Something Better

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After breakups two friends try to be roommates.
37.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/27/2022
Created 01/20/2022
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Clarissa -- Early January

There was zero warning as a molten torrent of salty semen filled her mouth. Clint grabbed handfuls of her blonde hair harshly and stabbed his sputtering cock deeper into her mouth as he unloaded. It did not take him long to drain his testicles into her mouth. "Oh," he roared in delight before flopping hard on the bed.

"Goddammit, Clint! Give me some fucking warning!" Clarissa was pissed as she spit a wad of cum into a tissue from the nightstand. She was already angry at him, tonight was their fifth anniversary, and the asshole had almost forgotten. Disappearing for a few minutes after he came home from the gym, he returned later with hastily purchased flowers from the supermarket. Five years together, and all she measured on his list were fucking afterthought supermarket flowers. He had been so charming when they started dating before her last semester in college.

"Sorry, babe, you are just so good at that." He said with a yawn as he lounged against the pillow. Clarissa had no doubt that he would be asleep in minutes, and she would be left unsatisfied yet again. Clint didn't even bother to get to the part where he pumped into her for a couple minutes before disappointing her. Clarissa made a show of opening the top drawer of the nightstand and pulling out her vibrator. "Give me twenty minutes, and I'll rock your world." Clint lied, stifling another yawn. She leaned down to kiss him before letting him go to sleep; he recoiled from her lips. "Brush your teeth first."

"Why do you think I am pissed about you cumming in my mouth without warning." She fumed and left the bedroom.

Five years was an awful lot of sunk cost to put into a relationship flaming out, not so much with a brilliant fire of constant fighting, but just running out of fuel. It was a slow descent into mediocrity that had just found its breaking point. Over the holidays, they had a heartfelt discussion about him being more attentive but falling asleep before even anniversary sex was out of bounds. He had been so good initially; he could use his hands and tongue like no other lover that she had ever experienced. They had spent more than one weekend naked and having mind-blowing sex to the detriment of different social activities.

Now, he just wanted to get his rocks off and go to bed. He rarely seemed interested in making sure she had fun as well. If it was just bad sex, perhaps she could overlook it, but Clint seemed to have lost all his ambition to be something better. They both had so much promise coming out of college. She was still moving forward in her career, but he seemed to have taken the first step to his dream job and just coasted, not climbing the ladder to be where he wanted to be in his career. Rissa worked just as many hours as her boyfriend, but he still expected her to do everything around the house.

To think, last year I was angry about him not getting me a ring. Clarissa turned on the news as background noise, taking out her e-reader. She selected a well-read bawdy romance novel that had been her favorite recently. Rissa had made her decision already; she would be ending things with Clint in the morning. Now she would take care of the sexual frustration she had built up all day. Anniversary sex had always been epic; Clint stepped up his game even last year. She recalled a series of epic orgasms after a night of dancing and fine dining. They even took the next day off from work to ensure they didn't have to interrupt their plans. This year it fell on a Saturday, and he was already asleep. Clarissa just didn't feel like she was a priority in his life anymore.

What possessed her to strip down to nothing and walk through the bedroom stark naked to get her toothbrush? Maybe she wanted to give Clint one last chance; they had a lot of good times in five years. Clint was out cold, barely moving to turn over as she walked through the room. She even leaned over the bed to grab her favorite pillow, making more noise, still nothing. Dumbass. She sighed as she turned off the light and left the bedroom, he missed out on his last chance. She would be sleeping on the couch and end this dying charade of a romance in the morning.

Her favorite vibrator was a little loud, but it was not like she cared if Clint caught her on the couch. Clarissa didn't even bother getting under the throw on the sofa. She read her favorite story, full of passion and cunnilingus; the male protagonist couldn't get enough of Genevieve, the Countess in the tale. The vivid detail of Gen experiencing climax after climax was titillating. Clarissa started with just a single finger, playing slowly with her little nub of a clitoris. She liked to get herself really started before she got out her toy.

