Something Good from The Bakery

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Man meets young woman of common spirit, she makes him hers.
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This is another creative story involving two adults with a significant age gap. He is older with flecks of gray in his well kept hair and she is younger, starting out in her young adult life. It is left to the reader to imagine how she was hired by the Bakery shop manager and owner, and also the relationship if there is one between the older woman manager and the older man.

It is written in character Point Of View and voice changes throughout the story. Clues for voice change when they happen is [ m ] change to male voice and [ f ] change to female voice. Originally a roleplay between male and female, that influence is preserved throughout.

Please enjoy the story and rate it. Should you leave a comment it would be appreciated.

[ m ]

It was another Tuesday night in wintertime and I was taking my customary evening stroll for exercise. My preference was to pass the renovated shops and row buildings of the old quarter. Amongst them there was a splendid bakery that had delightful smells no matter the time of day or night. My habit for Saturday evenings was to stop for a doughnut, to pause for a few moments to breathe in the air and to soak in the atmosphere before making my order. I was certain such a rich scent could add to my caloric intake for the day.

Something new had caught my eye over recent days. I noticed a young woman behind the counter I couldn't recall seeing before. I was sure I would have remembered her if I had seen her anywhere as she was stunningly beautiful and alluring in her femininity. My lingering had become extended, and for not just the smells that I did enjoy whilst pondering which bakery treat to savor next.

I knew it was foolhardy to imagine anything with her because of my sedentary marriage. While it was no longer sexual, it was not in any way about to dissolve, nor would I have wished it to. The family was large and well connected and such an act would constitute a veritable social suicide. And yet I could not tear myself away from her presence. The possibilities such a young woman would present as a friend of any sort for an older gentleman were endless.

I made my selection just as the manager came from the back. She went directly to the storefront and flipped the closed sign in the front window to prevent anyone else entering and then she addressed me by name. "Mr Bolt, it is so good of you to stop by tonight! Your daily visits make my day! Now, there's no rush for you and I'm sure Vixie won't mind you taking whatever time you need. It is always a pleasure to see how much you enjoy our pastries." She broke her eye contact looking at Vixie she called her. "I have to leave now but I know I'm leaving the shop in good hands with you and Mr Bolt to finish the business day!"

She reached behind a panel and pulled out her coat, and put it on. She said quietly and directly to the young woman behind the counter, "there's an extra hour pay in your check for making sure Mr Bolt has whatever he wants, he is our special customer and giving him something extra is yours to decide." She finished closing her coat and smiled saying to the room, "Have fun you two, I must go now."

She stopped with her hand on the door knob and considered what she had said. Her smile grew and she blushed thinking how what she had said could be taken wrong. Without saying anything more, she let the faux pas go unchecked and pulled the window blinds down that blocked out the outside world. She stepped out the front door and locked it behind her. She had left us, just the two of us, alone in her bakery shop together.

[ f ]

It was Tuesday night and I had been on my feet all day, something I was not exactly used to, having just started a little over a week ago. It was late though so I shouldn't have had much longer before we would be closed. I was actually a little surprised that we didn't just close up a little earlier since it didn't look like we were gonna get anymore customers that night. And just like that, the door dinged alerting us of another customer entering. Just great.

"Welcome!" I said cheerily, my tone hid actual feelings. I'm good at doing that though. Good at covering how I really felt with bright smiles and giggles that had become second nature to me. The guy who walked in was just another regular, I had seen before and he only ever got a donut or two every time he visited. He was alone as usual too which always struck me as odd.

Going by the ring on his left hand, I assumed he was married, or possibly a widow or separated. The best policy was to not pry, so I just stayed quiet and waited for him to make his choice. While he was looking over everything, the manager came to the front and flipped the sign to show we were now closed. Finally!

She chatted with him for a little while before she whispered to me, to take care of him and that there was extra cash in it for me if I did. I had to keep myself from laughing at the way she said it, because she sounded like a madam setting me up with a customer. Maybe I would tell her just that tomorrow for her to share the laugh.

