Someone Needs a Good Whipping Ch. 02

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We needed to have a talk.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/02/2023
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We needed to have a talk.

I was bored one night when I had a fun idea for a story: Someone Needs a Good Whipping, Someone Needs a Good Whipping - Loving Wives - Well, I thought it was a fun idea for a story, but not all readers enjoyed my humor. So, I decided to continue the story and see if I could make a few more readers happy.

Sorry still no editor yet. Please forgive the spelling and grammatical errors.



"Well Tom, you always tell me, no respectable person should ever renege on a bet."

I just stared at my wife and shuck my head in disbelief.

"I have just one question."

"Yes dear."

"If he was only going to pleasure you and you were not going to fuck him, then why were the two of you completely naked?"

My wife looked at me with a blank stare, a deer in the headlights, someone was knocking but no one was home.

I gave her some time to come up with an answer. I knew the wheels were spinning. I was just sipping the second cup of tea my wife had made me, as I waited.


"Yes dear"

"Honey, I'll be laying on the bed waiting for my whipping. But there's no rush, so please have another cup a tea and another Danish. Just remember that I love you, Tom."


I love my wife Kim and I thought she was improving. The doctors keep telling me that I need to be patient with my wife and that she is making progress.

Two years ago, my wife was in a car accident on Interstate 495, commonly known as the Long Island Expressway or the LIE. My wife was driving westbound toward the city, when two cars in front of her were in an accident. No big deal. Morning rush hour accidents are an everyday occurrence on the LIE. However, while my wife slowed down, the truck behind her did not.

My wife was airlifted to Stony Brook University Hospital and died twice on the way and twice more during surgery. When the doctor finally came to talk to us, me and our twin 18-year-old daughters, Sara and Tara, we didn't know what to expect. Kim had been in surgery for 18 hours.

"Mr. Lester, I'm Doctor Bar." We shuck hands and Doctor Bar gave a node to my two daughters. "First Mr. Lester, I want you to know that your wife is stable. How your wife was able to go through such a horrific accident and sustain no broken bones is a miracle. However, Mr. Lester, your wife did sustain severe damage to the brain." The girls and I looked the Dr. Bar with tears in our eyes as Dr. Bar continued.

"Your wife is currently in an induced coma. Your wife had bleeding and swelling on the brain, so surgery was required. I'm trying my best to avoid using medical terms that will confuse you, but I do need you to understand that your wife is in no pain. As I'm sure you understand, the brain is a very delicate instrument. We are doing all that we can to reduce the swelling and keep your wife calm."

"We are monitoring her for any sudden abnormalities. We want to be prepared if she goes into seizure or sudden body convulsions. We have therefore placed her in an induced coma. Once her vital signs and brain wave function return to normal, we will let your wife regain consciousness on her own."

"Can we see her?"

"Yes, but please realize that your wife's head is bandaged, there are ice packs and a machine that is being used to reduce the swelling on the brain. You may hold her hand, but please don't speak to her. We want your wife to stay as perfectly calm as possible and reduce brain function. Some researchers believe that a patient in coma can hear things around them, their senses are heightened, they just can't physically react to them, but the brain is always active."

"Dr. Bar, what should we expect when my wife wakes up?"

"Mr. Lester, sometimes a patient will awake from coma with total recall. They remember everything up until the point they went unconscious from the accident. There are others that may only retain fragments. At this point, all I can say positive."

"Thank you doctor."

The girls and I visited Kim every day and now that her brain functions were back to normal and we were encouraged to speak to her, read to her and hold her hand. The doctor's said that she would need to wake up on her own, but it was taking longer than expected.

It had been 24 weeks since the accident. The girls had already left for their freshmen year at college. I told them that their lives could not be put on hold, they needed to move on and just pray for their mother. I would be there for her.

It was now 36 weeks since the accident when my wife squeezed my hand, "hello Tom". Her voice was scratchy, and her eyes were half open. I stepped out quickly and called for the nurse, then ran right back to my wife. We talked; well, I did most of the talking since my wife's mouth was so dry. I stepped back while the doctors asked my wife questions to see how much recall she had. They were shocked, my wife had a total recall.