In the tale, Genivive mounted her lover, riding and screaming so loudly that her guard came to check on her only to be embarrassed. Rissa longed for that kind of unbridled passion again. She put her book aside, letting her imagination take over from there. Her vibe whirred loudly between her legs as Clarissa slowly drove herself to a powerful orgasm. Curled up on the couch, she set the vibe on the coffee table and dozed off watching home renovation shows.

Clarissa had a vivid sex dream overnight. She was the Countess; an expert tongue and fingers were playing with her pussy perfectly. Rissa moaned loudly as lips sucked on her clitoris, bringing her so close to orgasm. When she looked down to watch the action, a pair of beautiful blue eyes stared back up at her, but it was not the male protagonist from her story. Instead, it was the redheaded maid. The young woman sat up and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, her magnificent chest on full display. The dream ended as the lovely young woman crawled on top of her with purpose in her eyes.

"Morning, Rissa. You didn't come to bed?" Clint said, walking into the kitchen in just his boxers, he still looked good, but that was never the issue.

Clarissa rolled over and sat up on the couch, a little surprised that she hadn't put on her nightgown after she had finished masturbating. She used to sleep naked; maybe she would be getting back to that; it felt so right. Why had she stopped? Just because Clint didn't? Clarissa wrapped herself in the throw and walked to the kitchen. She made the final decision last night; no use in allowing things to fester any longer. "Clint, we need to talk."

Natalie -- That same weekend

"I know you didn't want to meet my parents over Christmas, but it's their anniversary party; we are all going to fly out to meet them. It's their fortieth at the start of March. I am ordering tickets, Karen. Do you want to come along?" Karen was striding through Natalie's apartment naked as usual; she looked stunning. Natalie already had a small dating pool in her rather conservative Midwest city, lesbians were just as plentiful as anywhere else, but so many seemed to be closeted due to the community's zeitgeist. It was even more unlikely to find a fellow lesbian that was also a home nudist. Nat had every intention of holding on to her precious little anomaly.

"Natalie, I don't know where we are going." Karen looked so good with her buzzed-cut hair and various tattoos. She had far more hair concealing her womanhood than on her head, the polar opposite of Natalie's waxed pussy.

"My brothers will love you." Nat sipped her coffee, perched on her barstool. She had been dating Karen for four months and hoped she would be moving in when her lease was up. Though it was odd that she never agreed to go on the half-hour trip to see her eldest brother.

"That's just it, Nat, I care for you a lot, but I need to get back on the road." She sat beside her girlfriend with her own cup of coffee. "I'm not ready for all of this. I don't know if I will ever be the domestic type."

Natalie's eyes were already filled with tears; she loved Karen. When she met her, she thought it was hilarious that she was the opposite of the internet's stereotypical view of a Karen. Her girlfriend had loved to go against that stereotype; it was why she had embraced the first name that she always had that was a generation too old for her. "Are you... are we..." Nat stammered out.

"I... I guess... we are. It's either now or in a month when my lease is up. I am just not ready to put down roots." Karen stood up and kissed her on the forehead. "It's just going to hurt more later. You are a fantastic woman, Nat, but this isn't the life for me. We had fun. Let's just leave it at that."

"We were so good together." Natalie had tears streaming down her face.

"The sex was amazing, Natalie. You will make some other woman very happy, but it's not me." Karen was crying, too; this was not easy for her. "I will always cherish our time together." Karen got up and started to dress. She didn't have much to gather up as she disappeared from her life like a flash of lightning.

Natalie couldn't help bawling her eyes out; this morning was supposed to be the pair getting closer to one another. Probably followed by a naked day of sex and cuddling. Instead, her pushing had driven a wedge between them and severed their bond.

Clarissa -- The following Monday after work

It always felt good to peel off her workday attire and change into fitness gear. Today, she would be pushing herself harder than usual. Breaking up with Clint may have been her choice, but it didn't make it hurt any less. A year of numb going through the motions had been replaced with bright and fresh pain. Rissa knew it was ultimately the right move, she had given him every chance to improve, but he was never going to be the man she needed.