Once she was gone, I turned my attention back to him with a friendly smile still on my face. "Is there anything else I can get for you Mr. Bolt? Perhaps a cupcake, or a muffin if the icing is too much on a cupcake?" I smiled not having heard him say much before thinking it might have been better if I had listened to his conversation with the manager.

Knowing there was no one else here, I allowed myself to loosen up a little. His smile calmed me and excited me at the same time in a way I could not explain. His voice was so velvety that he captured my attention and somewhat mesmerized me.

[ m ]

I continued to speak, now she was attentive, "I'm quite partial to white cream and chocolate icing. The donut pastry is light and delicious too." I watched her eyes following mine as if I was the most interesting person in the room. I was after all the only person in the room besides her.

I felt my eyes smile when I continued, "But you're not too interested in any of this are you? You're just tired and ready to get off your feet. I know Mrs Whitman said she would pay you extra but you'd rather be home wouldn't you?" As much as I enjoy the pastries, it was the women I had come to visit on these evenings that really captured my interest.

I had turned the conversation purposely from being about a dessert transaction to a personal interest. As such, I'm careful not to check her out even though I'm having to consciously stop myself looking at her below her chin.

[ f ]

I was a little taken aback by his kindness, as well his ability to guess my thoughts but I tried not to show it. "It's okay." I said, my smile shifted from a cheery brightness to a softer one. "I need the money so and it's not like I have anywhere else to be tonight." I told him sincerely. It seemed safe enough to say with Mrs. Whitman being so familiar with Mr. Bolt.

Flirting was on the table I decided, I'm being paid to entertain him so why not. "What flavor of cupcake do you prefer with chocolate icing? Chocolate on chocolate? Chocolate on vanilla? Or did you want it on a donut? Because I can do that too." It actually felt good to be a little risque with this older man.

[ m ]

My smile softened and I felt my eyes smile too. "I'm a vanilla cake man, not because it's plain but because I prefer its delicate flavor. I like my chocolate icing spread on a donut because I really enjoy licking it off the top." Then I thought of what I was about to say next as I felt somewhat naughty about continuing because of the double entendre it intentionally contained.

The pause and anticipation showed in my mannerism. "I also like to lick the delicate white cream out of the opening at the end of the donut." I was not sure if I would regret saying those kinds of naughty things. Mrs Whitman had always taken great delight in me saying such things to her. And I did say those things to her whenever I knew we wouldn't be overheard. It was quite clear to me she had never told her husband about my flirtatious comments. But then it was nothing compared to what we had actually done some years ago.

[ f ]

He was making this fun, "I actually prefer vanilla cake myself but with white icing. Chocolate icing is usually too rich for me." I said it without really thinking much about his comments. I was a little distracted getting his order ready to think much about the double meaning behind his words.

I chose to push my luck with being familiar with Mr. Bolt whom in reality I had just met. "You kinda sound like a kid," I joked, "except I guess kids mainly lick the icing off of cupcakes, not donuts." I had just finished preparing his order so I handed him the paper sack containing everything.

In a practiced way, I looked down to allow him to look at me if he wanted to and not feel like he was caught or playing roulette by looking. "I put you a little extra in there in case you get a midnight craving tonight." I looked up and gave him a playful wink. Then I added, "Is there anything else I can get you? Coffee maybe? Or do you prefer tea?" It was now my turn to serve him a double entendre.

[ m ]

I stopped abruptly, thinking about how perfectly wonderful the moment was. "I would love tea, but only if you come and sit with me while I enjoy it. It's been a long time since I've had a proper cuppa with a lovely young lady like yourself, and I'm hoping you'll join me, and choose one of those pastries for yourself to enjoy while I have mine too." My eyes watched her as she was paying attention to me well.

"I do hope you'll say yes and I'm quite certain you'll be very glad you did!" I stepped back, giving her room to feel that I was not at all threatening and, if anything, I was drawing her in toward me.

[ f ]

"That actually sounds pretty nice." I said before I fixed us both a cup of warm tea, then grabbed a blueberry muffin from the display. Having done this, perhaps leaning forward more than necessary, I look at him with a grin. "Your pastries are a little too rich for me."