My daughters flew in from school to see their mother at the rehabilitation center. Kim needed to regain her strength, coordination, and balance. For the next 4 weeks Kim was in a rehabilitation center preparing for her release when I would bring her home.

"Mr. Lester"

"Doctor, by this point, we should be on a first name basis. Please call me Tom."

"Okay Tom. Before we release your wife, I do want to go over a few things with you."

"Is it anything serious?"

"Well, to be honest, we are not sure. I don't know how to say this, but your wife has been stealing things."

"Stealing things"

"Yes Tom. First it was a pen, next food from the pantry, then her roommate's cell phone and one day a stethoscope was found in her room." I really had no idea how to respond.

"Tom, we ran a few more test while she was with us and we believe there is frontal lobe damage."

So what did Doctor Bar's diagnosis have to do with my wife and her young friend Martin Young? Martin Young is just one of my wife's lovers, I guess you could say.

First let me explain my wife's condition best that I can, unless you are a Cognitive Psychologists and can do a better job than me, this is my reading material from Doctor Bar to help me understand my wife's condition.

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) is consistently engaged in moral judgement (Greene et al., 2001; Moll et al., 2002; Harenski and Hamaan, 2006; Koenigs et al., 2007; Prehn et al., 2008; Harada et al., 2009). VMPFC seems to play a crucial role in the mediation of the emotions engaged during moral processing (Young and Koenigs, 2007). Patients with VMPFC lesions are reported to be significantly more likely to endorse utilitarian responses to hard personal moral dilemmas (Koenigs et al., 2007) and have trouble representing the abstract consequences of their decisions (Krajbich et al., 2009). It is also involved in adherence to social norms and values (Moll et al., 2005) and in the integration of representations of others' intentions with their outcomes during social decision-making (Cooper et al., 2010). The left VMPFC shows higher activation in subjects with lower moral judgment competence when identifying norm violations (Prehn et al., 2008).

This may be a lot to understand so I am going to give you the cliff notes version. The frontal lobe is a very important part of the brain. It assists in behavior, morals, decision making and understanding right from wrong. Yes, my wife has problems distinguishing right from wrong. She is almost childlike if she is not on her medication. If she sees something that she wants, she must have it, no matter what the consequences. And she realizes there will be consequences to her actions. Her doctor's suggested that I treat her like a child and scold her when she has done something bad. No. I don't abuse my wife with a belt like I did Martin. I just give her a light spanking and then we talk.

My wife does, in a strange kind of way, understand that what she is doing is wrong, but can't help herself, that includes hitting on other men right in front of me. Those are the days when she forgot to take her medication.

Picture a child that can't or doesn't want to swallow a pill. That is my wife. Yes, that's right, some days she tells me she took her pill, but hides it instead. My daughters feel bad for me, but also think it's funny. When the girls are home, and they go shopping, my wife tries on clothes and walks out wearing them. If they go to a grocery store, my wife will eat the fruit as she walks through the store and doesn't pay for it. She actually tried to walk out with a ham under her shit and tell the woman at Costco, that checks receipts, that she was pregnant.

It's like being called in to school because your child was caught cheating.

For the most part the businesses are sympathetic and understanding once I explain what has happened to her. I just pay for whatever she has walked out with, and the stores are fine. A few stores are now used to Kim stealing that they have my number on speed dial. They just give me a heads up that she's on her way home with stolen goods and I just give them my credit card and pay the difference.

So back to my wife's latest fiasco. Before I gave my wife her spanking, I called my wife's friend Tammy to see how much of what my wife told me was true. The more she lies to me, the worse the spanking will be.

"Hi Tom, how was your trip, bed you're glad to be home?"

"Oh, my trip was fine and the client is happy. Unfortunately, I was not happy when I returned home from my trip."

"What did Kim do know? giggle giggle"

"Well, I returned home to find Martin Young with his head between my wife's legs"

"Oh Tom, I'm so sorry. I can't believe Martin actually went to your house. It was just all fun."

"Kim, why didn't you make sure she took her pill before you guys went out."