Clarissa quickly donned her sports bra before she stripped out of her skirt and panties. She didn't spend long bottomless; back before Clint, she had felt so confident with her body. Now, she couldn't stand the thought of anyone else seeing her naked pussy. She had just gotten her yoga pants on when Natalie strode into the locker alcove. She breathed a sigh of relief as she sat down and pulled on her socks.

Natalie was tall, sinuous, and long. They had been classmates in high school, though Rissa would be the first to admit they had not really known each other. Clarissa was the cheerleading type, while Nat had been a gifted student. Most of Natalie's extra-curriculars were purely intellectual pursuits outside of gymnastics. They had gone to the same college, where their friendship would kick off in earnest. They were both enrolled in nursing school and paired up as lab partners. Nat helped guide Clarissa through her math classes; she returned the favor regarding writing and speech classes. They were still best friends.

"That weekend sucked, didn't it," Natalie said as she stripped out of her elegant yet simple red dress. Nat always dressed so much like a girlie girl. She got completely naked before concerning herself with finding her workout wear from her bag. She had a complexion that looked like a deep, warm tan even in January. Her breasts were smaller and topped his tiny, dark nipples with almost imperceptible areolae. Rissa had been jealous of her body and her lean muscles. Natalie's most striking feature didn't quite fit in with her tan complexion or dark-colored hair; like a pair of sapphires with a slight internal glow, Nat had the brightest blue eyes Ris had ever seen. Rissa's own muddy brown shade of irises would seem to be a better fit for Nat's features.

Rissa was also jealous of Nat's cute hairless womanhood; it was so smooth and compact looking. Ris always felt one of her own inner labia looked like her pussy always had a fat lip, like a middle schooler that got in his first fight. Clarissa realized she had been staring at her best friend's body for far too long. "Yeah, but it had to be done, at least for me. Five years is an awfully long time to waste on a dead end." Rissa finished tying a shoe and switched focus to Nat. "You two were so cute together; I am sorry it didn't work out."

"I loved her, but she was like a wild horse that couldn't be tamed. I should have known that going in." Nat pulled on her socks before finally putting on a pair of sporty white panties. "You are a lucky girl; you'll have no problem finding another guy."

"I am not just looking for another cock." Clarissa stated as she straightened up her workout gear.

"Not even for a little fun before you get serious again?" Nat concealed her lovely perky breasts with a sports bra.

"It would be nice to have an orgasm caused by something other than my vibe," Rissa said thoughtfully. The pair had already covered most of this ground yesterday; they video called each other for a traditional pint of ice cream and break-up movies. It was usually a one-sided affair; Clarissa knew her best friend was looking for a deeper relationship but kept finding girls who wanted something quicker. Rissa had only broken up a couple of times since the pair had gotten close.

"I think I have gone through the entire stable of lesbians that are not so deep in the closet they wouldn't admit it." Nat pulled on a pair of skin-tight yoga pants. Her second most striking feature was her tight booty.

"You could switch teams again," Clarissa said with an instant snort to let Natalie know she was kidding. Natalie had dated and had sex with a few guys back in high school. It wasn't until she got to college that she got with her first woman and dated them exclusively. Nat had always been a lesbian, but an ultra-conservative upbringing had her questioning things. Luckily for Nat and her family, they chose their daughter and not the church when she came out.

"No thanks, two cocks were enough experimenting for me." Natalie closed her locker, and the pair walked out to yoga class and an extended date with the treadmill afterward. Rissa had every intention to make her frustration drip from her pores.

Natalie -- After yoga and a run

Although she was feeling the entire pint of ice cream and several glasses of wine from last night, Natalie felt a little better today than she had yesterday. A day of chats with her best friend helped her do a little self-reflection, admitting that she had not really loved Karen as much as she thought. She was just looking for her forever out of any woman she dated. Perhaps she was just going too hard and too fast; it seemed to work in her career and education. Nat was trying to solve an equation for which there was no easy answer.

Her bachelor's degree had been a breeze. Nat had managed a 4.0 through school and graduated in three and a half years. Her Master's degree fell next in rapid succession. If she had not wanted to get some actual experience, she might have been most of her way to a doctorate. Some of her friends and family thought it was hilarious that she was working on a doctorate in nursing, but this was what she always wanted.

