Something Red, Something Blue


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'I'm happy either way. Perhaps we could go to your house. I'm not sure I'd like to drive around at night, and you'd probably feel more at home in your own car.'

'Excellent. I'll go and pay the bill and we can head off.'

I reached for my purse. 'Hang on, I've got some money.'

'No, no, I invited you out,' he said.

McGrath paid for our meals and led me outside. I bent down to swap my heels for my thongs -- I was fast relaxing my stance on what was appropriate -- and when I stood up, McGrath took my free hand in his.

'Dinner was lovely,' I remarked.

'Not as lovely as the company,' he countered.

He gave me a rough, quick kiss on my temple. It was the first sign of intimacy, the first attempt to take things from platonic to sexual. It was a little bit clumsy, but I leant into him happily as we walked down the street.

We quickly arrived at McGrath's house, a small, lowset cinderblock home with a decorative screened patio. It was very nineteen seventies, but also very sturdy and well maintained.

'Welcome to my humble abode,' McGrath said as he unlocked the door.

The house was clean but old fashioned, cluttered but not claustrophobic. An extremely old dog of uncertain breed was sleeping on a cushion on the floor but it barely flickered an eye open to acknowledge our presence.

'Milo,' McGrath explained. 'He's eighteen. Bianca and I bought him when the kids were young. He just spends his days sleeping in the sun, and his nights sleeping on his cushion. He refuses to eat dry dog food or go for a walk.'

'Can I pat him?'


I walked over to the dog, which opened both it's eyes and half-sat up. It was old, nearing the end of it's life, but still quite happy to let me pat it, and it's tail thumped against the floor.

McGrath walked over, the car keys dangling from one hand. 'He won't get sick of that.'

I stood up and smiled guiltily. 'Neither will I. I love dogs. My parents have always had one, but I've never had so much as a cat.'

'Why not?'

'I work long hours and live in a flat. Besides, I'm never home.'

'A party girl?'

I smiled. 'Anything but. Just out of the house a lot.'

'Are you ready to go?'

'Yes, definitely.'

We got in his car and drove out to the beach we'd both visited that morning. The conversation flowed easily; he was a nice man to spend time with.

We reached our destination in seemingly no time at all. I got out of the car in my dress and thongs. I wasn't even going to pretend I was going to put the heels on, and McGrath, too, had swapped the shoes he'd worn to dinner for more casual footwear. The path was relatively narrow and McGrath led the way, walking confidently through the dark trees.

When we rounded the corner and caught sight of the beach I stopped, awestruck by how beautiful it was cloaked in moonlight. McGrath, sensing an opportunity, swept me into his arms and kissed me. As I hadn't kissed a man on the lips since I'd last had sex -- ten years' ago -- I was grateful he'd taken the bull by the horns so to speak, and got things started.

The evening was warm and his shirt was damp with sweat. I could taste garlic on him and feel the extra weight around his middle pressing into me, and the imperfection of him somehow made everything so much more real, so much more wonderful. For years I'd bought into a bizarre lie that I had to be perfect, and have a great job and perfect hair and know when to laugh, for any sort of contact with a man to occur and yet here was McGrath, imperfect, and accepting -- no, not just accepting, wanting -- me and my imperfections.

I suspect he'd only meant to give me a brief, romantic kiss, but he'd unwittingly opened the floodgates and the moment lasted not seconds, but quite a few minutes. He traced a hand over my lower back, bottom and thighs several times before slipping beneath the hem of my dress and rubbing the bare skin of my legs. Growing more confident, he moved upwards, and discovered I was wearing briefer-than-he'd-expected underwear.

That's when he tried to stop himself. He pulled his hand from underneath my dress, kissed me firmly but chastely on the lips and gave me a guilty smile.

'You're more dangerous than I expected,' he said.

'Obviously not as dangerous as I hoped, if you were capable of stopping.'

McGrath's gaze met mine.

'Nobody comes here at night,' he said.

'It's a pity. It's very romantic.'

'Very,' he agreed.

We continued to stare at each other, daring the other, willing them. Sex on the beach was dangerous. It came with risks. But... oh God, there was no one around and I wanted him, I craved him, I didn't want to do anything that might give fate time to intervene and stop us from sleeping together.

McGrath took one of my hands in his. 'Come with me,' he said softly. 'I know where we can go.'

