Someone Needs a Good Whipping

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Someone Needs a Good Whipping.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/02/2023
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Someone Needs a Good Whipping.

He thought he could beat her husband's time.

Sorry still no editor yet. Please forgive the spelling and grammatical errors.



Kim, the love of my life for over 26 years. Mother to our two girls and still beautiful as ever. She 48 about 5'6", blond hair, blue eyes, and a killer body, for an older woman. Me, I'm 55, but still in decent shape. I hit the gym when I can, and I enjoy doing laps in the pool. The problem is I'm 55 and I look like I'm 55. My hair is getting a little grey and even though I work out, I don't look like I did in my 30s. My wife however, while she may be 48, she's MILF material and she knows it. So, you can imagine the looks that she gets when we go out for the evening.

Does it bother me that my wife gets hit on? Yes, it bothers me, but it doesn't bother my wife. She eats it up. My wife will have younger guys come up to her, right in front of me, and ask to buy her a drink. Of course, my wife always accepts and chats it up for a bit. I think my wife does it just to get a rise out of me. She has never done anything inappropriate "yet." Sure, my wife will on occasion dance with other men, and I've caught her grinding a guy or two. But I just let it go as my wife was just having a little fun.

The past few times that we've been out at our favorite restaurant, Charlie's, I noticed a change in my wife. She appeared a little more interested in the younger crowd. When I say younger, I mean the 25- to 30-year-olds. They seemed a little cockier and more aggressive than the normal crowd.

This past Saturday at the bar, one guy came up to me and said, "do you mind if we dance with your wife"? As soon as I said "yes, I mind," my wife giggles and said, "just one dance and then I have to get back, my husband gets confused if he's alone to long."

That's it, I've had enough, I was tired of her flirting and disrespecting me. I may love her, but this has gone too far. I told My wife, "We needed to have a talk next week when I get back from my trip." She looked a little nervous, but we enjoyed our evening just the same.

I was away the following week with a client that was under an IRS audit, yes, I'm an accountant. I wasn't supposed to return home until late Friday evening. But as luck would have it, we wrapped up the audit Thursday afternoon; so, I changed my Friday evening flight to a morning flight.

Well, I'm not sure who was more surprised when I got home, me to find some young man's head between my wife's legs or my wife and her young friend feeling my wrath.

Let me explain what happened. As I pulled up to my home, which is at the end of a very friendly middle-class neighborhood, I noticed a car parked in front of my house. I was pissed to see the car was blocking my mailbox. You see, my mailman won't get out of his truck for shit. If a car is blocking the mailbox, I'm not going to get my mail. So already, I wasn't too happy just saw the mailman driven past me.

Most people could care less about mail since everything is online now. But not me. I like to collect all my junk mail and use return envelopes and send it all back to the solicitors. I take my neighbor's junk mail for their return envelopes.

I don't want any lenders telling my wife, who doesn't work, that she qualifies for a $60,000 home equity loan. I don't want to hear about my warranty expiring on the car that I haven't owned for the past 3-years. And I don't want any of those envelopes that look like they come from the IRS, the ones you can never open without ripping the enclosed letter.

So, as I walked up the driveway, I saw my wife's car in the driveway and the house was unlocked, as I expected. However, I didn't see my wife, as I expected. She wasn't in the kitchen cooking. She wasn't in the den watching TV or reading some erotic story.

I would say maybe she was out shopping with a friend, but the front door was unlocked. Okay, maybe she had a headache or wasn't feeling well so she was napping. I walked back through the den to the other side of the house and down the hall to the master suite to see if my wife was napping or maybe she was playing with herself while reading an erotic story.

Well, to my surprise, I found a young man with his head between my wife's legs. My wife had her eyes closed enjoying herself, so she didn't see me. The young man with his head between my wife's legs so he didn't see me either.

So just like you would expect, I pulled out my camera and took a few pictures just in case I needed them for the divorce, if I decided to go that route.

While I was taking pictures, this guy lifted his head up, he still couldn't see me since he was facing away from the door. Anyway, he just started talking all kinds of nonsense.

"You like that, don't you? I bet I'm better than your old wimpy fat husband." He just kept at it, "am I better, am I better blah blah blah blah blah." I don't know if my wife even heard a word he was saying. My wife finally said, "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND JUST GET ME OFF." I was actually laughing as this guy was getting ready to fuck me wife.

My wife reads me her erotic stories about cheating wives and Cuckolding a husband and nine times out of ten, the husband in those stories takes pictures and leaves. Why, where the hell are you going? It's his house, kick them out, I always tell her.

For some reason, the husbands in those stories have to think and plot and plan before they act. What about my kids, my parents, my in-laws, and our friends? What will they think if I kick just my wife out? Who the fuck cares.

And then, they hire a PI to follow the cheating wife and lover and gather information. Husband's always wanting to know how long it's been going on and they want the lover to keep on fucking his wife so he can have better pictures and videos.