If there was always an easy solution for her heart, if she could slice through romance like she could in her textbooks, she would have solved her feelings for Clarissa long ago. They had a real and close friendship, but the reason they had never talked in high school was not due to being in different social strata. Nat had plenty of inroads into the jocks and cheerleaders from her family. Back before she would admit to herself that she liked girls, seeing Clarissa cheer at her brother's football games had awakened something in her. Nat was too shy and didn't know what to do with her feelings at the time. If they had not been thrown together in the same college lab, Nat might have never gotten to know the real version of Rissa.

Around senior prom, Natalie tried to do what she thought was expected. She hooked up with one of the nerdy guys in her gifted classes, it turned out she was far from his first. The average high schooler wouldn't have known it, but he had quite a bit of game. He was also quite skilled with his tongue in more ways than one. When they had sex, though, it felt good, but something just didn't click. Nat tried one more time with the basketball team captain on prom night. He had a great time, but he wasn't the patient and gentle lover her first had been. That would be the last time she wanted anything to do with a penis. She kissed her first girl that summer and never looked back.

Come fall and her first semester in college, Nat had her first girlfriend and had a dreaded talk with her parents. They were slightly cautious and cool but never stopped loving their daughter. Her father would admit a little later that they wanted to make sure it was not just a phase, like her love of poetry or a couple-month goth dalliance. When it was clear this was not a passing thing, they chose her over the rather fundamentalist church she had grown up in. It took her grandparents much longer to come around, but they eventually made the same decision. They were still very religious but found a new church that believed in unconditional love instead of trying to pass judgment on other people.

Working out with Rissa was a double-edged sword. The fiery, short young woman had the same can-do attitude in the gym that Nat relied on at work or in the classroom, which proved infectious. Natalie would not be in such fantastic shape if not for Clarissa. However, she was also distracting; Nat could never stop herself from stealing glances at her best friend. Natalie had managed to push her fawning crush down deep into a dull ache. Spending so much time around her probably wasn't the healthiest, but she was such a great friend.

When they returned to their lockers, Nat did her best to not look flustered but did not miss an opportunity for a peek or two at the vision of her ideal woman. When she was in a relationship, it all but entirely suppressed the gravitational draw of Rissa, but between women, the pull seemed to increase exponentially. The effect seemed doubly potent when Clarissa was also between suitors, though that had only happened one time before. Perhaps she did not have enough data points to make a real connection.

Rissa was about half a foot shorter than Nat. She was of average height, whereas Rissa was almost freakishly tall. Nat managed to look over as Rissa took off her sports bra. She had full breasts that were far perkier than they had any right. Ris had light pink areolae, and cute tiny nipples seemed perfectly placed by the hand of God. Those breasts always made Natalie just a touch jealous; she looked like so much more of a woman than the tiny handfuls Nat sported, at least in Nat's mind. Clarissa's firm ass was a perfect complement to her breasts. Her whole body was thicker than Nat's but was also far more toned.

"So, when are you going back to school?" Rissa made conversation as she stripped and wrapped a towel around her for the shower before removing her panties.

Natalie had been debating between starting this semester, in the fall, or next spring. "Not until the fall, I am trying to stay happy where I am. I have already been accepted for the doctorate program." Nat was a nurse practitioner and part of a great medical group.

"I am sure you'll kick that program's ass too." Rissa gathered her shower supplies.

"Hopefully, it will be a struggle to stay working full time while I go through the program." Nat stripped off all her kit and hung a towel over her shoulder. Maybe she was just showing off, but she didn't feel any compunction about covering up in the locker room. "You figured out what you're going to do about your apartment?" Rissa had signed a one-year lease with Clint, clearly, an untenable situation going forward.

"Clint went to stay with his brother for a week, but he wants the apartment. It is close to work for him, and I have a long commute from there. Hopefully, it doesn't take me long to find something much closer." Rissa explained while leaning against her locker and waiting for Nat to gather her shower stuff. The area was suffering a housing crunch; it may take Ris longer to find a place than she thought.