"Tom, are you kidding me? It's like trying to get a 5-year-old to take a pill. Bree and I tried for an hour. We finally just gave up and decided we would just keep an eye on her. But we drank too much. I am sorry Tom. We never expected Martin would follow through with the bet."

"Kim said that she made a bet with Martin. I want to know how much of what she told me was true, because when I came home, they were both completely naked on the bed and Kim did admit that she planned on letting Martin do more the pleasure her orally."

"Oh no. But you were able to catch her in time?"

"Yes, I stopped it before it was too late, and Martin will not be back again. But what was the bet?"

"Oh my God Tom. She bet Martin that he couldn't get Kim off orally in under 5 minutes. Tom, I promise you, we did not let Kim out of our sight, and we were propositioned by all the guys."

"Thank you Kim, but next time just wrap the pill in peanut butter and hold he mouth shut or something"

"LOL, Tom, she's not a dog."

"Sometimes I think it's easier to make a dog swallow a pill than Kim."

"Tom, have you spanked her yet?"

"No not yet."

Well don't tell her I told you this, but I think you have a problem."

"Another problem, well it can't be any worse than what I already have to deal with."

"Kim told me and Bree that she enjoys being spanked and it turns her on."

"Oh My God, now how am I going to scold her."

"Maybe threaten that if she doesn't take her bills you won't spank her anymore."

We both got a laugh out of that.

"Thanks for your help keeping her save Kim."

"Again Tom, I'm sorry. Now go give her a good spanking and I'm sure she'll show you how sorry she is."

So, I walked in the our bedroom to find Kim's beautiful ass waiting to be spanked.

"Tom I'm sorry. I haven't taken my pill since you left for your trip. But I did take one now,"


"I did"

"Kim, no spanking if you lie to me."

"What did you say?"

"Did you take your pill."

"No, but what about my spanking?"

"Take your pill and we'll talk?" I never saw Kim swallow a pill so fast with no complaints.

"Open your mouth, lift your tongue, side to side. Good."

"Know what about my spankings?"

"Well, it's come to my attention that you actually enjoy being spanked"

"Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter. But now I have a deal for you.

"What is it?"

"If you take your pill everyday like you're supposed too, I'll spank you once a week, maybe more if you're good. But if you don't take your pill like you're supposed to and you get into trouble, I won't spank you for a week."

"Deal. And Tom, Martin did a lousy job getting me off. Will you spank me and that finish what Martin attempt to do?"

"Just get you off or everything you were going to do with Martin?"

"Tom I'm sorry, can you forgive me, please. I promise I'll take my medication like I'm supposed too?"


I must say, under our new agreement, Kim is doing much better at remembering to take her pill daily. She does occasionally forget, but I haven't caught her with anyone between her legs lately. And when she does forget, I don't spank her. I guess that's a little reverse positive enforcement.

Look I love my wife, and this isn't her fault. She does the best she can, and I do the best I can to help her.


For those of you that think this is a bullshit story, I had a cousin that flipped off a MoPed when he was 14 or so and his life was never the same. He had to wear a diaper like when he was a baby. He had to learn to relearn to pronounce words, had to work on motor skills, he couldn't tie his shoes and simple things that we would take for granted. For example, a pot on the stove is hot. He had to learn to use the handles and not just grab the pot. He couldn't understand why he couldn't just touch it if he wanted to. And yes he had to be told what was right and what was wrong; what he can do and what he can't do that. It's been over 40 years and he still can't completely function on his own.

So is my story farfetched, maybe from the stand point of a pill that could help you learn right from wrong. But hey it's a story and I'm less of a doctor than I am an author.

The End

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Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson10 months ago

You've got two interesting characters here and a fun story.

What other mischief can you get them into? 5*

1959richard21959richard211 months ago

Ouch ❗️

For a dyslexic, this is the worst story ever.

I recommend you keep writing like Ch.1.

Gave you 2⭐️s.

Keep trying and you my get better. Good luck 👍.





AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hahaha..take a pil and you don't need a editor. Upped my vote from 3+ to 4*

114FSO114FSOabout 1 year ago

Will there be a 3rd chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, an editor will help immensely with any of your stories.

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