Next comes the revenge. But wait. First, he needs to take care of his wife's lover's wife. The jilted husband has to make sure the jilted wife has pictures, videos and a good divorce attorney too.

None of that for me.

Yes, I would talk to my wife and give her a chance to explain before I decide to throw her out. Look, I'm 55, my wife is hot as hell and my sex life is great. I'm not going to kick her out and start all over at 55 unless I have too. That's just stupid. But I will let my wife know that I am not happy and when I am done, I don't think my wife will cheat on me ever again.

So no, I wasn't going to run off to some bar and get drunk and cry like a baby. Instead, I unbuckled my belt. No, I'm not going to fuck this guy in the ass.

I pulled my belt through the loops and folded it in half. Then I slowly walked up to this young man and gave him the whipping of his life. I raised my belt over my head and came down hard on his ass. His first reaction was lunge forward, mouth open and then bite down. Yes, right into my wife's pussy and the bite wasn't genital either.

My wife gave out a scream and proceeded to beat her little fucker over his head over and over "WHAT THE FUCK!!! WHY DID YOU BITE ME!!! Then My wife's eyes opened wide, and she saw me. Of course, she said "it's not what it looks like."


Oh. I raised up my belt again and rapped fire, I was whipping this young man's ass one shot after another. I must have got a good 10 to 15 licks in as he was crying like a baby and begging me to stop. He tried to cover his ass with his hands, and I would hit is legs just below his ass. Each time he moved his hands I'd alternate hitting my target.

I just continued to swing my belt. He was crying and my wife was crying. I yelled at my wife "STOP YOUR FUCKING CRYING SLUT, I HAVEN EVEN STARTED WHIPPING YOU YET." She stopped crying on a dime.

I was still pissed that I wasn't getting my fucking mail today, so I let the ass assault continue.

He was crying like a baby, and I thought I heard him say "MOMMY I PROMISE I'LL BE GOOD!" I don't know what that was all about, but when I finally told him to stand up, dick was still hard steel. Impressive too. His dick must have been a good 8 inches.

At least my wife wasn't getting caught with a lousy 4 or 5" dick. She went big.

What the hell, I took a picture. Figured I would post it along with the picture of his red ass I had taken. You can submit anything to a porn site these days and it'll get posted. "Young man gets turned on by ass assault."

I did think about coming down with my belt on his dick, but I just cringed at how much that would hurt. So, I just decided he had had enough, and I would escort him out of my house.

He tried to grab his clothes. Lol, I said "NO YOU LITTLE FUCKER, YOU TAKE NOTHING," as I unfolded my belt and just swung it at him. I had no target lined up, I just swung, hit him and he screamed like a banshee and rolling on the ground. Opps, I whipped his dick.

Let me just say that my wife had her eyes wide open, mouth wide open and tears running down her cheeks all at the same time. She was scared shitless at what might happen to her next.

Back to this young man with a desire to fuck my wife. I told him I would toss his car keys once to him once he was out of my house. As he ran down the hall, afraid that I may whip his ass again, I was taking a video and pictures on my phone. I was laughing so hard; I couldn't hold the phone straight.

As he ran out of the house, I threw his keys as far as I could and took more pictures and videos. I did feel bad for the neighbor kids out on their bikes. They had to look at this guy's red ass as his dick was swinging back and forth and side to side, as he ran after his keys.

What a sight it was.

Anyway, he got his keys and drove off.

Next it was time to have a conversation with my wife.

I walked back into the master suite, and I found my wife sitting against the wall in the little bit of space between the wall and dresser. She had her knees up to her chest with her arms around her legs with her head down. It reminded me of the air raid drills from when I was a kid in elementary school.

Anyway, I told her to get up and get to the kitchen and make me a cup of tea, none of that herbal shit either, BLACK TEA.

I was on a 4-hour flight and had only one cup of tea at breakfast. That was like 6 hours ago. If I don't get my caffeine. I thought to myself, "If I don't get some caffeine soon, so help me I might just kill my wife." Tea helps calm my nerves too.

I get bad heartburn from coffee. Tea doesn't seem to bother me as much coffee, and it has just as much caffeine as coffee, no matter what anyone says.

My wife started to get dressed. I told her "NO CLOSTHS SLUT, JUST GET TO THE KITCHEN". My wife went running off to the kitchen as fast as she could. I then went through this guy's pants to find his wallet and license. Martin Young, DOB 02/02/1998. That makes him like 25 years old and having sex with a 48-year-old woman. I just shook my head and laughed. "My wife is a MILF."

When I walked into the kitchen, I still had my belt in my hand. My wife asked me if I was going to whip her too. I told her I hadn't decided yet, but she better prepare for the worst.

As I sat down at the table, my wife brought me my cup of tea and one of those Apple Danishes from Costco's that she knows I love so much. I thanked her and told her to sit down.