He led me down a path, down to the beach, and to a little tucked-away corner right where the beach met the native bush. McGrath removed his shirt, rolled it up, and put it on the sand. I took a better look at his torso this time, noticing the keloid scar on his shoulder and the strands of grey in his chest and stomach hair. There was more hair on his back, too, as well as an ugly mark that suggested he'd had a large mole removed, but it was the broadness of his shoulders and the easy way he moved that captivated me. He was a man. He was a man and he was going to fuck me.

'Lie down,' he said.

I laid down, using his shirt as a pillow, and McGrath laid down beside me, on his side. He lent over and kissed me, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight. I wrapped my arms around him as best I could in our position, feeling the roughness of his skin, the softness of his body hair, and the strength of his arms.

I was no longer thinking, just reacting. He gently squeezed and stroked and grasped my body, working his way lower until once more he was lifting the hem of my dress. This time he pulled the skirt right up to my waist.

McGrath slipped from my arms and kissed my belly and my pubic area as he hooked a thumb under the flimsy scrap of material that passed as panties, and pulled them down. He kept kissing me, moving over my pussy, then to my thighs, knees, and calves. He pulled my thong free, grabbed my foot, and kissed my big toe triumphantly.

We both laughed at his theatrics, but McGrath smoothly kept the seduction on track by requesting I roll onto my belly so he could unzip my dress. With my dress off, he didn't waste any time removing my bra, meaning that I was now completely nude.

'I sense a degree of imbalance,' I whispered, reaching for his belt. 'In the name of gender equality, you're going to need to lose some clothing McGrath.'

'Do I have any say in the matter?'

'None. None whatsoever.'

When he was as naked as I, we attempted to make a better, crude pillow from our clothes. We failed miserably; it was uncomfortable and lumpy, but it didn't matter. We laid down anyway, in one another's arms, exploring each other's bodies. McGrath's cock swelled and grew, pressing against my hip and stomach as he lay over me, suckling my nipples.

He nudged my legs apart and I spread them for him. The sand was cool against my back, but he was hot and sweating in the humid evening air. He balanced himself on one elbow while moving his free hand between my thighs, to my sex. He found my clit and traced it with his thumb, top to bottom, top to bottom, over and over until I was whimpering and tugging at his hips, wanting something more.

McGrath leant down to whisper in my ear. 'Are you ready for me?'

'Yes. Yes, please.'

We didn't discuss contraception. I wasn't on any. I didn't know about him, but I thought I'd just go and get the morning-after pill the following morning.

McGrath sank his cock inside me in one slow but confident move. I cried out and grabbed his chest, my back arched, my body on fire.

'Oh Jodie,' he said, holding my face in his hands. 'Jodie.'

He started to move and I couldn't help but move with him, our bodies working in harmony on the warm, moonlit beach. I wasn't worried about anything, I wasn't thinking about anything, I was simply lost in the moment.

I could feel pressure on my clit but it wasn't quite enough, I wanted more, so I wrapped my legs around his lower back to draw him in tighter. That was better, the stimulation was exactly what I wanted.

We continued our steady rhythm in near silence, the only real noise the sound of waves crashing over the beach. I was nearing orgasm when McGrath let out a small grunt and grabbed hold of me. He pushed deep, deep inside me, his lips pressed hard against my forehead, as he came.

I was so horny I couldn't stand it, and when he started to say 'I'm sorry', I refused to take that for an answer. I grabbed his bum and pulled him against me, again and again, for maybe a dozen times, making full use of what remained of his erection, before I climaxed.

When I'd had my fill of him, I released my grip on him. McGrath shook his head ever-so-slightly, though at what, I don't know, and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was long and slow, romantic, the sort of kiss that made me believe for just a split-second this might be more than a holiday fling, but I caught myself before I started believing in fairy tales, and enjoyed it for what it likely was; just a kiss between two, horny strangers who'd sated their lust together.

'Jodie,' McGrath said. 'I'm impressed. A woman who knows when not to give up.'

'Demanding,' I agreed.

'No, not demanding. Demanding is ugly. Optimistic is a better word. Optimism and confidence are sexy.'

I tilted my head back and laughed. 'You sure know how to flatter a woman, McGrath.'

'Ah, well,' he said, sounding slightly embarrassed. 'My penis is still inside you, so I need to abide by certain levels of decorum.'