I brought the cups of tea and my muffin over to the little table he was standing by, the front window blinds closed behind him, and set them down. We both took a seat on opposite sides of the table and I relaxed a little. "Damn my feet are killing me!" I said a little too dramatically then grinned.

[ m ]

I had spread a napkin out and placed my donut carefully in the center, making it look as appealing as possible. "Please don't think I'm being forward but, and I'm hoping you'll trust me enough to take me up on an offer..." I paused to build her suspense and expectation knowing it would help her make a decision, even before I asked my question.

I reached for my cup of scalding hot tea and blew tiny ripples across the surface before taking a tiny sip without touching my lip to the hot liquid. I made a soft slurping sound and held the cup in my hands.

I smiled and resumed, "I am told my hands are very good at working out aches and pains. Here, put your feet up on my lap my dear and let me soothe your aching feet." I placed my cup on the table, then adjusted myself to take her feet in my lap, high on my thighs.

[ f ]

I gave him an odd sorta confused look before I laughed softly. As weird as his offer sounded, I couldn't bring myself to believe it was anything other than an innocent foot rub. "That's very kind of you sir, and as much as I want to take you up on it, I'm not sure how my manager will react when she goes over the security tapes and sees you giving me a foot rub. She might think I took her suggestions a little too seriously."

I looked down at my tea and watched as the steam rose from it before blowing on it and took a small sip. "Thank you though. You are really sweet." I couldn't believe he actually had offered, but we were alone and if he had been someone I knew, I would have said thank you and put my feet in his lap.

[ m ]

I smiled happily that she had not been offended, nor reacted in any way that wasn't completely delightful. But her words demanded some mental sparring. "Really? Security tapes? These pastries must be more valuable than I'd ever realized. Are we safe even sitting here alone together?!" I took another sip of the delicious rich tea, my actions were so calm and contrary to the words, it conveyed I had said them as a humorous and pleasant sarcasm.

My eyes finally took a careful not too wandering look at her. The first survey since I stepped into the shop. "I hope someone isn't going to be concerned or worried that you're arriving later than usual."

[ f ]

I couldn't help but laugh, a little bit more genuinely than usual. "I don't think burglars are too concerned about the product as much as they are about the proceeds." I countered before taking another sip of my tea. It was delicious. "I think the cameras are actually here to keep an eye on the employees. Mrs. Whitman's had a few problems with past workers having sticky fingers, and I'm not talking about being sticky from the glaze."

My face fell a little for a brief second before I quickly brightened to hide my sullenness with a more cheerful look. Mr. Bolt was the kind of man I felt I could relax with, so I chose to be friendly. "I live alone so no one's waiting for me."

[ m ]

My smile softened and I felt a genuine concern like an uncle might offer his niece. I heard her defenses drop slightly and heard her honesty. I knew what was needed from me. "I'm sure Mrs Whitman has great confidence in you to trust you, not only with the shop and its contents but also with me. She won't have told you anything about me before, nor would she."

"I've known Monica for a long time now, since before she was Mrs Whitman. That's about all I should say about that, at least for now. Any more would have to be dragged out of me as only a woman can!" I smiled at the comment, actually enjoying the interactions finding us to be compatible spirits. I looked at her eyes to convey my sincerity.

"Are you lonely Vixie? I suppose you might, or may not be living alone as you are. Sometimes I wish I had a place away from my family. It's why I walk so much and..." I looked for the security camera then leaned closer whispering, "come to buy a donut every day, to spend just a few minutes with Mrs Whitman, though I think she has competition now!" I sat back and considered my donut wearing a grin on my face.

[ f ]

I grimaced at the use of my nickname, the one that Mrs. Whitman gave to me for very different reasons than it suggests. As I usually did, I shrugged it off like I have done every time she called me by it. "Family life sucks that bad?" I asked him while I kept my eyes focused on my tea. "I know that feeling. Nothing your own studio apartment can't fix."

