso back on top of me, my hands circled her to find her breasts. She lay her head back on my shoulder, where our faces were lined up next to one another, both laying on our backs, catching our breath. "Scott, I do love you so much."

Victoria Newland, Detective Sergeant of the Denver Police Department, became Mrs. Scott Roberts two weeks later.

She encouraged me to launch my bid for governor; it would be a two-year run for office. I kept my seat in the State Senate as I ran and was a constant thorn in the side of the current governor and the Democrats in the state legislature.

Victoria became a leader in the investigative ranks of detectives. It seems that finding her girly side, and exposing her vulnerabilities to one man she could trust, strengthened her even more that anyone could have imagined. She was promoted to Lieutenant after only five years as a sergeant.

I was in my second year as Governor of Colorado when another attempt was made on my life. There was only one guard on duty at the governor's mansion at night. Someone had sneaked onto the grounds of the mansion and into the mansion itself. He was armed with a pistol and a knife. He made his way into our bedroom upstairs without being noticed but some noise that he made awakened Victoria. She put three rounds into his neck and chest when he was only eight feet away from me. I was asleep when it happened. She keeps her service weapon close by 24/7. She'd saved my life yet again.

Security was tightened considerably around me after that. We discussed whether she should keep her job with the constant danger that she faced, and she insisted that she loved it and was as safe as any other cop.

Victoria hunted around and found a small weapon that I could carry concealed. She taught me how to use it. We practiced every month, shooting a minimum fifty rounds and she instructed me to be thinking of possible escape routes and 'what to do's' every time I went into public.

If the people of Colorado ever realized their governor was a gun carrying man, they might not appreciate it. However, generally, the security detail agreed with Victoria, it was best to make me more security aware and able to defend myself if the need arose, in addition to them ratcheting up their proficiency in this ever increasingly dangerous day and age.

A new mayor of Denver was elected and he hired a new chief of police. The new chief wanted his own people in key command positions and, after extensive review, he put Victoria in as Captain of Detectives, which is a Division Chief position.

I ran for and was elected to a second term as Governor of Colorado. Midway through my second term, the Republican Party asked me to toss my hat into the ring for United States Senator, telling me I'd be a shoo in since I was such a popular governor and would be term limited out of office after this term was over.

That would mean Victoria and I would be apart more than we'd be together, her in Denver and me in Washington, D.C. We never had children, but our love was totally devotional and she said she'd support me, whatever decision I made.

I thought about it and, after Victoria and I had another of our nearly head crushing love making sessions, I decided not to stay in public office after my term as Governor passed.

I was content being the spouse of Chief of Detectives. After all, how often does a love come along like this? It is rare, according to my observations. Why gain the world and take the chance on losing the best thing that could happen to me, my wife.

Nope, I am happy. No need to fix happy.

Thank you for reading my story. The courtesy of your vote is appreciated.


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cap5356cap5356about 9 years ago
great story

great story and so glad it all work out for the both of them. nice to see a happy ending in these stories

hindsight2020hindsight2020almost 12 years ago
Democrats CAN be funny!

At first I thought it was a romance. Then when you moved in to subtle satire I almost missed the transition. A trust fund baby whose only political values are summed up in "vote the party line. " This followed by running for whatever office you are told. Doing it with a straight face!


And "President Romney"!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I loved the ending.



I've read several of your stories and appreciate your writing for our entertainment. I especially liked the ending of this one since it is so simple and straight forward. Thanks again,


arelativearelativeabout 12 years ago

i believe he was refering to the colorado rockies a MLB team

mallahmallahabout 12 years ago
Good, but...

Good story,

Love the funny bit about the Bachmann VP...*snicker, snort*...Romney...which

Still though an enjoyable read. Keep going so we can be entertained by everyone of your stories.

Hey Sid, some of my best friends are cons, so us libs are the party of

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