That made me crack up laughing, and I hugged him tight while chuckling into his shoulder. McGrath made a few, rueful sounds of amusement, before disentangling himself and searching around for our underpants.

'These would be yours,' he said, holding them up.

'I believe they are,' I agreed, slipping them on.

McGrath's semen was starting to slide out of me, and it had been that long since I'd had sex that I couldn't quite remember what I should do about it. Did I used to go to the bathroom afterwards? Wear a pad? I racked my brain as I located my bra and put it on, but I was no closer to an answer when McGrath flapped my dress around to get rid of the sand and handed it over.

Now that the sex was over, my companion seemed to be in a bit of a hurry. He said we should go back to the car, and he made his way back at a decent clip. I had to walk quite quickly to keep up. By the time I reached the car I had a blister from my inappropriate footwear and the gusset of my panties was soaking wet.

'McGrath,' I said. 'Would you happen to have a tissue or two in your car?'

'I, uh, er...' he said, searching through the interior. 'No, I don't as a matter of fact. I do have a McDonalds serviette. Would that help?'

I gingerly took the scrap of rough paper. It smelt like pickles and ketchup but it would have to do. I was worried that if any more semen leaked out of me I'd end up with a wet patch on the back of my dress.

'Shut your eyes,' I requested. 'I need to put it in my knickers.'

'Oh, of course,' he said, as thought my reply was something he should have thought of. 'Tell me when I can open my eyes again.'

I wedged the napkin in my underpants. 'Okay, done.'

McGrath and I got in his car.

'It's probably time I took you home,' he said.

'Probably,' I agreed. 'Thank-you for tonight. I had a great time.'

McGrath nodded thoughtfully. 'You're here until the weekend, aren't you?'


'Did you have any plans for Wednesday afternoon or evening? I was thinking about working a long day tomorrow and working a half day Wednesday. We could go and see Xanthe and Bonnie at the farm. They're good cooks.'

'I don't want to put you to any trouble,' I said.

'You won't. Yes or no?'

'Yes. Yes, please, I'd love that.'

McGrath nodded, content with my answer. 'I'll text you tomorrow to confirm everything.'


McGrath texted me on Tuesday morning to say thank-you for the 'amazing' night he'd had with me, and again on Tuesday evening to confirm he could pick me up at three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. From there we'd travel to the goat farm for a tour, cheese, beer and dinner. I was welcome to either stay sober enough to drive us both home, or bring an overnight bag. I told him I'd bring an overnight bag and he sent me about seventeen thumbs' up emojis.

I felt on top of the world. I really liked McGrath's company and while I knew I'd be a little heartbroken when I returned to Brisbane, it would be a good, healthy heartbreak, the sort that reminded you that you were alive. And I felt alive, so happy and carefree, that even the small pleasures seemed amplified and I enjoyed simply being alive, fit and well.

After spending Tuesday exploring the local area, on Wednesday morning I went for a long swim, a long walk, and a leisurely lunch. I'd probably return to Brisbane with hair a shade lighter and skin a shade darker from all the sun, but that was okay. Everything was okay.

I was walking back into my apartment to pack, my mind a million miles away, when a woman called out my name. In just one word she managed to sound short, sharp and accusing.

It was Liesel.

'Liesel,' I remarked, surprised. 'What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to come back.'

She eyed me with the blind, unadulterated fury of a woman who feels she's been wronged, though how or why she felt this way eluded me.

'Jodie,' she said. 'You didn't tell me you were coming back. I found out through my network.'

Through her what?

'I'm sorry,' I replied, puzzled. 'I asked you if you wanted to come here for the celebratory drinks and you said 'no'. I'm pretty sure I told you at the time that I was considering coming back. I'm sorry if you felt I misled you.'

She stared at me for what seemed like an eternity.

'You're up to something,' she said. 'And I came here to find out what. I haven't been paid my share of the syndicate, and I demand you tell me why.'

'You... you what? Why? You should have had the money by now.'

'Well, I haven't,' she snapped. 'And I don't appreciate you pulling the Miss Innocence act with me.'

'Have you tried contacting the newsagent or the lottery commission?'

'Of course I have you stupid woman. They said they paid into the account they were given.'

'Have you checked you definitely gave them the right account number?' I prodded, ignoring the 'stupid woman' insult. Work in health and safety and you get used to being called names.

'I know my bank account details, Jodie!' She grabbed my arm. 'You're coming with me. To the police!'