I had said it and immediately realized I had been thinking it out loud. My eyes darted to his left hand. "Judging by that ring on your finger though, I'd guess you don't really have that option." I gave a humorless chuckle. Then looked into his eyes more as a challenge, "Maybe frequenting two bakeries will help you out though, or is the competition an ice cream parlor?"

[ m ]

My expression was slack and thoughtful as she had captured me unaware. I realized I was being drawn into her orbit. So perhaps a moment in history would repeat itself this evening. "I'm not sure... a studio apartment... ah, no I couldn't have one of those for myself. But," I paused for effect, "it would be great to have one as a destination, somewhere to go and to hang out, with a friend, a very special friend."

I felt the weight of my left hand and my ring, knowing it was a shield as much as it was a wall. It had also been a magnet on several occasions, my mind flashed back to a young and single Mrs Whitman before I dragged my mind and eyes back to Vixie's.

"So tell me, are you a bakery or an ice cream parlor?" My eyes sank downward to look her over before returning to look at her eyes. "I would never take advantage of your situation and you said you need more money."

[ f ]

"Why would I be a bakery?" I was confused for a moment from his question before it hit me what he meant. "Oh...oh!" I stammered and blushed.

I found myself staring at the floor as I tried to process everything. "W-what are you talking about?" I asked shyly though I was pretty sure I knew the answer.

[ m ]

I shifted in my seat. "Well, I don't mean to sound forward but I think we have our own needs that could be met very easily. I'm in need of somewhere to spend my idle hours away from a family that causes more grief and stress than their fair share, and you're in need of more money for yourself. So if it would be agreeable, and you would welcome me to your place as a friend, who you really can count on for a real friendship, and the caring the way adults behave, then it would only be right that I would compensate your rent, or lease, at least half of what you pay since it would be our place."

I took another sip of tea to pace the conversation. "I do like your company and you must know I feel an attraction to you." I shifted in my seat again having spoken the words. My body was taking it as a go ahead, to physically respond to my attraction to her.

[ f ]

I fidgeted with my tea cup then took a bit of the icing off his cupcake on my fingertip, licked and sucked it off my finger without meaning to be suggestive. I opened my mouth to reply, but then closed it to not say anything before I had a chance to fully process what he had just said.

I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought over his offer. The fact that he was married should have deterred me from allowing anything to happen between us, but wasn't like I was a big believer in the sanctity of marriage, or love in general, really.

The actual problem here was that we barely knew each other outside of me selling him donuts. However, maybe that was a good thing. The less either of us knew about each other the better, right? Having carefully thought over my answer, I stood up and took my empty cup away.

"You dated Mrs. Whitman, right? Or at least have had something more than friendship with her in the past. Would she see it as gentlemanly if you were to maybe see me home or would she suspect something more?" I asked, waiting on your answer before I headed to the back room to put my apron away and get my stuff.

[ m ]

"She most certainly would see it as gentlemanly, and proper. She also believes in discretion, so I won't go into anything more except to say we know each other better than most." I rewrapped my donut and finished my tea, putting what was used where it belonged and got ready to depart. I assisted with turning off lights with switches hidden from public view and knew it would convey it was not the first time I had done such a thing.

"I'm thinking Mrs Whitman is intending for you to realize the same advantages she had as a result of our friendship. You see, I don't just make friends with people who take a sincere interest in me, it goes much deeper than that." I moved to the door with her, pulling keys from my pocket. "Don't worry about the door, I'll lock it."

[ f ]

Once I'd retrieved my things I followed him out. I took note of him knowing where the switches were and the keys he had already in his pocket. I kept quiet about it except for saying a quiet thanks. Leaving the bakery with him felt like it was a new day.

It was easier for me to talk to him as I felt we were on more even terms, leaving like partners in something illicit. "It wouldn't bother me if she did know what we were up to, but there is the possibility that she might be the jealous type and I really don't wanna risk pissing her off."

We were then outside and away from the cameras, I give him a sly grin. "So she was meaning to sound like a madam? I'm not sure how I feel about being pimped out like this." I joked then motioned for him to follow me.