Before I had a chance to say anything, she told me, I wasn't going to fuck him. He was only going to please me. Tammy and Bree will vouch for me.

Tammy and Bree are MY wife's friend's best friends. They're nothing but trouble when the three of them are together.

I told My wife to give me a minute to digest everything that had happened so far. I took a few sips of my tea and a bite of my Danish and told her, "I wanted to hear the whole story and depending on whether or not I am satisfied will determine if I will be beating your ass with this belt."

She went on to tell her story all right and it was a dozy.

Tom, it's not as bad as you think.

I couldn't wait to hear this one.

I was out at Charlie's with Tammy and Bree; it was Tuesday night while you were in Detroit. Me, Tammy, and Bree were dancing with a bunch of those new guys that had been showing up.

I tried to interrupt and ask a question, but she cut me off and asked if she could please tell the whole me the whole story first. So, I gave her one of those two open hands go ahead and talk gesture, as I continued to sip my tea and eat my Danish.

Well, they were all very young, handsome, and funny. They were making jokes about you too; you know calling you grandpa and that they bet you fall asleep with your dick in me because you're so old.

I started to open my mouth again, but she put her hand up to say please let please let me finish. So, she went on.

I told them you are better in bed than any of them. Tammy and Bree stood up for you too. They told them that you have great stamina from going to the gym and swimming regularly. Well anyway, there was a lot of alcohol flowing and banter going back and forth, and they kept telling us how much better they would be in bed, and they would rock our worlds.

Finally, I said prove it.

They said, "prove what?"

I said prove to me that you are a better lover than my husband.

"What's the best" they said.

I told them my husband can get me off in with his tongue in five minutes. They had to beat your time honey cause you're the best. Martin said he could do it. Martin is the guys whose ass you just whipped.

Oh, and honey, Martin was down there longer than five minutes and he didn't get me off, so you're still the best. No one will ever beat your time.

So, let me get this straight, I interrupted. You thought it would be ok to invite this Martin guy over to see if he could get you off in less than five minutes and you thought I would be ok with it?

Tom, now please listen to me, ok. I was drunk off my ass when I made the bet, Tammy, and Bree though it was funny too. We were going at these guys telling them that our husbands have years of experience over them; and Tom, I told them that you could steal their girlfriends away from you in just one night."

Thank you for the vote of condensed.

You're welcome.

Tom, would you like another cup of tea or Danish?

She was trying her best to keep me calm.

Anyway, let me finish now. They asked, "what does the winner get," and Bree said, "if Martin can beat Tom's five-minute time, Tammy would blow him."

Me and Bree laughed and so did the other guys.

Then Tammy said, "but if Kim backs out, Bree will blow Martin." Again, we all laughed.

Then the guys asked, "what happens if Martin loses?" One of their friends joined in and said, "if Martin loses, he must blow Billy." Now, all the guys really started laughing.

You see Tom, Billy is gay.

So, then the guys started chanting "take the bet take the bet." Finally, Martin accepted the bet.

I know you always tell me to never give out our address, but I was drunk. So, I gave Martin our address and I told Martin he had to be at my house at 2 pm Friday afternoon or it would be a forfeit and he must blow his friend Billy.

Me, Tammy, and Bree shared an uber and laughed all the way home. Bree and Tammy promised me that they were in and if I backed out one of them would blow Martin.

At exactly 2 pm today, Martin was knocking at the door. Tom, I was shocked to see him. Honestly, I didn't expect him to show up. It was just a silly little bet.

You gave him your address and the chance to have sex with you and you didn't think he would show up?

Not sex Tom, he was only going to try and beat your time.

So, why didn't you just forfeit and let Bree blow Martin?

Well Tom, you always tell me, no respectable person should ever renege on a bet.

I just stared at my wife and shuck my head in disbelief.

I have just one question.

Yes dear?

If he was only going to pleasure you and you were not going to fuck him, then why were the two of you completely naked?

My wife looked at me with a blank stare, a deer in the headlights, someone was knocking but no one was home.

I gave her some time to come up with an answer. I knew the wheels were spinning. I was just sipping the second cup of tea my wife had made me, as I waited.


Yes dear?

Honey, I'll be laying on the bed waiting for my whipping. But there's no rush, so please have another cup a tea and another Danish. Just remember that I love you, Tom.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Somehow I missed the humor. In the end he's got a cheating wife who willingly offered her pussy to another man. What good does whipping her ass with a belt do? I'd need a lot more incentive than that to keep from divorcing her.

oldtwitoldtwit4 months ago

A silly story but a fun read

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Funny story...about a cheating, lying, disrespectful, slut who belittled her husband to her friends and turned her husband into a cuck. A 2* effort.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Funny guy see her flirting and disrespect him but stilllistrns to her sad story. I like it but he has to get even maybe with Bree and Tammy as a 3 some….lol

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