I yanked away from her, feeling slightly terrified. Liesel was a good forty kilos heavier than me. I have quite a small frame and she was a solid woman. Furthermore, I had absolutely no idea why she hadn't received her money because as I'd told her earlier, I had no interest in trying to claim her share.

One of the hotel staff saw the commotion and came hurrying over.

'Anything I can help you with, ladies?' he asked.

I glanced at Liesel, weighing up how far I thought she'd push this, before responding to the hotel worker. 'Yes. Thank-you. I'm just going to my room to pack some things for an overnight trip with a friend.'

He nodded seriously, staring at Liesel out of the corner of her eye to ensure she didn't try to run off or attempt anything silly. 'Okay. You just shout out if you need anything.'

Liesel was bully enough to try and intimidate me, but not bully enough to take on a fit, male hotel worker. She stared at me in disgust, before mutter darkly that this wasn't the end of this and she'd 'catch up with me tomorrow, so don't even try and escape'.

I was shaking with a combination of rage and fear as I went to my apartment. To my immense disgust, I even shed a few tears as I started packing. I hate being falsely accused and I hate confrontation.

McGrath rang to see how I was tracking for time, and if he could pick me up in twenty minutes. I managed to compose myself sufficiently to agree that twenty minutes was fine, before hurriedly changing, washing my face and finishing packing my bag.

Then I raced down to the hotel lobby, where I saw McGrath already inside and chatting to the gentleman who'd stepped in to save me from Liesel. From the way the two men looked at me, I knew McGrath had been bought up to speed about what had transpired.

'Ready to go?' McGrath asked.

I nodded. 'Sure am.'

'And packing for a two week vacation,' he added, taking my bag from me. 'Could you find a bigger bag?'

'Already cheeky, are we?' I inquired. 'You might want to remember that's the only bag I have with me.'

He smiled at me, but despite the joke, I knew he was concerned about Liesel's appearance. He took me out to his car, put my bag in the back and swept me into a kiss. I hadn't been expecting it, and moved my head at the wrong moment, then tried to kiss him, only for him to move his head.

'Bloody hell,' he said, grabbing my hand and planting a kiss on my lips. 'One would think at our ages we were a bit more coordinated.'

'One would hope,' I agreed, kissing him again.

I expected him to release his hold on me, but instead he stared at me for a bit, as if trying to solve a problem that had been bothering him. Perhaps he wanted to remind me that this was just a short fling, nothing to be serious about. I wasn't quite sure, and I didn't want to take a guess and ruin the moment.

'Let's get going,' he said. 'Prepare to clog arteries you didn't even know you had. And on the way, would you mind filling me in on what that dragon is doing back in town, and why she's lining up to knife you? What'd you do? Poison three of her six cats?'

'She's only got the one cat, so it's not that.' I got in the passenger seat as McGrath held the door open. 'She thinks I've stolen her share of the lotto money.'

'She thinks you what? Never mind, let me get in the car.'

McGrath went around, got in the car and strapped himself in. He was wearing a blue shirt with an old pair of chino shorts. He'd had his hair cut that morning and it was very neat and tidy. I hoped we'd have some privacy that night, an opportunity for sex. I wanted something that would make me forget about Liesel, and I knew that having McGrath inside me would make me forget about everything but him.

'Now, why does she think you've taken her money?' McGrath inquired. 'I had to fill in my own bank account details, sign my life away, all that jazz, and I presume you had to do the same. I also had to give the newsagent my ticket.'

'I had to do the same,' I agreed. 'I asked her if she'd filled in her details correctly and she snapped 'I know my bank account details'.'

'Fifty bucks says the silly twit wrote down a wrong number.'

'But how could I prove that?' I asked. 'I'll need to prove to her I don't have her money or she'll keep hassling me. She said she's going to catch up with me tomorrow.'

'Like hell she will. I'll speak to some of the locals and make sure that the moment she raises that ugly head of hers to say 'boo' to you, she's being asked to leave the hotel and escorted down to the police station.'

'That's a bit of overkill. Besides, I don't think the hotel can ask her to leave. She's staying there, too.'

'You can't allow someone to keep harassing you. Besides, if I don't make a complaint, someone else will. People don't move here to hang out with bogans.'

I secretly prayed that Liesel would calm down overnight and make a speedy and early return to Brisbane the following morning.